Walter Joshua Fretz – The story of our son who is impacting so many even though he was on this earth for only a few minutes

Thank you to everyone who has written and messages me. I was trying my best to respond to everyone but I just can’t keep up. I am reading every message that comes to me and am thankful for them, except for the occasional negative and nasty ones. Please do not be upset if I don’t respond, I wish I had more hours in the day so I could respond to everyone who has opened their hearts to me. ❤ to you all'

*Please be advised that the photos in this post are emotionally hard to handle. I believe they are beautiful and shows that at 19 weeks my child was fully formed. I do not want anyone to be upset with what they see. You should view them before showing them to a child because they will bring up a lot of questions. Thank you all for reading and sharing our story.

*** I did not post these photos or our story with the intention of gathering facebook "likes" or comments. I really don't care about those things at all. I shared these photos so my friends and family could see my perfect child. I never, ever could have imagined that it would spread across the world like this. I'm sorry if you think that I'm searching for fame or trying to increase my business, but that is not the case. Anyone that does knows me knows my heart and my love for the Lord. I wish that this hadn't happened, but it did for a reason. Maybe that reason was to share with the world how perfect a baby which is legal to abort in many states really is. I'll never know in this lifetime. I do know that the Lord has a perfect plan and that I will get to see my son again. If you have a problem with my faith and stance on abortion, just don't comment. Thanks and much ❤ to everyone who has been sending messages. I've read every single comment on the blog. I don't think I'll be able to keep up with the messages on FB, it has been a little overwhelming! May the Lord bless you all! ***

walter 003 - Version 2
Friday June 14th did not turn out as I expected. I started the day enjoying a pedicure with the bride to be and very good friend Megan along with her mom Cathy and all of her bridesmaids. We had an enjoyable lunch and ran a few errands and then were headed home to start preparing for the rehearsal. Starting on the tuesday before I had some mild spotting, it was never anything much and dark brown, a normal pregnancy occurence. I never had any pain at any point. On friday I noticed that the spotting started to turn a little more pink. When I returned home to gather all of my camera equipment for the rehearsal I decided to call my midwife to see what she thought of the spotting just for my own peace of mind. I knew I was going to be on my feet a lot the next day, probably about 12 hours. She decided it would be best to head to the ER to be checked, again more for my own peace of mind then anything else. I did have a complete placenta previa with Michayla, so we were both a little concerned that it could be a placenta issue again. I called Josh who had just gotten to the park with the girls and he grabbed the girls and headed back to the house.

We left Flora around 3 and headed to a recommended hospital in Kokomo which was about 45 minutes away. On the way we called our parents just to give them a heads up. We arrived at the ER and checked in. I could tell that the nurse really wanted me to be over 20 weeks. The policy is that anyone under 20 weeks of pregnancy stays in the ER, otherwise they head straight to OB. I was 19 weeks and 3 days. As we sat in the waiting area there were several pregnant women that came and went because they were over 20 weeks, and there I sat, waiting. We were finally taken back around 5 and after I changed we found a heartbeat right away. I believe it was in the high 160’s. Hearing the heartbeat immediately put me at ease and I just sat waiting on the dr. to show up. Finally a PA or NP, I can’t remember what she was, showed up and said that the dr. would be back and do a vaginal exam and send me for an ultrasound. Then we sat and waited some more… finally the dr. showed up and said he wasn’t doing a vaginal exam and I would be going to ultrasound, then he left. At this point, it’s past 5:30 and Josh had to leave to run the rehearsal since he was officiating the wedding the next day. We were both a little excited that there was going to be an ultrasound and hoping we could find out what we were having. We were scheduled for our 20 week ultrasound when we returned home on Wednesday.

At 6 PM, a new nurse came in and gave me 3 glasses of water and told me to drink up for the ultrasound and then she left. I put on the tv and started watching house hunters, I was assuming I wouldn’t be able to finish the 30 minute episode because they would come get me for my ultrasound, but I was very wrong. A few minutes after 6 I started to feel a few twinges of pain. by the end of the half hour show I knew I was in labor, there was no doubt in my mind, I’ve been through it before. I couldn’t sit in the bed anymore because the pain was too intense. I called for my nurse and she didn’t come, 10 minutes later I called again and she finally showed up. I was bawling my eyes out at this point because of the pain and all of the emotions streaming though me. I was not mentally prepared to go through labor and everything in me was fighting it every step of the way, I did not want this labor to happen yet. When she finally showed up she didn’t seem to believe me that I was in labor and said she’d let the dr know, then left. I have no idea how long until he came back but all he said was that he would push the ultrasound up and left. I felt like I was put in the back corner of the ER and left to my own. No help, no sympathy, nothing. I was not able to call my mom because there was no cell reception, I could text Joshua because we are both on iphones and I had a wireless signal but I didn’t want to worry him because i knew he had to get through the rehearsal.

A little after 7 Josh left the church which was about 20 minutes away. I was taken to ultrasound at around the same time. The ultrasound technician was the first person that I felt actually cared about me and was nice to me. Not that the others were mean, but they didn’t give me any more time then they had to. Right away she found the heartbeat for me, which was encouraging. She wasn’t able to tell me anything else. She was very quick with her ultrasound and when she left to talk to the radiologist, she found another lady to come sit with me. We didn’t talk but it was comforting to know someone else was there. When I went to the bathroom to clean myself up from the ultrasound there was a lot more blood and I completely fell apart at that point. Joshua arrived just as they were wheeling me back to my room. They had someone waiting for him so that he could be brought to me right away, the ulatrasound technician made sure he could find me. When we got back to the ER room I had to use the restroom again and when I went in the technician turned to Josh and said “I’m sorry, and I don’t want her to see me crying, but I will be praying for you” and she gave him a hug and left. It was about 7:20 when I got back to my room.

At this point there was no break between the contractions, they were so intense and just as one finished another would start. I’ve been through labor and I grew up hearing a lot about it from my mother who helped with home births and is now a L&D nurse. I’ve also been in a few births for my photography, so I knew listening to myself that I was at the end. I wouldn’t give up hope yet, but in my heart of hearts, I knew that I was losing my baby. At some point the PA or whatever she was came in and said “your fetus is still viable” I seriously wanted to slap her. She was at least a little more sympathetic than the Dr. who I never saw again. They told me that they were going to send me upstairs and do a cervical cerclage which did raise my hopes some.

At this point everything started becoming a blur, I was finally taken upstairs to OB around 8 PM. I was in so much pain I couldn’t tell what was going on around me. Anyone that knows me knows how much I hate needles and have a tendency to pass out. It took them 3 tries and a lot of blood on my arms before they finally got an IV in, I didn’t care one bit. The Dr checked me and then sat down beside me on the bed and told me that we were going to be delivering our baby. This was the first that anyone had called him a baby. I immediately started bawling and asking if there was any other option. She was so very kind and very upset that the ER had told me they were going to perform a cerclage. In order for a cerclage to be performed you can not be in active labor which I was at that point. I was also fully dilated and my water was bulging, there was no other option at this point. She apologized over and over and was so kind as were all of the nurses. I can’t even tell you how many people were in our room and doing things to me, but I was never left alone and always had someone with me. I was offered some pain medicine which I accepted and the pain started to ease some. It was still very strong during contractions but I was able to relax in between. Joshua left the room to deliver the horrible news to my parents and sisters who were all on vacation in the Outer Banks and his parents back in PA. Our friends Kip & Cathy came from the rehearsal to see if we needed anything and to be with us. Then sweet Megan who should have been focusing on her wedding the next day came to check on us. She was there talking and crying with me when my water broke. 

Walter was breech so we were waiting on my water to break on it’s own and let nature progress at it’s own pace. I don’t remember what time I started pushing, but I was not feeling the contractions anymore after my water broke, so I did have to push several times to get his tiny body out. He was born at 9:42 PM and he was handed up to me as soon as his cord was clamped. I was crying so hard at this point but he was perfect. He was fully formed and everything was there, I could see his heart beating in his tiny chest. Joshua and I both held him and cried over him and looked over our perfect, tiny son. The nurses and Dr. left us to have some private time along with him. Unfortunately, my IV alarm kept going off so my nurse had to keep coming in to check on that, but she was very gracious and apologetic the entire time. Cathy and my sister in law Rachel returned to the hospital to bring the items that I needed and were able to hold Walter. We were so thankful that Rachel was also there for the wedding since she took care of our girls so that Cathy and Megan did not need to worry about having 2 preschoolers on top of everything else that was going on. Sometime between midnight and 1, I had to be taken to the OR to have a d&c because the placenta would not release on its own. There were 2 ladies that came to be with me and were with me the entire time so I would never be alone. The first thing they did was pray with me, which was so amazing. The d&c went well and I was soon back in my room and sleeping from the medicines and anesthesia.

I can not say enough good things about my Dr and the nurses that were there with me. They never once mentioned the word fetus. They prayed with me, cried with me and were there for my every need.Even in a time of so much pain I felt loved by them all. They took such absolute wonderful care of us. They contacted the local funeral home and were going to take care of all of the forms and make all of the calls for us to take him home to PA if we wanted. A gentleman from the funeral home came and talked with us about our options and he was so very kind. In the end we did decide to have him cremated, it was the easiest and best option for us. My Dr made every effort to make sure I had all of my questions answered. She even took the time to talk to my midwife personally and gave me her number in case my mom, an OB nurse, had any questions. She didn’t have to do any of that, and I truly appreciated it. We left the hospital with many books and trinkets to remember our son by. They made sure that the girls each had a few mementos to remember their brother by. Shortly after returning home we had a wonderful card that had notes from all of the nurses and Dr. that took care of me during our stay. So while I felt abandoned and alone in the ER, the OB area was amazing. They encouraged us to hold and bond with our son. In fact he left our room while I had the d&c and then was back with us until the funeral home came to take him. I’m heartbroken by the stories I’ve been hearing from people who weren’t allowed to see their child. That would be so absolutely devastating! I held him, cuddled him, while his heart was beating I held him to my heart, I counted his toes and kissed his tiny head. I will always cherish those memories that I have of him.

The next morning, Rachel brought our daughters to the hospital. There wasn’t ever any doubt in my mind that I needed to have the girls in to see their brother. Michayla especially has been so excited about the baby and really wanting a brother. She knew something wasn’t right and kept asking Rachel and then her daddy as he brought them to our room about the baby. She kept asking if the baby was ok and if we could take him home. It took Emma a little bit to comprehend what I was telling her when I told her that Jesus took their baby to Heaven with Him, but she did understand as well. She has bounced back pretty quick though and besides randomly telling people that our baby died, doesn’t talk about it to much. Michayla on the other hand is a completely different story. She was absolutely devastated and cried and cried. She has been asking so many questions and it’s hard for her when we have to tell her that we don’t know. Joshua still went and performed the ceremony. If I had been able to, I would have still done the photos. On top of everything that happened that was also hard for me, not fulfilling a commitment. I know I had no control and in no way are they upset with me, but it still bothers me.


We still do not know why or how this happened. My midwife has talked personally with the OB Dr. that treated me in Indiana. We’ll be getting all of the records and reports as they finish up the dictations and receive pathology reports back. It could have been a cervix issue, maybe a result of some of the damage from Emma’s birth. It could be preterm labor or a world of other things and we may never know why or how. There will be extra precautions taken if we can ever get pregnant again. That is another area that is unknown. We went through so much and many trips to the specialist in Frederick to conceive Walter. So much still to think about…

I am so very glad that Joshua went to our vehicle and got my camera. At first I did not want any photos, but they are the only thing I have to look back on now. I’m still in shock at how much his photos have been shared and commented on. In his short life of just a few minutes he has touched more lives then I ever could have imagined. I have gotten messages from people all around the country who have experienced a loss or were just touched by his story. I’ve even had a few people tell me that they were able to use his photos to reach out to a hurting woman who was contemplating an abortion. Just because the child within can not be seen by us does not mean that it is a blob of cells. Walter was perfectly formed and very active in the womb. If he had just a few short more weeks he would have had a fighting chance at life. I don’t understand why the Lord took him home, but I have to trust in his perfect timing. I may never know why, but it is a comfort to know where he is and that I will see him again. For now, he’s with his heavenly father who loves him unmeasurably more then I, as his earthly mother ever could.

If you would like to see some more of Walter’s photos, please visit my website at

Please feel free to share our photos. In all our hurt, I am glad that some good can come out of this. I pray that the Lord will continue to use Walter’s photos to impact many.

If anyone would like to contact me directly, you can find me on facebook or email me directly at

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2,440 thoughts on “Walter Joshua Fretz – The story of our son who is impacting so many even though he was on this earth for only a few minutes

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Such a sad story. Heaven has another Angel. Appreciate the moments spent with your son. What a beautiful family. Take care.

    1. I really can not begin to imagine what u have been and went through and as for the doctors and nurses that abandoned you should be very very amashed of them selfs but u should be very proud of yourself and your beautiful little boy walter he just couldnt wait to c his mummy and to be held by you all and u r very blessed to have such a beautiful little angel looking down on you and guiding you for the rest of ur lives my thoughts love and prayers are with u all r.i.p little man x x x

      1. I am so very sorry for your and your family’s loss! I pray you don’t have ignorant people saying things like, Oh well. You can always have more. Grrrr.

        The minute I learned I was pregnant, I bonded with our little girl! I was terrified of having a miscarriage because it took us 9 years to get pregnant.

        God bless and keep you.

    2. aaawwww i feel for you,you dont know me,but i was just looking at your beautiful little is very raw to me aswell,my daughter has just lost her baby 21st june,i calll it a baby and not a fetus,and llooking at your baby,it IS a BABY,hope you and your family can get bk to a bit of normallity very soon,and good luck for the future.x

    3. i am sorry for your loss 13 years ago i was prengent at 21 weeks i give birth to him he was just like your little boy and i said to my self i am not having any more kids it was so hard to move on but had to for my other kids we named him and than 10 years later meet my husband and now
      i am now 6 weeks and i am scared that it well happen again but have to keep say no it well not

      so i know what its like my hart is with u all

      1. Nothing like that will happen again. Be blessed!! I declare blessing over you and your baby, hope all the peace and love of God embrace you!

    4. I am so sorry for your loss of your sweet baby. I myself have buried 3 babies and it is such a hard experience to go through. Your message was sweet though and your faith is strong and you are so right that you will see him again someday. I know for me I look forward to the day when my babies will be placed in my arms again. Some words of comfort that were given to me during my times of grief is that we are promised that every tear shed here in this life will be made up in the life to come. I hope you can find a little hope from that message. Thank you for sharing your story.

    5. So sorry for your loss, I lost my son at 20 weeks, I got preeclaympsia and they had to induce my labor….He was fully formed and he had features like my husband and my daughter….He would be 11 now……He was perfect just born to early……Praying for you and your family……

      1. I am very sorry for your loss, He is beautiful he is with our Father in the heaven. God bless you. Praying for you and you family

    6. I am so sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you and your family, but he was much more than what you think, he is an angel and he is where GOD wants him to be. I love the pictures they are great he is so beautiful. Peace be in your hearts and God Bless You and Your Family.

      1. I’m sorry for your loss. God bless you and your pretty family. You have very beautiful girls and a great husband. If you want another kid, go ahead. Jesus will be your doctor.

    7. Thank you for sharing your story and your beautiful pictures. It is wonderful for you and your girls to have these memories of your little angel baby, Walter. You are blessed to have had the opportunity to cuddle him for his brief time in our world. I am so very sorry for the painful loss you have had in your life.
      As a perinatal loss liaison and RN in OB at a Detroit suburban hospital, I encourage compassionate treatment of our parents experiencing possible pregnancy loss. I hope the staff at the hospital Walter was born was supportive of your bonding time with your precious baby boy.
      May God bless you and your family and help you with the pain in your heart.

    8. I’m so sorry for ur loss I jus wanted to say I love ur faith and the way u have handled all this I wanna b someone like u, this story has blessed me to c that when we lose something very precious to us it helps us!!!! Thank you for posting it I’m glad u did cuz this was meant for someone to read and I think it was me so thank you soon much and I’ll b praying for u and ur family !!!! ❤

    9. You do not know me, I doubt we will ever walk the same path, but we share the same Lord and Savior who promises that we are all brothers and sisters. So my heart aches for you and your family during this difficult time. May you find peace in your prayers and know that your precious angel will rest in the arms of our Lord and will forever be PERFECT. I will hug my baby boy just a little longer tonight and hope you are able to find comfort in the arms of your beautiful family. Thank you so much for sharing this story. You will impact many lives.

      Blessings and prayers to you.

    10. Sweetie, just curious, did they ever check your progesterone levels in your early stages of pregnancy? I too had placenta previa and a high risk pregnancy but I found a doctor who believed in checking my levels. He immediately placed me on progesterone suppositories for 3 months. My second pregnancy, same thing. I say this to say,when you become pregnant again, and I truly believe you will, please keep this information in mind as it is a known fact that women who tend to naturally miscarry their babies tend to have lack if progesterone which prepares the lining of the uterus for attachment. I am touched by your candidness and openness to share your sadness. I commit to keep you and your family in prayer for the next few month. May God comfort your broken hearts and give your peace and even joy in the midst of great pain and sadness! ❤ michele

      1. This happened to me as well. I lost our first baby at 9 weeks and became pregnant again 2 months later. I was waiting in the doctor’s waiting room and read an article on progestrone. I asked my doc if he would test mine. He said he rarely did that test, but I insisted. I had no progestrone! None! I would have lost our son also if God had not shown me that magazine article! Our Nathanael David, (Blessed Gift from God) is now 18 and wants to make prosthetics better for amputees. So insist they test your progestrone. I too believe we will hold our babies when we reach heaven. God bless and heal you and your family.

      2. Thank you for posting this. I lost ten babies due to lack of progesterone and my doctor told me I was normal…. i lost 8 between my first son and my second Live birth son and then I lost 2 more between my third live birth son and my 4th live birth son. Between 3 different OB Doctors none ever tested me for this condition and all refused to tie my tubes as it was heartbreaking for me to keep getting pregnant I feared it. It was my last OB that diagnosed me and told me what was wrong all this time and he was outraged that I had been allowed to suffer so much heartbreak. I Pray for your peace of mind and for all families that suffer the heartache of losing a child. You never forget any of them and my only solace is I know they are with the Lord in heaven.

      3. I’m so glad you two women have shared this information about progesterone. It may save the lives of many babies who might otherwise die. Their mothers will read this. I never heard of having a lack of progesterone and it completely makes sense – how sad. strength and healing to all the mothers, fathers, and families who have lost their babies. I have had three of my own slip from me. I have one growing inside right now, and hope and pray that everything will be alright this time. Blessings and love – thank-you for sharing your painful but beautiful story and your gorgeous perfect tiny son. ❤

    11. I just want to say im sorry I feel your pain with the lose of a child. I myself lost 4 children before my 12 weeks my heart still hurts to this day but I know god got 4 perfect angels but at the same time I had 3 which were all born without life but by gods grace he brought them back to me and im so greatful for the 3 I got to have it was a terrifying time having them my first daughter I didn’t get to see till the day we left the hospital. when I gave birth my mom yelled shes black my father is black so she assumed but it wasn’t that she was without life for so lone she was purple and dead but god gave her back to me the same with my other 2 but not as in bad shape,i can no longer have children and I know my angels are in the arms for god as well as your son. I hope your family heals well and always know he might not be on earth in body form but he will always be right there. god bless……..always remembered and never forgotton

    12. I am so sorry for your loss.In 1989 I loss twin girls @ 6months I was devastated.I could not bring myself to hold,or even see them because I thought the pain would be to much,I even got angry when a nurse laid photos of them on my nightstand.Bottom line is I didn’t have Christ in my life,in fact I blamed God for taking them away.Your faith with our Lord has made you stronger, you know where your infant is….the loving arms of our Savior. It took me awhile to come to that realization.I had to bury my twins,mourn.. and I used a lot of energy at being bitter.My step-mother(a devout Christian) told me that they were now in God’s arms,I now have Christ in my life and I know my girls are up there bouncing on their grandfather’s knees.most likely my mom and him are fighting about who gets them!!:) You are awesome…you did something I now wish I had done,spending time with him is part of the healing.You will be with him again,I’d like to think that my girls were there to greet him,and they are eternal playmates.Bless you for sharing your story and your beautiful baby boy. My thoughts and prayers are with you

      1. My heart goes out to you and your family and please know that myself and my husband, as well as our families and churches, will be praying for you. I also want to say thank you for telling your story. It may sound strange, but while your and Walter’s story is sad, it is also inspirational. Amazing. You see, I am a fairly young woman, no older than 22, and recently married–as in a month and 3 days today. I am lucky to be physically surrounded by strong, Godly women, but I look out into the world around me and see young girls who I know could be wonderful girls if they only had the right guidance. Knowing that they don’t upsets me greatly and makes me feel like myself and the amazing women around me are, in fact, a minority today. We are just a small portion of people. What can we do? I like to consider myself a strong individual–a strong woman and Christian–but when I stand in a crowd in the mall and I am the only one my age or younger that is not wearing extremely short shorts or skirt and an immodest top, I find my strength wavering. Reading your story, hearing how amazingly well you handled everything (crying is natural; the fact that you never stopped trying to save your baby and never gave up on Him–and also didn’t haul off and smack that nurse–was amazing), and knowing that you don’t blame God for any of it but rather look to Him for guidance and trust Him completely, entirely… The world would have done the opposite, blaming Him before they could even open their mouths, but you picked up the remaining pieces of your life, sent up a prayer, kissed your daughters’ foreheads, hugged your husband’s neck, and pushed on. YOU are truly an inspiration. A light for a young soul, a young wife, to look up to. You and Walter give me hope that all is not lost in this world, there are still women out there raising their girls to be good and just and pure girls. Women who have unbelievable strength and unwavering faith. Thank you for giving this young woman hope, hope that one day she can be a strong and loving mother and an inspiration to not only her own children but the children and women she will work and come into contact with throughout her career as a counselor. Thank you, and please know that I will keep sweet Walter in my heart, remembering him and his courageous mother when I am trying to help a scared girl to find other options besides abortion.

      2. Your baby is beautiful.Thankyou for sharing your families story. Thankyou for being so brave. I want to go back to Jan 26 and do a few more things with our baby Angel born at 19 weeks. I would do it all again just so I could express more love.

    13. So sorry for your loss. Thank you though for sharing such an amazingly intimate time in your family’s life. Your trust in God is inspirational. Your whole family is in my prayers.

    14. Words cannot express how so very sorry I am for your loss. You are an amazing courageous woman of faith. In inspiration to many. The Lord will will give you another beautiful baby boy!! Zechariah 9 :12, matthew 5 :4. May the Lord Bless you and your beautiful family. Praying for you

    15. I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful and precious little boy. I cannot imagine. Someday, you all will see him in Heaven. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.


    16. Those little girls will never forget just how real there baby brother was, my heart go’s out to you young lady and your family for you loss I pray God comforts your hearts, There is a day and a place we will all be together again with the love ones who have passed, I loss a little girl when she was born many years ago, only God can give the comfort needed for this kind of loss, you just keep holding on to The lord and your faith it will see you through,…. from a child of God, Clinton Duke.

    17. Congratulations on a beautiful Angel boy. I am sorry he was not in your arms for long but I hope that your memories of him will grow strong in your hearts forever.

      You are an amazing mother and wonderful photographer. Each photo shows how much Walter was loved in his short life on Earth. May your sweet angel open the eyes of others on how precious every child is from conception to birth. Thank you for sharing your story and baby with us.

      Thank you,

      Mother of 7 – 4 birth children, 2 angel babies, and 1 adopted daughter.

    18. I am so so sorry for your loss. what a precious baby. he is home with his heavenly father. Thank you so much for sharing.

    19. You are an amazing young woman to share such an emotional, beautiful story. It is my prayer that the loss that you and your family have suffered will not be in vein, and that hearts will be changed, because you were willing to share your precious, personal, pictures of your perfect 19 week baby. If anyone can look at those pictures and still be willing to have an abortion, something is wrong with them. I pray that your family will be blessed beyond measure, and that God will be glorified! Thank you again for this beautiful testimony.

      1. I went through the exact same thing as you did about 28 years ago. My baby boy was the same size as yours. I feel your pain and pray for you and your family to get through this.

      2. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. I lost a baby 37 years ago and I wish I had pictures like these. I still cry 37 years later!

    20. What a great testimony to the sanctity of life! God Bless you for your willingness to share!

      To the commentor Robin Lindsey and others:
      If I could interject a bit of clarity? Heaven does not have ‘another angel’…we do not become angels when we die. We should use the proper terminology: Heaven has another Saint! Our origin is with God, we belong to Him, we hope to return to Him! At death, our bodies and souls are separated. Our wills are fixed at this time, it’s either Heaven or Hell for our final destination. For an innocent child, incapable of committing sin, the outcome must surely be Heaven. Therefore: we can safely assume his soul is forever united with God in Heaven. At the Ressurrection, his body will be reunited with his soul. Peace be with you.

      1. I noted, too, how many people referred to “an angel.” This is so common but actually the precious little one is “higher” than the angels, a precious child in the loving arms of God. May God bless this family for their testimony; that it might save even one child and perhaps change the life of even one young mother.

    21. I think this took guts to share!! I get it! I’ve lost a child myself. You already love them before full term. You gave that child purpose. It was still hard. The fact that your other children were included was a huge yet difficult learning tool. Bitter sweet for them. They will always draw from that in the future. I believe that’s why you did it. I know they already love their brother too. They got to say goodbye and give him love. You made the situation as beautiful as humanly possible.


    23. I am glad you all could say goodby to him, I think that is so important. Your girls were able to see their little brother. GOD bless you all.

    24. I´m sorry for your loss, thank you to share with us this pictures and your history. I´m sure Walter is okay in the heaven and now is a beautiful angel. Take care and God Bless you!

    25. Lo lamento que hayas perdido a tu hijo, pero lo tuvieron por un momento junto a ustedes. Dios estuvo con ustedes por un buen rato, porque queria tener a ese bebe junto a los demas angelitos. Bendiciones.

      1. Lamento mucho esta pérdida pero ten fe que Dios está contigo, a lo mejor necesitaba otro angelito en el cielo y por eso se llevó el tuyo. Yo se que es muy difícil pasar por esta situación yo personalmente estuve embarazada cuatro veces dos fueron eutopicos y ya estaba muy ilusionada cuando tuvieron que extraérmelos, después del primero me tocó colocarme en tratamiento para volver a quedar en embarazo, fue cuando nació mi hermosa hija qu hoy tienen 16 años, luego vino el otro y posteriormente otro embarazo normal, Dios me premió con esta parejita de hermosos hijos muy bendecidos pero aunque no tuve la oportunidad de conocer a los que perdí cuando los recuerdo siento nostalgia. Te llevaré en mis oraciones y sigue adelante Dios te bendiga.

    26. …esto es realmente hermoso, es extraño, poco común pero digno de admirar, Dios es realmente grande y magnifico, y sus creaciones son igualmente grandes, muchas gracias por compartir tu historia, mucha fuerza y puedo decirte que tu bebe con su pequeño cuerpo dejo una huella muy grande en este mundo. bendiciones

    27. I am Alvaro from Tierra del Fuego Patagonia Argentina, and i found incredible this miracle of life, this perfectness of the creation. i encourage you and your family to keep smiling to life showing the world that it is worth it.
      we are working on defending life not matter the age, unfortunatly there are people that doesent know how it happensor what is happening during the firts weeks of pregnency, so i find your example full of life and love.
      whith you,

    28. I´m from Portugal and i think the same thing, like Robin Lindsey:
      – I am so sorry for your loss. Such a sad story. Heaven has another Angel. Appreciate the moments spent with your son. What a beautiful family. Take care. Paula Gaspar

    29. Lexi,
      I have no doubt that your son and my son will be waiting on us when we arrive in heaven. What a glorious day that will be! God bless you!

    30. I am very sorry for your loss. May God bless you and your family during this hard time of your lives. 😦


    32. I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost mine at 12 weeks. I don’t know I had a boy or a girl, but the baby was mine. My miscarriage nearly killed me. I just wanted to die and be with my baby. My other 2 girls kept me going. About a year later, I gave birth to my son. He truly saved me and brought me out of a horrible depression I just couldn’t shake. When people ask me how many kids I have I often say 4, but one is an angel baby. Losing my baby was one of the worst experiences in my life. I was not able to have a “service” for the baby. My baby was sent to some lab for “testing”. I was not given the choice. I would have had the baby cremated and I’d still have the ashes. The baby will forever live in my memory and I will be reunited with him or her in heaven someday. I wanted to mention that I had a really BAD experience with the ER as well. The OB staff was wonderful. They truly seemed to care about me and the pain I was suffering.

    33. I am so sorry for your loss. Around 1977 I lost a little boy in my 5th month of pregnancy. I never even got to hold him or see him or name him legally. His name would have been Jeremy Nicholas. I will get to see him and hold him when we meet in heaven one glad day! God Bless you and your family.


    35. This just sucks!!! (I have a friend that told me that would make her feel better to hear this.) Thank You for sharing, it took real courage to share this story. Now if more people will just read and realize that they are not just a clump of cells. He would have been a beautiful baby. Maybe his purpose in life was to be an example!!! You will have more.

    36. I am so very sorry for your loss he was a beautiful baby your story hit me hard ,life is a blessing and should always be cherished and I agree that the nurses and doctor in the E.R. should be every ashamed of themselves how selfish of them . You took very amazing photos of your sweet baby boy I’m so sorry that this happened to you and your family ,he will be a beautiful Angel in heaven shining down upon u and yours I cant imagine the pain and hurt your feeling . A mother and babies bond is an amazing blessing my heart and prayers go out to you and your family. This is an amazing story and very heartfelt. My thoughts and prayers may God bless you always .

    37. Thank you for your courage to share your hearts and love for your sweet baby boy, Walter Joshua. His precious life will touch the hearts of many. Blessings and healing to each one of you.

      1. Si esta sesión fotografica te da asco, no necesitas ver los. Estas fotos son unos recuerdos para la familia de sus momentos con su hijo. Son, también, una recordatorio al mundo que la vida comienza en loa concepción. Miré, has dicho que el es un embrión sin terminar formarse…pero, en las fotos no puedo ver ninguna parte que esta sin forma ni mal formado. El es perfecto aunque nacido demasiado temprano. (translation…if these photos are disgusting to you then you do not need to view them. These photos are a memory for the family of their brief moments with their son. They are also a reminder that life begins at conception. You said that the pictures show an unformed embryo…but, in these fotos I can not see anything unformed or poorly formed. He is perfect, just born too early.)

      2. Lexi – if you choose not to post my reply I will not feel bad, I just wanted to be sure that you know that the spanish poster was being very negative. You and your family do not deserve any negativity for this. What you did was absolutely beautiful and something you can cherish forever.

      3. Thank you! I have been using google translate to read these comments, but I’m sure that I have missed some things. I appreciate your help in this. Unfortunately this doesn’t tell me where the post was located, so now I’ll have to go back through and find your posts. Thank you for looking out for our family. God Bless!

    38. i am so sorry for your loss, but one good thing came out of this article and i will share this with as many people that i can. this is the fact of how formed and viable a baby is at this 19 weeks. i no longer support abortion at this age and hardly know when a cell becomes a baby. i am so shocked at my ignorance as to the development of a baby. i will no longer look on as an observer. i will become an active informational type of person and share this as an example of life, the life of a baby. a real baby. so sorry for your loss and thank you for changing my mind about babies. love your hearts barbara

    39. Thank you for me how precious a life is. My husband watched this together with me and your pictures has touched us. Now that I am older I have regrets for aborting my children when then I did not know any better. I have asked the Lord forgiveness and that one day I will be with them. I know there is a God and healing you will have. In Jesus name amen. Once again thank you for sharing

    40. Even now, almost 3 years later…your story is being heard! This is very heartbreaking and I am too a mother who lost a baby under different circumstances, but it was still a wanted child! God is using your child to make a difference in this cold, dark world. I pray for peace in your heart and know that God loves you and is always listening. Be strong! xoxoxo
      Michelle D. in Florida

  2. I’m speechless. Thank you for sharing such an intimate story. No one knows until they experience what you have been through. So thankful in your belief in our heavenly father caring for Walter. He is in a better place than we are You would be so proud of Josh and how he handled the wedding under such stress. God was with him…I know he had to be.

  3. Many prayers to your family. I couldn’t imagine, being a mother of 2, what you’re going through. But how wonderful you’re sharing your story to touch other lives. I can’t seem to stop crying after reading this. I had to tell you how wonderful I think you are, and how sorry I am for your loss! Bless you and your family!

    1. I’ve been totally shocked by these photos which, in my opinion, are one of the more beautiful things I can imagine. I do really value your bravery, since the love for the little baby has lead you to share these incredible photos which will make us understand your situation a little better. RIP. Greetings from Spain.

  4. Walter was my grandfathers name too. And I have shared your story with others who I think it would help. Still praying for you and your family including your precious baby boy, Lexi.

  5. Love you for sharing your life with us and God will always use our experiences in life for His Glory. Only 2 more weeks and I will be able to hug you, Josh and the girls…

  6. Ah bless you your hubby and your .little girls your baby is now an angel in gods garden your a very strong person and thank you for sharing your story god bless you all

  7. God’s blessings to you and your family just know that the Lord only takes the best and the good thing is when you get to heaven this precious baby will be there waiting on you all. Much love to you all…Dorothy E. McCoy

  8. My prayers are with your family, I also lost my little girl in 1988 I was around 18 weeks when my little Amanda was delivered, the nurse was so uncaring, she didn’t even want me to hold her. She also put her in a jar of water right in front of me. And I was devastated, I can not fathom how people think that babies are a blob of tissue.

    1. I to went through this , very very sad my son was also 19 weeks but I am so glad to say i went on to have a son that was born at 24 weeks that survived with no issues, then another son born at 30 weeks again with no issues. What is meant to be cannot be changed. Good Luck!

  9. I am praying for you and your family in your time of sorrow. My family has been through a similar loss and it is very hard.
    Your pictures and story will keep Walter’s memory safe.
    It is very important to take care of each other through this time.
    Love and Prayers to you.

  10. I am so sorry for your loss, reading this as brang tears to my eyes. You are an inspiration to people, and he is one beautiful angel. Thinking of you and your family. My sister lost a baby, and it is well and truly a deveratateing experience. I think you are very brave for sharing your story. Thank you.

  11. You soon is absolutely beautiful!! Im so sorry for ur loss!! Hits home for me i my self lost my son at 4mnths of pregnancy in 2011!! Ill be praying for comfort for you and ur family!!

  12. I am very sorry for the loss of your beautiful son. I too believe he is in heaven with the Lord who created him and has brought him into his kingdom. May God bless you and your family.

  13. Sorry to hear off your loss..heaven has gained a beautiful little angel..its very nice to see use got lovely little photos..such a lovely family..thanks.for sharing your story with us..take care and best off luck for the future..

  14. I am so deeply sorry for ur bby boy.not going tp lie this story made me cry and the whole time reading ur story made me change my mind about so many things.i am so blessd to have my daughter she is about to b 3yrs old always wanted a bby sibiling me n my selfish thoughts never wanted kids again…now i see it diffrently if god sends me from above a lovely gift an a blessing i will so very proud be happy to be blessed with another bby.

  15. Thank you so much for sharing. This story is so touching and the pictures are an immeasurable treasure for you all. My husband and I lost our baby, Ross, after going into labor at the exact same time as you in July, 2002. A cerclage was attempted and labor was stopped for 4 days while I stayed in the Labor and Delivery area of the hospital. We had used fertility measures to conceive him, as well, which even adds to the loss, as you well know. I pray that you find peace and strength in the coming days. Please feel free to contact me anytime. My heart goes out to you!!

    1. Your family is beautiful!! You are truly blessed to have an amazing group of friends, and a multitude of women who understand your pain. I have never had the pleasure of being pregnant, nor will I. But thankfully my husband and I are parents to a beautiful girl via adoption. My prayer is your story will inspire women who are not ready to become parents- to unselfishly allow that baby a chance to have a beautiful life & make people like myself parents. Please do not forget your husband, often times we fail to realize how hard it is for them. Please keep your marriage strong and show love everyday….life is indeed sacred & often times to short.

  16. I sit here reading your story with tears pouring down my cheeks, 2 yrs ago I went through almost the exact same thing at the same stage…. Just when you think you have healed you will hear someone elses story and the pain and emotion will all come back (maybe that will never change)But I believe it is part of the healing journey! And I am thankful that we have the hope in Christ to meet our angels in glory! Praise God!!! Thank you for sharing- Prayers going up for you today and in the days ahead.

  17. I am so sorry for your loss. This story brought tears to my eyes. God has plans for you and your family.

    1. I’m so sorry for your loss I know how it feels I have been there …. I pray the Lord give you peace in your heart and enjoy your memories you have of your son I didn’t get that chance . Take care and God Bless you and your beautiful family.

  18. I know saying sorry for your loss will never take the pain away that you are feeling, but I truly am so sorry for your loss. He was & is a beautiful baby and one day you will be joined with him again. Don’t give up hopes on conceiving another child, as god works miracles in the darkest of times. Keep your head up, you have two beautiful daughters that need your love. 🙂

  19. So sorry for ur loss! He was a beautiful baby! My daughter and stepdaughter both suffered a loss of a baby last yr. Separate reasons each. My daughter was also 19 weeks with Our baby Oliver. Exactly what happened to u happened to her. Oliver was with us like 10in. My stepdaughters Daughter Angel’s heart stopped beating at 20 weeks. So she had to be induced. Sad to say that I lost 2 grandbabies within 2 months exactly. They both are pregnant again and happy that my daughter is 23 weeks and progressingvery good. My stepdaughter just found out . Maybe Walter, Oliver, and Angel are now friends in Playing in the Clouds with other Angels. God bless you and thanks for sharing ur story with all of us.

  20. This is such a heart wrenching story!! I read it all & couldn’t help but cry..My heart goes out to you & your family!! The pictures are so precious!! I don’t see how anybody can intentionally hurt a baby..I am so sorry for ya’lls loss!! Thank you for sharing your story!!

  21. So sorry for your loss, your story so telling and touching. I pray it impacts others as well. Isaiah 61:3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion– to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.

  22. Thank you for sharing your story. I continue to ask God to comfort your family and use this story to draw people to Himself.

  23. I am deeply sorry for your loss. I lost my first born (son) at 22wks and 2days. It was very devastating for me, the nurses and doctors seemed not to care, even asked if I wanted to bury my child or donate to science. Of course I chose burial, he is living in Heaven with Hus grand parents and great grand parents! Many blessings to you and your family God Bless!

  24. Sorry for your loss of your baby boy I have never felt this kind of hurt for someone else he is your very own blessing my thoughts are with you’s all 😦 x

  25. So sorry for ur loss, but glad u got to hold him for a little while. I guess God had bigger plans for ur son than any of us could imagine, maybe this blog of awareness was the reason he was sent to u. No one has the right to play God here on Earth, He gives us his children (Not just a fetus) for a while to help us grow, love, & have something to look forward to. God couldn’t have picked anyone better to have given little Walter to, thank u for sharing your story with us, and I pray God blesses u with all the happiness n the world because it appears u and ur family are way more than deserving. God Bless u all.

  26. I’m so sorry for your loss, I lost two babies back in 2004. My first on January 13, 2004 baby Miguel I was 22 weeks and 3 days and although we know we are in labor we want to hold on as much as we can I remember feeling him coming ready to come out and I did not want to push I didn’t want to I really wanted to keep my son it is so devastating a parent’s worst nightmare. My dad passed shortly on March 25, 2004 he lived in Mexico no one told me he was ill because i had gone through my son’s passing and when they did he was already very ill I did not get to see my dad before or after he passed. I had already gone through so much pain and once again the worst happened I miscarried my second baby on October 12, 2004 at about 12-13 weeks although to them it was only a fetus to me it was my baby although I did not know the gender the baby still my angel. The doctors told me i could try again about three months after but i decided to wait a year to let my body rest. I thought it would be best and I did but to my surprise I found out I was pregnant on October 12, 2005 that same day I miscarried I could not believe it! With my third pregnancy I had a threatened abortion at about 12 weeks I started spotting and with light cramping on my way to the ER all I could think was not again and I remember telling my husband if I loose my baby I am going to kill myself it was hard to say but I was in pain they did an ultrasound and I saw his heartbeat I was relieved the doctor ordered me complete bed rest for three days and now my baby is 7 years he was born on June 14, 2006 I nursed my son did not have a period and when he was eight months I found out I was pregnant my son was born 5 weeks early on November 30, 2007 God had blessed me after all my pain. I knew that two babies was enough at least at that time and had the IUD inserted after my six week postpartum check up. On June 2010 I went to the doctor because I was worried because I was very exact and I had missed a period they did a urine test and told me I was 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant my jaw dropped I could not believe it because of the IUD the doctor told me to not get my hopes up because it could be an ectopic pregnancy but God is almighty that he blessed me with my third boy. My baby was born on February 4, 2011. I am giving my story here because there could be someone that is grieving and by reading your story and my story they can understand that it is not their fault but it is rather what our Lord wants for us and f it didn’t happen now he always has more blessings to come. Thank you so much for sharing your story your girls will help you both with the healing process you are lucky to have them. GOD BLESS!

  27. Amazing story!! And even more amazing to see!!! How great is Our God!!! How can anyone even entertain the thought of an abortion…..blows my mind!!! This is just a glimpse of what a true miracle a child is!! God works in mysterious ways…and uses people we never could imagine!! Your beautiful, perfect child WILL touch so many people’s heart–imagine the lives that will be saved from his brief appearance on this earth!!! Imagine the mothers minds that will be changed from seeing his perfect little body!!! It blows my mind!!! I never knew a child was so perfect at just 19 weeks!!! I bet you had no idea you’d give birth to a little Hero!! I’ll definitely be sharing his amazing story!! I know this is a hard time for your family, but I thank you for your courage to share his amazing story with us!! ❤We will be praying for you and your family. And I hope these words will help you find peace and some light in this dark time!!❤ Much love from my family to yours!!!

  28. Although I had a different outcome, I can relate to your beautiful but sorrowful experience. I was prepared to welcome our child (we also didn’t know what we were having at the time) at 19 weeks. My water fully ruptured on December 5, 2008. I was hospitalized in November with placenta previa but was told it should move up into the correct position in time. Our son wasn’t a viable pregnancy. The doctors told us, I wasn’t until 24 weeks. We live in Northern Kentucky and the hospital explained I would be taken by squad to Cincinnati, OH IF a hospital would even take me. UC accepted us. However, they advised us to terminate. Explained I would become septic and die. They explained nature would take place and I would go into labor and deliver in 24 hours. When that didn’t happen, they again advised us to terminate via induction. They explained the process and what our child would look like. They explained NO interventions would be taken to save our child. It could take up to 4 hours for his tiny heart to stop and we could hold him etc during this time. We were beside ourselves. How could this happen? We already had 3 other children.
    I refused the induction. I couldn’t do it. Our son was still alive in me. He couldn’t move due to no measurable fluid but he had a heartbeat and I Knew he was in there. I was released from the hospital. Once again, they reminded us I didn’t have a viable pregnancy until 24 weeks. I went back to the doctor a few days later. Still no measurable fluid. I was put on antibiotics so I wouldn’t become septic. At 23 weeks, I started bleeding. I was taken to UC where I was left in a waiting room. Filled with other patients, I sat in a wheelchair and my husband and I cried and cried. Blood was on my hands due to touching my pants which were covered. A nurse came out after my husband went to find someone to help me. Her response was, “we were working on another patient trying to save her baby. She is a viable pregnancy”. WHAT?????? I started crying uncontrollably! How could they say this to me???? I was again accepted but only for an overnight stay. When I again didn’t go into labor and refused an induction, I was released.

    I made it!!! 24 weeks!! I called my doctor. I was then admitted as a viable pregnancy!!!! Two days after being admitted, my placenta abrupted 30%. I was alone when it happened. I was rushed up the hallway, desperately trying to call my husband to get here. I was taken to a room outside the OR. My husband was finally with me. They got the bleeding to stop. I kept blowing IV’s so it was decided I would need a PICC line. They removed it 3 days later and another one was put in. However, they misplaced it and it created a blood clot (not caught for 2 days). I was taken to surgery and one was placed in my neck without anesthsia.

    At 29 weeks, I could no longer stay pregnant. My blood level had dropped to 6. I had a blood clot in the arm and uterus. We both were dying. At 11p I was induced. At 8:53a I delivered our miracle 2# 3oz 15in baby boy. We lost him several times over the next few months but he was a fighter. William is 4 years old now.

    My experience changed who I am. A peace came over me through all this. I am a very blessed mommy to 4 children and I live my life accordingly.

    May Walter’s angel wings always surround and comfort you and your family.

    1. My heart goes out to you. I too lost a son at birth. I was 8 1/2 months but I had found out @ 6 months my Jeremy would not survive. I wish I had taken pictures of my beautiful son.Cherish these pictures and he will remain alive in your heart and soul. He was beautiful. May God bless and be with you during this heartbreaking time.
      Robin Altrock
      Batavia Ohio

    2. I am amazed at your strength to tell your story to the world. It is important to keep Walter’s memory alive and to fight a good fight. When I was viewing your sons’ pictures online, my 2 1/2 year old son pointed to the screen and said “baby”. Now if my son can recognize a baby when he sees one, (who is 2 years old), how come the powers that be can’t recognize your unborn children younger than 20 weeks as babies. Prayers go out to you and your family.

  29. Such a touching story I’m so sorry for your loss your baby boy is beautiful. Good for you for sharing your story it’s so beautiful and so brave. Sending my love xxxx

  30. i am so sorry for your loss. as i read your story i cried bc i feel as though if they would have treated you urgently as they should every pregnant woman no matter how far she is some could have been done to keep him in your womb a lil longer. i will pray for your family he was such a precious angel.

  31. i am so sorry for your loss . A very similar thing happend to my brother and i know that he is in heaven now playing with Walter.

  32. This is a beautiful, yet heart-wrenching story. I am so happy that you are using your loss to try and help others. I believe that from the time of conception, their is life in the womb; a precious baby. God bless you and your family.

  33. How brave you all are, your son is beautiful, he knowss he is loved and wil be an angle looking down on you and his sisters. Bless you all, hugs x

  34. So sorry for your loss! And I’m so sorry about how the ER nurses treated you. I’m a nurse and it makes me sad to hear stories of when nurses weren’t going out of their way to be kind. I’m thankful that you had supportive nurses, though, when you needed it most. I’m praying for continued healing of your family. Your precious Walter is in heaven and like you said, he didn’t experience the hurt and pain of this world; he only knows the perfect love of our Heavenly Father. And one day, you’ll all be sharing in that together. Praying for you and thank you for sharing your story with us.

  35. I’m so sorry for your devastating loss. God bless your family, and may your angel baby watch over his mama, daddy, and sisters. ❤

  36. I am so sorry you lost your precious little boy. I honestly couldn’t imagine what your all going through. I don’t believe in abortion and think its discusting that people can abort even further in their pregnancy. All babies are little people even when they are 6weeks. I had a scan at 6weeks and could see my sons head and knees and his little heart beat! I am truly saddened by your story and give you hope and love towards your future. Xx

  37. I am truly sorry for your loss. Your story is very touching and your inspiration to take these pictures of your beautiful Walter will inspire many. May God bless your family.

  38. May God continue to be with you and your family at this time the healing process is so hard I have the same pics of my son born at 20 week ..Sad they didn’t reconize my sons perfectly formed body the beating of his heart, his tiny hands I was all alone when I went to the hospital 20 yrs ago all they could say was there was nothing they could do ..didn’t even try just handed me my baby for a short bonding time then took him away …I never seen him again..Days later after lots of hospital drugs signing of papers apparently I donated my babys organs I never really knew what happened all I have is to pics the nurses gave me..I will and have never fully healed from this.But I have faith an know one day I will see my baby boy again..Thanks for sharing your pics brought back a beautiful memory..

  39. I am so sorry for ur loss. May the good lord keep him always and grant u and your family peace in your heart. And know that he is soaring thru the clouds with all of the angels. Sending you and your family love from me and my family.

  40. I think that God will use your story for his purpose . I think God has given you boldness that surpasses all understading to be able to go through this and be able to touch other lives with ur story. Thank God for the moment you got to share with this precious child and what kind of impact it will leave in others LIVES to. Amen God is so Good……..

  41. I’m reading your wonderful story and this has taken me back to my own. January 13, 37 years ago we had our little boy at 26 weeks. I never got to hold him. I was so sick I couldn’t even go to the funeral. I do have a picture. God I know so needed him more than we did. With all the prayers and support, we saw this as a special journey that God chose us to take. We will see him again one day, because we are both children of our Lord Jesus Christ. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family thru this hard time, but remember that you are never alone. Precious family, thanks for sharing your story and pictures for all the world to see that Walter was a child not a fetus. May everyone see this story and truly be touched. Maybe some would seek Jesus as their personal Savior, so their eternal life would be sealed and Heaven bound. May God bless you and your family. Stay strong and lean on the Everlasting Arms of JESUS.

  42. What a beautiful angel x
    I’m so glad you got time to spend with him and they didn’t just whisk him away from you x
    I’m in love with these pictures x
    I lost my 1st at 11 weeks and when I saw them I cud tell all the body’s parts, head, arms, legs, body…face, that was hard to view, to know your son was only 8 weeks older and was so much bigger is amazing x
    I see my angel as a blessing and always will x I hope you continue to keep his memory alive

    My heart goes out to you xxx

  43. I’m so sorry for your loss! You have a beautiful family. God has another angle looking down !

  44. Absolutely heartbreaking 😥 I’m in tears but thank you for sharing your story and your precious pictures. He is absolutely perfect, it’s amazing to see.
    I’m so sorry for your tragic loss

    Love & hugs

    Halifax England xx

  45. You’re in my prayers. Little Walter is one of God’s great miracles and in his short life has been and will be a testimony of God’s great love.

  46. I am soo sorry for your loss :c
    He’s so precious!! These photos made me tear up a bit and happy inside because I can see you guys love him a lot.
    He would of been in such a loving family ❤

  47. I know what you went through my first son was born at 19 1/2 wks also I had went for a routine check up to check on him and to see if we can find out what we were having when they couldn’t find the heart beat. I was rushed to the ER and my Dr at that time said if I want to be admitted or if I want I can go haave him at home. I stayed in the hospital my baby was born dead. This happened in 2004 since then we have tried conceiving but nothing now I am glad to say after trying so long I am soon to meet my daughter on 28th of July. I’ll say one thing but I was already at the point to divorce my husband and let him find someone who can give him kids as I was told I couldn’t conceive kids since the Dr said I had Polycystic ovarion syndrome. I feel your pain I know what it feels like and I am glad I could share this with someone who has gone through the same thing I did. God bless you..

  48. Thank you for sharing. The law sucks. Walter was truly a child. I pray that you never have experience another loss like this. God bless.

  49. I dont know what to say other than the fact that I am completely and utterly heartbroken for you I am currently 36 weeks pregnant and I cant imagine the pain you are going through and my heart really does go out to you and your family at this horrific time he is in a better place now and god only takes those of great value I know these words will probably not give you much comfort but I do send your way my deepest condolences

    Thinking of you at this difficult time

    1. My heart is full of sorrow for your loss, It is clear that life begins at conception. End of story, I had our daughter after 7 long years of infertility and 5 surgeries and a million proceedures, When she was 3 years old I lost a little son at 14 weeks, I had been on my feet too much doing our daughters 3rd. birthday party and never sat down all day lond, I started spotting that night,, my Dr. finally called in some progesterone suposotories to stop the labor from comming on, but it didn’t work and I ended up loosing him and having a DNC also. It took 7 more years to get pregnant with our son Louis but with IUI artificial insem. sortof back in 1990. He had a twin that died in uturo, so I carried Louis full term. I tried Invitro several times and have seen cells form into a little heartbeat and the start of life, I know that they are little people from the start, no dought, I saw under a microsrope and know that life start then. It took me 17 years to have two children, our daughter is now a mother of a 18 months old and I am the proudest grandmother, and my son Louis is 23 now, So motherhood ment the world to me, it took years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to achieve our goals as parents, but we did it. The pain never goes away, what I did when pregnant with Louis was progesterone injections for the first 3 months to hold the pregnancy. My fertility specialist here in Chicago knew what to do, I would have never lost the one baby had I had support with progesterone. You see, the anti pregnancy pill or the morning after pill or what ever they call it these days is an Anti-progesterone pill that make the support of the progesterone go away so the fetus falls out and comes unglued from the walls of the uterus. I am pro life, God gives us miracles and we need to take care of his miracles. I hope you have the best support in the future and you and your family get what you need to fulfill your life. Hugs Linda

      1. I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine losing a child, especially after yearning for one for so long. Even so, your statements about the morning after pill are simply not true. the morning after pill is not “anti-progesterone”, it is in fact a pill containing high levels of of synthetic progesterone. It also in no way makes “the fetus fall out and come unglued from the walls of the uterus”. It actually stops the ovulation process, preventing the sperm and egg from ever meeting in the fallopian tubes.

  50. I lost a little boy at 18 weeks in 2008. I was devastated. I had two little girls older than him and have since had 2 more little girls. I am
    Praying for you as you make this journey no parent should have to. I am so sorry for the loss of your baby. He was beautiful and perfectly formed.

  51. OMG i am so sorry for your loss he was perfect in all ways and beautiful…god bless you and your family… grandson was delivered at 26 weeks because my daughters niece jumped into her stomach…..he was born at 2 lbs 3 ozs he was also beautiful with lots and lots of prayers i think god he pulled through he is now 13 mths old and weighs 20 lbs he is my world…….dont give up sweety god will see to you and your family….your beautiful family will grow again…..please keep us updated on how you and your family are doin…….your story is beautiful and very touching it will touch many many lives ….god bless you both and your baby girls

  52. I am soo sori for you lose. He is so perfect and knows he is much loved!! And is a beautiful little angel now. Thinking of you and your family.

  53. Heartbreaking. My heart breaks for you. A baby is a baby upon conception. May god watch over you and your family.

  54. I am so sorry for your loss .i cant even begin to imagine the pain you all are feeling .he is such a precious and delicate little thing and im sure where ever he is he is blessed to of had u for a mother for the short period of his life on this earth.thankyou for sharing your story and no matter what anyone tells you he was a person and he was your child .god bless you all xx

  55. What a beautiful little baby. So brave of u to show something so personal. I think it was a really love thing to see and people should really appreciate that u shared such a emotional part of your life. I’m 22 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby and I honestly think it’s a beautiful thing to see.. Thank you for sharing with everyone

  56. I held a little one at 19 weeks and fought the same battles with staff. We had a few beautiful souls that understood. I had to fight to be able to bury her. Sign horrible forms about not taking her home. She was, to them, nothing and I could not handle that. I made them each call her by name. I took photos. They are much like yours. You are a brave soul.

  57. Am soo sorry about your loss ,my prayers will be sent for you family♡ he is in a better place in heaven with God, god Bless your family.

  58. I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful son! I think these pics that you have captured of him give an entirely new and amazing perspective of what a little human being looks like at this stage! It’s true some states will abort up to 23 weeks. 24 weeks is the cut off bc babies are viable for life on their own at that point! I can not imagine your feelings right now. My loss happened at 6 weeks and that was hard enough! My prayers are with you and your family!

  59. Hi there sorry to hear of your loss, I also went through this 7 years ago, we lost our little girl Taylor. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with in my life.. I still think about her and wonder what she would have like.. All I can say is time is a healer x all the best xx

  60. So sorry for your loss, my sister went through something similar so I can understand what you and your family went through. Your precious little Angel will be with my nephew Shaun, he will be looked after. God bless you all! Xx

  61. I’m so touched by this I hope u carry this memory with u and ur daughters understand 1day my thoughts and prayers r with u and ur loved 1’s

  62. I am so sorry for your loss. The exact same thing happened to me except I didn’t even get to hold my baby the nurse keep telling me to look away an she grabbed him up and left the room with in minutes I only got to see him from a distance he was so little I wanted to hold him and see him and she said it wasn’t aloud because I was not 20 weeks by just a few days

  63. I lost my twin boys at 14 1/2 weeks they were perfectly developed and beautiful. I still think about them everyday ! I even had people tell me that it was selfish of me to have a graveside service and waste money on a stone! But I needed my closer ! My heart cries for you because I have also had to share the heavy burden of the loss of children. Stay strong! You’re family is in my thoughts!

    1. Mae, The people who told you it was selfish to have a graveside service, and that it was foolish to waste money on a stone were the selfish ones. Your loss was monumental. Your children mattered then, and they matter now. I am pausing now and praying for you. I pray that you will find the serenity to let go of the hurt these unkind people caused you. They had no right to do so, and no right to cause you any more pain–don’t allow them to do so by hanging onto any anger or bitterness. May you know the strength that God can and does give to His children. Open your heart to Him and let Him heal you, Sweetie.

  64. I’m soooo sorry for your “Earthly” loss but “Heaven” gain! I went through full term. I lost my first child, Johnna Marie. Beautiful baby girl! Well be with them in Heaven one day & our WHOLE family will be together again…!!! Amen & GOD Bless You & Your Family! 🙏

  65. Such a heartfelt story couldn’t imagine what you or your family have went through such an absoloutle strong woman you are

  66. Thank you so much for providing an insight into your world. Im 16 weeks pregnant and reading this just made me appreciate everything so much more, my friend had an abortion just a few weeks ago and her attitude was one of ‘its just a bunch of cells’ i wish i could have shown her this before she went through with it because it breaks my heart that she did. You are incredibly brave to share something like this, but have touched my heart forever! you are one amazing, inspirational woman!

  67. I am so sorry for your loss, this has brought so many years to my eyes. I’m sure Walter is a beautiful angel watching over you and his family. Love to you all xx

  68. I know your pain. I was 5 months pregnant and I lost my little girl. She was a still birth. It will be 2 years ago on July 15th. One thing that I regret is that I never got to hold her. I couldn’t bring myself to hold her. But now my husband and I have a beautiful little girl. She will be 1 year old in August

  69. Thank you for sharing your son with us. It gave me the opportunity to talk to my kids about abortion. They didn’t know what that meant. Now they do. They think Baby Walter is so cute. I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine what you are going through. Praying for you and your family!

  70. Thank you for Sharing your story. I am so sorry for your loss and I Pray God continue to bless you and your family.

  71. I know your pain. With our first child I started having complication at 19 weeks as well. But God did spare me the pain of loosing him. He is now 7 years old. Between him and is sister I did have 2 miscarriages. I see that you already have two beautiful girls. My God continue to bless you and your family. Children are a blessing from God.

  72. My heart breaks for your family with the loss of Walter. I went through a similar situation, except I had a placental abruption and lost my baby at 2 days shy of 19 weeks after trying for 5 long years to conceive her. Words will not help but the power of prayer will ease the pain somewhat. I will be praying for your beautiful family to heal. Keep your faith strong because all things are possible with God.

  73. This feature left me absolutely speechless. I’m researching the “medicalization” of childbirth in the 21st century, and this story gave me a thousand reasons to keep learning. I am so sorry that you ever had to deal with anyone who didn’t treat you or your family with the respect that you deserve during such a time. What speaks most strongly is how you reacted to the situation – you shared a gift with all of us when you posted the pictures of your beautiful little son, Walter. God be with you.

  74. I know what your going through. I lost my 1st daughter to sids at the precious age of 2 months and 21 days. Its gonna be a rocky road, but keep your faith strong in the lord and he will see you through it. My advice is the first year is the hardest. You will wonder what he would be doing or look like. Always wishing to hold them in your arms. Wanting to hear his first word. The holidays are the worst. I just cried through the all. God bless you and you are in my prayers.

  75. Im so sory for ur loss the picturs of ur baby boy r so beautiful I bawld when I saw them. I was so scared when I went in to early labor with my 1st son I was 31 weeks he was 2lbs 12ozs he almost didnt make it now its been 3 years im 33 weeks with our 2nd son and ur pictures moved me I kno ur son is n heaven and I hope u can feel peace 4 ur son when ur done greaving he was a blessing even tho he wasnt here long

  76. This is absolutely beautiful and put me in tears. I’m so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and your family. Little Walter is now in heaven with our Father, may he rest in peace.

  77. Wow…after reading this I cried. I am so sorry for your loss. No one can understand what you went through and it must of been terrible. But he is with our Lord and will be greatly taken care of. My prayers are to him as well as the entire family. Going through the pictures made me smile. Most mothers are not able to hold their children if their like that.

  78. Thank you so much for sharing your story. 33 years I too was 19 weeks and lost my daughter I was not given the option of seeing her or the option of a funeral they just took her away and yes I too was treated in the er. It is a sorrow that I will never get over and I miss her every day. Your story brought back so much for me but I can gladly say that I now have 2 grown sons and a beautiful 18 month old grand daughter who I spoil to no end. Thank you again for sharing. May you always be blessed.

  79. So so touched by this story. Never experiened something like your story but have had an early misscarriage which was hard enough to deal with. Your strength is inspiring & shows you can get through even the hardest times that life shows you. I adore your photos they show a beautiful little boy that the heavens can now enjoy!! This story makes me even more thankful than i already am for my little girl. Wish you & your family all the happiness in the world xxx

  80. Was a heartbreaking story same happend 2 me at 15 but them pictures what a beauitful little baby 😦 so sad rip baba xxxzzzz

  81. Thank you sharing your precious baby with us. My heart sorrows with you.
    He’ll be waiting for you as will my husband and two of our children when WE reach Heaven. Be blessed in your sorrow knowing he is with Jesus.

  82. Thank you so much for sharing these pictures. If it even changes one persons perception of when a baby is considered a baby then you’ve made a huge difference. God bless you and your family!!

  83. Even those two precious little girls knew they were holding a gift from God, a child, the son of their mother and father, their brother! I defy ANYONE who has the capacity to use common sense, intellect, and wisdom to convince them otherwise!!!!
    What a beautiful story and testament of faith and belief!
    If only the world could understand what your two sweet daughters already know!
    God Bless

  84. I am so sorry for your loss. Everyone has a purpose and as sad as it is Walter will be a witness to save. I lost my baby at 15 weeks. The pain is unbearable. I am praying for your comfort.

  85. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful story and your beautiful son. I can’t imagine what you are going through. Momma hearts should not have to go through things like this. Praying for our Father’s peace and favor over your family. Walter is absolutely beautiful. With much love, Kelly G.

  86. Thank you for your boldness in sharing your love story with Walter. The fact that you can give God the glory in the midst of such pain is a true testimony of what faith is. Thank you for trying to save other lives through the life you lost. Seems like that is what God did with His son as well! Like you I have a baby (don’t know whether it is a boy or girl) waiting for me in heaven. Looking forward to the day we can be together with our baby and yours in our eternal home! May the Lord continue to wrap His arms of comfort around you and give you peace.

  87. Thank you for sharing your story, my husband and I lost twins, I was only 8 weeks along, but I saw those two heart beats on the monitors, they were our babies, I lost them a month apart from each other, they were twins so we knew they belonged together, together in heaven one day we will meet them both. God has 4 of my children, his little angels. Till we meet again I love you.

  88. Thank you for sharing these precious pictures of your little angel!! Pictures like these should be “must-see” for anyone considering an abortion!! God bless your sweet family!!

  89. I’m so sorry about your lose. These pictures are beautiful as I’d your family. I’m still crying from your story. I’ve had 3 pregnancies but only 2 babies my first was a miscarriage. I was 20 when my oldest son I have with me was born at 29 weeks and I know he could very easily not be with me today, my heart breaks for you so much I’m not sure what would have happened had I lost him. My youngest son was born 4 weeks early but totally healthy thankfully. You are such a strong person to have gone through all this. You will be in my prayers. And you’re son is beautiful.

  90. Thank you so much for sharing the photos I have learned a lot from your touching story! May god bless y’all and watch over y’all!! Thank you very much for sharing!

  91. God bless you and your family always. This brings back so many memories of when I lost my 2nd son on September 27th 2000. I was about as far along as you were. I will never forget that day. Our precious boys are friends for life in no better place to be, Heaven with Jesus. I’m here if you ever need to talk.

  92. Thank you so much for showing and sharing ure beauty full baby with us, I’m pregnant 8 weeks and for 3 weeks of that I have been in total agony what to do weather to keep him/her or abort ( I’m not in a great position for children at the moment) but you have put my life into perspective, I can love this baby and “get by” so that’s enough now for me, I’m keeping this baby I’m carring and I’m going to treasure him/her for eternity, I’m so sorry for ure loss but I thank you so much for the pics and confidence and hope I gained from them xxxxx

    1. Kirsty,

      I am so incredibly excited that you have made this decision! I shared with my friends your decision and you have many many people rejoicing and paying for you. Please know that I will be praying hard for you as you walk this road and that The Lord will provide your every need. Thank you for choosing life! Please email me if you ever need some encouragement. Give that baby an extra big hug and kiss for me when he/she gets here. God bless! Lexi

      1. Lexi,
        God is going to use your story and these amazing pictures to turn more mothers around, choosing life instead of abortion. The world hides the truth from us and abortion seems to be a quick and easy solution. However, every story of abortion I have ever heard came at high price. And both the parents had to deal with issues of not being able to forgive themselves. These beautiful pictures of Walter tell quite another story to the “just a fetus” lie. Walter is fearfully and wonderfully made. Formed with amazing detail and care at 19 weeks and 3 days. So Lexi, I want to bless you and your family with a story of hope, beauty from ashes. That the Lord would cause every place your feet go to prosper. That Walter’s short life and story would turn the hearts of the parents back to their children. And that you would be minister’s of life to those who have a death sentence looming over them. In Jesus Name. Thank you for sharing your story and the your pictures that speak volumes. God Bless you, Jody

      2. Lexi,
        I am praying for you and your family as you go through this difficult time. I praise God that a precious life has been saved because of you and your family’s tremendous faith and willingness to share something so private and difficult with the world! I pray that many others will view your blog and see how beautifully formed your baby was at 19 weeks and choose to save their baby’s life instead of choosing abortion! I am praying that God will continue to give you and your family peace and comfort as you go through this difficult time!

    2. I will be praying for you! Your baby is not a mistake…God wanted him or her to be on this earth! I will pray for provision for you and your baby! I am very glad this story has helped you change your mind about abortion! God bless you and your precious little one!

    3. Kirsty Praise God you see the gift that is inside of you. Remember too there is the choice of adoption. You give your child life and someone a child they can not have themselves. Adoption is often very open these days and you would get to choose the adoptive family and how much contact with your child you would like, from nothing to maybe letters and pictures or even an active Aunt/Uncle role. I will say If you choose to keep your child will be the hardest job you have ever done in your life and you will sacrifice a lot but you will never regret it.

      1. I am so very sorry about your beautiful and perfect baby boy…I went thru this at 16 weeks when a visit to the OB found no movement along with no heartbeat during an U/S…Hardest thing ever is to lose a child and my heart goes out to anyone that has.
        May the good Lord hold you close. I wish you peace in knowing that your baby rests in the arms of Jesus and that you will see your sweet Walter again one day ♥

  93. So sorry for your loss .
    He is a gorgeous baby & is now in heaven with all the angels ♥
    I know the pain you are experiencing , I also lost my daughter when I was 26 weeks pregnant♥
    May your son rest in peace ♡♡♡

  94. I’m so so sorry for your loss, it’s absolutely amazing how you had the strength to take pictures and share with the world. Your son is absolutely beautiful, your were blessed with such a short time with him by I’m sure he knows how much his mummy loved him.

    He only picks the best to be his angel babies in the sky, xxx

  95. I am so sorry for your loss. I went through this three times one at 16 weeks then 20 then 23 weeks. Its a pain that no one understands until the go theought it. Thank you for you amazing story, and I admire yiur strength. Your little angel ir probably right now with my little angels enjoying them selves. Thank you again and again I am sorry for your loss.

  96. This made me cry, my best friend had a story pretty much the same but the Er sent her home. While at home gave birth to a baby. When I was told my heart broke n still does she would’ve now be in her teens. My heart n prayers go out to u n her family. Im truly praying for u guys.
    may god be with you all during these painful times.
    And im sorry about ur loss,
    Lady sadness

  97. This is so sad….I cried…because I have been through a loss of my own my son was born at 37 weeks and he had a heart problem and he was in NICU for a week and home with me for 4 weeks and he passed away in the bed with me….its very heart breaking loosing a baby and no one understands unless they have been through. Bless you all its very tough

  98. Dearest Lexi, Joshua, Michayla & Emma,

    I’m very sorry for the loss of your son and brother Walter. May you find comfort to know so many care and share your loss.

    Though many of us have had similar experiences, we do NOT know what you are feeling, thinking or experiencing because we all come from different life experiences.

    After the loss of our son the thing I learned that was most helpful to me was that we all grieve differently and that doesn’t make another’s grief less or more, just different.

    Holy Creator thank you for creating Walter Joshua in Your image and breathing life into him. Thank your for appointing the very caring and efficient OB and funeral home staff. We praise you in the midst of this loss for this family that they are using their loss for good. Empower Joshua & Lexi to answer Michayla’s questions to a level of her understanding, Father if Joshua & Lexi’s questions can’t be answered, increase their Faith, draw them closer to each other and especially to You. Lastly we ask you God to guide and direct our efforts from empty words and gestures to actions to help this family heal in Your perfect time. I will praise You in this storm!
    In Jesus’ name, amen.

    1. Amen to that, I feel very sorry for theories of your gorgeous little boy, we each have our own challenges and this shouldn’t have to be one of them I am sure the Lord had a plan when he took your little boy

  99. I lost my baby boy daniel at 21 weeks in the uk and it will be 7 years ago this December anf not a day goes by that I wonder what he would be doing like you I also have two older children and my middle one took it hard. I now have another boy who is 5 and I really do think he has apart of Daniel inside him as he has so much love to give. In the uk if you are under 22weeks they class your loss as a miscarriage. And you cant get all the help that you need. It is hard and I really wished I had the photos likeypu have, I have two Photos of Daniel, his blanket that he was wrapped in and a teddy bear. Hugs to you all xx

  100. I am so very sorry for your loss. In 2010, I was in a car accident. I was ejected from the vehicle and I was 24 weeks pregnant with a little girl. When, I arrived at the ER, they told me they thought ahe was fine, her heart beat was in the 150’s. Then, when they brought the ultrasound in, they started to panic. I was rushed into the OR for an emergency C-section. My little girl, Trinity Evelyn, was born at 10:34 in the morning. Twenty minutes later, she passed away. By the time, I was able to hold her, she was already gone. I was only given a few minutes to hold my beautiful girl. And because of the trauma of the car accident, my memory is very fuzzy. After I had some time to recover, we had a burial ceremony and she was given a grave stone. I was never given a birth certificate. only a “fetal” death certificate because she never breathed on her own. I may not know your exact pain, but I can empathise with your story. Thank you for sharing, your hope and strength helps my own. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

  101. Hugs to you…and thank you for giving us a visual to us of just how perfect and wonderfully we are created…term babies are precious but most of us never see the hidden wonder of one so small. It is wonderful to see that you shared this time as a family. God will fill your void, he will not leave you comfortless.

  102. This is a very touching and close to my heart…we also lost a precious baby boy, my beautiful nephew Oliver James. He was about the same age and was very much a baby and not a fetus to us. I thank you for sharing your story and photos of you angel with the world…letting people see that these are children and should be protected. Thank you & god bless!

  103. Thank you for being so brave and sharing your story. I lost my baby at 3 months, and it was a very similar experience. I had contractions for a couple of hours in the ER, and eventually the baby came out while I was in the bathroom. I was able to see my baby for a short period of time…and the baby looked so much like Walter. I decided to not be told the sex because I felt it would be harder for me to cope with. It was actually really comforting to see these pictures and know that someone knows EXACTLY what I went through. It was horrible. God bless you and thank you again!

  104. I just wanted to say you are so brave for publishing your story I’m so sorry for your loss my thoughts and prayers go out to u and ur family. I’ve never seen anything like that in my life so perfectly formed and soo tiny. Hope u are keeping well. Xxx

  105. Such a beautiful story and family. God bless you, your family and your perfect baby boy. So greatful that you find peace in the Lord. So greatful that you shared your story…. I have never taken my son for granted, but I will be sure to kiss him extra tonight.

  106. so sorry for your loss. The pictures you took are so nice its amazing to see what a baby looks like at 19weeks. Im so happy you got to take all those pictures and share Walter with your girls they will be so thankful to you when there of luck in the future xx

  107. I am so sorry for your loss. I too lost a child at 19 weeks 5 days. I am happy that you have the memories of your son. We took pictures of our daughter and they are a great comfort 5 years later. We will pray for you and your family as you continue to walk down this difficult path.


  109. so precious and very much a baby in my eyes the day you read the positive sign on your test that says your pregnant, he will live on in heaven as I believe my 3 heaven babys do, beautiful pictures so delicate and amazing, what a remarkable lady you are and I think this will help so many mummys of all kinds xx

  110. What a truly heartbreaking story. You’re such an inspirational person and family to share everything that happened. Reading through it and then looking at the pictures my heart sank and I sobbed my eyes out. I recently discovered I’m pregnant with my second child and at no point have I considered terminating but my family are trying to put a lot of pressure on me to do so (they will NOT win) I just hope they see your story and feel ashamed of themselves. In my opinion a life is a life from the word go! Thank you for sharing your story. I hope you heal in time xx

  111. My heart goes out to u and your family you are so brave and amazing your girls are very lucky and your little Walter would b so proud of u iv just found out I’m pregnant and can’t imagine what u went through I hope you and your family are well and all the best for your future love to u from Kent England xx

  112. Thank you for sharing your beautiful baby boy with me and everyone else. I am very sorry for your loss. You have a beautiful family and it is a great honor for me to you share your son with your daughters. They will always remember there brother. My daughter was 1 when I had an eptopic pregnancy and she still remembers 8 years later mommy had another baby. They pictures are a true treasure for you and your family. You have been truely blessed to hold him and be with him for the short time you had God bless you and your family.

  113. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. It must be very hard. Thank you for sharing your story with us, eventhough many who read it don’t know you. But I’m sure one day you all will be together in Heaven and that wil be joy above all. Till that time he’ll be watching over you from above and know you loved and love him very much, he’ll help you when you most need it.

  114. Im so sorry for ur loss i have 5 children of my own n cant imagine what u r gping though. I think u and ur family r amazing for sharing ur story n photos of ur precious baby boy. R.I.P little man thoughts r with u all xx

  115. I am crying right now. Thank you for showing us this beautiful story I am so sorry for your loss I well be praying for your family and you have two wonderful girls that loves u very much :)) your son well always be in your heart.

  116. Thank you for sharing your story !!! I cried the whole way through ,I’m so very sorry for your loss 😦 but I thank you for sharing your personal story and I applaude you for making sure your family was able to see him, remember and show the world how much you loved your son!!! I’m sure this is a very tough time for your family but know that your littlest Angel is looking down on you lovingly for he knows he was well loved !!!

  117. Your son was so absolutely perfect and beautiful! I also am glad you captured his story in photos to share and remember. May the Lord wrap his loving arms around you at this time and hold you close. God bless you!

  118. I too, miscarried three times. I never got to see my babies. I am so sorry for your loss. I DID have a beautiful daughter after the first miscarriage and two more beautiful girls after the last two miscarriages. There is hope.

  119. I am very sorry for your families loss. I went into labor following an emergency appendectomy when I was 22 weeks. I feel your pain and hope that you find comfort in knowing you are not alone. Thoughts and prayers

  120. In my military career I’ve seen a lot of death and I guess you can get unfeeling for it. Your story and pictures changed that for this tough 71 year old Army Officer, it made me pretty teary eyed. I am sorry for your loss.

  121. Oh Lexi, You are such a beautiful strong women. I am truly sorry for your loss and I think and pray for you and Josh and your girls all the time. Walter is such a precious little baby and I thank you for sharing this.

  122. I believe a baby is a baby front the moment of conception, i have been blessed with 2 beautiful sons but also suffered a miscarriage inbetween, u r truly an inspiration and hope this helps other women that sadly have to experience this sad time xx rip baby boy xxxx

  123. Actually had me in tears such a lovely thing for you to share. Sorry for your loss. A loss of a child no matter how far it has developed is one of the hardest thing to have to suffer. I also think house photos you took are the most beautiful thing ever. X

  124. Im sorry for your loss He’s beautiful so precious and tiny and it’s nice that your daughters got to hold there baby brother my heart goes out to u all xx

  125. Thank you for sharing, your son is perfect, I am so sorry for your loss…. God bless you and your family.

  126. May I just say how beautiful your son is and how sorry I am for your loss. My husband and I lost our a baby 4 months ago. This was my second miscarriage, I also am blessed with a wonderful son and daughter who bring us joy each day. Thank you for being brave enough to share your story. Miscarriage is still a subject people don’t want to discuss. Most people say hurtful things without realising. People find it hard to understand how you can grieve for someone you never really knew, but boy do you grieve. You will be in my prayers. Xx

  127. Hi Lexi,first of all im so sorry for your loss.i really felt so sad while reading your reminded me about my experience almost 15 yrs ago also when i nearly lost my eldest son same way as you did but the only difference was my very so kind and caring OB fixed the problem as quick as she could so my baby won’t be delivered by himself.i was 6 months pregnant at that time and the problem started few days after my appendectomy.One morning i felt some pain and something hot gushed out of me as if my water broke so i was rushed to the hospital.At that time my OB even warned me first thing that it if he was really to come out the thing is he is to be delivered so at that time as a preliminary option she injected me something to prevent my baby coming out then i had tobe in the hispital for 3 weeks on strict complete bed rest that i am not even allowed to go to the toilet so ifi needed one i had to do it in my was a torture for me really lying in bed fir that long but because i wanted my baby to be alive and that i loved him so much that torture was nothing to me.And by God’s love and help my baby was not delivered stillborn.Infact he is 14 yrs old now.Im sure you have questions about what happened to you but the Lord has a purpose why did this happened.I am so thankful for sharing yourstory and Walter’s pics.I had to see his pics over and over again as he is so gorgeous.Even though he is physically gone im sure he hasn’t left you and your family at all as he will be your Angel now always there to protect and guide you.I pray that you will have more courage on this sad moment of your life and praying too that you will be strong enough to overcome it.Take care and God bless you and your family.

  128. Thank you for sharing your experience with others. Hopefully it will make someone appreciate the miracle of life they have been blessed with. You are amazing and I don’t think you will ever regret having those photos. Nothing can ever change the fact that he was here with you…no matter how short the time was. Love and prayers to you and your family.

  129. What an amazing and strong family. Through the world of Facebook I found your incredible story from the other side of the world in Scotland. I couldn’t help but cry reading this and it will stay with me for the rest of my life. Thank you for sharing and reminding me how precious my children are. I wish you and your family all the love in the world. The most striking and incredible photos that I have ever seen. Thank you again ♥

  130. What a beautiful little boy, he is in a better place now and one day you’ll see him again, for now he’s looking down on your all and smiling. What an inspirational story. God bless xx

  131. What a beautiful baby boy. Your strength to share your story is admirable. My thoughts are with you and your family, your little angel will watch over you all until you meet again and spend an eternity together. I’m sure he’s proud of his Mummy.

  132. I cryed when reading your story,lots of memories as i myself lost a baby at 22 weeks, god bless you and your family ❤ xx

  133. May God be with you. I cant begin to imagine the torment and pain you feel for your loss, but always always remember that he may not be here with u in person but definitely with you in spirit. The love you hve for him is unexplainable and he for you the same. Be blessed and remember God is love. You are a strong woman and have a strong family.
    im so sorry for your loss ill keep you guys in my prayers.

  134. Thank you for sharing this story. You are so strong. This is the kind of reality check that humanity needs; as you said, in some countries, babies at the same stage as Walter could be aborted. It’s so wrong. I’ve been against abortion since I was 10, after seeing a picture of a small foetus. Babies are still babies, no matter how big or small, active or not, they are all someone’s perfect little angel – as Walter is.

    I wish you well.

    20, Bristol, England.

  135. This is so beautiful. We never know why these things happen, but we have to rely on God in these times; He is magnificent and is taking such good care of your son. The beautiful love that you talked about during such a horrifying experience shows God and His wonderful love so much. I am praying for you all and thank you for sharing and using this experience to glorify God.

  136. What beautiful photographs and memories of your baby boy, yes they did reduce me to tears and so so sorry for your loss, but not tears of sadness strangely. Wishing all the best o you an your family ❤

  137. You are so brave, your baby is beautiful. So sorry for your loss but he’s with the angels now and perfectly happy. Rest in paradise little man. My love and thoughts are with you always. Xx

  138. Your so brave!!! My baby was 31weeks and that was hard enough your such a insperation!! Sat here crying my eyes out what a wounderfull little boy he is! R.I.P little man such a brave boy thinking about you are your family xxx

  139. I am So sorry for your loss…. its amazing how perfectly formed your baby was… I have never seen pictures like this before and I don’t think many others have either. Thank you for sharing them u are all very brave. Laws need to change, I understand the word viable and understand the meaning and as a mother of 3 it makes me very upset. Your lil baby was perfectly formed, fetus and non viable is just medical terminally. I wish all your family all the love in the world and the strength to stay strong. I hope this goes viral and maybe your beautiful lil Walter can change this world.. keep us all posted as I and I sure thousands of others would live to support u and follow your progress… u are all a true insperation.. x x x

  140. Omg! This story is so so heartbreaking I had to read it from start to finish I cannot imagine the emotions u went through and the pain and heartbreak you must have suffered I am with you through all this as I have suffered two miscarriages but my babies I only managed to carry to eight weeks each time I manages to get a real good scan photo of the first one and even at only eight weeks it is a very visible baby with features! Not just a foetus ! This was my first pregnancy and such a shock because I haf been trying unsucessfully for 10 years. I really cannot imagine the emotional pain you have had to go through labour at 19 weeks I dont know how I would cope! My thoughts are with you at this such sad time r.i.p.little boy and look after my two angels for me god bless xxxxxxxxx

  141. Im very sorry for you loss. The laws should be changed to give babies like little Walter a chance. so glad you shared your story..xx sending you all a hug

  142. I’m so sorry for your loss! I can’t imagine what you are going through as a parent! God bless your baby boy and you and your family!

  143. I am so very sorry for your great loss. And yes one day you will be reunited never to part again. May God hold ypu close and ease your pain……..

  144. Thank you for sharing your experiences, and of course the pictures – there is always beauty in everything in the world.. and your son no matter what happened – is a beautiful soul in and out 🙂 i wish you well!

  145. Thank you for sharing your story… Your heart… Your love for your family… and the Trust and confidence you have in your Heavenly Father! My life is forever changed by your words and photos…May the God of all comfort continue to fill you with perfect peace!

  146. I am so sorry for your loss xThank you for sharing your touching story and beautiful pictures . Best of luck for the future may time heal your pain x

  147. Your story has brought a very close personal tear to my eye. What a beautiful little baby you have. Myself and my husband have recently been through something very similar. The only difference being that our little angel wouldn’t have made it! She was only 20 weeks gestation but time doesn’t matter, from when that little 1 is inside you, he or she is yours, it doesn’t matter what form, it is your child! Your so strong to be able to share your story. We take peace in knowing that our little princess is now in safe hands and can not be hurt! I hope you stay strong and look after you and yours. Love to your family xx

  148. Thank you for sharing your story. Don’t let anyone every make you feel like these pictures are anything but beautiful and incredible. It is so important for you to share the story of your son’s life, it will be so healing for you to hear similar stories. My daughter was born at 24 weeks, and she did make it. She’s now a healthy 19 month old. I had labor pains at 19 weeks and no one at the hospital was concerned for me in any way, I had also only had one ultrasound, no blood tests, no measurements or blood pressure taken. My doctor was a religious zealot who didn’t want to take care of someone that was unwed. Luckily a high risk doctor delivered her when my liver and kidneys began to fail, and I was diagnosed with HELLP syndrome. Thank you so much for sharing. I’m praying for your family.

  149. Thank you for sharing. How precious and timely. Just met a couple who lost their first babies (twins) at 14 wks. Just yesterday, they requested their bodies be given them from the hospital after her d&c. They want to bury their children with a ceremony. I’ll share this with them to help them in their grief, memory of two lives in God’s presence and hope for a future family. I wish the funeral director they spoke with was as compassionate as your’s. This young new mom was told to unwrap her babies and determine whether they had bones or not because cremation may or may not be approved. She wishes she’d never unwrapped them 😦 Your photos are beautiful, tender and powerful. Pray for her and her husband. Blessings to you.

  150. I saw your photos and felt compelled to comment… First, I am so sorry for your loss. There is nothing worse than losing a child.
    Second I am so glad that you decided on photos! You will be able to keep them forever to remember him by. You see, I too lost a baby at 31 weeks along. Oddly enough I was in the doctors office the week before he passed and everything was fine. To say that things happen for a reason would not heal the hurt- I still have a hard time and he would have been 10 years old this past June 21st. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers!!!

  151. Thankyou for sharing, This is really such a sad story but amazing and i found really upsetting and cried all the way through this page, My heart felt so much grief for you but your angel will be with you always, my heart goes out to you all, God Bless you and you family xxx

  152. Such beautiful photos I lost my son at 17 weeks and he was also perfect I feel ur pain and I’m sorry he was taking so soon all my love xxxxxx

  153. I would like to start by saying sorry for your loss, as soon as I saw your pictures I knew exactly how you feel, I lost my son billy at 26weeks and have photos just like yours, I had my son on my own as the midwifes abandoned me and when billy entered the world it was just me and him. I called for help and when the midwives came to me they picked him and put him in a cardboard sick bowl and took him away, I then had emergency surgery and when I returned he was in a moses basket and I just wanted to take him home. I look at him every day and know he is being looked after in heaven,.

  154. I can’t even begin to know the pain you are going through. He was here for such a short time, but has impacted the lives of more people than most of us will in a lifetime. I pray that God uses this precious gift to be able to touch women that would even think of having an abortion. If his little life could save others…..

  155. Amazingly beautiful pictures. My heart feels deeply saddened for your loss. May your son rest in peace with the Angels in the sky.x

  156. You’ve really touched my heart with all your pictures, he’s so beautiful, it really is amazing that a tiny baby so premature can go through what he has, it just shows how precious our children are no matter how young or old they are x it’s so lovely that you got to hold him in your arms and it disgusts me that baby’s this premature are not classed as anything. I think he’s beautiful and he will always be special to you and everyone that has read yours and his story xx your amazing for staying strong x you have bin blessed xx

  157. You are so lucky you got to see your child. I had a miscarriage at 20 weeks and 2 days. The ER was horrible to me. They gave me nothing for pain when the doctor did a D and C. After, I asked the doctor if I could look at my baby. His response was well, you had 2 “fetuses” and they were both boys. But why do you want to see two bloody blobs? He then left carrying a plastic container that I assume my babies were in. I never got to see them but I know they are with Father. I was not given the opportunity to have them buried or anything. I am so sorry for your loss but I am glad that they let you and your family see and hold him. He is beautiful. I have to believs there

  158. I am so sorry for your loss. He is a beautiful baby. I am also sorry that you were treated so POORLY in the ER! Thank you for sharing your story & your family pics. God be with you. ❤

  159. I can not imagine how difficult that time must have been for you, but your story and every photo as touched me deeply. May you be blessed and I am also touched by your strong comfort in His care and love. My heart reached out when I read about your feelings of abandonment and loneliness in the ER. I wish you all the best for your future, and I am very sorry for your loss. May Walter rest in peace for he is truly special. I can’t find many words because I am so struck by your loss, but your story will forever be in my mind and heart. All the best to you and your family.

  160. This made me cry. When i was three months along i was hit in the stomach and the doctors kept telling me that i lost the baby but i kept saying No i don’t believe that. I kept praying that we didnt lose the baby. Another doctor came in the room and said that they’ll show that the baby didnt make it. They started to look for the heart beat and right away they found one! They said that would be mine but i started to smile and said No thats our baby! then they found out our baby made it and is totally fine. Now im 33 weeks and we’re having a beautiful baby girl! ❤ Your son is with god Watchin over you and your family. Thanks for sharing your store!

  161. I just don’t know what to say, can’t begin to imagine the pain you and your family are going through, thank you for sharing your precious pictures xx he was perfect xx

  162. Words cannot express how sorry I am for you and your family. I truly cannot imagine anything worse than losing a child. I want to thank you for sharing your story and the pictures of your beautiful son. I can only hope that someone somewhere sees them and it changes their viewpoint about life still in the womb. Your son is beautiful and I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  163. I admire your strength and courage. Your story is very evocative yet peaceful. God Bless you, little Walter, and your amazing family.

    A little flower lent not given
    To bud on earth then bloom in Heaven.

  164. Lexi really beautiful pictures of baby Walter brought me to tears you are a very strong woman I am so sorry for your loss prayers for you and your family and thank you for sharing your precious pictures such an inspiration xxxx RIP baby Walter x

  165. Lexi, you and Josh share such a beautiful gift between you. This story brought back so much pain in my heart because I to lost my baby at 20 weeks. I watched my baby remove it’s little thumb from it’s mouth and die. Your story touches my heart in so many ways, from one mother to another. The tears are hard to fight back to know what you and Josh are going through. You are a very strong lady Lexi and you know in your heart like I did in mine, God has your little angel. God Bless you and your family Lexi. Hugsssssssssss

  166. The tears that fall from my eyes right now are tremendous. Your strength is inspiring. He is a child of the heavens now and i hope he has a friend in my niece brooke who was born at 17weeks. My love goes to the mummy, daddy and proud siblings of your beautiful son. Play in the gardens of the angels my sweet

  167. So sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story and also thank you for sharing your photos of this beautiful little angel. God bless you all xx

  168. Thanks for sharing- I too lost a baby at 19 weeks. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  169. What a brave lady. I am so sorry for your loss and I can never imagine how hard it must of been for you! Its so sad and made me cry!:((((( xxx

  170. Just want to say how brave you all are, and how beautiful your family is!! Your little baby is fully formed and NOT a foetus, it’s such a touching story and so good that you’ve put it out there for people to see!! This will hopefully show people to understand more than the doctors let on about aborting at 20weeks !! Fingers crossed people see this story and change their minds, hope the family is ok at such a sad thing to happen xxxxxx all my love and best wishes xxx

  171. Thank you for sharing this. Through your incredible pain and love many will wake up to truth and love. Your children will be voices for the unborn and I just know that little Walter’s short life truly has been one of the most powerful in the history of mankind. Your family are in my family’s prayers.

  172. Thank you for sharing this. Through your incredible pain and love many will wake up to truth and love. Your children will be voices for the unborn and I just know that little Walter’s short life truly has been one of the most powerful in the history of mankind. Your family are in my family’s prayers

  173. Tears are strolling down my face God bless you and what a handsome baby boy and doctors need to step there game up this is happening all over the world far too often and thanks for sharing your story xxxxxx

  174. I’m very sorry for your loss & you do have a beautiful family. I wish you and your family all the health, happiness & blessings. This has happened to me 3 times with my husband and I, and still no children. I can’t seem to move on, so yes it is a horrible pain, mentally and physically. I must say I admire you & your family, I’m sure it was very hard, to post something so intimate and to share Walter’s story. You all stay happy, strong and blessed. Again thank you for sharing. God is amazing.

  175. I don’t know what to say. I’ve never been one to not have the words. This is a truly touching story. Thank you for sharing all your beautiful pictures. I hope this helps to convince pen pushers that boast about political correctness, that the term baby should be used from the start. You don’t hear a pregnant mother call her child a fetous. My thoughts are with you xxx

  176. I felt my heart very heavy seeing your baby boy. I’m so sorry. I almost lost my son in 1975 due to I had a placenta previa. I was 6 and a half months pregnant when I delivered. The doctor told my husband that our son had 20 minutes to live. He weight 3 pounds and the doctor didn’t think that my baby would make it because he was small. Well I have my son and he is 37 years old. He did not have complications Thank God. He stayed in the hospital for a month until he gained weight. At 5 pounds I got to take him home and grew like a weed. I love him… God Bless you and your family.

  177. The nhs has gone horrendous 2 be honest, such a sad & touching story, deepest sympathy for you and your family! Such a cutie 2 xx cheerish the photos! R.i.p little man x

  178. Your son is a very handsome young man and I am so sorry for your tremendous loss. You and your family are in my prayers, may you be richly blessed. Thank you for sharing your tragic but beautiful story and pictures….he is perfect and you shall see him again!

  179. Your little boy was such an axing gift from God. He was so special that God just wanted Walter to be with him. I pray that you will all stay strong and the blessings of God come upon you all. Walter may be gone but he will never be forgotten. God Bless you all xx

  180. Thank you for sharing your story I to lost my baby at 20 weeks and I hated when someone would tell me well at least you didn’t bond with it I was like its a baby not an it my prayers go out to you and your family

  181. He’s so precious! Thank you for sharing your story. I’m sorry this happened to you but I’m glad you have found some peace from being able to spend some time with your baby. X

  182. I have just read ur story, and cried from start to end. You are so brave. I simply cannot find the words to say other than God Bless you all. May your beautiful boy rest in peace. Love from the U.K. XX

    1. Beatrice Sterling What a Mother you are to show your other children the meaning of love and sorrow and respect for human life.

  183. Heaven has gained a beautiful little angel, I cannot even begin to imagine what you have been through, your story has certainly touched my heart and I will say a prayer for you all and your precious little son, god bless Walter xxxxxx

  184. I am so sorry for your loss… Your son is so beautiful& perfect,
    I dont know what to say so I send you this poem.. God bless you& your family ❤ xxxx

    What Makes A Mother

    I thought of you and closed my eyes
    And prayed to God today.
    I asked what makes a Mother
    And I know I heard him say.

    A Mother has a baby
    This we know is true.
    But God, can you be a Mother
    When your baby's not with you?

    Yes, you can He replied
    With confidence in His voice
    I give many women babies
    When they leave is not their choice.

    Some I send for a lifetime
    And others for a day.
    And some I send to fill the womb
    But there's no need to stay.

    I just don't understand this, God
    I want my baby here
    He took a breath and cleared His throat
    And then I saw a tear.

    I wish I could show you
    What your child is doing today.
    If you could see your child smile
    With other children and say

    "We go to earth and learn our lessons
    Of love and life and fear.
    My Mommy loved me oh so much
    I got to come straight here.

    I feel so lucky to have a Mom
    Who had so much love for me
    I learned my lesson very quickly
    My Mommy set me free.

    I miss my Mommy oh so much
    But I visit her each day.
    When she goes to sleep
    On her pillow is where I lay.

    I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek
    And whisper in her ear
    "Mommy don't be sad today
    I'm your baby and I'm here."

    So you see my dear sweet one
    Your child is OK
    Your baby is here in My home
    And this is where He,ll stay.

    He,ll wait for you with me
    Until your lesson is through
    And on the day that you come home
    He,ll be at the gates for you.

    So now you see what makes a Mother
    It's the feeling in your heart.
    It's the love you had so much of
    Right from the very start!!!

  185. Im so sorry for your lost your son went with god knowing you and your beautiful family loved him..You are a strong women n I wish you the best. I hope your story helps other moms and families .RIP Gorgeous little baby boy..

  186. Wow! Thank you for sharing your story with us. Losing a child is never easy. I lost my daughter when she was only 23 1/2 weeks and it was the hardest thing that any mother or couple can experience. My heart goes out to you an your family. I wish that I had the opportunity to hold my daughter but I was too afraid to see her because I was afraid that if I held her I would never want to let go. You are a very brave mother and woman & I commend you in having the strength to share this story. May God bless you an your family lots of love, strength and comfort during this time in your life. Your son is in good hands and I know you will meet him again, in heaven…..

  187. God Bless his heart and soul. What a precious little boy. He is with his savior and a better place. God bless you and your family for sharing this heartbreaking story. And all tjese beautiful pictures♥

  188. I’m SO truly sorry for your loss, I truly admire you for your strength and courage for sharing your story, and the pictures of your amazing little man. My son was born prematurely but my story had a happy ending, but there were parents in the neo natal unit who weren’t as lucky as me. The thought that I nearly lost my boy crushed me, and I don’t know how I would have coped if I had have lost him. But when I read stories like yours it makes me even more grateful. You and your family truly are an inspiration to others who are, or who may ever go through what you went through. May God bless you all and may your beautiful little angel rest in peace and watch over you always. Lots of love and sympathy to you all xxxx

  189. I came across your blog as a friend liked a photo you had posted on Facebook. Little did I know how much it would touch me, I haven’t shed so many tears for a family I’ve never known before. I’m so sorry your little angel didn’t get to spend much time here with you but I love the faith you have knowing you will see him again one day and he is with our heavenly father. The photos of him are amazing and you can see he was a handsome little baby! Thank you for sharing your story and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family xx

  190. Thankyou so much for sharing your story & photos of your beautiful son, the same thing happened to me just over 14 weeks into my pregnancy & was absolutely devastating… Lots of love xx

  191. I have been in the same position I had my first son 1 day away of 20 weeks and I cherish the moment i had holding him before the funeral home came thank you for sharing your story

  192. Words can not describe what your family have been through. I really admire you for being so very brave to share your story. Such an emotional and heartbreaking situation to be in. I hope that people find comfort from your story an that it helps others that have gone through the same as you have. So sorry for your loss bless you, take care xx

  193. I went through something very similar 6 years ago. I had my son at 18 weeks. 6 years ago on Mother’s Day. I am so glad I saw this on FB. I have felt the same way in regards to him being a perfect baby, it was my body that was the problem. Thank you for sharing your story!

  194. After several attempts at reading without crying i managed to do so… i cannot believe that they would call your beautiful baby a fetus …my heart goes out to you all and im dure your storie will make people think twice about calling a baby a fetus when it clearly isnt… baby walter xxxx love to you all stoke on trent england x gb

  195. What a story. I am deeply sorry for your loss and cried my heart out at the picture with your son and your wedding rings. I am crying as I am typing. I am emotinal. You are so strong and your someone to look up too for all them mums going through the same thing. I just hope all hospitals (labour wards) are as good as that one. The staff in a&e should be sued sweetheart because something could of been done sooner to stop labour which doesn’t help in anyway with your grieving but dont see why they shouldnt pay for there lack of commitment they shown you and the hours of waiting and messing around. Weather your 20weeks or 10weeks or full on 40weeks, your carrying your child, a human being in your body and should of been looked after a lot sooner. It makes my blood boil. I am so peed off and I don’t even know you. Take care of your two strong little girls and hopefully one day you’ll be happy to try again for another precious son. God be with you all
    Love debbie and her two children in england xx
    You have my email address if you ever just want to chat to a complete stranger and say things you may not want or feel you can with people you know xx

  196. This had tears streaming down my face. I just couldnt imagine . Rest in peace little baby. ❤ i hope this story captures millions of peoples minds.

  197. I am so so sorry for your loss. I recently had a still born to my son. He was 14 weeks and society act as if he didn’t exist and as if he wasn’t a life. Hopefully you will find some comfort in knowing you aren’t alone xxx

  198. Ive just read this moving story and been in floods of tears. The pictures proper set me off such a gorgouse little baby boy!! Ur family must be extreamly close and strong to go through this.
    Ive always said once i know im pregnant thats when there is a human being, a baby inside me and when ever the midewife/nurse said fetus i always corrected them very strongly. And as soon as i found out she was a girl i wouldnt except baby it was name only 🙂 xx My thoughts are with u and u family all 5 of you xxx

  199. This is really touching, I thought I would find the photos distressing but I haven’t at all, they are beautiful. I have suffered 2 miscarriages myself and child loss is usually a sore subject with me, but your beautiful boy just looks so peaceful. Terribly sorry for your loss, you seem to be taking all positive from it which I admire. Go bless you and your lovely family x

  200. Oh my what a heart welming story you are a very brave women your story is fantastic and your pictures are amazing your son will be looking down and known he had the most amazing mother he could ask for you have lovely memories even for such a short time you are amazing i wish you all the luck in the world x

  201. My husband and I went through a similar loss. Our daughter was born sleeping at 23 weeks 5 days. We too have pictures of our precious angel. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family…

  202. May God bless you all and hold little Walter in his loving arms. I cried for you and your baby. I am so sorry to hear this. He is beautiful.

  203. I lost my son when I was 2 7 weeks 26yrs ago
    What really hurt me as they said it was aborted.there is alot more to my story.but yours is what is important
    What a beautifulson . treasured photos . Keep your strength for your children and hold him close to your heart

  204. I was really moved by your story. I think it’s so precious that you brought your daughters in to see their brother. I’m so sorry for your loss.

  205. sorry for your loss your story realy makes tears fall im expecting my first baby and i could not imagine going through what you went through, i’m due in 7 weeks and till this day I’m so scared of anything happening like this I’m going to be a teen mom sometimes i stress out too much because of my baby’s father i have so many mood swings and i feel bad every time i cant hold my tears wen i get mad or have issues with my boyfriend, i feel like im hurting my baby everytime i cry, but hearing your story is realy going to make me think twice before i let anything get me to cry, Your baby is in a better place god and your little angel will always be taking care of you and your family, take care.

  206. You are an amazingly brave woman for sharing this story and these pictures. He is fully and perfectly formed, it’s heartbreaking. Much love to you and your family x

  207. im so so sorry for your loss, your pictures are very touching and beautiful, hopefully in time they will give you some comfort, Walter in my eyes was a little person, whos family will always have a memory so spending some precious time with him, thank you for sharing your story and pictures, thinking od you and your family

  208. This story is sad! I totally agree in my eyes your child was a baby not a fetus. U seemed so brave and I couldn’t possibly of faced that. People like you are a credit to human race and it’s sickening to actually know people can abort a child at the stage your son was born, it makes it seem so much worse when you see a picture. Seems weird to see something that small and know that was inside of you especially when they grow so much in the end. Hope you and your family are dealing with this the best you can do. Glad you have found a comfort thank you for sharing your story. Story for your loss xx

  209. I am só sorry for your lose heaven has got a beauthfull Angel thank you for shareing your story i all só lost my baby boy i had him at 34 weeks he passed away at 6 weeks i never got the chance to take him home he would have been 18 this year there not a day goes bye that i dont think of him i thouth i would share my story with you só you no that i am thinking of you and your family i will ask my Angel baby to look after your little boy rip little man (( )) ***

  210. Your story has me in tears… I too lost a baby boy that weighed 8 oz at birth. July 11 th will be 39 years since heaven got my little angel. I begged and begged to see and hold my sweet baby boy. I was told NO! I always wondered what he would have looked like.. now I have an idea thanks to your beautiful pictures. You and your Family are in my thought and prayers.

  211. I am crying so hard…he is beautiful…God’s blessings on your family…i love the pics of walter with his sisters…so very special…wraps you up in a special hug…God bless you…Wendy

  212. I really wish things were so different for you and your beautiful family!! I am so glad that you know the things you know about meeting your beautiful baby boy again!! I am really glad to see that you took pictures of your adorable girls meeting there baby brother, it touches my heart deeply!! I wish you all the best of luck!!

  213. Hi what beautiful photo’s you have, same thing happened to me at around 16 weeks, i had no heartbeat at my 1st scan, the next day my son was born, i took some photo’s of him not as many as you, yours are beautiful, i was encouraged not to hold him too much, like you i had daughters (3), i didn’t want them to seee him but on the morning of his funeral i let them see him laid out as i felt they needed closeure as they were looking forward to the new arrival, it helped them and it helped them as they took turns in holding his coffen on the way to the cemitary there was only his 3 sisters and me and his dad there i wanted it like that just his small family and we buried him in the angels plot as i felt he would have company his own size and age and not left alone with a load of adults, he has shown my signs that he is around, a couple of years later i had a miscarraige and said no more i had another miscarraige before he was born, on and behold 3 years later i found myself pregnant again and when still holding on after the 16 weeks and beyond i believed it to be a girl, so now i have 4 daughters i call her my surprise baby, now four and rules the house, i’ll never forget my charlie i don’t take out his memory box much as it still hurts sfter 8 years, it get easier but still painfull, treasure your photo’s and memories, my four year old knows all about her brother and kisses his photo every day, god sent you an angel to watch over you and your family and i know my angels watches over mine everyday, god bless to you and your family and your special angel , xxxxxx

  214. I am so shocked at the treatment you received in the ER of that hospital. It was absolute lack of responsibility and care on their part. Had they transferred you to OB immediately when you arrived despite their faulty policies, perhaps the outcome would have been different. There are medications that could have been administered to stop your labor before it got to the point of no return. My opinion is that they should be held accountable for their lack of proper treatment.

    That being said, my heart and prayers go out to you and your family to help you heal after this tremendous ordeal resulting in the loss of your precious little son, Walter. As you do, I also know that he is with our Heavenly Father and your family will be reunited with him to enjoy an eternal life that is full of joy and rejoicing.. As we all await that amazing day, we can hold him in our hearts as the beautiful little baby that shared your lives, love and affection for the short time that he had with you. Thank you so much for sharing your story, your courage and love and your pictures with us.

    Love in the powerful name of our Lord and Savior Christ,

  215. Thank you for sharing your story. My heart goes out to you. I lost our 2nd baby at 11 weeks 3 days gestation and I HATED hearing our baby being referred to as a fetus. The child we lost was just as much our baby as our six year old. God did bless us with our miracle baby last November. We have 2 beautiful daughters that I thank God for daily for entrusting these precious gifts to us.
    God bless you and your family.

  216. I saw yours and Walters story posted on fb. It was heartbreaking and inspiring. Walter is a beutiful little boy and was very lucky to have a strong and loving family surrounding him when he entered this world. I like to believe that he is in the arms of the angels. Your loss is not in vain. Perhaps god needed you and walter to let the world see that even at 19 weeks there is life. Tiny little beings growing. Not a foetus but one of gods babies. By sharing your story I believe you are saving many babies from abortion. My heart goes out to you and your family. Walter has his wings and you have those few but very precious moments. Hold on to them in the dark hours. God bless you all and r.i.p little walter xxxx

  217. Amazing pictures and such sad part of life. He’s now an angel watching over his family. I wish you all strength and love x thank you for sharing your story

  218. so sorry on your loss. i sobbed at your story and your photos hes just perfect and whatever the wworld thinks hes not nothing hes a bbeautiful little baby just born to ssoon. angels will keep him safe x

  219. I know what is like to lose a child. I miscarried at 13 Wks. I didn’t get pictures or memorie. The hospital I went to treated my baby as a fetus and told me I could have another child in the future. I didn’t get to hold my baby or see him for more than ten minutes. Know your baby is in heaven and that you and ur family are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing such personal photos and know he is beautiful. May the lord bless and protect u and your beautiful family.

  220. Thankyou for sharing your story, it has completely touched me and pulled at my heart strings. You are incredibly strong for sharing your story and sharing the memories of walter. He is beautiful and now an angel looking down and protecting you both and especially his sisters.
    The er doctors and government should be ashamed of themselves, once concieved a baby is a baby, never should a precious give of life be callef a featus.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you, take care of yourselves and your beautiful little girls x

  221. As I have just read your story … The courage God gave you, His perfect peace that truly surpasses all understanding, I am weeping. I am weeping for you and your family and for our family as well! My miracle son, who is now almost 20, started trying to birth at 20 weeks! Praise God! I had to go on bed rest until 35 weeks… You know, we knew we were blessed our baby was still with us, but after looking at sweet, precious Walter…I once again shout to God!! Thank you for sharing your story and the most precious photos! May His mighty hand lead you and guide and may His perfect blessings be with you all! On His Love…Syndie

  222. Precious!! He was just perfectly formed!! So Sorry for your loss. My daughter was born at 25 weeks and it was amazing to me how people don’t know how to respond to you. Do they say, congrats! Or I’m sorry? Gods will is always best even tho it hurts so bad!! I have lost my mom, brother, sister and my son. My sister passed 2 weeks after my 24 yr old son was found dead! I cry tears with you….
    My daughter did servive, she’s a Godly young lady and called to be a missionary to India.

  223. You have a beautiful baby boy who is in a better place he is so perfect I’m so sorry for your loss. God does things for a reason and your boy is waiting for you one day ❤

  224. Wow this really touched my heart when I read it it made me sad I lost my son he was 7 weeks old after birth and its hard for me to deal with ill be praying

  225. Thank you for sharing these. We are so disconnected from the early developement of a baby. Yes we know it looks like and IS a baby but we cannot comprehend drawings the same way we can a sweet beautiful baby in his Mother’s arms. I hate to think you’ll get negative feedback so I wanted to express my love to your family. We will pray for you and will share your message.

  226. prayers give nothing, god doesnt exsist, what are your prayers gonna do the baby was never born propely, if god exsisted he would never let this happen

  227. God bless you and your strength to share your story. My heart was breaking while reading your story. We may now know God’s plan or reasoning, but maybe as a messenger for others grieving through loss. In the bible it says we “are fearfully and wonderfully made”. God bless you and your family again and thank you for sharing your story.

  228. I undetstand madylnn would have been five n aug.i was 8mths.they made me have here i had to push her out know she was come out dead.she was a big girl pretty eith black straight hair.she look like a angel gurls like your said they good byes. To ses those pic.i cried n thought about my baby.god knows she n a better place but i wish she was here with me..praying for u n the family be strong n bess my sister

  229. So brave to share this story, I hope you are able to come to peace with your loss and your time will come again to have a healthy child.

    1. I deeply regret Friend. Porla I had to fight my sons life .. matrix suffer hypoplastic and spent my two pregnancies fearing perser to my children, the first born of the second 30 weeks 34 weeks .. whenever there was an emergency thought the worst .. but it never happened …. So you give yourself the best with your beautiful daughters and have hope in life .. and have a family and per minute were Joshua’s mother … thousand blessings from Venezuela Milagro Vineyard

  230. My deepest condolences to your whole family. Walter is beautiful I’m so sorry the law let you and Walter down. I admire your bravery and will think of you often. God bless xx

  231. As I read your story tears came rolling down. I truly send my deepest and most sincerest condolences for you and your family. The pictures of your beautiful baby Walter touched my heart so deeply. How could anyone call such a perfection of God anything other than a child. Those nurses and doctors who saw you in the ER should be ashamed of their actions, I hope they get to read your story and then see if they can sleep with tranquility knowing that their indifference may have caused your precious child his life, there is a God whom we all have to answer to. May our Lord bless you and your family.

  232. Thank you for sharing your story with the world. What a tribute to Walter. I am so sorry for your loss. Perfectly formed, perfectly loved. I hope your story helps many to see how early in pregnancy babies are developed. Praying for your family.

  233. I am so sorry for the loss of little Walter to you and your family. Maybe this was his mission in his brief life to bring all this light into this world. He was a beautiful child and will be remembered forever.

    RIP to the little angel and Godbless. Xxx

  234. What beautiful photos , and amazing lessons its taught – for the ones who don’t no about babys/pregnancys and so…. Your story , is amazing and I’m sorry for your Loss x

  235. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for telling us your story. It moved me to tears. He was perfect in every way. The pictures are beautiful. R.i.p little man. The angels will look after him and keep him safe xxxx

  236. I am 20 weeks pregnant with my third son, who I now feel like I know. I’m so thankful you shared these beautiful photos with the world, to help us appreciate what tiny miracles happen! I cannot contemplate your loss and send all my love to you all. Just know that your son is beautiful and perfect and most definitely had hid place in this world. Your story has touched my heart god bless.

  237. so sorry for your loss i cant imagine what you and your family went through this story brought a tear to my eye i wouldnt usualy comment but i felt the need to after reading this god has a greater purpose for your son i truley belive that and he hasnt taken him in vain god gave you and your family a blessing even for a short amount of time i belive everything happens for a reason and weather its through being or sprit your son was brought here to make a diffrence x

  238. Thank you for sharing. I too lost a son at 19 weeks and know your pain. I wish I would have taken pictures of him. It’s been 10 years and I wish I had pictures to be able to see him. God bless you and your family

  239. Your story truely is a amazing one. I an very sorry for your loss. But this inspires me more i am going to go to school to be a rn for the nic unit i want to be one of those nurse who make a diffrence in lives. I will keep ur family in my prayers and hope the best for yalls future

  240. You are an incredible human being! That was the absolute most saddening thing I have ever seen. Its amazing how strong and brave mothers can be, I don’t even know you; but you and your family are in my prayers. Bless you for having the courage to share your story with the world.

  241. I am so sore for what you and you family went through. I miscarried my first child a little girls at about 5 months 35years ago and still feel the lose. She didn’t quite weigh enough for a burial and I never got to see her or hold her. I had a dream about her shortly after it happened and my grand father who had passed before her was sitting in a chair holding a baby . That gave me comfort knowing that he was watching over her. It gets better but you never forget. your story brought tears to my eyes after all these years god bless you and your family.

  242. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know the pain of how hard hard it is to become pregnant is, it took me 10 years to get pregnant with my son. I also know the pain of going through something so hard with our babies, in 2010 when my son was 4 years old was air lifted to the children’s hospital and on Dec 9th he had brain surgery because of an AVM, he also lost all mobility on his left side because a vessel had burst in his brain. With all the love and prayers we did and received he pulled through everything. So sorry that you and your family had to go through this and you all will be in my prayers.

  243. I really do not know what to say to you, I can’t even begin to imagine what you are feeling, but I think you are all truly amazing people for sharing such a wonderful story, I cried reading this, bless you all

  244. These photographs are beautiful and wonderful keepsakes for your family . Thank you for sharing them and may little Walter rest in peace xxx

  245. So brave for sharing your heartbreaking story.
    How can anyone doubt that ‘fetus’s’ are human beings is beyond my comprehension. God bless you all!

  246. I’m currently 6 weeks pregnant with my 4th child. They are 9,3,2..I’m 27 yrs old n married to my highschool sweetheart. We told lots of people and some were upset because Ihave little ones still I was asked if I had thought of abortion…I’m totally against the thought but its been throu my mind these days…but seeing these pics of ur precious angel has changed my mind…I’m keeping my baby n hoping god just blesses me with one more health baby.. thanks for sharing you dont know u just saved me years of regret…

  247. I’ve been sat here reading&looking at your photos&It really has touched be I don’t think I could have pulled myself through it you are a very strong woman I respect you so much I hope you are okay now know your beautiful son is at piece up in heaven much love&respect from me..X

  248. I am so sorry for ur loss lexi u and ur family r in my thoughts and prayers. Ur babyboy is beautiful and he would of been a lucky baby to have u as a mother:) I had a friend that went thru alil of what u r going thru. I am so thankful for u sharing this wonderful moment with us! I hope the best for u and ur family be strong and don’t let anyone put u down for sharing something like this ur girls and family needs you and I’m sorry again for ur loss… sending my love to you and ur family God bless;)

  249. This is a beautiful story. Sad but beautiful. Hopefully the photos and story will help touch the hearts of some of the people who call them a fetus. You seem to be an amazing woman. Strong and a caring mother. Thank you for sharing this.

  250. When I was 18 I got pregnant everyone wanted me to have an abortion I got chicken pox when I was 3 months pregnant the dr told me to call planned parenthood to have an abortion the entire 9 months every dr told me he would be everything from retarded low birth weight missing arms and legs I made my mind up that whatever god gave me is what he wanted me to have he was born 01/23/1991 he was 9lbs 9 oz all arms legs toes and fingers he was perfect the cutest baby in the nursery the nurses wanted to steal him he is now my 22 yr old best friend sometimes I think back wondering if I would have listened to all those idiots thy are alive from the moment thy are conceived thy are our babies thy turn into our children thy are alive god bless you and I will pray for the ease of your unimaginable pain

  251. I am so sorry for your loss. Walter indeed is a perfect and lovely baby. I too recently loss my daughter early this year. Due to a genetic blood condition that my baby had I was rushed in for an emergency c-section at 30 weeks and before the surgery my docs already told my husband & I that the chances of our daughter surviving would be less than 10%. She was swelled up and had lots of complications the moment she was born. No children’s hospital wanted to take her in or try to treat her due to all of her complications the doctors kept on telling me that what she had is not suitable for life. She was a strong fighter and she fought every second against all odds, and although she was only with us for 11 days my husband & I would never forget those precious moments and memories we had with her. She was in NICU the whole time but the nurses there were very kind and helped us fix all the machines and tubes that was hooked up to her in a way that my husband and I can carry her. I got to carry her twice, saw her open her eyes a few times, & changed her diaper once before she passed away on 1/19/13. While my heart will always miss my little Isabelle I know that she’s in Heaven where she is in perfect form, without any pain or suffering. This is our second child that my husband & I have lost within 2 years while trying to start a family since we got married. I know and feel your heartache, & wish for you & your family to feel God’s peace & find comfort in Him, knowing that everything happens for a reason–and trust that God’s will is greater than ours, and He loves you & me despite of what the circumstances may be. I now wear a charm necklace with both my daughters’ name on it everyday, as that is all I have to remember them by, & to keep them close to my heart. Thanks for sharing your story, you are in my prayers.

  252. My heart feels for you I lost twins last yr, hope at 15 wks then waters broke at 17 wks due to infection and I lost Harley too. Your little boy is gorgeous heaven was missing a angel. More women should be aware of this as people don’t know how to react or what to say due to lack of knowledge. Your so brave

  253. I am so so deeply sorry for your loss, having such gorgeous pictures of your beautiful baby boys is such an amazing and precious memento of his tragically short life ! Thank you so much for sharing your story, I had a very difficult ‘miscarriage’ in the UK Just before Christmas 2009. On the 20th December I started spotting at 14 weeks so went in to be checked on the 21st. We hadn’t yet had our 12 week scan as there were no available appointments, and was very sadly told our babies heart had stopped beating. I was then told i could be booked in for a d&c but it wouldn’t be until at least the 3rd January due to no staff in that department over christmas and new year. I was booked in and told to go home and let nature take its course 😦 I was given no pain killers and was told all i would lose at this stage was a ‘clot’. The following day after a very short period of agony our baby came out into the loo. As u do I looked and saw a very tiny ‘baby’ head, body, 4x limbs with buds for hands and feet. Obviously not formed fully at this stage but very recognisable as a baby. I went into shock as it was nothing like the ‘clot’ i was told it would be, as did my husband who flushed the toilet as my 2 year old came rushing in to see what was happening. 😦
    We have absolutely nothing to keep of our ‘baby’ not even a scan photo and nowhere special to go and remember our angel (grave or where ashes would be spread)
    This is something i can not get over even though i did have a healthy bouncing boy almost a year to the date after (28th)
    So pleased that finally you and your gorgeous boy were treat with the respect that you both deserved !!!
    Absolutely gorgeous photos of your son and your family, and even though a very sad and tragic story a beautiful goodbye to your perfect angel xxxxxx

  254. So very sorry to hear your sad story, it and the photos bring back so many memories… Our little son was also perfect and born 9 June 2012 also at 19 weeks. We found out my premature labour was due to me contracting severe Group B Strep infection (not routinely tested for in the UK..) My first pregnancy was text book and we had a healthy little girl the previous year, so no cause for concern. We are now expecting another baby (a little girl) in 4 weeks time and while it has been a very worrying pregnancy we are glad we eventually found out what happened and knew what to look out for this time. Like you, we will never forget our precious little son (the only little boy on my side of the family and grandson my late dad always dreamt of) and are grateful we got to spend a short time with him. It is an extremely difficult and emotional time for you now, but I have found that time helps us to deal with what is laid before us and accept the things we cannot change in life. I hope and pray that you can think about more children if and when the time is right for you and your husband in the future. Love and best wishes to you and your little family xox

  255. My worst day in residency was when a young mom at 21 weeks or so came in to L&D dilating with bulging membranes. The ultrasound showed a happy little baby swimming around, heart beating, healthy. She, too, was in active labor and no cerclage could be placed. The baby she delivered was also perfect and cuddled with her extended family for several hours. Any, any, any doubts I had about fetus vs. baby was gone that day. My heart breaks for your family and I pray for your healing in this process and God’s blessing through this immense sadness.

  256. I think these pics are beautiful I wish I had even this amount of time with my child… I lost my Bby at 10weeks an to everyone else it’s nothing but to me this was an is my child people don’t really understand!!! I totally do an I am so glad you have shared this…. Makes me feel less alone!! X

  257. my thoughts and prayers go out to you, i can’t imagine what you’re going through, my twin neices were born on june 14th also one with a brain injury and your story has really touched me and many other people so thankyou for sharing your story and love to all of your family

  258. I want to say that I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine what you n your family are going thru with d loss of your precious baby boot. I will pray for him n your family n have u in my prayers. Hang in there, though it hurts hurts just know your baby boy is in heaven with God n taking care of u guys up in heaven, God only knows why he does this.
    Thank u for sharing your story of your baby, I shared it with my daughter n makes us Love our family even more, because we don’t know how long we r going to b here.. Love, hugs n blessings to Walter up in heaven n to u n your family as well. Best wishes always

  259. Wow such a touching story, makes u realise just how lucky some of us are to have the amazing children we do have in our lives. I feel for u so much. Rip lil man such a sad moving story. Xxxx

  260. You are truly an inspiration to me! When I read your story, I couldn’t believe that someone out there shared my same story. My same grief. For the very first time I didn’t feel alone.

    I couldn’t help but notice the dates on your arm band. 6/14/2013 and 5/29/1983. These dates hold some signifacance for me.

    On Monday, June 17th 2013, one day before my 29th week, I went to my regularly scheduled ob appointment. (I had been having some blood pressure issues and my doctor was sometimes scheduling me to see him every other week if not every week. He expressed concern for my safety, but never for my baby. Whenever they used the doppler to find his heart beat, they would say he had a strong, “perfect” beat. And to me he was perfect!) So when I went to my doctors office, I had not one concern.

    While sitting on the crunchy paper, discussing blood pressure medicine with my doctor, I felt perfectly at ease. I waited paitiently to hear his perfect heartbeat. But as the doctor searched around and my Jayden wasn’t in his usual spot, he made a second circle, all I could hear was my own heartbeat, and it was beginning to increase in pace as I anxiously waited for him to find my son. It was there in the doctors face as he asked me to get dressed and meet him in the ultra sound room.

    He said nothing for what seemed an agonizing eternity… I waited and waited and still he said nothing. There was no sound in the room. Only my heart pounding violently in my chest as I waited, clutching desperately to hope that my baby was hiding from the monitors as he loved to do. And I said nothing until the silence felt like it was going to crush me. I tried to deny what this silence meant but it became painfully clear. When he finally spoke, I wished more than anything that he wouldn’t have. He told me that I was too far along to have a DNC, that I would have to deliver. He asked when was a good day for me, that we would “have to get the thing out of me with in the week.” I tried to find my voice to speak but nothing cohherent would come out.

    I did not want to have someone who called my baby a thing, to deliver me. I thought going out of town, to a more reputable hospital would have been best for my little family….. but I was very wrong.

    I checked into the hospital on Tuesday the 18th of June. My mother, also being a nurse, spoke with the admitting nurses. I could not make the words come out of my mouth. She told them that my blood pressure had hit 196 and that I was tachycardic. Also that I had “fetal demise” and that I was scheduled for this coming Thursday to deliver. They seemed nice enough, telling me how sorry they were for me. I was prepared to have to fight to get them to take me but they took me straight to a room. On the way the nurse asked if I wanted to induce my labor.

    The doctor came into meet me before I even had my gown on. Over the next 24 hours I was given many different things to induce my labor. One of them being a pill they placed on my cervix to thin it out. This particular pill is used for abortions, it disolves cells. They followed that up with pitossin. Later increasing the amount because my progress plateaued.

    When I was dialated to 4 centimeters and effaced to 90 percent, my doctor came in and said we were ready to begin delivery. My legs felt a little sluggish and heavy but I was determined to move them with out assistance. I wasn’t sure why they weren’t waiting for me to dialate more but I figured the doctor knew much more than me. So I began to push, although I had no urge. Just my family support encouraging me. Not allowing me to give up. Jayden was also breach. I was so confused during my delivery and no one made me aware of my progress. He was so tiny, I could not feel him. Everything was so confusing. I was getting so discouraged because I felt like I wasn’t doing it right. I felt like I was pushing and nothing was happening. For almost an hour this went on. Every so often I would focus on my mom, holding my leg and ask her why this was so much harder then when I had my daughter. Asking her if I could do it. Telling her I didn’t know if I was strong enough. I felt weak and useless. Everytime I sat up to bare down I could see my sisters sitting off to the side, visibly upset, hurting for me. And I wanted to be strong for them. But when I looked at the doctor he looked irritated, like I really was a failure and I was wasting his time. I was trying so hard. What I was unaware of, was I wasn’t a failure. I had pushed Jayden out, the doctor left his body hanging out of me from the neck down. The problem the whole time had been that my cervix was crushing down on his head. The doctor started talking about taking me to OR, to sedate me and open my cervix himself with his hands. Because I was fighting him unconciously while I was awake. My body didn’t like the pain, as I tried to push Jayden out, he tried to open my cervix. The two felt so conflicting. I was afraid to go to OR, afraid of what would happen. I had fought so much to not have a C-section. I was scared he would get me alone, unconcious and he would deem some medical emergency that would make it necessary.( Later my mom told me that he wouldn’t have done that because all but my baby’s head was already out.) But the fear was overwhelming. I sat up, beared down and determined as I was…. In two pushes he was born into the world, at 8:33 pm. My band said 6/19/2013 and 2/2/83

    No one told us what to expect when we saw him. I feel they could have better prepared us for how he might look. The birthing process in which my doctor delivered him, caused a lot of damage to his already changing body. It hurt to look at him because he looked as though he experienced much pain. Although my nurses and mom promised that this damage was strictly from the birthing process, it still made me hurt to see him so damaged.

    My mom found credible information telling us about why he changed that way. I knew in my heart before the information was available to me, that that was not how he was going to look. That this was a product of his body dying. But still it hurt to see. We got to keep him with us for about 12 hours before I released him to the nurse.

    It has been 8 days since I delivered my precious baby boy, seven days since they took him from me and five days since we arranged to have him cremated.

    I have felt alone with my pain and heartache. Your story meant more to me then you know! This is the first time I have shared my story, I felt inspired because of your courage and strength. I didn’t understand why people I didn’t even know would want to know my story, my son’s story. Why they would want to know my thoughts, or console me. But I do not know you. And your story has touched me in ways I do not even have words for. Thank you!

    I am so sorry for your loss! May your beautiful boy, rest in peace!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I am so incredibly sorry that the Dr was so foreceful with you and didn’t allow nature to make it’s own progress. As awful as I felt in the ER, I was extrememly blessed by the staff in the OB. I’ll be praying for you as you get through these next days, weeks, years. ❤

  261. I’m so sorry for your loss but I’m glad you posted this to show people that babies are Fully developed at this point which goes against people saying they can have abortion because its not a full/real baby at this point. God bless your family for doing such an awesome thing by sharing this!!

  262. Thankyou for sharing your most touching story and very special pictures. I was very moved. God bless xxx

  263. There’s not enough words in the world to say how I’m feeling for you and your beautiful family! Deja vu is how I see your story.. I lost my boy too just under different circumstances. He was a twin but at least I got to bring one of them home, even tho my son is ill and has several medical conditions but to lose them both would have crushed my spirit. I fought very hard through my pregnancy to stop the doctors from mentioning abortion. That word makes my skin crawl and I’m completely against it! No matter the circumstances it gives nobody the right to take a life. A baby is life! Congratulations to u and your family and God will bless you again.. he has a plan for you and would never purposely hurt you. My feelings and belief is a little different than most people because I say all the bad comes from the devil and God is the comfort that come behind his distruction.. don’t give up and keep your heart and mind focused on the lord.. thelord has a name but alot of ppl don’t agree with it so I won’t mention it! Just know that he does have a name and your lil guy is well taken care of.

  264. I read your story and cried but I must admit I was a bit unsure as to wether or not I should look at your photos of Walter. Iam so glad I did as they show him as the baby that he was and in no way at all did I look and ever think fetous. He was so so tiny yet such a perfect little baby. And now he is a perfect little angel in heaven. Hope You and your family stay strong and love.

  265. Heart breaking and heart warming all at the same time. So sorry for the loss you and your family suffered. It was nice that your girls got to meet their baby brother, if only for a short time.

  266. I am a Pastor. We are working toward a goal to have a clinic to help women to see their baby in an ultra sound. I’m impressed with your faith and love.I lost my son many years ago.I understand your loss. I am pray inf for you & your family.

  267. I went through the same experience as you and your family in baby was 21 weeks and was the same size as your beautiful little boy but back then we weren’t allowed to hold him , he was perfectly formed just the same. I was at home when it happened and my midwife came and took him away,I had no warning that it was going to happen,no pain,just needed to go to the bathroom and he just slipped out and he was already gone ,,I just sat on the floor wiith him and my husband called the midwife. It wasn’t until she had made sure I was OK and left that I started to realise what had happened. Then the tears started. So I am so pleased that you and your family were able to spend precious time and take photos with your beautiful baby boy. God bless you all my thoughts and prayers are with you all xxxxx

  268. As A Mother And Grandmother I Just Don’t Know What To Say, All I Can Say Is I’m So Very Sorry For Your Loss….. My Heart Is So Broken For You And Your Family.May God Bless And Comfort You…

  269. I am so very sorry for you loss. Our God is an awesome God and your baby is in His arms. Thank you for sharing your story.

  270. I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot even begin to imagine or try to relate. One thing i do know is that your story has already taught me so much. I had no idea that this was even possible. Life really is a miracle and im so glad you have found comfort in God. I also feel that the reaction of the OB staff knowing that this was your baby and continuously referring to Walter as a baby, restores my faith in the humanity and compassion of our medics. Once again i am sorry for your loss, but thank you very much for having the courage to share your story.

  271. What phenomenal pictures you were able to capture. He’s beautiful. You were so blessed to be able to share this with your daughters, they will never forget it. We are blessed that you shared something so precious with others. The “wound” will heal, the “scar” will never be uncomfortable to those who understand. My daughter would be turning 19 this fall. I was in my third trimester. Your beautiful pictures are so familiar to me, thank you for sharing!

  272. I am so sorry for the loss of your son. I have some idea of what you are going through. My husband and I lost our first son – he was stillborn and died during childbirth. He was 10 days overdue and weighed 8lb 10oz and died because the hospital didn’t pick up that he was in distress. We had an awful time and it took 2 years for hospital to admit negligence. We spent the day with him when he was born and took lots of pictures which are in a photo album which we look at from time to time and we have his photo in frames around the house. He would have been 10 this October. We now have a son who is 8 and daughter who is 6 and they often talk about their older brother Thomas. I wish you and your family all the best. Time is a great healer and the pain is not as raw as it was when we first lost him You will never forget your son and neither should you – he is part of your life and always will be. Love Nicola

  273. Ur story made me sad as it is I think its wonderful ur strength n the photos are beautiful..ur son was perfect n really long legs!! Gorgeous little boy xxx my thaughts are with you n thank you for sharing as I think as you said a lot if ppl think a baby is just mush or still not formed at all until bout 25/30 wks xx lots of love to you and ur family xxx

  274. Thank you so very much for sharing your story and stunning photos of you beautiful baby boy! Best wishes to you and your family!

  275. I was so moved by your story and be your bravery may Walter be giggling and playing in heaven ..I miscarried at 13and half weeks I will never get over it and people used to say things like’s for the best.? Not sure where that one comes from..!! And we’ll it wasn’t really a baby..BUT it was my baby. And I loved it from the very start and always will…god bless you and all your family I think Walter will be proud of you all…lots of love..debby..xxxxxxxxxx

  276. I am so sorry about your loss. i cried the whole time. I know the feeling i lost my son thomas at 21 weeks it was the hardest thing to do. I hope all goes well with you and your family!! Your story hurt me to read it.. it was like having my son all over again.. may god be with you and your family on these hard times.

  277. Thank you so much for sharing Walter’s story with us! I work in the Family Birthplace in my local hospital and I firmly believe a baby is a baby no matter how small… I’m sorry for the poor treatment you first received when you got to your hospital and even more sorry for the loss of your son. Prayers and love to Walter and your family.

  278. Your story is truly heartwrenching. What a horrible thing for you to have gone thru. Your an amazing woman to be able to share your story with the world And Walter is a beautiful baby. I send love and prayers toward your family and hope that you guys will be able to conceieve again. R.I.P. Walter.

  279. Hope deferred makes the heart sick: but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 In 1980 my wife & I had a miscarriage and I was so depressed. Then my pastor’s wife shared this verse & I was helped. A year later, my wife & I were hit by a drunk driver: and she & our daughter were killed just prior to her birth. I too saw my baby. Your brave pictures tell the truth. Walter was and is God’s loving creation. May Divine peace draw you all into God’s loving arms as you walk towards an inevitable reunion. Peace.

  280. Thank you so much for sharing your story! I know there will be Many lives touched and healed by our Heavenly Father, because of this beautiful baby and his story! God bless you and your family!

  281. I lost my daughter Emma at 19 weeks as well. It is such a hard thing to go thru but god has blessed me in so many ways. As mothers we know what we get to look forward to when we go in gods kingdom. Him standing there welcoming us home as he has our precious babies in his arms. God be with you and your family.

  282. im so sorry to hear about ur little boy i went threw a simula stage i gave birth to my daughter at 24 weeks she passed at 6 month old so i no what you going threw if u need to chat im always free chick good luck in the future x

  283. My heart goes out to you both but u are so brave for showing pictures of your precious son i lost my baby aswel and felt no one relises how hard it is and that they are your baby from the time they are concieved. I wish you all the best for the future

  284. I am very sorry for your loss and heaven does have another angel my heart goes with you and your family , And you had a beautiful lil boy

  285. You are an amazing family! I am so sorry for your loss. Isn’t eternity such a wonderful place to meet again. I pray that your story will touch someones heart that needs to hear it. Thank you for sharing. What a beautiful baby boy!!!

  286. Im so sorry that this happened to you. I have a firm belief that things happen for a reason. I’m glad that you shared these beautiful photos of your baby and that they made it my way!!!

  287. Sitting here bawling my eyes out after reading your story. So well written and your faith is so inspiring! My heart just breaks for you and your family. I am so very sorry! I know there is nothing anyone can say or do to take your pain away. I will be praying for peace and comfort for you all. God Bless!

  288. When I saw this photo it killed me I just cyred over seeing these pictures and reading all about your son I’m so sorry I will pRay for your family 😦

  289. This is such a touching story i couldnt imagine not being abke to seemy child if this happened to me,may god always watcb over u and ur family in your time of pain and need

  290. I would just like to give my most sincere apology for your lost, Your son was a very beautiful precious little baby! I could only imagine what it would be like to go through somthing Like that! You are an amazingly strong woman as are your children and partner! I would just like to add that the second that sperm fertilized the egg, it is a baby! Some doctors can be so cold in such a delicate situation! I wish you the best of luck in your future whatever your plans may be, im sire your baby boy could feel your unconditional love undoubtedly! R.I.P sweet boy x

  291. I am so sorry for you’re lost i can’t imagine what u and family been threw u r a very strong women to share you’re story and yes you’re baby walter was beautiful and he will aways b with u he is a Angel in heaven and u will c him again again sorry for you’re Los may God bless u and you’re family an this difficult time i will keep u an my prayers. Blanca Silva

  292. Your sons life and memorie means something so special your story will defently touch someone! God bless I’m sorry for your loss!

  293. So tiny, yet so perfect. My sister in law and brother went through this. My brother and mom choose to hold the tiny baby, my sister in law did not. Thank you for sharing your story and your photos, it’s such a personal and precious thing to share.

  294. Thank you so much for sharing, although you made me cry remembering my little girl. I am so glad you took pictures and shared him with your other children. That wasn’t done 12 years ago when my precious baby was born 36 weeks stillborn and we didn’t do that. My life was never the same. It is horrible to hold you dead child in your arms. He is beautiful though.

  295. This pictures are beautiful. You can feel the love yall have for our precious baby boy in every photo. I wish the best for your family and will be praying for yall.

  296. I am crying and crying. So touching and incredible. I am so sorry for your loss! He is beautiful and perfect! May he help people see that an unborn is always a baby.

  297. I’m so sorry for your loss. Your son Walter is very beautiful and perfect. Thank you for sharing your story. Your family is in my heart and prayers.

  298. I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my baby last month at 16 weeks. I was able to hold Ariel and I also have pictures. They couldn’t tell the sex of my baby because he/she had sirenomelia. Hospital staff did everything to try and comfort us. They took pictures, gave me a memory box an album they also made a molding of Ariels hand. I couldn’t leave my baby there nor could I afford a funeral. So we decided on cremation. I have my baby’s ashes in a small heart earn here at home with me.

  299. I am a labor and delivery nurse and have had the opportunity to deliver babies just like yours many times. Bless your heart for sharing your story and pictures. Praying that you will have peace and hopefully there will be a momma that will see your story and chose life for her baby instead of abortion. Thank you and bless you and your family.

  300. Rip for your young son he is in the gates of heaven your story is a comfort to others thank you for sharing

  301. Some of the most moving pictures of a mother and child I have seen. Thank you for allowing others to see the perfectness and beauty of your sweet baby. I agree with you, he is with a loving Heavenly Father and you will see him again and I believe have the relationship of Mother & Child eternally.

  302. I am very sorry for you loss. I hope god will lead the way. Your son is in a better place God is rocking him to sleep right about now. He is in the hands of god. God is telling you that he is going to be fine. I am praying for you and you whole family. And thanks for sharing you story with us.

  303. seeing these pictures really broke my heart im so sorry for youre familys loss. only god knows why he does the things he does, youre babyboy is beautiful and i pray god gives you all the strength to deal with this horrible loss! </3

  304. I know sry will not make it better but I am. I was 6 1/2 months pregnant with my son Tyler when I lost him. I fought for his birth certificate but they told me he was ” never born”. He was born dead so technically he was never born. I lnow your pain and I also know when someone told me sry I wanted to knock them out for the longest because it made it real. I know now there really isn’t much you can say or do with such a loss.

  305. He is so precious. Just seeing the picture I want to hold him, kiss on him, and love on him. My niece was born premature and passed within hours after birth and I am so glad I was able to hold her, rock her, kiss her, and be there with her. I miss her to pieces but I know she isn’t suffering. RIP baby boy

  306. Our family feels your pain. We have been through this not once, but twice ourselves. Each one of our daughters have delivered stillborns. Exactly 1 year apart 1 day short of the same day. It’s a very, very painful experience. God Bless you and your family. Our Justin and Caleb have your Walter with them. Thank you for your story. Many people do not understand the pain.

  307. I’m so sorry for your loss. You have a lovely little boy there and it is wonderful to see that your daughters were allowed to bond with him too and that they will have those precious moments to hold onto. The tears were just flowing reading your story and seeing those lovely photos.
    My story is a bit different to yours. My daughter Jennifer-Elizabeth was stillborn at 36 weeks. She only weighed 2lb and was about the same size as Walter. During the whole pregnancy I felt that something wasn’t right and told my gynaecologist this, but he kept on dismissing it saying I was an anxious new mum and that i shouldn’t worry too much. Each time I went for a scan my due date was getting longer and longer. So instead of her being born in September they said she would be born at the end of October. Which meant that when I had an internal at 12 weeks and the Dr confirmed I was 12 weeks, I wasn’t really pregnant!!! When I confronted him after Jen was born about that, he just turned away from me.
    She will be 24 on the 8th August and every year I make her a special card that I burn at the time she was born and then I release a lighted sky lantern hoping that she will receive them as Jen was cremated, which was paid for by the hospital….some sort of admission I presume on their part.
    I got to hold her long enough for the midwife to take a polaroid photo of us. I was told later that my placenta never really worked and should of been picked up by the scans.
    She died a week after the last scan and when I went into A & E complaining of severe stomach pain after that week, I was told “Sorry but your baby is dead!” then I was let out to go home to tell my husband, who wasn’t at the hospital due to the car not working. He was furious at the lack of care and sympathy…I was only 20 at the time. I went through 7 hours of labour…it was a dry birth as the amniotic fluid got absorbed by my body…when Jen arrived she was perfect, blonde hair & deep violet eyes. The only thing that was wrong was that she was slightly purple and the outer layer of skin had started to peel a little.
    Not many people know of Jen as I like to keep her memory close to me. You and your family have very precious memories of Walter that will never leave you no matter how long you go on without him, he will be there for you all when you finally come to meet him again and raise him up to be a very fine young man who you will be proud of.
    Thankyou again for sharing those precious moments with everyone x

  308. Thank you for sharing your experience with the world!! I can’t even begin to imagine the emotional roller coaster that you and your family have just experienced… and are probably STILL experiencing! I just want to say that the pictures were absolutely touching and your story heartwarming yet heartbreaking at the same time… I could not hold back the tears! My thoughts and prayers go out to you…

    Thank you for sharing your ANGEL with us!!!!


  309. May the Lord give your beautiful family strength to go on, everything happens for a reason, unknown to the human kind.keep your faith, and you will find peace, amen

  310. I am sorry about you losing little Walter… I lost a baby at 20 weeks her name is raelyn.. I didn’t get to hold her or see her… they threw her away like she was trash and ur story brought tears to my eyes

  311. i am sorry u an your family had to endure this kind of pain. I know our LOrd does all things for a reason and sometimes those reasons are hard to see if we ever see them. I pray that you find comfort in our Lord and that He continues to bless yu and your family with arms around to to hold you up when u feel as though u cant stand by your selves. My great niece recently went through a similar thing and her and her hubby and son are grieving. It take time to heal all wounds my your and hers heal the way the Lord has intended.

  312. Thank you so much for sharing your story! I am heartbroken for your son and your family. I had a stillborn daughter when I was 17 and her presence in our lives meant so much and still does. Heaven is full of our precious angels!

  313. God Bless you and your family. Your story and faith has touched me like I’ve never felt before. Thank you for sharing your story of love and faith.

  314. What a beautiful son! He is precious beyond words. Bless you and your sweet family. I pray The Lord continues to pour out His peace and comfort to your heart.

  315. Your Walter is beautiful! God makes no mistakes and will use your angel to touch many lives. You are a strong and brave mother. Thank you for sharing your precious memories of your handsome baby boy with the world. All my love and prayers to you and your wonderful family. God bless!

  316. So very, very sorry for your loss. He is perfect, and I thank you for sharing your heartbreaking but beautiful story.

  317. I read your story and my heart aches for you and your family. I have lost 3 babies. I totally understand your anger/frustration/sadness. You and your family will be in my thoughts.

  318. I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through. you and your family are in my prayers. I am crying like a big baby. my son was born at 29 weeks and wasn’t much bigger than yours.

  319. I am so very sorry for your loss.Thank you so much for sharing your story and the pictures of your sweet little angel.

  320. I am so sorry for ur loss. I understand how u feel with all my heart. I too lost my son I was 18 wks. He was my 2 pregnancy. My first I had a early misscarage. Taylor Ray had anachaly his brain didn’t form and didn’t have a skull bone. when we found out the doctor told me he had no chance of survival. the doctor could not tell me why this had happened. When I went to the hospital and they induced me it took 18 hrs and 3 pushes to bring Taylor into world. He was 4 1/2 in kind and weight 8 oz. He loved for 18 min.

  321. You don’t know me but this is such a moving story, very wonderful! So sorry for your loss! Beautiful baby!! Sent all the way from Shrewsbury:) hope you are okay xxxxx

  322. I am very sorry for your loss. I know exactly what you are going through. 11 years ago, march 18, 2002 my water broke and I was only 19 wks and a few days. The ER did the same crap to me. I also delivered a 17in, 2.5lb baby boy. I allowed the hospital to do generic testing so that his life (the way I help cope) was not wasted and could possibly help another woman/ mother avoid this tradgety. I didn’t have any previous complications and my DR kept telling me they couldn’t give me a reason why it happened. I have since had two more children. Please continue to have faith and you to will have another full term beautiful baby. May god bless you and ur family

  323. What a special gift God allowed your family to have, although it was not the way you all had planned it. Praise our Heavenly Father that he has made himself so evident to you all. Thank u so much for sharing your Walter with the rest of us, your opportunity to be a witness is unmeasurable !!! God bless you and please keep sharing your blessing as, with you permission, I would also like to share.

  324. I don’t know if you will read this as so many have posted, but I want to thank you for your candor and courage to make this public. I lost a child at 15 weeks and understand some of what you went through. The experience remains a tender spot for me, but I too have faith in God’s plan and have comfort knowing I will see my baby again, and trust that her mission here was accomplished. I hope your photos help the world understand that although babies aren’t developed enough to live outside they womb at 19 weeks, they are fully formed and beautiful (researching this I found they are fully developed as young as 8-10 weeks along). My heart breaks for your loss, I pray for your comfort and hope that the comments we send lift you in some way. I am so grateful that I happened upon your blog, because I believe your sharing this will change the way people treat their pregnancy and the pre-born. Thank you and God Bless you and your wonderful family.

  325. I read your story and looked at your pictures. I really feel your pain and send my deepest sympathy. My grandson Rylon was born January 8,2013 and was due June 14,2013. He weighed 3.2 oz and was 6 in long and perfectly formed in every way. We had a grave side bureal service to put him at rest. I keep my pictures by my bed in a photo book all of his own and look at them all the time.

  326. A side note, I’m sorry you were told there was a cut off period for you to go to ER or Labor and Delivery. (20 weeks) Because of a previous miscarriage, I was told to ALWAYS go to Labor and Delivery if any problems were pregnancy related. The ER is not equipped to handle the complications regarding pregnancy, and in my experience they aren’t emotionally equipped to help the patient cope either. I’m so glad your delivery experience was under the care of such a compassionate and loving group.

  327. wow thank you for letting us know your sweet little boy , although it was such a short time. ..what a wonderful thing for you to do…Yes he was a little child…not a fetus. or a blob… I wish he could have stayed awhile longer…but he did what he was to do. Let others know that he is a little baby. That is alive and has a heart and a soul. Thank you sincerely…It is my prayer that you and your family will heal from your enormous loss.. God bless you and your family…

  328. I am almost qualified as a midwife in the UK. Reading your story and seeing the photographs of your beautiful son really touched my heart, thank you so much for sharing them. I have not seen such an early baby before and you have educated me to just how perfect they are. I wanted you to know that your story has changed my perceptions and improved the care I give to women as their midwife. I am so sorry for your loss. Wishing you and your family strength love and happiness. x

  329. Thank you for sharing your story and pictures of your precious baby boy. May God bless you and your family!

  330. May you feel God’s arms around you as you adjust to new circumstances! I can so relate to your feeling of emptiness just now, as we also just lost a dear little daughter born on June 19 at 23 weeks gestation. She was born at Meritus Hospital in Hagerstown, after we didn’t get a heartbeat at my drs. appointment the day before. She, too, was so perfectly formed!! Isn’t it a comfort and blessing to know we will get to see our little one’s again someday in Heaven?!!

  331. I myself have 2 angels. Hunter born at 19 week’s in July 2006, and River born at 17 week’s in July 2012. I fully believe that both of my sons were babies, children, people! Not fetuses or blobs of cells! I feel for the pain that you and your family feel through this hard time. I would never wish such a thing on my worst enemy. You are in my prayers.

  332. I am so sorry for your loss, and I thank you for sharing your story with the world. I feel blessed to have read it. Walter is beautiful, and my heart is heavy for you and your family.

  333. Thank you for your bravery in posting these personal and beautiful family photos. I too ‘went into labor’ when my son was 19.4 days. My water broke but no one knew why. My labor stopped and they told me that I would have to stay in the hospital until my baby was born, they expected a day or two. Two months later my labor began again and my son was delivered by emergency c section. They thought he would make it but his lungs were so under formed due to the lack of amniotic fluid they think, that he only lived a few hours. I am sad to say we were not with him until the very end as they required that I be mobile in getting to him but didn’t take me off of my catheter until hours after he had passed. It is a most devastating experience but God has given us the grace and fortitude to carry on and though we have experienced two miscarriages since two and a half years later we were able to deliver our youngest beautiful daughter. I will pray for you and your family as you recover from this difficult time and know that God will carry you through.

  334. I’m so sorry for your loss. I saw a link for these photos and couldn’t help but steal a moment of your lives for my own memory bank. I have always been pro-life and it’s photos like these that convey the beauty of what life is and the awesome gift God has given us. My heart goes out to you and your family. God bless you guys. He will carry you through these times. All my love, from Iowa.

  335. I gave birth to twin boys at 17 weeks 6/12/11. They too were fully formed and perfect little babies just like yours. Sorry for your loss, its hard to go through but we make it through somehow. Take care ❤

  336. I am so sorry for your loss. He is running and playing and having the best time with his granddaddy. The Lord Jesus needed this precious angel. My prayer for you is that you receive peace and understanding. May God bless you and keep you.

  337. Thank you for sharing your story. My husband and I lost a baby girl 20 years ago May 29th. See your pictures reminded me so much of our little Faith. She was 25 weeks and the state didn’t issue death certificates until 36 weeks so the hospital made me one. We do have one picture of her but I wish we had more.
    Thanks again for sharing,
    Kelli Gordon
    Blessed mother of 6 and grandmother of 2!

  338. I just wanna say that Im so glad u did this! I’m a mommy of a angel babies too Faith Lynn 1/12/04 and Thomas Ashley 7/28/04! Not a day that goes by that I dont think about them! I have one precious miracle now and I count by blessings every day! So thank u for sharing this when some of us dont have the courage cause of the fear of peoples reactions! God bless u and your angel baby and your beautiful family

  339. Such a heart breaking story, much love and healing to your family. While there is no excuse for the lack of attention received in the ER try to forgive, the Drs,PAs, and NPs see so much trauma it makes it easier to deal with when there is a “fetus in distress” as opposed to a baby that may not make it, they need that separation to do their jobs. The OB staff get closure by knowing the end result and knowing they did the best they could ER doesn’t have the same ability though it seems they failed in their diagnostics in this case.
    I find it a little disturbing people use this as a measure to guilt someone into not having an abortion. They are powerful and moving pictures but having someone’s early term delivery pictures as a way to elicit even more emotion from someone contemplating abortion seems competely inappropriate. Just because someone gets pregnant doesn’t mean they have the physical, or mental ability to go through pregnancy and child birth.

    1. A woman contemplating abortion is going through an immense amount of emotions and we should be empathetic toward her plight. However, these are photos celebrating a beautiful little boy’s life. If these pictures are capable of invoking guilt; perhaps a woman contemplating abortion should reconsider her options and evaluate her beliefs. This family cannot change the truth and facts behind their story…their pictures of baby Walter is an accurate depiction of a 19 week gestational baby.

  340. Thank you for being so open and honest. To share your beautiful gift with the world is truly eye-opening and hopeful. In the butt happiness for real little boy talks about seeing his siblings that was lost and early stage, Put health trust that you will one day see him again. May God richly bless you. He was truly a little handsome blessing!

  341. I lost my son Keegan at 27 days old, and I know your pain. I never got any answers why or what the reason was on him passing. All I know is God needed more. I wish I could say it gets easier but I’d be lying. A few pictures is all I have and it’s the best ever. Stay strong and God Bless

  342. Your Baby boy Is Beautiful. I Am So Sorry That You Lost Him For Now. But I’m So Glad You Were Able To Hold Him, And That You Believe That You Will See Him Again. I Know You Will. Thank You For Sharing Your Story. ❤

  343. Im so very sry for you’re loss. You’re pictureof your son are so moving …..I see your love for him threw your eyes from the pictures you’re took. You are right know he’s better than we are.we live our lives trying to be the best we can be to earn our wings he didn’t have to go threw any of the bads in this world.he earned his wings and flew right into the arms of our you be blessed and my you’re family have peace..

  344. Your story broke my heart and tears to my face. my husband and I lost 2 babies. I was only 10 and 13 weeks, so I had no confirmation but I knew in my heart what I was having. I never got to hold my babies, never got to see them. I have also seen and heard the disrespect of medical professionals pertaining to babies and their families. I want to thank you for sharing your story and photos. I think it’s wonderful that your family has those pictures and things from the hospital. Your daughters are VERY blessed.

  345. Your story is absolutely beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss, I will pray that the days get a little easier as time passes. I have 5 step kids, no kids my self; my fiance is “fixed”, can be reversed, I ache for a baby of my own one day. I don’t know if I could be as strong as you. You have truly touched my heart. Sometimes I wonder why “good people” can’t have children but have people who abort, abuse, ect to innocent children. Walter will be waiting with a big beautiful smile at the gates one day. God bless your family.

    Holly Greathouse

  346. I can not put into words how much your story breaks my heart. Just know that your sweet family is in my prayers. I am so sorry for your loss and know Walter is with his heavenly Father and dancing and playing in Heaven. God bless ya’ll!!

  347. Your blog and pics have meant more to me than you can imagine. 20 years ago I miscarried a beautiful boy at 17 weeks. I was never allowed to see him. Through Walter, I can now envision how he might have looked. Bless you. I will keep you in my prayers.

  348. I am truly sorry about your lose. I do how ever know the pain you and your husband went through. I lost my little girl on September 23, 99 and my little boy on December 25, 00. I was 21 weeks pregnant with both. I had them both cremated, that way I could always be with them. I finally have 3 beautiful babies. Not one day passes by I don’t think me them. Thanks for sharing your story. You have a beautiful family!!!!!!!!!!!

  349. I am so glad you felt free to share your story. It is so sad that medical personnel would be so heartless to a mother in need of help. To me it’s a baby as soon as the heart is beating. I had to be in the hospital 8 weeks before my twins were born. I seen a lot of women come and go. I even seen babies come down the hall to wait for the coroner. It worried me a lot about the mother that just loss her little one. After a couple times I shut my door so I wouldn’t worry so much and cry for there loss. I was one who made it with 6 week early twins. I was lucky….I prayed many days in my bathroom, the only place I could be alone without interruptions.
    I hope you the best. Walter is a beautiful Angel.

  350. Such a touching testimony of love and family. I do so hope you find peace in knowing you have shared a very moving and extremely personal experience with the world. An experience that will have impact on many, in so many ways. Thank you

  351. So very sorry for your family’s loss. Walter was nothing less than a child. YOUR child. God bless you all

  352. Wow! Thank you for sharing! My heart is breaking! All my thoughts are focused on that lil baby and ur family! I only hope love and happiness for u all!!

  353. My heart goes out to you and your family.Your story is so beautifully told and touched me deep inside. God bless you for allowing your girls to see their brother. Thank You for sharing your pictures, they are so precious.

  354. Wow. Your son is beautiful. These pictures, while heartbreaking, are absolutely amazing. God bless your family. Everything happens for a reason.

    1. So sorry for your loss. Your son is beautiful. Thank you for sharing his story and pictures. Keeping you and your family in prayer.

  355. I am so sorry for your loss girl. Your baby was so precious. I will say prayers for you and your family so that God may see you all through this. Your little angle baby is looking down upon you all and knows you loved with all your heart. May God bless you all always.

  356. Beautiful family…beautiful story! I was a Labor & Delivery Nurse for 12 years and have precious memories of hours spent with families such as yours! Praying for you all!

  357. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my prayers. Just know you truly touched my heart! MAKE ME MORE THANKFUL FOR MY FOUR YEAR OLD SON. I wish you the best and for your family.

  358. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. My cousin and I went through the exact same thing. My cousin’s son was born at 20 weeks and he only lived for 2 hours. My heart aches for you. My water broke when I was 21 weeks and 6 days and I was able to keep my beautiful baby girl inside me for 9 days to let her grow. I had her 9 days later. She weighed 2 lbs 2.3 ounces. The doctors said her organs and her size was the measure of a 28 week old. I had 4 short days with her. Her liver sac got infected by her belly tubes and she bled to death. I miss her everyday, and I too truest understand what you are going through. No one should ever have to go through something like this. It was my first baby. And i wanted a girl so bad. If you ever need someone to talk to I put my email address on here. Feel free anytime.

  359. God bless you, you are a strong woman who i just love. May your family heal from this, but know God does has a purpose for us all. you are Amazing my dear. Your son is beautiful just how God made him.

  360. Walter is so precious and beautiful and im very sorry for your loss. I too have the same beliefs as you on abortion and the fact he is a baby and a human being like we are, not just a glob and it saddens me to think people think like that. I pray for healing and comfort for you and your family.

  361. You do not know me, but I was so honored to be able to read your post and see your pictures. Your son was beautiful. Four years ago Our daughter lost her little boy, Wesley Michael and 19 1/2 weeks and we were crushed. But, unlike you, we were never able to see him or touch him or hold him. I have always wondered what he looked like. Thank you for sharing your story. It has helped ease our pain.

  362. Ur little living baby boy reminds of the fight I had to save my baby girl … She is 6 now and I value everyday of her life… She was not as young in her womb but 3 months shy of her due date … I have showed her ur little boys pictures and as I waited for her response… She became a little teary and said is that an angel…??? And I replied yes mama… He. Is .. And she says he’s a cute angel… So even tho he may now be he in body with you know he watches over u and her husband and baby girls… May god bless you ..& and know ur in my prayers and not alone .. For u are the mommy of a preemie baby boy.. Just like all us preemie mommies

  363. Thank you for sharing. I can’t imagine your heartache but am inspired by your faith. Your baby is amazing and oh so beautiful.

  364. My sympathies and deepest prayers. I admire what you are doing and why. At 19 weeks with my only child I started dilating & bleeding. My husband & I went to the hospital. I had a nurse laughing & texting & talking fast. My world was spinning. They kept referring to my daughter, my child as it. I was made to sign papers stating that I understood they would deliver my child & make no attempts to save her as she was not a viable life form, and much more that just seems like torture to anyone in my shoes. My OB arrived & straightened things up, I was a good candidate for a cerclage & long term bed rest in the hospital. Even while in the hospital, hearing her heart beat, feeling her kick, seeing her little profile, to them she was an it, not viable, not a person until 24 weeks. I did carry until 27, my water broke at 26 & she is healthy & perfect. I only understand a fraction of what you experienced. Although I prepared myself for a different outcome I didn’t have to experience that loss. That aside….you sharing your story & your pictures for such a noble cause, more power to you & may god bless you. I wish you all the best in this world & the next. I hope your message reaches someone who needs it!

  365. Your story has changed how I see abortions. Im so very sorry for your loss . I know nothing can take that pain away. I always thought women should have abortion rights but at 19 weeks that is a human not a fetus. Please accept m condolences. y

  366. I just wanted to say I’m so sorry for y’alls loss.I find myself sitting here crying and I’m loss for words. I know the feeling of where you are at. I loss my baby in June of last year. It was very hard. I didn’t get to see my baby, at least you but you see your baby’s beautiful face. I wish I could have. But I’m blessed to have gotten pregnant right after that. I gave birth to a healthy baby boy on May 9, 2013. God has a plan for everyone and he will give you another baby, you just watch and see. Please keep faith and you shall receive. Thank you for reading my post. Your family is beautiful and you willl be blessed with another baby, I truly believe that.

  367. God Bless you for the trial that you have endured and for the witness that you stand for innocent children. I pray that you have joy and daily peace that God blesses you with knowing that you will all be reunited. Your story and photos are inspiring!!!

  368. Beautiful, heartwarming pictures. You will always treasure these. And, by sharing, you allowed me to have a very serious, heartfelt conversation with my 10 year old grandson about the lives that are lost to abortion. He was shocked that in our country, that is allowed. Through your loss and your willingness to share your beautiful baby boy’s pictures, you may have helped save many, many lives! May God bless you for being open and honest and sharing. I pray that He might bless you with a healthy pregnancy and a beautiful baby boy in the future.

  369. Let me just say I’m so sorry. I also had a miscarriages my first was with triplets. But I can’t imagine what you went through getting to actually hold ur son. But I think you have done something amazing by putting this out there to where people can see and feel what you went through. Many thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

  370. Im so sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby boy!! All my love and prayers go out to you and your family! God Bless you and your family!! >3

  371. Prayers for you & your family… Inspiring story that will def touch so many lives. Much love

  372. This has touched me and opened my eyes in a life changing way. You are doing something wonderful by posting this and I am so sorry for you loss and send my love to your family.

  373. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with your son, Walter. I’m so sorry for your loss. I, too, have lost two babies one from early miscarriage and a baby girl stillborn. I pray you are able to grieve the way you need to grieve. Again, thank you for sharing so candidly. Sincerely, Melissa

  374. I an so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures of your beautiful baby boy. I have 3 angels that i never had the opportunity to meet because I list them before 8 weeks. Loss is so horrible but I know Heavenly Father will let you raise your beautiful son someday. Hugs for you and your family.

  375. I was reading about Walter after my kids went to sleep but I didn’t realize my oldest (4 years old) snuck up on my and peeked over my shoulder to see what I was looking at. I first covered the screen up because I wanted to talk to him first but he just wanted to see and he was in total awe. He couldn’t get enough of the pictures of the “cute tiny baby” as he called him and asked if Walter was grown bigger now. I had to tell him that Baby Walter went to heaven to be with God because he was to tiny when he was born so Jesus took him to heaven where he would be strong and happy and be with God. My son sighed in relief and said “Oh, that is good then. But he was really cute.”

    I just wanted to share this little story with you. I am so very sorry for your loss but I am glad you had those precious minutes with your son. I lost my baby at 13 weeks and wasn’t even told if I had a boy or a girl…

  376. What a beautiful baby boy! My nephew was born at 26 weeks, now 24 years old and not one issue from his prematurity. My own son tried very hard to come also at 26 weeks but I was able to keep him in due to a cerclage and many meds until 36 weeks. He’s now 23! You are right that God has a plan and it’s perfect even when we don’t understand….. God Bless you and your family for sharing!

  377. Lexi,

    I am so sorry for your loss! Thank you so much for sharing your story and pictures. I truly think that because you shared your story, you have saved the lives of many babies that would otherwise have been aborted due to the misunderstanding that babies invitro don’t have a spirit and a soul. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints. We believe that families are Eternal and because of this you will have the opportunity to raise your sweet son in the hereafter. Although this knowledge does not take the pain away, I hope it provides HOPE!

    Thank you so much again for sharing your story with us! You inspire me to be a better person!


  378. Thank you for sharing. I have several friends who have experienced stillbirth at about this gestation…So very sorry for your loss. He was truly a precious gift. I pray God will use it to show people the reality of pregnancy and what it is they’re truly carrying. God bless you for being willing to share what to so many is so very personal.

  379. I don’t know you, just ran across story on Facebook. So sorry for your loss. I pray Lord will give you & your family strength to get you through this difficult time. Your beautiful little boy is with Him and you will indeed one day see him again. Thank you for sharing your sad but touching story. May God bless you & your family

  380. Wow what a amazing story .. my youngest son was born at 22 weeks why ill never know they say he stoped growing inside me I was at 36 weeks but he was showing on the ultrasound at 22 weeks . I was so scared I didn’t know what to do or say just pray that he would be oky.. well I went in for my c section but the dr worned me that he might not breath on he’s own and that he’s skin would not be like regular skin so I’m expecting the worse.. when my precious baby boy came into this world he shocked us all he was as big as my hand weighing 1pound 2 ounces . He was perfect a feed and grow baby he could breath on he’s own he could cry everything a normal baby could . He had to be in the nicu for about a month . He was the talk of the whole hospital everyone came down to see this miracle. I couldn’t believe it I was expecting the worse.. They sent my baby home weighing 2pounds 11 ounces he was so small .. and we named him Santiago Martin after the saint of miracles. Well my son today is very small for he’s age which he’s gonna be turning 5 . Ppl Like to make fun of him but like I say he is a survivor. . And for u I’m so sorry about ur loss the Lord up above needed lil Walter and know he is watching over u all may god bless u in this time of need . RIP LIL WALTER U ARE HOME NOW WITH OUR LORD. .

  381. Your baby is BEAUTIFUL! Oh my, what a doll! I want to say that I’m sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing your story. I will pray for you and your family. I could not imagine what you are feeling but I know that our Lord will comfort you throughout. We never know why the Lord does the things He does especially when some of those things cause such pain. God Bless you, your husband and your two gorgeous daughters.

  382. I worked in OB as an RN for 7 years. I always took extra care with cases like yours. I encouraged the time with the baby. I think you sharing this story might change some folks thoughts on abortion. I will pray for your family. Much love.

  383. You are an amazin and strong woman for sharing your story. I pray the good Lord blesses you and you’re family!

  384. I am so very sorry that you had to go through this, but know that Walter is not alone. He is in God’s hands and he has a friend, his name is Billy Joe Stutheit Jr. He was born at 16 weeks and was just as perfect as Walter. I thank you for sharing, I know how hard it is. God bless

  385. I am truely sorry for your loss. I’ve been through a miscarriaged, & it was the saddest moment of my life. My prayer goes to you & your family.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story. I lost my baby boy at 17 1/2 weeks — just this last September. My water had broken at 10 weeks, but I carried him and he grew and had a heart beat right until he delivered. We were hoping for a miracle and that he would make it. Hearing your story helps remind me my baby boy is safe in Heaven. I got to hold him and get pictures with him as well. The only time I was calm the whole day he was born was when he was in my arms. It is an amazing thing to be able to hold your child – even for a moment.

    2. I am so Thankful for you and Walter – his beautiful photos will save lives!! I feel so many people who think abortion is ok, just don’t really know the truth. I am sorry you didn’t get more time with him on earth. So much sharing and heart healing because of Walter. I was never got to see or hold my little one, but Walter’s photo’s have given me a peace I have needed for 10 years.
      Thank you again for sharing your photos and

  386. Your story has touched my heart. Your baby boy is beautiful . So proud of you for telling your story and encouraging others .

  387. I can’t even imagine.
    Thank you so much for your bravery in sharing your story. I know hearts have been touched and undoubtedly minds will be changed.
    I’m praying for you.

  388. Thank you for sharing your story and pictures. for a long time i felt like my husband and i were the only ones that felt our son andrew was a child not just a fetus.our son was just about the same size but i was sent home from the hospital with my contractions a minute a part. i had my son at home. i was never able to hold my son the hospital staff advised me once i was rushed back it was not good for me to. thank god even though only for a few moments they let my husband hold him. Your son was beautiful. thank you again for sharing your story.

  389. I’m so sorry for your loss, heaven has another angel. He is a beautiful baby boy and god bless him and your family.

  390. I am so sorry for ur loss, i too was sick with my first child. He was born @ 26 1/2 wks and was not much bigger then ur sweet baby.. That was 13 yrs ago and after 2 1/2 months of not knowing from day to day he came home…. He is a wonderful child and will be starting high school this fall…. All honors classes..god has a plan for him….. I got sick w my 2nd child too but he was term…. Faith in God and his plans. I couldn’t have another child and was hurt to hear that babies were aborted at that size… I am now the mother of 5 children as i have adopted 3 siblings from a crack mom….. You r a very strong woman and have strong faith… Always remember God has a plan for everything in your life…. God bless u and thank you for sharing ur story…

  391. God Bless you and your family…Walter is a precious gift, even if he was only here for a short time…

  392. What a sweet little boy! May the God of all comfort be with you during this time. Thank you for sharing.

  393. I am truly sorry for the loss that you and your family are enduring. My God be y’all EVERY step of the way. Your story made me appreciate my 4 children even more. I pray that God blesses your family generously. I have had 1 miscarriage and lost my eldest son. I can tell you I know your pain but the truth is the pain is different for everyone. May the soul of Walter watch over your family all the days of y’alls lives.

  394. I am moved by your story. This same thing happened to me 3 years ago this last Feb. I lost my miracle baby girl I had tried to have for 10 years. She was 5.8 oz and still made a huge impact on my family and myself. I still think about her daily and miss what it would have been like to raise her, but I was blessed for the short time I had her. I actually live in flora as well and if you need anything I will do my best to help. Lean on your family and friends in this hard time. My thoughts are worn you all.

  395. what a touchn story. I am so sory that u endured this type of suffering. im so happy that baby Walter was shared with u guys if only 4a little while. His memory will live on. May God con’t 2bless u.

  396. He’s perfect. Thank you for sharing your sweet baby boy and your family’s story with us. I share your faith and beliefs but this opened my eyes even more to the reality of the life these sweet babies deserve. God bless you and your family ❤

  397. I have a beautiful little girl that was born at 23 weeks and 3 days. I was told that you can abort a baby up until 24 weeks. She is a very healthy 6 year old. I just wanted to tell you that my heart breaks for you. I will be praying for you. I have also miscarried and cannot tell you how sad that was for me.

  398. God Bless You…your family…and your beautiful baby boy! You have a new guardian Angel! Prayers will be out from one mom to another from my family to yours! Stay strong and keep Gods word and faith flowing! I think its wonderful what your doin with your story! Even if it only changes one mothers decision…that’s one life saved! God is good†

  399. That is so beautiful… I am so sorry for your families loss…may god bless u and your family….many prayers are being sent….I cried the entire time I read your story….u have so much strength and courage…. truly truly inspirational 🙂 thank u for sharing

  400. He is beautiful, cute, adorable, precious, handsome. What a little miracle God blessed you with, if even for a few months of carrying him, and a few moments with him to hold. I am so sorry for your loss, and pray for you in this time of grief. Don’t let anyone tell you Walter is anything but a gorgeous tiny baby boy. May God bless you and your family.

  401. im so sorry for your loss…my daughter just recently passed away at 22 weeks..its a terrible feeling not knowing why this happened..and I too had to explain this to my 4 year old son…it is not something easy to deal with when a child passes…I miss her terribly but she is always with me….when you get a chance you should take a look at this website called Jewelry Keepsakes…I ordered a necklace from them and I absolutely am in love with it! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  402. Dear Precious Family,
    Your story and pictures of Walter were so gripping to me. My heart is so sad. I wish I could have been there to offer you a hug from someone who knows your pain. My sister’s baby died during delivery (he was 2 weeks over due so he was fully developed — but the placenta broke). Our lives were never quite the same. Your precious Walter was held by your family with so much love. He is in Heaven with our Heavenly Father, waiting for your all to join him. I was blessed by your story. God bless you for sharing it with us. I hope you are comforted with love through this terrible time. Hugs to you all.

  403. I am so very sorry for your loss. I trust that someday we will have understanding of these things, but that does not ease the pain that we feel while it is happening.

    I’m glad you were able to get the wonderful photos that you did. I don’t know if you are familiar with this charity, Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, but that is exactly what this charity does – provides remembrance photography for parents who have lost a baby. Volunteer photographers do the photography. In case you are interested in hearing more about it:

  404. What a beautiful lil boy…. I am so sorry for your loss…. my heart cries for you… God Bless you and your family….

  405. Thank u so much for showing us ur beautiful baby boy. He is truly an angel in heaven I am sorry for ur loss. I cried as I read ur story I lost a baby a year ago and the pain is unbelievable he/she was my baby even if I was only 6 weeks I loved my baby and think of him or her daily. Thank u again and I will say a prayer for Walter.

  406. Your son was indeed perfect. Children are special. Your son brightens the streets of Heaven, infact, He is a flower in the Master’s boquet. Bless your family.

  407. I am so very sorry for your loss, my very best friend went through the very same thing, i send prayers for you and your family!

  408. I cannot imagine what you’ve gone through but I do know that your son had a very special purpose during his short time here. I often wonder who suffered more, Mama Mary or our Savior. In kind, as heart twisting as this experience must have been, you can take comfort in knowing that God entrusted you to have a son to live briefly upon the earth and die to save others, just as He did His own and I find that to be a very great, yet bittersweet, honor. I am sorry for your pain and proud of your courage.

  409. I just want u to know that i cried the entire time reading ur story and pray for ur family at this time of loss i dont know what i would have done in this situation but u are mighty strong. I gave birth to my son ten days before your son was born. I pray ur family grown stronger and ur daughters gain understanding that their brother is better now that he is with our savior. God bless you guys!

  410. I’m not even sure how I found your page, but my heart is breaking for your loss. Walter was a perfect baby boy and I’m so glad you were able to take lots of pictures to remember him. Only God knows the reason He called Walter home so early, but it’s a blessing to know you will see him again in Heaven.

  411. Thank you….I am so sorry for your loss, but you have done such a huge and noble thing by posting this and showing the importance of accepting life at EVERY stage!
    Good Bless you and your family.

  412. Praying for you! He was absolutely perfect! I’m so sorry you had to go through this. The Lord has him safely cradled in his arms until you get there to hold him once again. God Bless you and beautiful family! RIP precious little boy!

  413. This was hard for me to look at; in the late 1990s I lost four stillborn babies (18 wks LMP; 21 wks LMP; 22 wks LMP; 19 wks LMP), and no medical cause was ever found. I did go on to have one more child, who lived and was born at 38 weeks.

  414. You do not know me, I doubt we will ever walk the same path, but we share the same Lord and Savior who promises that we are all brothers and sisters. So my heart aches for you and your family during this difficult time. May you find peace in your prayers and know that your precious angel will rest in the arms of our Lord and will forever be PERFECT. I will hug my baby boy just a little longer tonight and hope you are able to find comfort in the arms of your beautiful family. Thank you so much for sharing this story. You will impact many lives.

    Blessings and prayers to you.

  415. I’m very sorry for your loss of you baby boy. I couldn’t imagine how you and your family are feeling. My thoughts and prayers will be with you snd your family. Just know that you and him will be together again.

  416. So sorry for your loss… are blessed to have had those moments holding him, as those moments will be in your hearts forever.

  417. I’m so incredibly sorry for your family’s loss. My deepest most heartfelt sympathies go out to you. Thank you for sharing this amazing story with us, Walter was beautiful 🙂 🙂 his little face was perfect. You truly are brave and your strength shows. Rip Wally.

  418. So, so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing the photos and helping people to recognize the humanity of babies, even at his stage of development. You are in our prayers.

  419. Thank you for sharing! May God bless you with another miracle, not to replace Walter cause nothing ever could, but for the Joy to LOVE! AS GOD HAS PLANNED!

  420. What precious pictures of a beautiful family! I’m sorry for your loss; Heaven gained another angel! I could feel the love through your pics! May God bless you and keep His loving embrace snugly around all of you!

  421. He is so adorable and perfect. I couldn’t imagine going threw this. You are a very strong person and so is your family. These picture made me cry. How could this happen to a baby that is so perfect. I have a son that is 5 month. If that happened to him. I don’t think that I would have the strength to do it. God bless you and your family.

  422. I am so sorry for your loss and will be praying for you. As a fellow mom (and one who was also recently pregnant,) my heart breaks for you. Your strength in sharing your story is amazing and I pray God blesses many lives through your exhibition of faith. God is so good, even when we don’t understand His plans.

  423. Thank you for being so brave in sharing this so publicly. I was so encouraged to see your children holding the evidence of Gods most perfect design in thier very hands; something that will impact them for the rest of thier lives. No one will be able to argue with them when they defend the sanctity of life to those around them! So powerful. You and your husband are amazing parents and such inspiring followers of Jesus. God bless you and your family.

  424. Hi Sweetie….those are awesome pictures. I don’t know who did them but they did a great job! Are you familiar with NILMDTS? It’s a non-profit organization that does this very thing…take pictures for the family free of charge. I use to volunteer for them for about 2 years…very emotional but very rewarding. The families that I served are very appreciative and thankful that they have their images of their little angel. The images helped in the healing process. I am so so sorry for your loss but so so very thankful that you are willing to share your story. May God comfort you and your family in a way that only He can. May you find strength, peace and comfort. God bless you and thank you for sharing your angel! ((hugs)) to your family!

  425. Your story is so beautiful. I too had a baby in a similar manner at 21 wks. So I relate to all the emotions and the healing you have had to ho through. I thank God this happened because I don’t think I would have seen what a true blessing my boys are. We have Mighty God.

  426. I am very sorry for your loss. I also lost my son Miguel at 18 weeks 6 days and he looked the same size. Here in WI I was lucky enough to get a birth certificate as he lived for 8 hours. However when my daughter Olivia was still born at 23 weeks I was not able to get one as she was not a live birth. Walter is so very cute. My prayers go out to you and your family.

  427. Your BABY is absolutely beautiful!!! I’m so sorry for your loss!!!! My eyes are filled with tears for you, your beautiful daughters, and your family!!! May you somehow find comfort.

  428. I am in tears. What a perfect baby boy. He will continue on to be perfect , pure, untainted and innocent in the holy kingdom! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

  429. As I finish looking at your images tears scroll down my face. Im.deeply sorry for your lost.Your story has touched me so much that its time for me to release and tell god that I was one of many women who aborted. this story has changed me mentally un everyway. im so sorry

  430. I’m so sorry for your loss!! My daughter was born sleeping at 36 weeks!! We found out her heart stopped beating less than 2 hours after she had a normal heart beat at my regular ob check! My ob sent me for a NST to make sure I wasn’t contracting bc I was having a repeat csection and we could hear her hear beat but couldn’t get it on the monitor when we got the ultrasound we found out her heart had stopped! We later found out I have two genetic gene mutations that cause clotting! My placenta had clotted over 60%! And a baby can only survive up to 50%! And to me Hun a baby is a baby from the minute they have a heart beat!!! Stay strong!! I love ur amazing pictures!! Treasure then forever!!! Xxxx

  431. Dearest one who carried this precious child, know he was formed in your womb for a purpose, His purpose. As you loved and cherished your little boy, proven by the pictures and your testimony, many will realize the gift of life with another perspective. I pray Walter’s life will continue to reach out to others who have not known the perfect way The Lord God forms a baby within the womb… Ps 139. HE knows the inward parts; He is the Creator!! Walter’s little life is a testimony to our Heavenly Father’s forming a baby within the womb. Thank you for sharing with words and pictures the testimony of life! Even though Walter wasn’t able to stay in this world, he testifies of LIFE!! He was precious to his Creator. He was precious to his mother, father, and sisters… He is precious to many who see God’s wonderful Hand, by seeing dear little Walter. Walter is blessed to not have seen the evil done under the sun. Eccl 4:3 He is also better than an angel, as angels are limited in understanding of grace, mercy and love from our Father, as they do not have salvation, as some of us humans do. You and your husband are believers! I believe Walter is present with the Lord, awaiting the Resurrection! Hallelujah for our awaited Resurrection!!! We are only here on this earth a short time…We have all of eternity to enjoy with THE Resurrection and the Life ~ our Lord Jesus Christ!!!!

  432. I am sorry for your loss. I had. Concidered a abortion at 19 weeks after seeing theese pics of this beautifull precious baby I am so glad I didn’t. I hope your family is well Ithink it is wonderful you got to spend time with the baby the pics are wonderful best wishes to you all

  433. My heart breaks for your family. I’m so sorry for your loss, but so glad you have faith that you will see your precious baby again someday!

  434. This happened to me , I was 22 weeks and went into labor and delivered my Lana and was in 17 hours of labor and pushed her out and she lived one hour ! She is with the Angels now! I had her cremated and her ashes are in a marble urn on my wall unit! I took pictures and video also !

  435. He was beautiful!!! May the peace of our Lord and Savior comfort your home and heart and help you get through this time. We will see Walter soon enough. Thank you for sharing!!

  436. Thanks so much for sharing your story and your pictures. I lost a baby at 41/2 months
    it was the hardest and most painful thing
    I went until the day I lost my then 22 year
    old son.. Of course I was fortunate to have 22
    years of memories with my son I just never
    Got to know the sex if the baby I lost . The
    Drs. Said it was just a blob and maybe it was
    I have the feeling my son us enjoying his sibling and I will get to meet them one day. Thanks again for sharing with me. Prayers to you and your family..

  437. To a parent from a parent I’m sorry for your loss I can’t find the words to say how presious your son was and yes he is with our father but I don’t understand how some doctors, nurses and staff can be cold. Sending prayers to all of you for comfort and peace in your time of sorrow. Hod bless you and your family.

  438. I’m terribly sorry for your loss. Words can’t even tell you how I’m feeling. It brought tears to my eyes

  439. You really do have a precious son. He wasnt just a fetus. He was a precious baby from Heavenly Father.

  440. First off, I’m very sorry for your loss. I hate that anyone has to go through experiences like this. Secondly, thank you for sharing your story and especially your pictures. I have never liked abortions or the reason most people have for getting them or being ok with others getting them. At this time in Texas our state government is trying to pass a bill that will make it so abortions at 20 weeks and beyond are not allowed. It was shot down at first because of a one women filibuster and some unruly citizens but thankfully the governor has called a special session to discuss it further. After seeing your pictures of your beautiful baby boy at 19 weeks 3 days (even before 20 weeks gestation), I am encouraged even more to make my voice heard on this issue because I, like you, know that babies are babies in the womb and not just a group of cells. I hope that by sharing your story and your pictures I can help others understand why abortion is wrong, especially at 20 weeks and beyond!

  441. Thank you for sharing the story and pictures of your precious son. It is amazing how perfectly formed these tiny babies are. Oh how I wish the abortionists could be touched and have their hearts changed. My precious grandson was born at 24 weeks and only survived 3 weeks, so I know the loss you are feeling. Plus, I suffered 2 miscarriages myself. I am thankful that we have the LORD to rely on and know these children are in Heaven, where we will see them one day.

  442. thank you for sharing such an intimate part of your lives…you are all in my prayers…he was a beautiful baby and now a beautiful angel! God be with you all

  443. It is with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes that I read the beautiful ending to your story. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. God just needed another Angel to hold until you get there to hold him again in your arms.

  444. Reading your story, I felt like you took a page from my memory. I, too lost a son at 19 1/2weeks. My first pregnancy, I started spotting, went to my OB, was admitted into the hospital because my placenta had developed a tear due to an infection. I was in the hospital for a week, flat on my back trying to allow it to repair itself to hold the weight of my baby. Needless to say it didn’t work. I developed an infection, fever, his heart rate dropped, so they had to induce. As others here stated, I did not want to push- as long as he was inside of me, I knew I had a baby, but once the labor was over, I would go home without a child. He was delivered, a perfect boy, Jonathon Skyler. He never took a breath, but he was my beautiful child. The hospital where I was, was absolutely wonderful, and patient, and kind. We, too, were able to take pictures and visit with our son. Those moments were so wonderful yet so heartbreakingly devastating knowing we would not be taking him home. I, too, am glad we took the pictures to look back on to verify, he did exist , he was here, if only for a little while. My heart breaks for you, but you had him, if only for a moment. And that is the most precious thing.

  445. Hi, there. I lost a child in 1998 at 22 weeks. They whisked him away to pathology immediately and I never got to see him. I didn’t think it bothered me until 10 years later, when I broke down over something that reminded me of the loss. In some way, little Walter’s photos have let me understand, in a way, how my little Noah might have looked. Bless your hearts – I’m so sorry for your loss. The photos are so beautiful – thanks for sharing through your pain. All part of God’s big plan.

  446. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I know all too well what you guys are going through. My story is the day we found out what we were having we surprised the in laws and told them we were expecting a little boy. That night I went to the restroom and felt something between my legs. I reached down and felt like a water balloon. I called my hubby in then we called my dr and rushed to the hospital 45 minutes from where we were. I was inverted for 5 days then the 5th day is when i went into labor. Our son was born June 5th at 3:16 pm and has been our guardian angel since the day he was born. He was perfect just like yours and me delivering him was all about my cervix not being able to hold him in. Our loss of Ryker we were able to have our son we have now. Thank you for sharing your story. If you need a friend to talk to please email me.

    Love from Utah,


  447. You and your family will be in my prayers. Your courage to share your story is amazing. May God provide you with peace and comfort.

  448. I am truly sorry for your loss. I saw this on facebook and noticed the comment about some people thinking this is promoting a business or for fame it just disgust me. How can anyone want to seek out fame from such a tragedy. I am a mother myself and the thought of this happening is horrifying. I had to keep scrolling threw my tears, I may not know you but my heart is with you and your family. I believe that your intentions are true and I appreciate you for sharing your story and your faith in our lord above with the world, and also raising awareness about abortion. As I said before I am sorry for the loss of your baby, may God wrap his loving arms around you. Loving thoughts and prayers, Blessed are those whom mourn for they shall be comforted.

  449. Wow how amazing. I have never ever heard of or seen anyone who has been through the exact same thing as me. I was 20 at the time, my very first child, and the baby was a boy. I think it’s amazing to actually know someone who has been through the same. I will keep u all n my prayers. I love your pictures and am so inspired by your story. If I may during my time of trying to overcome this horrible ordeal I found a poem and it fits wonderfully for me and maybe u will appreciate it the same;

    “An angel in the book of life wrote
    Down my baby’s birth. Then
    Whispered as she closed the book,
    “Too beautiful for earth”
    Author unknown

    God bless u all and cherish those pictures, I do.

    Moriah Williams

  450. I can’t tell you how sorry I am! Your story touched my heart in so many ways! Reading your story and looking at the photos of Walter just made me break down cause I can’t imagine what that must have felt like. He was a beautiful baby boy and I know The Lord is taking very good care of him! I’m hoping people can see this and know that even below 20weeks the baby is still fully developed! I will pray for you and your family! 👼

  451. I am so sorry about your loss. Your baby is beautiful and your story touched my heart. I went through this with a friend of mine last year she and I were pregnant at the same time and she lost her twin boys at 18 weeks and her boys were as perfectly formed and beautiful as your little one. Thank you for sharing your life with the rest of the world and the story of this precious little baby boy.

  452. Thank you for having the courage to share your story. The pictures of your baby boy are beautiful. I am so glad that your daughters got the chance to see and hold their baby brother. So many times parents try to shield their children from sad situations and then the children don’t really understand what has happened or what’s going on and feel confused and scared. Who knows what kind of impact this has made on their lives….maybe that was your sons’ purpose…to influence his sisters lives in a positive way that he couldn’t have done otherwise if he had lived. I don’t know why God only let you have your baby for such a short time, but if your story can change the heart and mind of just one woman considering abortion, then his death wouldn’t have been in vain.

  453. Your story is very touching. Wish everyone that was thinking of abording theie could read this. Maybe they would think about what they are doing. I am touched by the your faith. The Lord is so good. He gave your baby life long enough for you to see that. Then took him to Heaven to live with him. We may not understand these things, but we do know that the Lord is in control and He never makes a mistake. I will be praying for you and your family. Hope to keep in touch with you. God Bless you and your family. Loveing Memories and Thankfull for you being so strong in your faith. Linda from Warren , Arkansa

  454. I am so sorry for your loss!!!! I know first hand what that feels like. I had to give birth to my daughter at 5 months..She was also called a fetus, and that made me really angry!!! I wish I would of had pics to look back on!! Yes the Lord does things for a reason, we may not know why. Like you I am sure that one day I will see my daughter again!! I will keep you and your family in my prayers in these moments of grieving. You will never forget, but I promise you that one day the pain will ease and it won’t hurt like it does now. ❤

  455. I will make sure to include you and your family in my prayers u are so strong for sharing this with everyone and your child may rest in peace with god

  456. Very touching and sad. I had a similar experience at 14 weeks gestation and delivered a fully formed baby as well. We chose to have our Evon cremated as well. Can’t believe people can actually choose to kill a baby by abortion still at these stages. So many sweet innocent children losing their livea daily.

  457. I was so touched by your story. First I would like to say that I’m sorry for your family’s loss. I too have had to face a loss. I was almost 20 weeks when I had a miscarriage, however the baby did not measure that big. I was sent home by the Er doctor without even a ultrasound picture. I wasn’t even aloud to see then screen while it was being performed. They gave me pain medicine and told me to make an appoint to see my ob dr. It’s hard to grieve when you have nothing to hold on to. God Bless!

  458. I am so very sorry for your loss your story made me cry my heart is broken for your family your son was so handsome and perfect you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers may god bless you and i just want to say you are truely an incredible women and i am truely so very sorry for your loss

  459. This to happened to me and my husband but windy have such a great experience I was bleeding my whole pregnancy and they couldn’t tell me why! Finally on July 4th it happened… I went in to take a shower befor bed because it was so hot and went to wash down there and felt something I was frantic I asked my husband to look at what it was he was to scared I got out of the shower and sat there I was a little confused finally my baby girls legs poked through the water sack I was completely in shock it was as though I didn’t even know what to do. The rest of my baby was stuck and I couldn’t get her out I had no cramping nothing when I finally got to the hospital they treated me horrible they delivered the my baby the rest of the way they wouldn’t let me hold her .. They threw her in a barf bucket with some water I was balling then told me they were taking her to biopsy her to see what went wrong. I was like well what’s that mean can’t I have her back to have a ceremony or something?? The dr there told me no if you wanted to keep your baby you should of finished having her at home!! I almost died!!! The nightmare went one but wanted to thank you for your story and all the pictures!! I did get my baby back in the end and we had her cremated and is home with us we gave her the name my husband always loved Daisy Marley!! I am now pregnant again and by some reason my c-section is scheduled for that very same day!! Not by choice but I know my perfect angle is going to be there to help her baby brother into the world and I get to celebrate the birth of 2 beautiful baby’s not just one I am feeling it’s an absolute blessing

  460. So sorry for your lost,but it is in God,s plan,some how We don,t understand,but He will talk about in the by and by, My mother lost 2 children before I was born,I am 75 years old,Did any one think about the eyes,are closed everything God makes Baby,s little animals ,most come with the eyes closed,It,s amazing that He cares enough to keep the bright light out until the right time.God Bless and Keep as He Always does,Zadie,s Doll Hospital, The Doll Doctor,Zadie.

  461. Bless you and your family for sharing the story. You are stronger than you know. May God bless and comfort you all.

  462. I’m sorry you lost your child. Your story resembles what I went through on November 16, 1999. I was just 3 days shy of 5 months pregnant. I went in for my usual check up, and the the nurse told me they couldn’t find a “fetal” heartbeat. I told her to get the doctor in right away. For one I was very upset for the word fetal, and two, I had been in the medical field long enough, you do not tell a patient this. My doctor came in with this woman… I yelled I didn’t want her in the room! he saw how upset I was told her to leave. He checked me out. He then advised me “WE” (meaning- he and I) were taking a ride to the hospital. I had to be induced to deliver my Anna Rose stillborn. My fiance and my son’s (ages 13 and 17) weren’t even there with me. This was the worst day… I thought… of my life. Five months to the day, I lost my 17 year old in a car crash. Life is short. Live, laugh and love. God bless you and your family.

  463. I’m praying for you and your family I know how you feel my son’ ex was allowed to abort my grandson at 23 weeks we was told that it was none of our business my son along with the rest of our family layed to rest Embry Lee Chunn because he did exist to his Mom and her family he was a problem solved!!

  464. I am so sorry for your loss. It’s horrible to loose a child, but God always does things for the good of those who love him. Children are the only blessings we receive on this Earth that we can take to heaven. You will have the rest of eternity to spend with your WHOLE family. This life is but a second in the span of eternity. :’)

  465. You and your family are an inspiration. I cannot imagine your pain. I have tears thinking of my 21 month old, and would it would have been like to have lost her or my son. I only pray that those who do not believe in life at conception, would look at his little body and see the beautiful masterpiece that was already set in motion. He is rejoicing in his Daddy’s arms. God bless you, your husband, and your children. You have captivated the hearts of those who read your story.

  466. This story touched me beyond belief, as I read your story with tears rolling down my face I can only imagine how you feel. You got string faith in God who helped you through. God needed him for something special. You are a very strong woman and I admire you for posting and sharing Walters life with us!!

  467. I am so sorry for your loss. I completely understand your feelings. My own first born, was born early and only with me for an hour before her little body just gave out. I was never issued a death certificate, and they tried to take her away and dispose of her as they put it. But I fought it and she is now buried in Michigan. Unfortunately I have only been to her grave once in 19 yrs because I live so far from her. But there is not a day that goes by that she isn’t in my thoughts. But I too am comforted knowing she is with God. And will never know pain or loss. She would have been 20 this October. I now have 2 more children 18 and 17. But I always talk to others of my precious little angel who is always with me. I hope you too always remember your precious angel as well. Many warm wishes and prayers from me to you. Please feel free to e mail me anytime.
    Crystal Murdock

  468. I am so very sorry that you lost your little boy. I know Jesus is just loving on him like crazy right now. My heart goes out to you and you and your family are in my prayers. Thank you for sharing his photos. People need to know that they are not aborting a “lump of cells.”

  469. Just read your story. My heart just breaks for you and your family. Walter was a beautiful little BABY boy. Like you said….we don’t know why these things happen but you have to keep the faith and know god had a reason he needed your little walter. I don;t think i ever realized a baby was that formed at 19 weeks. Your pictures are awesome and thank you for sharing them and your story. I think you have enlightened alot of people of the difference between “fetus” and “baby”. God bless you all and I’ll pray for all of you, for strength. Rejoice in the fact that you WILL see little Walter again someday. Take care.
    Mrs.Christine King/Missouri

  470. I also delivered a baby too early, I was 18.5 weeks and had her March 24, 2012. We’ve since had a little boy but was on bed rest for almost all of it due to an incompetent cervix. Thank you for sharing your story and photos. I delivered at home and was unable to get photos because I was rushed to the OR for a D&C. I did find some similarities in our lives- I’m also a photographer, my husband is also named Josh, and we both have two girls then a boy. My prayers are with you!

  471. Thank you so much for sharing Walter with all of us….such a touching story. I feel sure if all these women could just get a glimpse of how perfect Walter was….maybe they would reconsider their decision on having an abortion…..they are soooo much more than just a blob of tissue and it really makes me angry to think that a lot of people see it that way. God bless you for sharing your story and may He who can do all things bless you with more children to love and cherish. ❤

  472. I’m trying to type through the tears. My heart aches for you and your family but I praise God you and your family know were your precious, beautiful angel, Walter. I am so thankful you got to see him and hold him. I lost 2 babies, I was 3 months along the first time 6 weeks the second time, I wish I could have seen my babies. My nephew and his wife had a perfect little girl, Layla Rose !in 2010 and we lost her to S.I.D.S. exactly 4 weeks later. I pray for you and your precious family’s healing.

  473. I am so sorry for your loss. The pictures are beautiful and I hope that the chance to get to hold him was able to give your family comfort at such a devastating time. Thank you for sharing your story.

  474. This is so sweet. I’m so thankful for any life the comes and exits this planet. These guys must have been very strong to endure a loss in this way. I’m pregnant right now and have had miscarriages before, but nothing like this. I just hope this little baby can live on through my child and the children of others. Everything has a purpose and meaning matter how long it manifests in this reality. Take care and stay strong.

  475. I’m so sorry for your loss. What a beautful, perfect, little boy. Thinking of you and praying for you and your sweet family.

  476. I just went thru the same thing. My baby boy passed away June 25 2013, 4 1/2 months premature. This was my first child and he will always be in my heart. Holding him will be the only memory I will ever have of my son but it will forever be in my heart. One thing people will never be able to take away from us is the love we will always have in our heart’s for the ones we can’t hold everyday! Stay strong and god will lead us!

  477. Thank you SO much for sharing this story… I would love to share this story to young people that are wanting to abort. I have had 4 pregnancies and have been blessed with one child. Faith is a huge thing when it comes to a loss. Due to many medical issues, the doctors have told me if I were to get pregnant again, it would kill me… So they advised me to get a partial hysterectomy. I was only 26. The hardest decision me and my husband had to make. My husband and I had an agreement to adopt or try a seraget. My husband has been threw foster care, so we will most likely go towards adoption. Plus with the military, and being exposed to many gases and things the military did to him, he doesn’t have a high sperm count. I’m currently 27 years old, and still battle my lost children, plus losing the only child my husband ever had, was lost before he deployed this last year. I have felt like I failed him, or just my body. But I try to look at everything happens for a reason. Doctors are saying with all my surgeries, from my illnesses that I have only approximately 10 years left. I’m hoping to prove them wrong. Just battling mentally wither or not I should bring another child into our lives, just to lose their mother soon. I really hope your family can get threw these hard times. You really are helping others as well. So thank you!

  478. I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep your family in my prayers, and tell my fellow church family to pray for your family. May God bless your family.

  479. You must have a very special heart and spirit. Prayers of blessings to you and yr family. You all must be quit special in deed. That tiny man of yours, so perfect and beautiful. His light is shining here with us, powerful and bright. He is touching so many lives though he was here so shortly, thank you for sharing him.

  480. I’m truely sorry for your loss. I lost my first child somewhat of the same way at 27 wks but she had died in utero. I was put into labor at 19 yrs old. I was scared hurtn and my heart was broken. No one can understand your pain. I also got to hold Desire’ and was encourage to by the Dr and nurses they even took her back and took her first piture for me so I’ve got that. It was so hard with my other 3 children to get excited before thst dreaded 27 wk mark passed and needless to say nothing was bought before then. All her little clothes hanging in the closet was a horrible reminder of how somehow i had failed her as a mother even before she took her first breath but i got past thatafter yrs. My other children know all about her and visit her grave regularly.

  481. This is so sad may god be with them.. I set and cryed when reading and looking at these and you no god only takes the best..

  482. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story with my family and the world. May God bless you and your family.

  483. Thank you for sharing your son’s story. I cannot fathom the heartbreak. I watched as a friend had to endure a similar loss. My heart is so heavy for you and your beautiful family. Walter is a beautiful, perfect little angel, and I am imagining Jesus, with so much love, looking down at Walter in his hands. I will be praying for all of you.

  484. I am so sorry for your loss. that is so incredibly sad. I just had my first baby almost a month and a half ago and I can honestly say I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. you are amazingly strong to be able to cope like you are. that takes a lot of strength.
    the pictures are beautiful and this whole story has opened my eyes about abortion alot.
    God bless and I’m sending healing thoughts for your sweet little family! ❤

  485. This was my story in 1979, when my little Joshua was taken. At that time they would not let us see him. Your pictures helped me to know how perfect he would have been. The heartbreak will never, ever go away but it will become easier to bear. All of my love and blessings for you and your family.

  486. Your son is a beautiful child. I am so sorry for your loss. It never gets easy,but he will forever be alive in all your heart’s. I have never understood why they would still call a child a fetus just because the baby is not 20 weeks. I am almost 19 weeks along. I’ve heard my baby’s heartbeat and felt all the movements. I love feeling everytime my baby moves. My child is not a fetus, my child is a baby. Its moving and everything. Just because a child is not fully formed does not mean it is not a human nor alive. They are very much alive.

  487. I just want to say how aorry i am for your loss. I think what yourve done, your story will help so many people out there that are going through similiar situstions. Your an inspiration x

  488. I am very sorry for your loss, I lost a baby at 19 weeks as well only he had a diaphermatic hernia and hypo plastic lungs, but we went to San Francisco to save him but he was already gone. They were going to do inutero surgery but The Lord took him before they opened me up. I also have a picture of my son he weighed in at 3/4lb and fit in our hand as yours did. I know your pain and I am praying for you and your beautiful family, thank you for sharing

  489. Praying that God’s healing peace will help your family through this loss. Thank you for blessing us with sharing pictures of Walter. What a beautiful creation of life!
    Katie Gonzalez

  490. Such an amazing and inspirational journey you have shared. I truly commend you for taking such a tragic situation and using it not only to help others, but also for the glory of God. I have always felt that God allows certain things to happen so that we can relate to others in a very special way and you have certainly been able to touch the lives and hearts of so many people with your story. Bless you for your strength in God and loving devotion to His will.

  491. I know what you are going threw same thing happened to me june 30, 2011. But I was 20 weeks. Basically what the hospital did to u they did to me. I had a boy too his name is kaleb jesse rodriguez. I’m truly sorry for what happened to you an your family.

  492. My prayers are with u and your family! I’m so sorry for your loss, I’m out of words.

  493. Your son is absolutely beautiful! For as little as he is, you can plainly see that he is 100% himself! I mean, afew more pounds and he’d still look exactly the same, just with rosier cheeks! Just in these pictures, iI can imagine him snuggling on you, mama and grasping big sisters’ fingers! Thank you for sharing these! His life is a testament to how beautiful the Life of the pre-born truly is! God Bless you! Big hugs from your fellow mom!

  494. I do not even know what words to say but i had tears in my eyes while reading this and sobbed at your pics especially the ones with ur daughters holding their brother ❤

  495. Omg cannot fight my tears. I only lost one child, it was very early on. I cannot imagine how it must feel. My heart aches for u. Your child is a gift, and a beautiful angel. God bless you and your family.

  496. This story truly touched me. I am so sorry for your loss and prayers go out to you and your sweet family. Walter is a sweet angel in Heaven watching over you all!

  497. Wow your baby is so adorable and your story is so amazing we r so sorry u lost or baby and u r right it is a baby not a fetus. We r so sorry u have to go through this your family is in our prayers fo

  498. Thank you for sharing your story and photos! This hits home to me. I am a labor and delivery nurse who sees and deals with the heartache that you have been through. Your little boy is precious. I wish everyone could see what a perfect little guy he is. I was glad you posted your photos. It aches my heart to know we allow babies of any gestational age to be aborted. I have wished so many times that the public could see and know what I know. Just as you say….he is beautifully formed and perfect……yet under our laws he could be murdered if the mother chooses. I was glad to see the photos posted so maybe others who see your post can truely understand what’s growing inside a mothers body. Before I saw with my own eyes I was not as passionate about my opinion. And I do understand that others believe differently about the subject. If your story helps one mother decide to let her baby live then oh what a blessing!!

  499. I can’t even being to fathom what you have gone through. My heart goes out to you and your family. God has a beautiful angel in his kingdom.

  500. I am so sorry for your loss i just had a baby nine wekks ago, and could not fathom the pain ur going thru. I also agree that is a baby and it should be considered murder to have a abortion. Your baby boy is precious! And again im so sorry for your loss!

  501. I am so sorry for your loss… I lost a little boy shortly after birth. Jonathan lived 8 hours and 43 minutes on his own without life support. He was born without kidneys. I also lost a little girl at 16 weeks 5 days. Elizabeth was delivered while i was using a bed pan. I felt her coming out and caught her in my hand. They never let me see her but a nurse took a couple of pictures of her for me. I cherish those photos. God has his reasons for doing this. I don’t understand them but he has a reason.

    Anita Bosteder
    Mayfield, Ky

  502. I am so sorry for your loss I am almost in tears right now and I am a 14 year old boy I am so so so so so very sorry I will be praying for you and your family and now heaven has another angel and they are lucky.

  503. I’m so sorry for your loss I went thru that to its not easy god bless you and your beautiful family

  504. How truly amazing that through all the heartache you were willing to share your precious baby and his story with us. God’s blessings on your family and please know that our prayers are with all of you. I too had a baby born early – 22 weeks but he was born 37 years ago, tho I will never forget him. I also will be praying that they find the cause. You are right – you will see him again – your family will be united!

  505. I am so sorry about your baby I wish I knew what to say there isnt really much to say though. Im against abortion myself and i beleive that a baby is conceived and not just something there. I have two boys of my own and i cant imagine how hard it is for u i almost lost my oldest one. You are in my prayers and may God bless you all.

  506. Thank you for sharing your story I know It wasn’t easy to do so and hope that you soon find cumfort on our lord. Our lord never abandons us skeep strong and remain in faith.

    Our family will keep you in our prayers. God bless you and your family.

  507. I’m so very sorry. I knowthere are no words to ease your pain, bc I’ve been there. We lossed our little guy at 38 weeks. I went in for a check up and there was no longer a heart beat. Devestated was an understatement. What hurts the most is there was no explanation. If you ever need to talk, I’m all yours! My email is or you can facebook me at Jennifer Walker Knowles.

  508. Lexi thank you so much for sharing. I cried when I read your story. We tried foe over a year to get pregnant despite the fact that we were told it was a long shot. We got pregnant and were going to be 13 weeks at Christmas. 10 weeks in and I had brown spotting before bed. The next morning, I had heavy bleeding and 3 ultrasounds to confirm that there was no heartbeat. Due to complications, I had to have the d&c. I never saw my child or held him/her. Your son is in Heaven with my little one and I hope they are laughing and playing together. May God give you peace and comfort. Big hugs from Texas.

  509. Your story is very touching and has made some distant memories become real. Seven years ago when I was only 19, the same exact thing happened to me. I was in labor but I didn’t know it. I was scared and alone. The doctor checked me and told me that I was fully dilated and nothing they could do. They gave me medicine to try and stop labor which worked for 14 hours but then my little boy was born. I was 23.5 weeks pregnant and he was 1 pound and 2 ounces. I named him and buried him with a headstone as well. He was very much alive to me. When he was born he made noises, he moved all over the place and died before my eyes because he couldn’t breathe well and they were not equipt to handle such a small baby. In the end they called it a Miscarriage which made the whole situation feel invalidated. He was very alive within my body and very alive outside my body for an entire minute before he died. I have put many feelings away for a long time, maybe because I was too young to understand or it hurt to bad. I tucked the pictures away and haven’t looked at then in years, but seeing yours makes me want to take mine out and leave them out. To remember him as my child and not for all the pain I felt and still feel. Thank you.

  510. I am so sorry for your loss. He is so precious. I am currently 12 weeks and im already inlove with my baby. I cant imagine losing it. Your a very strong woman in my eyes. God has a very big plan for you and your loved ones. I want to say rest in peace to your wonderful baby boy and god bless you and your family.

  511. I’m so sorry for your loss you are a truly amazing family to share your story and beautiful photos with the world. My heart goes out to you all. Xx

  512. Such a beautiful, perfect baby boy. Your story touched my heart. I had two miscarriages early in my pregnancies, so nothing like what you have gone through, but I grieved and even after all these years (I’m a Grandma now:) I wonder what my babies would have been like. I’m a Christian now, but I wasn’t then and it was difficult to navigate those emotions without my Heavenly Father. God bless you & your lovely family!!

  513. thank you so much for sharing the birth of your precious baby, I believe there is nothing more special than that. your story is going to help me keep girls I know from aborting their babies. you’re going to change the world by showing this one person at a time. sending love from Chattanooga, tn

  514. so sorry for what has happened. sorry that some people don’t understand the need to prove that your son was a person.wish more people could understand this point. Unfortunately they never will. I myself lost my son Noah dec. 21, 2000. He was just over the 20 week mark. Docs told me they wouldn’t have been able to save him at that young of an age . There are peole ,like myself, who know to well the pain you and your family are going through.We appreciate and love your courage to face whatever anyone may throe your way!! I for one am behind you !! It does get better. You never forget but the pain does ease little by little!!.You and your family are in my prayers! thanks for sharing your story!! Jamie

  515. My heart aches for you. Such a beautiful little boy. You are so lucky that you got to met him and be with him before he passed. I cried so hard reading your story. I am so sorry for your loss. But you are right. You will see him again. My heart and prayers go out to you. God bless

  516. I am so sorry for your loss.. He is truly a beautiful BABY boy. I can’t say I didn’t cry, because I did. I too have my own baby, and I can’t imagine the sorrow you and your family are going through. Just always remember that he’s waiting for you in Heaven, and God is holding him close, waiting for you to be there to hold him close again. Stay strong, and God bless you all.

  517. I was so delighted to read your story and see your pictures. I know your heart is aching for the loss and only the good Lord and time will heal the hurt. No one will ever convince me that those mothers who have an abortion do not grieve at some time. They may be able to dismiss it immediately after the fact, but time will catch up with them. Then the reality will hit that they were a part of taking an innocent life. My story is so similar to yours. My husband and I married in 1967. I became pregnant in 1971 and lost that baby at about six weeks in the bathroom at work. I became pregnant again in 1977. This time I was having no problem and had even started to prepare for the nursery. I went for a check up at three months and was given oral polio and booster shots by the nurse. Within a short while I began to have sharp pains so bad that I had to stand against the wall at work. There was a friend of mine at work who had been pregnant and she told me to expect those pains. The pains continued until one Friday I started spotting while I was at work. I went home early and every time I would get up to go to the bathroom I felt something drop. I telephoned the doctor who prescribed vitamin K and another medication. He was from the old school and believed on letting nature take its course. I spent the weekend in bed and finally some time on Monday, I picked up a mirror to take a look at what kept dropping when I went to the bathroom. Up until that day I guess I thought if I didn’t look, I would not lose the baby. I called the doctor and he said to come to his office. What I saw when I looked was a pale yellow blob and he took that at the office. He then sent me to the hospital to lose the baby. I could not dilate, so they put the “pit” on me. The doctor left and walked across the highway to his home. He told the nurses when I was to have the baby, that they were to call him. The nurses left and my husband stayed in the room. The nurses had placed a towel underneath me. At some point I told the nurses that I felt like something had come out. They didn’t believe me so I don’t know how long it was until the doctor came back into the room. By that time I had had the baby on the towel. I remember so vividly that the doctor picked the towel up and laid the baby in the window ledge. Since my husband had wanted to have a boy, I asked him what the sex was and he said it was a boy. That’s when I lost it. They gave me some calming medication and I was prepped for surgery as I too could not pass the placenta. Apparently I was not completely out as I heard the two doctors discussing how much packing they put inside me. When I came home, my mother-in-law came to stay with us. I cried a lot especially when I was in the shower and would look down and realize that I was not pregnant. Two years prior to that my husband felt he didn’t love me any more and had purchased an eighteen wheeler to go on the road so he could be away from me. When he found out I was pregnant, he prayed to the Lord that if we were to stay together that I would carry the baby. Imagine his surprise when I lost him. He had to re-evaluate his love for me. Because we had drifted away from the Lord, my grief lasted two years. My husband and I then pursued adoption. In 1984 we adopted an eleven year old girl and a brother and sister who were 12 and 10 respectively. In early 1986 I became very sick and was very sore all over. This sickness went into February. I then got to wondering if I might be pregnant. I was so sick that I couldn’t go to the doctor. My husband called the doctor and they told him to have me pee in a container and bring it into the doctor’s office. It was Valentine’s week. They called and said, “Happy Valentine’s Day”, you’re pregnant. I was so grateful when I reached 25 weeks as I knew that the baby stood a good chance to live. My husband was in an accident in May of that year and was not able to work until the following year and then only for a short time. We had been told after the ultrasound that we were having a boy. When the doctor delivered a perfect girl September 26, 1986, I thought he was teasing me since I was so convinced we were having a boy. My husband took several pictures while I was still in the delivery room. When I got to my room, he wanted to take another picture. He picked up the camera and noticed that the lens cover was still on. In all the excitement, he had failed to take the cover off so he had to rush down to the nursery to take another picture. There was many pictures taken for several years. My husband and I had been married 19 years. We named her Sarah-Ann Elizabeth and she has been a delight to raise. My husband had several surgeries and she and I were in and out of the hospital with him. I nursed her and hardly ever left her. She kept my husband going all those years in spite of his pain. She is now engaged to a very sweet young man and May 24, 2014 they will be married. I can hardly wait until she has a baby. On June 9th of this year my husband and I were married 46 years. Last year in the summer I began to think of my baby boy that I never got to see. I also wondered why he died. I had taken my mother for therapy and sat out in the car and telephoned several professionals and poured out my heart and cried. Since then I guess I have that peace again. I am so glad that you took all those beautiful pictures. He will always be with you when you look at them. That also gives you closure. That was something that I did not have. The doctor had asked me what I wanted to do with the baby. He gave me two options, one to take the baby and bury him and two to have him to take care of him. I was so young and didn’t know what to do that I told the doctor to take care of him. For years I wondered what happened to him. That day when I made the calls, I found out what happened. As I was praying at the altar one night when Sarah was very young, God told me why we did not have that boy in 1986 was that he gave me a gift of a beautiful girl so that I could forgive myself of the things I had done while I was away from Him. God is so good. Every mother wants a girl to dress up. Through the years of raising our four we have gone through some rough times but God has never failed us. There was so many different ways that he supplied all our needs. You, through your story, have given me another chance to re-live mine and continue the healing. As a result of your story and all the others that have been posted, you are beginning the healing process. Who knows that you might some day write a book about everyone’s story. I pray that God continues the healing process in your family. I know you will cherish every moment that you have with your girls. Life is precious and God is good. Walter and my son are a part of Heaven’s angels and some day we will see them and, we will know them.

  518. I have read your story and empathize completely. I lost two little ones much too early. Won’t go into all the details – you don’t need to add to your sorrow. But I know I will see them again someday.
    I, too, used to think it was terrible that doctors refer to our babies as “fetus.” Perhaps they need some other term to use because they see the loss of babies more often than we can imagine. But fetus is Greek and means “little one.” Sounds like a term of endearment. Perhaps, a few at a time, we can call doctors to account, to remember what the word “fetus” means, that it doesn’t refer to an indistinct bunch of cells lacking “real” life, but rather it means “little one,” and refers to an unborn person. And the fact that they use the term “fetus” because they don’t want to think of it as a human life, no woman is capable of conceiving anything other than a human being. I lost the second one at 12 weeks, and even though I know scientifically that all his organs were not fully formed, he still looked very much like a baby.
    Something else I think you will appreciate knowing, something a real prophet once told me. Life does not begin at conception; conception occurs when God sends a spirit to a woman’s womb. And just so was Christ conceived when God sent His spirit to Mary’s womb. Conception comes as a result of life.

  519. I am sorry for your loss. I have been there,too. I have lost 4 babies to miscarriages. Its not easy but over time you will be okay. My thoughs and prayers are with you and your family, because I do know that its hard. God Bless

  520. I’m very sorry for your loss. You had a beautiful son x it’s the first time I’ve ever seen a baby so young. I had no idea a baby was so formed at that stage. I think is was the right and beautiful thing that his sisters got to see and hold him. I admire your family for sharing with us. Thank you all my love x

  521. First of all I’m so sorry for yours and your families loss. That is truly amazing seeing ur sweet angel. I had lost one when I was 12 weeks along and was not able to hold ours due to the hospital taking the sweet baby for testing. But I was able to get our sweet baby back and was able have a small ( just me my husband and our two boys) my boys still talk about our sweet angel. And I love that they do bc as u have shown that once a baby is conceived it is a baby. Thank you for sharing ur sad but truly amazing loving story with other ppl. I hope that parents that are thinking about killing their sweet angel that ur story will change their minds. God bless you and ur family and ur sweet angel in heaven.

  522. I’m sorry for your loss of your son. At the same time I’m glad that you got to have this time with him and your girls got to see and hold their little brother and say goodby to him.
    When I lost my son 3 days from being 6mo. No one took pictures of him. I did get to hold him when I woke up. They came close to loosing me too. This was back in 1982. He took a breath when I delivered him but that was it. The did try to bring him back but his lungs just had not developed fully.
    The worst part for me was when people that had their babies where afraid of me. But I did have one good friend whom took me to the hospital even thou she was in middle of another miscarriage herself.
    Then I had a nurse that if I saw her today I would still hit her. The Lord had given me peace about my son. I was talking to my husbands two bosses when she opened up the door and said very rudely: “I don’t know what you’re laughing about your baby is going to die”. If I had not been hooked up to so much machines I would have hit her then. This was not the first run in we had with her. The men in the room just sat there with their mouths wide open. The could not believe this Air Force officer had just said that to me.
    You and your family will never forget him and you have pictures to remember him by. I only have my sons foot prints. Those I didn’t get for six months after his death when I went to the hospital to get his birth and death time right on all of the paperwork. They had to go back to the book that the RN’s wrote down that info. When they where going through my medical records I say his foot prints. They almost call the police on me because I was going off on them and ordered them to give them to me because they belonged to me.
    I could go on and on but I will leave it alone.
    The Lord will ease your heart at time goes by. I know he did with mine.
    LaLoni Kromer

  523. Your pictures are beautiful. Im sorry for your loss n i know as a mother thst the love you have for your child is never ending. You will see him again n when you do and you take him in your arms it will be like you were never apart. You have such a beautiful family, i believe you are truley blessed. You are an insoiration to me. God bless you n your family.

  524. Thank you SO much for sharing the details and photos of your personal tragedy. There are so many women who have gone through similar experiences, and I believe that your willingness to share gives them validation and a sense of “I’m not alone,” which is needed. I have faith that many blessings yet await you, your family and others who read your story… Not the least of which will be your reunion in Heaven with Walter. God bless you and every mother who has lost a child too soon.

  525. Thank you for your transparency in such a painful time. It will be amazing to see how far God will use your pain when we get to Heaven!!!praying for your family!!!!

  526. This story made me cry, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss and could not even begin to imagine how you felt. You baby is so precious .thankyou for sharing your story. It reminded me of how truly blessed I am, and to not take life for granted.

  527. Just wanted to say sorry for ur lost i kinda went through the same thing i was 19 weeks with twin girls an i was only 15 i didnt get to see my babys tho an i wah an.d&c also.. only memorey i have is ultrasound pics mom.recording heart beat they wouldnt let me have a funreal or nothing

  528. RIP Walter you will never be forgotten!! My prayers are with your family I bawled crying reading this story and even more when I seen the pictures. I know u may be tired I hearing it and it will never make u feel any better but I’m so sorry for your loss your such a strong woman I can’t even imagine how I would have handled that situation if I would have been me in your shoes. I thank god every day for my 4 beautiful little angels. I pray that if it is your will to conceive another child that you will be able to do so.

  529. What a beautiful and lovely tribute to your precious baby boy. I pray for a peace that can only come from our Heavenly Father for you and your entire family.

    Thank you for sharing Walters story.

  530. my heart goes out to you very sad emotional .I to lostmy baby at 19 weeks 3 days and like you say your baby I named my baby girl frances to share your pictures is enormous. I to have pictures .the nurses n doctors dont seam to show any emotion unfortunately my baby had already died inside me the mind is a terrible place at this time I was hoping she was still alive even tho ad been told other wize she was formed and just needed to family were with me after and also saw her and said she looked like my husband.we too held a funeral my father had died before hand my mum gave permission for frances to be with him I also have pictues of her tiny coffin.the sadness the heartbreak you have felt ive felt that too and wanted to share this with you your not alone I am with your thoughts god bless.

  531. Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for sharing the photos of your son. I am sorry for the pain you’ve been through, and the extra pain added on by people who just – well by people just being mean. I looked at your photos while watching my 4yo watching TV–she glanced over and saw one of the pictures and asked me what it was. I explained, ‘it’ was a baby boy. Oh, she gasped, with great, innocent, enthusiasm! She then noticed his eyes weren’t open and his feet were very tiny, and his mouth wouldn’t open.I did my best to answer her questions in a way that she could understand. Explaining it to her, somehow made looking at the photos easier-especially as she looked on the photos of your daughters holding their brother. She understands that ‘it’ was a baby that God needed back in Heaven. He came out of your tummy for you to hold and love, before sending him back to God. That satisfied her-for now. I do not understand how any person could debate the fact that THIS IS A CHILD-A LIVING BREATHING CHILD-NOT a ‘fetus’ or a ‘blob of cells’, no it is human, a living being. I pray that more people will open their eyes, that God will change hearts and lives will be saved. You are brave and loving to share your son with us. Thank you and may God Bless you and Hold you in His unmistakable Grip as you mourn the loss of your child. We will pray for your Peace and Comfort in the days ahead. Your son, was BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  532. Thank you for sharing your touching and intimate experience with your beautiful son. A beautiful baby born into a beautiful family . Your strength is an inspiration. As a mother of 5, I experienced two miscarriages and regardless of how old they were they will always be my babies … And now my oldest baby girl is a Labor and Delivery Nurse and has seen heartbreaking circumstances in the short time she has provided care. Not all precious spirits get the love that your son received … So sorry for your loss and God be with you and your family.

  533. Precious child in the arms of the almighty creator. A friend of mine gave birth to her baby boy Holden and Jesus had already taken him. She said “the first person that Holden opened his eyes to were Jesus.'” These Precious words have touched me beyond words after 2 miscarriages. May your family be blessed. Please take time and visit and build a hope well for your sweet angel.

  534. I am so sorry for your loss. I am praying for you all so very much, and again am so sorry. Your baby is precious, your girls are beautiful. My heart goes out to you all.

  535. Your story has made it to la crosse wisconsin. I am so very sorry for your loss! I do not have any kids of my own as I am too young yet. I am only 20. I would be devastated if I ever lost my child! Reading your story was very touching and made me cry. Your pictures just tore me apart! I cannot believe how formed walter was. He was that formed he definatly was not a fetus. He was a very beautiful baby. You and your family are in my thoughs and prayers! And r.I.p walter!

  536. I am so sorry for your loss. thank you for sharing your story and pictures.
    I live in Texas and we just had the lady filibuster the vote in the state senate that would have prohibited abortions after 20 weeks etc. I cannot tell you how upset I am that these women think that a baby is just considered a fetus or a blob of cells that can be terminated by doing the unspeakable. I’ve been praying for a sign from God to guide me in some sort of way to show these pro-choice people the error of their thought process. Your story has made me more resolute in trying to find a way to get the point across.
    For me it was never a choice. God made the decision to bless me with children he gave me and they are the best gifts I could have every received, no holds barred.

    My dear friend lost her boy at 20 weeks. They tried to keep her from going into labor, but nothing worked. He was born and lived for a very short time. They staff offered to let her hold him, but she was in too much emotional pain to do that. After she had calmed down, she did visit the funeral home where he was to say her “Good-byes”. She has one picture of him, where they had him laid out and he looks like a little angel. She hadn’t wanted those reminders of him, but it did give her comfort to see how peaceful he was. Every year on the day of his birth she has a cake for him. After she lost him, she went on to have 2 healthy children, but still remembers her first son. I never got to meet him and I honestly don’t always remember his Birthday, but once, the night before his birthday he visited me in a dream. For me it was like he was reminding me to call his mother to give her comfort on that day. That being said, I’m sure your precious Walter is an angel who is watching over you and your family, just as I know my friends son is watching over his younger siblings.
    I know that because of your faith you have peace knowing that your baby boy is with our Heavenly Father.

  537. Thanking of you and your family at this very sad time. What a wonderful little man at least he is at rest now and he won’t be suffering to fight for his life. God bless you all xxxx

  538. Oh my heart is broken for you and I know your pain. Life is so precious and Walter was just beautiful. Now he is beautiful and perfect sitting in Jesus’ lap. God is good and your baby son’s death is not in vain. Much love and keeping you in my prayers


  539. I am so truly sorry for the loss of your perfect formed little boy, my heart really does feel your pain as I experienced something similar in 2006, I had gone for 20 week scan and things wasn’t looking good due to her skeleton not developing properly but her organs were, anyway I had to stop the pregnancy and wait for nature to take its course which took a very long 48 hours, I gave birth to Emily at 07:50 on 29th October 2006, and may I add the nurses who looked after me were amazing. I sit back now after reading your story and seeing your photos and wish I had taken some to show how perfectly formed etc at 20 weeks she was. I do have the hospital photos they did and a hand and foot prints which I now have her foot print tattooed on my wrist to show myself I carried this beautiful little girl. I had Emily blessed in the hospital and also cremated but there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about her or what her personality would be like, but its comforting knowing that I can sit back now still feel the pain but except with time it does get easier & I live to continue to raise her nearly 6 year old sister who 1 day will hear my story 🙂 love prays and thoughts to you and your family at this very sad time ❤ x x x ❤

  540. He is do tiny but so beautiful , you are so lucky that you got to hold him and hold his tiny hand. How amazing to watch his heart beat and feel his tiny feet , he is a baby and has a soul that is now I’m sure with the angels. Your story has touched me and brought a year to my eye as I believe the second a baby’s heart starts beating ( at week 5 of pregnancy ) they are a life , a soul , a someone. Cherish the feeling of the heartbeat remember one day you will see him again xxx

  541. My heart goes out to you and your family very sorry for your loss god bless you and your family.

  542. Really sorry for your loss. I was 22 weeks and my waters broke. I lost my precious Natalie. She was tall and elegant. Would have been 31 yrs now. About 5 yrs ago, my younger brother had a dream. He saw this lovely girl, about 18 yrs old being loved and taken care of by my oldest sister who passed away 13 yrs ago. This young lady was very pretty with deep dimples. I have those dimples. At first, he didn’t remember my Natalie and he described his dream to my younger sister, who explained to him that that was Natalie. They phoned me and were so excited to tell me that my oldest sister was loving Natalie and watching over her. Your precious son is with The Lord, basking in the love that only angels know of. God bless u my sis.

  543. TY For sharing your story. When I was 21, I waspregnant with my second child. I gave birth to her (Christina Marie) at 31 weeks due to complicatons a medication they had given me prior to knowing I was pregnant her lungs did not form correctly. They never let me see my baby girl. They never even asked if I wanted to bury her, they just took her away and that was it. that was 32 years ago. I was never able to carry a baby past four months after Christina was born. 😦 and to this day I cry for my baby girl. no where is there proof she was even here. I am so happy for you that you got to say hello and goodbye to baby Walter, I wish you the best of life for the future. Bless You.

  544. My prayers are with you and your family. My husband and I lost twin boys on January 23‚ 2009. I know in my heart we would have never made it through this without the grace of God and I will be praying for God to bless you with peace. I feel the same way you do about abortion as my boys were 23 weeks along and looked perfect. Thank you for sharing what I know to be one of the hardest things to go through in hopes of helping someone. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. God bless you and your family.

  545. Seeing these picture makes you realize just how very precious your children are and to be able to give birth . This little sweet angel baby is in Jesues’s hands . These pictures are very rare to see are beautifully done of your family thank you for sharing . ❤

  546. I am so sorry for your devastating loss. Your story and photos are touching and bittersweet. Even in your family’s grief, I think it is very sweet that your little daughters were so gentle and curious about their baby brother, checking out his features and little toesies. I am glad they had the opportunity to hold, touch, and love on Walter, their very real little brother. And so glad you and your husband were able to hold and love on your son. Walter only knew love and is now in the presence of the One Who is Love. What a blessing your OB caregivers were during this most painful time.
    Praying for your family as you take each day (and sometimes each minute), walking through this valley of the shadow of death. We walked that valley over 20 years ago when I miscarried a baby early in my pregnancy. A baby who is waiting in heaven, safe in the arms of Jesus. May God be with you.

  547. I’m so sorry to hear of ure loss…ure story broke my heart….but wish u and ure family well….

  548. This was so heart touching my daughter was birthday at 27wks I’m Srry uand ur family had to go though that I have u and ur family in my preyer s may God bless u and ur family ur story made me cry

  549. +
    I am so very sorry for your loss. You are correct – your little boy is beautiful! In heaven one day, please God, you will meet him in his glorified body, where there will be no pain or tears – only joy. Thank you for sharing your story with us and these beautiful photos. Who knows what great good God will work from all of this – but I know He WILL WORK GREAT GOOD from this tragedy. You are all in my prayers. In the love of Christ, Jan E.

  550. Just need to bless the Lord for all He has done. For this precious baby He gave you. Its amazing to see his wonderful pictures.

    I can see God has really strengthened you to write about your experience and even to put on your pictures. Jesus said “suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God.”

    i pray and believe that this experience you shared about your precious baby son will bring others to Jesus and be a story of courage and hope to anyone who is considering abortion.

    “A little child shall lead them.”

    May God continue to bless and strengthen you and your family in Jesus name. Hebrews 13:5

  551. Thank you for your touching story. I bawled the whole way through. I have had between five and six miscarriages, the last one at 11 1/2 weeks (we know it was at least two, possibly three). We had just heard the heart beats. That has been many years ago, but I still mourn. I didn’t get to see any of them. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and the knowledge that I will see them again. Thank you again. My prayers are with you.

  552. This touched my heart :/ I could never begin to imagine your pain. He was such a beautiful baby!

  553. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful yet heartbreaking part of your life. It is my prayer that God will use precious Walters story to touch many lives. God bless your family.

  554. I lost my son at 24 weeks. He had a abirth defect call triploidy. I was told that it is the cause of more than 50% of miscarriages after the 4th month. Like you I didn’t understand why god would do this to me. Did I do something so wrong that God was punishing me for? It was hard we have 2 older children who really looked forward to having a baby. We let them visit with him the first 5 days. It was hard to go home without him. I just knew minute I left that hospital something would happen. On the sixth day around 3 the hospital called my husband to tell him it was time to come and say our goodbyes. My mother in law rushed me to my husband then we rushed to him. My mother in law kept my children at home but we were meet at the hospital by my husbands wonderful family. They let me and my husband hold him. It was so hard to hold back the tears. As I held him his stats got better and I tried to tell myself he was going to be ok. But the doctors had confirmed my biggest fear, that this was the fatal birth defect they thought it was. I left the nicu for a few minutes when my husband’s cousin came to tell me his vent tube came out. As we ran back to the nicu they were doing CPR. I turned to my husband and told him to do something anything to make him better! That’s when he told them to stop. They handed me my beautiful baby boy and I held him until he took his last breath. All the nurses were in tears. It was very touching to know that he was so loved by people who were not even his family. He touched so many people because he was such a fighter! They had to keep turning his vents down because he was breathing over them. He fought up till his last breath. After the nurses took him from me and bathed him, dressed him in a beautiful gown, and took picture, feet and hand prints on papers for us and each of our other children and on a bear. after they took us and our family to a room so we could be with him and hold him. They let us stay as long as we wanted. They asked us what funeral home we wanted to take care of his funeral. One of my husband uncles just so happened to be a funeral direct and working that night. At that point I turned to his aunt Karla and said “I want some one who loves this baby to take him I don’t want him to be with a stranger! She said that it would be hard for him to do( they had lost a baby 26 years ago) but he would take care of him. Around 10 pm my husband and convinced me to leave. The nurse had to pry my baby boy from my hands. The one thing I regret is not letting his big brother and sister hold him. As they were placing his little casket in the mausoleum with his great grandmother, she told me it would be ok, that she had him. A calm came over me at that point as it began to sprinkle a little. That has been 5 years ago and since then we have had a big surprise baby boy who is a very healthy 3 year old. When he saw a picture of his older brother at the age of 1 it was like he knew him he started kissing his picture, at which a joy came to my heart, because I finally realized that my baby boy had to leave this earth so he could send me this little boy who has the kindest loving heart, not that my other babies don’t! But I now know my 3 year old is not only a gift from god but from my angel too. I know my son is up in heaven watching over my family with his great grandmother doing what she loves most, rocking her babies all day long. I would like to tell you that you will heel but I would be lying! We celebrate his birthday each year, we have a little party with cake then we go visit him and bring flowers. I found that this is the best way for my children to always remember him. It helps a little by they we always be a hole in my heart that will never be filled. I am sorry this is so long but I wanted to share my lose with you so you could see that you and your family is not alone. You didn’t do nothing wrong this I have learned. And this is something that I hated hearing and still do, but God had bigger plans for your sweet boy. Never let anyone tell you that he was never you baby because he was from the minute he was conceived. I will be praying for you and your family. Just a little advice, go to a grief counselor for you and your husband and your baby girls. It will help. Or you could join a group which is something I wish we did, so I could talk to mother who went through what I did.

  555. Words cannot express the pain I feel for you and your family. I thought I was having a miscarriage with my first child when I started bleeding, and I remember the feeling of absolute fear I had. I am also a nurse, and am absolutely appalled at the way you were treated in the ED. I work in the ICU, so I understand being busy, but that is never an excuse to treat someone that way. I’m sorry you went through that at the hands of my profession. I am so glad you shared your story and your beautiful son with the world. I think God sometimes gives the more difficult tasks to those He believes are prepared to handle it and who will do what is necessary to make sure His lesson is taught. I honestly believe He knew you could handle what was laid at your feet – a strength that is rare. Many would blame and turn their back on Him, yet those who understand will cling tighter and do His work, as you are doing. Bless you. You serve as an example to lean towards Him, not away in times of pain. Countless babies may be saved because of your struggle and because of Walter’s short, yet incredibly meaningful life. He has undoubtedly made more impact in a few moments than some will make in a lifetime because of his sacrifice and your faith. I think God chooses His warriors carefully, and I think you and family have been chosen. May you rest in the fact that your pain now will prevent the pain of countless innocent babies and offer encouragement to those facing similar circumstances. You are doing an amazing thing and are all in my prayers.
    God Bless,

  556. saying sorry its not going to change anything, but i being truely touch by ur story, and im so so sorry for you loss… i went through something similar here in nc… i was only 12 weeks pregnant when i had the same spotting, my husband took me to the ER… and they had told me i was having an Etopic pregnancy, i felt like my blood when all the way down to my feet, i asked God why this was happenig to us, my husband had to go back home and tell the family the news, they were getting me ready for surgery, i was alone at that time, after 2 or 3 hrs. i didnt have any pain or anything and we just waiting for the dr. to send me over surgery… i remember i felt so sad with alot of questions on my head, that no one answer me, at that point honestly i didnt even know what was going on… some how( long story making short) and ob dr. came by the ER and they asked hin to check my ultrasound… he came and explain to me that i was not having an Etopic pregnancy, that he didnt understand why that ER dr had diagnosed me with that, my baby was perfectly fine and in the place were she need it to be!! :)… after all night keep me there that er dr. never came back, not even to apologize or anything… Thank God my baby is fine she is a beautiful lil. baby(to me) she is 6 mobths now, was borned on dec. 25 th!! and i always had thank God for letting me keep her!!… i wish u could have a similar story with me, and maybe thing are not the same to you, of what i went trough and what you went through, but i understand how u felt at that ER room, maybe if they would had be more careful and more efficent another story would had been… but only God knows the thig he put us trhough!! we just have to have faith on him and wait for what he is goving us!! God blessed u and ur beatiful family!!:)

  557. I have’t been through anything as heartrending and sad ever in my short 18 years but I just wanted to say that it touched me. I do have a cousin who was born and was beautiful, like your son. Lexi died as well. I am glad you can find peace in the knowledge that he is in a better place.May God bless you and your family!

  558. Thanks for sharing your babys picture the same thing happen to me my son died next month will be 5yrs ago and I remember it like if it was yesterday I didn’t get to take pictures I was heart broken but his image is in my head everyday

  559. My heart is sad for you and your family. Your little blessing is just beautiful. I am sorry that he could not stay. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Thank you for sharing your story. You are right, your baby is just that, your baby. He should be treated as such. It was just so completely not thoughtful at all. I am so sorry that people can be so cruel, especially those in the medical field. They need to have more compassion and some kind of training on how to speak with the patients.

  560. i,m sorry for your loss. as we have gone throught the same thing as ye . our son was born early . only live for 4 hours but will always be apart of our family . we go to his grave side on his birthday and on christmas and other holiday. he will always be with us

  561. I’m so sorry for ur loss. I had a miscarriage this year may 2 2013. I was 18 1/2 weeks and yes it sucks coz they call them fetus (they said its for a medical reason). It was my first pregnancy and i delivered a baby boy too. We had the same symptoms, my spotting lasted for 3 days and my OB said its “normal normal normal” ugh! And then the next day i took a shower got ready for school, then all of a sudden im having this cramps. Went to the ER they did an ultrasound and my baby was still alive. When they put me back to the ER my water broke and I started crying.

    That heartbeat……**sigh**

    I know exactly what you feel right now. Just be strong. TC =)

  562. Your story and pictures have me in tears. You are such a brave woman. I am so touched by your positive outlook on everything. He is with the Lord and he is with you. He is a very beautiful perfect baby boy. And you will cherish those pictures for the rest of your life. I will be thinking of you and your family and praying for you all as well.

  563. Your story is a sad but beautiful story of how a “fetus” truly is a baby. Nobody ever says “I’m having a fetus”. I think is was absolutely wonderful that your girls got to hold their baby brother. Thank you for sharing your touching story and beautiful family. My prayers are with your family.

  564. Thankyou for posting your precious story and pictures . You by doing so will and are helping thousands of parents who have lost babies . As a nurse i am appaled at the care from er and you are absolutely within your rights to complain about that x Wether the outcome would have been different i cant say . But there were windows of oppertunity missed x Seeing your daughters with their brother is very moving and you can see the love all of you have for him x huggles x

  565. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Already a gorgeous little man. God now has another beautiful precious little angel. Soon, everyone will know your story, im in England & will certainly be sharing your story with my friends and family and for acknowledgement reguarding abortions etc. I disagree with them anyway, if i did agree, id certainly change my mind after seeing your gorgeous little boy .. You and your family take care x

  566. Your baby boy is a very handsome little man!!! I love the pics. The same thing happened with my sister and my nephew corbyn. She also tried to get pregnant for many years. And when we finally found out she was pregnant it was the happiest day ever. When we lost him it was one of the worst. But we loved him as if we knew him our whole lives. Corbyn did so many things for us in his short time here and brought us closer as a family. Because he had a heart beat when he was born we were able to have a birth certificate and death cerrificate for him. He was here on this earth and we loved him just as much as anyone in our family. We had a beautiful funeral service for him and shortly after, everyone in my family got tattoos of his name and birthday on us. I love your pictures, it makes me miss my nephew 😦 we have pictures of baby corbyn all over. I am so sorry for your loss but you have a perfect little angel to watch over you and your family.

  567. I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your most difficult day in pictures with us. I will be honest, I have always been pro choice. I have many medical issues and in the rare chance I became pregnant I always thought I’d have to make that choice. Your photos have changed my mind. God Bless and I hope you, your husband, and girls make it through this a tighter family.

  568. I am sorry for your loss. And thank you for sharing. I salute you and your wonderful family for being strong and united in this time of sorrow. And you’re really lucky that you have had a time with Walter, sme don’t. I, too am on my 20th week right now and with your photos of Walter, I have come to have a glimpse of how my son looks like right now. Thank you so much. And may God bless you and your wonderful family.

  569. Such a heart touching story!
    So glad you got your special time with him and the lovely momentos to remember him by xx

  570. I’m sorry for your lost. Your baby was perfect I’m sure God will bless you with another perfect son. God Bless you

  571. My heart breaks for you and your family. I pray you’ve found peace from your experience. If you choose to conceive again, I pray you have faith that God is with you the whole way. You’ll know his reasonings when he’s ready to show you. God bless.

  572. What a precious baby boy. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story and reminding of us of just how precious God’s gift of life is, even if it is only for a short while. I pray for peace and healing for you and your family.

    God bless,

  573. Your story touched my heart an I balled my eyes out! I recently just lost my baby girl Karleigh Ann on 12/24/12 (christmas eve)an I was 19 weeks as well, she was born with no heart beat an she weighed 9 oz 8in long ! My water broke one morning when I went to the bathroom, an I will never know why or what caused it :/ I was devastated ! It’s still hard on me an I suffer from anxiety now! We had a photographer come in an take pictures for us an they turned out amazing! We also had her a funeral as well! Our babies were beautiful an they are enjoying every minute in heaven an they will be at the heavenly gates waiting for us when it’s our time ! God bless you and stay strong! 💜 Jus remember you always have an angel watching over you every min of the day! 👼

  574. I am so sorry for your loss. My daughter went through the same thing and gave birth to our precious and beautiful grandson Ayrton who was a week younger than Walter when he was born so we know what a truly heartbreaking time you are going through. Thank you for sharing your story and the photographs. As a photographer I know the importance of documenting your journey I did the same thing for Ayrton because as you said it’s the only memories you will ever have. Keep strong during this difficult time and think positively to the future you have two wonderful girls to keep you focused. My daughter and her partner have recently blessed us with another beautiful grandson who is so precious to us. Take care xxx

  575. Oh wow, a lump in my throat, so heart braking for you all to go through. I cant imagine how very hard this must have been for you. My son was born 3 months early, and that was hard to go through, so what you guys must have gone though i don’t know. God bless you sweet Walter, and my love and thoughts goes to all the family. ❤

  576. God Bless you, your family, and Walter. May He give you peace. I sit here with tears streaming down my face at those beautiful pictures. Walter is being held and loved by our Heavenly Father, and you will see him again. You are so wonderful to share these precious memories with us. Thank you.

  577. Thank you for sharing your family’s story and photos of Walter. God has a big plan for this tiny baby. Even though he is with our Heavenly Father, he has already touched so many lives. God bless you and your family.

  578. Can’t even begin to comprehend how you are feeling, ,I think the pictures are beautiful, and find it amazing you had the strength to involve children. This is not something that need’s to be hidden, but celebrated! Beautiful baby boy, although I am not religious I understand the comfort you have found in god and wish you all the best. Again beautiful boy and beautiful photos. A friend of mine says god only takes the best, and in some case’s the children he takes are perfect sooner than birth! x x x

  579. I am so sorry fir your loss.. 😦 he was so precious . I lost my baby girl last year-, January 3rd. I am now expecting my 1st son. Bryson. They say the reason was because my hormone levels dropped and I had no HCG. in my system. which caused her heart to stop beating. I do not know why God took her away from me and I may never know. but I believe he gave me Bryson to show he does care and does love me. if I wouldn’t have gotten pregnant with Bryson I would probably be dead. I started doing drugs and if became life consuming. I am beyond grateful for my son. I am truly sorry for your loss honey. God has plans for you and Walter. I know reading your story touched my heart and it does help prove even at only 19 weeks he was a fully formed baby!! My belief; never kill a child. or anyone for that matter. (Thou shalt not kill) if you do not Wang the baby or can not keep the baby someone somewhere is begging praying hoping pleading that they will get pregnant or finally be able to adopt! I am against abortion unless absolutely medically necessary. then really there is no other option. anyways I am here for you Hon. you are in my thoughts and prayers. God received another handsome Angel. and know he will be watching over you your husband and your beautiful girls. stay strong Lex. God bless you

  580. I cried for your family. It is truly heartbreaking and I can only imagine what you all went through. Your little angel was so perfect. Kudos to you for being strong enough to let the world share in your grief and to show everyone that a “fetus” is a child. He was so beautiful. I am sorry for your loss. I honestly believe he is now your guardian angel watching over all of you. God bless you and yours.

  581. Reading your story brings back so many memories. We too lost a little boy just a few days short of 20 weeks. His cells quit dividing and he quit growing. His heart was not beating when I delivered him. He had 10 fingers and 10 toes and everything about him was perfect. I wish that I had taken more pictures of him than we did. It’s been almost 4 years now and I think of our little Kyle often. Thank you for being brave enough to share your photos and your story.

  582. What a beautiful baby boy. So so sorry for your loss. It’s not fair that because of a few days he did not get the medical help he needed. You are so brave and are in my prayers xx

  583. i showed this to my sister in law since she’s pregnant at 17 weeks so she has an idea how her baby looks like now. im soo sorry to hear for the great loss but GOD has greater plans and Walter is with our Saviour. Made me cry while scrolling down the page, but im amazed how GOD creates his children. Im going to hug my 1 year old baby this time and give thanks to the Lord for having her. May GOD bless you and your family. Comfort and strength to you.

  584. You are one inspirational woman! You’ve been through so much, I cannot begin to understand what you and your beautiful family had to go through! Your story really touched me and I hope and pray that oneday your dreams of becomeing a mother for the third time will happen! R.I.P you beautiful little boy ❤

  585. God bless you and your family! I went through three miscarriages before God gave us our Liam Christopher. Knowing God has a plan helps but it doesn’t take away the pain. My heart weeps for y’all. We are all praying for you!

    P.s. Y’all had a beautiful little man. ❤

  586. I am so sorry. I read every word, and it just brought me to tears. I can’t imagine how you feel.. I hope the message spreads, so people can see. Even with just a couple minutes of life, Walter has made such a huge impact. His life had such meaning. God took him, but you will be reunited one day.

  587. I have been so troubled by the bill that didn’t pass in Texas this week. It would have banned abortions over 20 weeks. Your story and pictures should be shown to all those people who apposed it. I’m sorry for your loss and I have tears for all those babies who are treated like garbage every day in our country. Your baby was beautifully formed and I thank you for sharing your sad story with the world. I came within hours of having an abortion at 17 years old so I didn’t embarrass my parents. That baby boy turned 40 a few weeks ago. I have looked him though the years and picture what would have happened to him. His would have been sucked out of his home and torn to pieces.

    I will be praying for your family. Losing a child is something we will never understand on this earth but as you say you will see him one day and what a joyous day that will be!!

  588. an angel from the book of life wrote down your babys birth decided as she closed the book too beautiful for earth, may your pain and sorrow ease so that you can remember him with great love,my niece went through this and now our beautiful james watches over us god bless.

  589. Your story has touched me. I could not imagine what you went through. Your an incredible person, prayers are with you and your family. x

  590. As I was told when I lost my little girl mille at 26 weeks on 9th may 2004……god must have needed another angel. Time doesn’t make the pain go but it helps you to deal with it 🙂 I have 3 gorgeous boys that have given me a reason to get up every morning. So I send with this message a big hug to you and your family from us all in the uk xxxx

  591. Thank you so much for sharing your heart-breaking story and the photos….I was a bit unsure about looking at them, but they are so beautiful….Walter, your beautiful son. I pray God will use your brave blog to reach other women; to bring comfort to the bereaved and clarity to those contemplating abortion. May God’s love surround your family today and always.

  592. I to have lost a baby at almost 20 weeks I found out I had lost him when I went to the Dr for my 20 week check up and a sonogram to see what I was having. My Dr and his wife who was the nurse couldn’t have been any nicer to me. I had to deliver my baby June 25 2008 still born that was the hardest thing I have ever been through. I to got to hold my baby for a few hours. then in June 2009 I had to have a d&c and was glad I had the same Dr. I know how you feel and just know it does get easier but the pain never goes away. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I would like to tell you thank you for sharing what you went through

  593. I have been extremely touched by your story my aunt had twin 3 months early and the told her that they might as well give up on the little girl who had cerebral paulsy because the chances of her surviving were slim. She went troughs 9 surgerys in 4 years and is still going strong and fighting every curve ball thrown at her! You are an amazing woman for sharing your story. I do not have the strength to do what you have done. Abortion is not just something simple it is taking the life of a precious human being who deserves as much at a perfect life as any other person. You are very strong and brave. I hope you have a lovely life and thanks a ton for touching my heart with your words.

  594. I am so sorry for ur loss. I know EXACTLY what u feel… the same thing happened to me 8 yrs ago. Ecxept I was only 18 wks and by the time I delivered, my little Isaiah had already been gone almost 2 wks. He was smaller than ur baby, but like ur baby, everthing was already there, he just needed to grow. Theres not a day that goes by that I dont tjink about him and wonder what he wlda been like and how close he and my daughter wlda been; they were gonna be only a yr and a half apart. He was one of 3 muscarriages for me but he was the only one who was that far along. I’ll see him again someday as u will see urs, though we may never understand, God knew what he was doing, it’s all part of His perfect plan. God be with u and ur family, my heart goes out to u all.

  595. Hi, im so sorry for your loss. I had my twin boys Archie & Zachery at 19 wks 5 days last August and they looked the exact same as your Walter. So i whole heartedly agree that an abortion shouldnt be available at this stage. I still think of my boys every single day and have a cry when needed but everything happens for a reason and now im 28 weeks pregant with our new little miricle. Its been a difficult pregnancy as my cervix dialated as with my twins and we nearly lost this baby also but i had a cerclage fitted at 20 weeks and all is good so far. Time is a good healer it lets you think of reasons why this could happen to you. I wouldnt have the baby i have inside me now if id have had the twins.
    God gives his hardest battles to the strongest soldiers ❤ GOD IS LOVE.

  596. Your faith in God’s actions is so profound, it moved me to tears. Thank you, thank you, a million times THANK YOU for sharing your words and your photographs. Who knows if it will touch another heart in a desperate time, but this is something they can SEE. Your pain and astonishing faith is something they can FEEL. I know God will continue to stand by you through your grief. You and your family are in my prayers.

  597. Thank you for sharing your story of hope and love. I was never blessed to even get the chance to become a mother. Growing up that was always my greatest dream, to have a child. Your family, even though it has gone thur this tragedy are blessed by the Lord with such beautiful girls. Your son is with our Lord in heaven and your will on day again get to see him. Bless you for sharing your story of courage, strength and love. God bless your family.

  598. I think you are a very strong person to have endured such an ordeal. It is wonderful that you shared this time and pictures with your young children, they will always remember it. Your beautiful baby is a true angel.

  599. Thank you so much for sharing hour beautiful story. I believe what you and your family have gone throigh will touvh many hearts and lives. Many times w e don’t understand why things happen but God has a plan. Your obedience to Him and your love will touch many lives. If your story will save one baby from dying from an abortion

  600. Im so sorry for your loss . beautiful pictures of your beautiful angel son.
    Thinking of you and your family.
    Xxxx ♥ xxxx

  601. May God comfort you and your g amily and rest assured that you will be with your son again some day. God bless

  602. wow ! your photos are amazing. i am deeply sorry for your loss but thank you for sharing your story with us and your memories. Walter truly is a beauty xx

  603. God bless you and your family. The pictures of baby Walter are heartbreaking, but also uplifting, because they show how much love you have for him, and how much he was cherished in his short life.

  604. Thank you for sharing this, my little boy was 27 weeks one of twins, I dont know what the other one was as I lost it at 17 weeks. This was 32 years ago and I did not get to see him. I think about him often, you never forget. Love to you and your family. xx

  605. This is an account of a 4 year old boy who met his miscarried sister who he never knew about in a near death experience. She was only 7 weeks and they of course didn’t know a she. It is worth reading for anyone who has ever miscarried a child. I’ve found it comforting and I think it explains why I often feel like not everyone in our family is here with us even though we are sure we are done having children.

  606. I am so so sorry for your loss. I miscarried my daughter at over 5 months and had to give birth to her. She was tiny and never will I forget the moment. I already have 1 daughter sienna she was the only thing that got me through it, along with my husband. Your girls are amazing too, never forget that! Whether this upset me or not-this has really opened my eyes and inspired me. All the best hun xx

  607. I am so sad after reading your story and after seeimg those pictures of your precious baby boy. I really feel for you… but just know that the lord is with him, keeping him safe until you join him in heaven..take care.

  608. Your story is beyond heartbreaking. My son will be a month old on Sunday and I just can’t imagine what I would do without him. He is my world. I cried for an hour after reading this, both for you and your family and just thinking about losing my son. I can only imagine the pain you and your family are going through. M thoughts and love are with you all. Little Walter will always be watching over you now.

  609. I’m so truly sorry for your loss and yea l’m just. 16 and I may have not been threw a pregnancy or abortion experience myself but your story really touched me and had me shedding tears , I am so totally with you against abortions like I don’t understand how some people can still go on with such a ‘crime’ to me have seen things and read thing such as your story here , Idk how long ago this may have happened but I don’t think you really ever get over something like this and its always good to know theirs people their for you and I myself lived an abortion experience with my Bestfriend and his girlfriend , and he didn’t agree with it but he had no right to make her do something she didn’t want to so she went ahead and had that abortion and honestly I feel like I lived it with him instead of her he is now my boyfriend but thin happened 2 months ago and til this day not only is he still hurt but so am I ! I cry everytime I think about what she did., and she seems.totally fine like if nothing.happened and it really pisses me off , and thats why I think I’m do against abortions now like I would love to know that I one day changed a teenagers or a girls mind from having an abortion to deciding to keep their baby . And honestly you venting on this comment to you helped me out a lot cause I.really don’t like talking with my boyfriend about it for the same reason that I know it hurts him as well . But anyways you know we gotta keep our head up and find the bright side to every bad thing we consider that happens threw out out life , cause that’s what’s gonna.get us threw life .

  610. Im at the office and i cnt help but cry silently. This very baby is a precious precious baby. Im a mother of 4yr old boy, i had a miscarriage last oct 2012, and luckily now im 6mos pregnant for another boy. Going 30weeks in 5days. I can relate to ur feelings and i know yours is much painful, my last yr miscarriage is about 6wks, i cant accept the fact then that i’ll be admitted to force abort mu baby, because my hubby and i sp wanted the baby. We were so happy upon knowing i was pregnt then after.about a week i had a series of spottings that my osaid the fetus is not developed well.

  611. The baby we,moms.conceive even at his few weeks.inside our womb is never ever a fetus but a baby! A living.human. im pregnant of.29wks now and excited to see my baby boy soon, although we wanted girl since we have one boy already,but then this baby is ours and.given and blessed to us from.god. i realy do wish evry baby is born and raised well. Thank u for sharing these precious photos of your baby walter, he’s indeed perfect baby boy, the.moment i saw the pictures, i felt like i wanted to kiss him too, hug him gently and never take my eyes on him. This is heartbreaking, he’s an angel now. May all women put there pregnant and doesnt want their baby be enlightened and strive to raise their baby the most they can.every baby is a blessing!

  612. First my deepest condolences for the pain you are suffering. My prayer will be with you and your beautiful family. Walter was born for a reason… create awareness that is no such state as a fetus. Walter was your baby. I think you photos are beautiful and show how much Walter was loved in his short lifetime. God Bless.

  613. My heart hurts for you and your family and your son is so beautiful perfect and it hurts me to think children are being aborted at that stage x you are so strong and courages for allowing us to see the most private heart breaking moments of your lives good luck and I’m so sorry for your loss x r.I.p little man x

  614. Your beautiful son looks so peaceful. Jesus says let the little children come unto me. This will have been a lot sooner than any parent could imagine, but you will have peace in the knowledge that he is with his heavenly father and his great-grandfather & there is one more angle watching down on u and your family. That was beautiful what you did with the family with the photographs and he will never be forgotten. He was not a fetus but a perfectly formed baby boy. God Bless u and your family. Jacqalyn (Glasgow, Scotland). Xx

  615. Im so sorry for your loss i know your pain since i went thru this twice at 21 weeks and both were boys also going thru the same pain twice 3 years apart is really hard and after that i was so scared to try again now thanks to god i am almost 26 weeks pregnant with my 3 rd lil boy and i am excited god took 2 angels from me and now am getting 1back ! my toughts and prayers go out to you ♡

  616. My deepest sympathies to your family. I came across your story on Facebook. I only read it because of your sons tiny hand in yours. I had seen this picture before firsthand in my daughters delivery room. I have that picture on my wall & look @ it several times a day. I want to share your story but honestly fear my daughter’s state of mind if she reads & has to relive it again. Our Madeline was the 1st live baby of the year to born here. It was so overwhelming for all of us but our little girl was only 19 years old & Madeline was her 1st baby. She was diagnosed w/haloanencephaly @ 20 weeks along but this was withheld from us by the DR’s for quite some time. They waited until it was time for us to go in excited to know the sex. That’s when they broke the news. My grand daughter was very much alive but would die shortly after birth. If my daughter chose to go full term, her own life would also be in danger.
    2 Weeks after Madeline was born a childhood friend of my husband & I died, having the same diagnosis, & deciding to go full term.
    Madeline was w/us for the most wonderful 2hrs of our 2013 New Year.
    Our daughter is pregnant again w/another lil girl named Delilah. My fear is if she reads this story she will b once again traumatized & that will cause too much stress for baby Delilah.
    This said, I can’t tell you how much it meant to read your story. I am so sorry that your baby boy wasn’t recognized as he should have been. A few weeks shouldn’t make a difference. We were given a birth & death certificate & a ss#. Ur baby boy should’ve been recognized in the same way. In many more instances than not we r all looked @ as just #’s rather than ppl. It is wrong! I would very much like to share your story w/ my daughter when her baby girl is born. I sure hope I can figure out how to find you again. I’m not very good w/technology.

  617. I am so sorry for your loss. I have tears in my eyes and their is now another angel in heaven. As I write this I am listening to my new granddaughter crying. She is 2 weeks old and I count my blessings everyday my prayers are with you.

  618. I’am so very sorry for your loss, and I will always feel your pain. this story has hit me hard. which takes me back to the mis- abortion, I did experienced. I never got to lay eyes on my child, cause, the fetus, was not growing. although, I think about it often. I have no clue, what sex it was. but, you are one amazing mother! “pictures are forever, infront of of you! And… I thank you, for sharing this precious story. I think, your son, is sooo adorable! Always will be praying for you, and your blessed family. May all the angels in heaven, (sing now) for baby Walter! yes….lord “Jesus” Amen!

  619. So sorry for your loss. At least you have the comfort of knowing you will see you little boy again in Heaven and that he is with his Heavenly Father who will give him more love than we can imagine. ♥

  620. May the Lord Bless and Keep You… I am so very sorry for your pain but at the same time, I am praising God for Walter and how he is impacting this world. I am sure there is a beautiful “big heart” in that tiny little body and I cannot wait until you and your family get to meet him again in Heaven. May you all fine God’s perfect peace in this, as well as His hope and grace for tomorrow.

  621. Thank you for sharing Walter’s story. I am so sorry that you lost him. You now have a perfect little guardian angel to watch over your family. Prayers and (((HUGS))).

  622. My heart breaks for you and your family. May the Lord surround you all with His love. The pictures show how God knits us together in our mother’s womb, that Joshua was fearfully and wonderfully made. I know that it is a comfort to you that is is with His creator, but that doesn’t discount your pain. I miscarried early once and though it was early and I only heard the heartbeat, then lost the baby when I was only a couple of months along, it gave me comfort to know someday I’ll see him or her. I’m hoping that God brings you and your family much comfort in the scriptures, in the hugs and messages of other believers, and in His presence and the prayers of others. Thank you for your courage to not only take these beautiful pictures, but to share them with others. I have always loved psalm 46 and the comfort it brings. GOD IS OUR REFUGE AND STRENGTH, A VERY PRESENT HELP IN ALL OF OUR TROUBLES. God bless you.

  623. He is the most precious little boy …what an amazing thing you have done by sharing these pics…God Bless ur family

  624. I’m so sorry for your loss. Grieving is such a painful process. Thank you for sharing your story and pictures. I pray that many babies’ lives might be saved as a result. Your precious baby is in the arms of Jesus.

  625. This story truly touched my heart. When I was a freshman in high school I got pregnant against my will by someone I thought I trusted. I was just shy of 11 weeks when I lost my baby due to unfortunate events. I never got to hold my baby, but that little angel is with me every day. I’m so glad that you were able to hold him, kiss him and feel his heart beat. Never let that go. Its been 8 years now, and it still hurts knowing I never got to hold my gift from God. Though I know my little angel watches over me.

    ❤ Sam
    Minot, North Dakota

  626. I give you my respects and my thoughts are with you in your loss..our Father in heaven has better plans for Walter..He will come back to you when the time is right here on earth..Be hopefull..he will return to the loving arms that held him here in this world…Many Blessings to you and your family..and wait for his return..God is Love and Mercifull..He will never forget about you and your need for Walter to be together once again…Much love to you and your family.

  627. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. I can not imagine all the hurt you have gone through. Your son is absolutely beautiful and your story is so inspirational. Your son is now your guardian angel. Even though he was here for a short time I know he could feel the all the love coming from you. God bless you and your family

  628. Our little Parker and Walter are in the arms of Jesus. Bless you for your strength and courage and heart to share your story. May the God of these little ones continue to give you comfort in the midst of your testimony of how precious a life that He gives truly is.

  629. Thank you for sharing your very special little boy and his story with us. I cried for the way in which you were treated. I cried for the pain (both physical and emotional) that you suffered. I cried for the emptyness you went home with. but I cried the most for the most beautiful little angel God is holding in His hands. May God grant you the peace He has for you, and may He bestow on you another little boy when the time is right. No child will ever take Walter’s place, but will always know he was as loved as they are.
    God bless you and your family

  630. I am so Sorry about your loss prayers are with ur baby boy Walter and your family. That is so sad how people today do not thing that’s a baby at conception its a living thing inside you and its a child who doesn’t believe that I think is just sick thank you for sharing those personal and touching amazing pictures with us to see a handsome boy ♥♥♥♥♥ may he rest in peace with the lord our father and until you meet again and touch his amazing hands and hold him tight again. Good luck and best wishes.

  631. Such a sad story and im so sorry for your loss. the photos are lovely and you have a truly beautiful family. my thoughts are with you all. big hugs xx

  632. You are strong and great. I admire you and I am wholeheartedly with you and your family, and a son, I pray to God .. Apparently he needed a it more. Greetings from distant Polish. Hold on and be strong, once the pain will pass. Magda

  633. What a perfect little angel, so very sorry for loss, , he’s in the angel’s arms god bless you’re family xx

  634. Babies are precious gifts from God. Seeing your photos brought tears to my eyes. May God bless you everyday and hopefully heal your heart. You are in my prayers.

  635. I wish I had words. Ive never met such a strong family like this one. Liddo walter is so precious. May the lord keep you all . And my heart goes out to you.

  636. I’m happy that you got to spend time with him and hold him. I’m like the pictures you took with your wedding rings on him. The other pictures were great.

    I’m praying for you and your family
    Take care of your family.

  637. I knew I shouldn’t have seen the pics just so heart felt broken crying so much, I’m so sorry for your precious lil loss after. I read n saw the pics I went straight away and picked my one month old son and snuggled him so tight kissing him while my tears dropped down on his face … All our love to you n ur husband and ur girls .. Life is so precious …

  638. I have typed 5 messages now and erased them…nothing sounds right. What do you say to a beautiful family that so much wanted to add another to it? What can be said to make the pain go away? My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. My god bless you all with comfort. Thank you for sharing the photos of your beautiful family. Your son is a gift to all to understand he wasnt a fetus he was a baby growing into a family. It saddens me that the medical profession has had to harden themselves to life. It does take special people to work in L&D,NICUs and nurseries. My your loss lessen in time and my god bless you and your family..

  639. I can not imagine what you and your family have gone through. What a gorgeous baby boy, absolutely wonderful. Thank you for sharing these most precious photos, I am struggling to keep my tears in. You are a very strong wonderful mum and your little boy knows that. My heart goes out to you all. God bless little angel, may you rest in peace now sweetheart xxxxx

  640. I just seen your precious photos and burst into tears. What a special little boy. Im so so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family. I cannot imagine what you have had to go through and them nurses should be ashamed of themselves I totally agree its never a fetus but always a baby xx

  641. This story saddens my heart as do the pictures. In a different sense though, the pictures are just simply amazing. I commend you guys for being strong enough to share your story and photos with the world. There are many women who abort their babies at this stage of the pregnancy who need to see these pictures. They need to know that the the baby they’re harming looks like this. The pictures of Walter are nothing short of amazing. He’s blessed to have been born into such a loving family and I know you will treasure his memory forever, as will his sisters and the rest of his family. God bless you guys.

  642. We are so sorry for your loss. Bless you for showing people that yes, it IS a baby they are destroying through abortion. People need to see this more.

  643. I usually don’t cry but this really touched my heart. I had 3 miscarriages so I can understand some of your pain. Prayers are with you

  644. Your story is so beautiful. I’m so sorry about your loss. He is so beautiful. It has touched my heart. Thank you for sharing.

  645. My heart goes out to you and your family. Your story was very sad. It made me cry. You are an incredible person and you are very strong to cope with all that. It was just beautiful. They were such brilliant photo for you to cherish forever. Stay strong.

  646. Thank you for sharing such a precious, personal, and painful story. I pray that God grants peace and understanding to you and your family. I truly believe that even though little Walter’s time on this earth ended so very soon, the impact that his life has created will extend the lives of so many more. You have shared a gift that will forever keep giving. I know your precious baby was just that…a BABY. My heavenly Father teaches that life begins at conception. Continue sharing your story for you never know what struggling young mother will happen upon this and her and her child’s lives will be forever changed. Feeling love for you and your family.

  647. My name is Vanitha from Singapore. I couldn’t bear to read your story.Even as I type this, I’m still crying. I can’t imagine your sorrow but I love children and seeing your little soldier broke my heart. I’m glad God was with you in your hour of need in the form of so many people. Thank you for sharing your story.
    P.S: Your baby boy is so beautiful and perfect. I know he is warm and safe in the arms of God.And one day you will meet him again. I’m sure of it!

  648. Im so very sorry for your loss, i know how hard it is to lose a child so early on and have no acknowledgment. I planted a rose and every time is blooms i smile and think of my baby. x

  649. I am so sorry for your loss You had a gift for a short while and that gift was taken to heaven where he is safe and you will see him again. I too lost a child at 11 weeks but her twin survived and he is 23 years old not a day goes by I don’t think about her she was a part of me just as Walter was to you and your family You were so bless to have gotten to spend the time with Walter the pictures are just amazing and a insight to let the world know even under 20 weeks that was your baby. my daughter who is 12 weeks pregnant was just amazed at the pictures it gives hope and comfort to other parents God Bless You and your family

  650. Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your story. Thank you for letting us into such a private moment.

    My heart aches at your loss….

    Bless you and your family and bless your little heart, Walter. ❤

  651. Me and my wife wanted to have a baby. Both of us healthy and well, she got pregnant. Both the test abd the doctor with his scans confirmed she was pregnant, but after a while, my wife started bleeding and that really scared us so we went to the hospital. Over there, after some tests and scans, we have been told that the pregnancy, unfortunatelly, got “stuck” inone of the tubes. Being seen by a specialised doctor, we have been presented with two choices to “solve” the matter. One was for the wife to be given a “treatment” so that the new life (pregnancy) to be disolved, but that was leaving us the risk for the same thing to happen again as the tube was shown at the scan to be damaged, OR to have an operarion and the the whole tube with the pregnancy out. After some debating between the two of us, we decided on option two, the removal of the tube, so that we will prevent going through the same problems again in the future.
    Now, to be perfectly honest, that was and still is so hard for us. I just can’t imagine fully what you went through not only knowing there was a life growing, but also seeing it, and holding it in your arm…. What ever I say to help you I just think won’t be as enough as saying that there is a GOD and He has a plan with everything. I heard a story once that may help: apparently there was this family with one child, a boy, and after some time he got so sick, that he was literally dying. The parents were so angry with God’s will and started themselfs and also asked quite a number a people to pray to God and to beg for his recovery. God agreed and let everything be as the parents wished. Later in life the parents realised why God decided to take their son home us in Heaven as their son didn’t brought them anything else but pain and shame, turning up to be a troublemaker. I’m not saying that your would’ve turned up to be that way, but who are we to dispute God’s decision. We have a song in our language, that translated means something like this: (chorus) I don’t know what it’ll be tommorow,/ But I do know that God,/ He takes care of me as well,/ Cause I am His child, as well.
    I could write a lot more to try to ease your pain, but I do know that I won’t be as God who is the only one that can really and trully comfort you and wipe your tears, and help you and all of your family and relatives to look forward to see your baby in heaven. At least we have this promise from God that we all will meet up in Heaven!

    God Bless You!

  652. Me and my wife wanted to have a baby. Both of us healthy and well, she got pregnant. Both the test abd the doctor with his scans confirmed she was pregnant, but after a while, my wife started bleeding and that really scared us so we went to the hospital. Over there, after some tests and scans, we have been told that the pregnancy, unfortunatelly, got “stuck” inone of the tubes. Being seen by a specialised doctor, we have been presented with two choices to “solve” the matter. One was for the wife to be given a “treatment” so that the new life (pregnancy) to be disolved, but that was leaving us the risk for the same thing to happen again as the tube was shown at the scan to be damaged, OR to have an operarion and the the whole tube with the pregnancy out. After some debating between the two of us, we decided on option two, the removal of the tube, so that we will prevent going through the same problems again in the future.
    Now, to be perfectly honest, that was and still is so hard for us. I just can’t imagine fully what you went through not only knowing there was a life growing, but also seeing it, and holding it in your arm…. What ever I say to help you I just think won’t be as enough as saying that there is a GOD and He has a plan with everything. I heard a story once that may help: apparently there was this family with one child, a boy, and after some time he got so sick, that he was literally dying. The parents were so angry with God’s will and started themselfs and also asked quite a number a people to pray to God and to beg for his recovery. God agreed and let everything be as the parents wished. Later in life the parents realised why God decided to take their son home us in Heaven as their son didn’t brought them anything else but pain and shame, turning up to be a troublemaker. I’m not saying that your would’ve turned up to be that way, but who are we to dispute God’s decision. We have a song in our language, that translated means something like this: (chorus) I don’t know what it’ll be tommorow,/ But I do know that God,/ He takes care of me as well,/ Cause I am His child, as well.
    I could write a lot more to try to ease your pain, but I do know that I won’t be as God who is the only one that can really and trully comfort you and wipe your tears, and help you and all of your family and relatives to look forward to see your baby in heaven. At least we have this promise from God that we all will meet up in Heaven!

    God Bless You!

  653. I am so sorry for the loss of your precious son! I am praying for your family. There is another angel in the arms of our Heavenly Father. God Bless You and Your Family. You are in my prayers!!

  654. im very sorry for your loss, but never give up because we have God around, i can feel your pain as i lossed my kids last year March 2012. it was 4 month 2 weeks. However,looking forward!!!!

  655. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my son Zachary at 23.5 weeks and I know your pain. I wanted to tell you that I had placenta previa that resulted in an incompetent cervix. When you get pregnant again, please insist that they place a cerclage around your cervix. I had a cerclage placed at 13 weeks with my twins. I was monitored bi-weekly and trust me the cerclage did its job. I also want to encourage you to journal, talk about Walter, plant a tree in your yard, and do whatever you need to do to heal. Grief is not a process that ever ends, grief is a journey. It gets easier to walk that journey but the pain, although not as sharp as it is right now, will be there. Celebrate Walter during the holidays. I found a lot of peace by choosing a child’s name from a giving tree and buying him presents at Christmas time. Sponsor a child who would be his age for a field trip or gift basket. Little actions like this helped me honor Zachary’s short life. I think Jesus has a special place in heaven for our babies and I am sure your Walter is well loved and taken care of. I also think that God has a perfect plan and although you don’t know why — there will be a reason down the road. Hope that makes sense. Lastly, I want to tell you that this is not going to be an easy year. Try not to make any big decisions. Your hubby may appear to be strong and act like it does not bother him, but it does. He will grieve in his own way and probably more privately than you, this is okay. Don’t push to understand his grieving process… Hugs!

  656. The tears run down my face as I write this….my heart breaks for you and your family…but THANK you for sharing this story…just BEAUTIFUL!! The pictures are just so awesome and a testimony of God’s miracles!! Your son is your precious angel..May God continue to bless all of you…

  657. You are wonderful ! Your family is beautiful . I am sorry for your loss. I gave birth to my still born daughter Kelce at 19.5 weeks also. Your photos made me cry… It was in 1989… So long ago, such a different world. She wasn’t wrapped in a pretty blankie, and only one photo was taken. Bless you for sharing. Very powerful

  658. This just brought me back when I went threw the same painful time of my life when I lost my twins.
    Oh gosh how your storie just took me back to that day ~2-12-08~ I’m trully sorry for what you and your family had to go threw but a blessing to meet him. I was afraid to see my babys when I had them. At first I didnt want to but I felt so guilty to not see nor touch them. So I did, one was was born dead and the second, He was alive for over 4 hours. I got to say those were one of my greatest times of my life. Holding them both. The one picture you have holding his hand reminded me of how I was rubbing my sons face with my pinkie and right away he held it and gave me a big smile that I will never foget….
    Im sorry for written so much. May our children Rest In Peace. Thank you for sharing.

  659. I am Sorry for your loss!! I know how You feel i have 4 children but i Also had 3 miscarriages 😞. I am from Texas and with my first miscarriage i was At about 12 weeks, i Also had a d&c The dr never told me if my baby was a boy or girl. I never had The opportunity To see my baby! My second i was about 4 weeks and i thank God so much that The dr said he wasnt going To give me a d&c be cause it was early in my pregnancy and i thank God because when i saw The doctor, he asked me if everything was going good and i told him that i still felt pregnant and so he gave me a sonogram, and then he tell a me, wow, i am glad i didnt do a d&c or i would have taken out both babies!!!! I mis carried 1& i was still carrying The other!!! And with my 3 i was about 5 weeks and that dr. Gave me a d&c and Also told me it would be so hard for me To have another baby! Well 1 month later i got pregnant again! I prayed To God Really hard, and told him To please let me have my baby! And i remember saying, and Lord while i am here i Also want To ask You To please let my baby be a girl because my 3 boys needed a sister! Well i just want To say praise God i had my baby and it was a girl!!!! So here i am writting this with my daughter next To me who just turned 9 yrs old on june 21!!!!!!

  660. Your son is beautiful … I am so sorry for your loss this side of Heaven. I wanted to share with you that just this week we are hosting a pro-life conference at the church where we are missionaries in Chile. It is the first time this information has been presented to our church family, many of whom are new believers, and our theme is “Valuing Life.” A friend shared your photo and your testimony was such an encouragement to me that we are doing what God desires by teaching on this topic. Thank you for sharing your son and your story.

  661. god bless him so so much … to me no matter at what stage of being pregnant hes still a child they feel things inside of you that has been proven … i think the law sucks … it needs to change hunni … hes such a little gem xxxx

  662. Thank you so much for sharing your special story with us all! I am off the same opinion as you about calling him ‘a baby’, even at 12 weeks they are fully formed so are therefore a baby. God bless Walter and your family. xx

  663. Lexi and family – I have never posted on a blog and probably never will again. I was on Facebook this morning when your picture caught my eye. The first thing that came to my mind is “How Beautiful” and “Caroline”. Caroline was my son’s twin. She would be almost 6 years old today. We lost our precious girl at 18 weeks. I carried her throughout the remainder of my pregnancy since she was a twin. I was able to put my hand on my stomach every day and know that she was there watching over her brother. She is now buried not far from our home and I am able to vist at times. She was VERY MUCH real to us and will always be a major part of our lives. I am so deeply saddened for you and your family for your loss. It is something that is hard to explain – and many people don’t understand the overwhelming sadness that will stay with you forever. I absolutely love the fact that you have such wonderful pictures of the time your family had with your son. Treasure those and know that he is with you every day. You are a strong lady and you are admired for posting your story, your feelings, and your pictures for the world to see. God Bless You all!!

  664. I think it is absolutely amazing that you are willing to share your painful story with the world. People need to know that a 19 week old baby is just that – a baby. I have a family member who lost twin boys at 23 weeks after many years of fertility treatments. So she too could testify that they are fully formed little people. Your story and your pictures are a testament of your faith. I’m so glad you are able to make peace knowing your son is in paradise and will welcome you with open arms someday.

  665. I am truely sorry for your loss your story of sweet baby walter brought tears to my eyes he was a beautifull baby and though he was taken from your family so soon he is still there with you and forever wil be god bless

  666. My heart is broken for you and your family. He is so beautiful! I’ve always believed that our Lord takes the best of us to watch over and protect those of us who cannot make it on our own. Walter may not have been here long but you can see so much happiness and spirit in his tiny little face. Its obvious that has touched so many lives insuch little time and maybe that’s what he was put on earth for and he so smallhas already acompkished all that our savior had for him to do. I have never believed in abortion but now I don’t believe in it even stronger. Thank you for your story your strength is inspiring. You have a beautiful family. May God continue to bless your family in his way because he knows best! All my prayers Brandie

  667. Wow. I hav always been against abortion & now am even more so. I grieve with you for the loss of your beautiful baby boy. I think any1 considering an abortion should be required to see these photos. Maybe they would save a baby. Maybe it would make people stop & think before having unprotected sex. I’m glad you posted these and will show my daughter. God bless you & your family. I’m sure Walter is on Grandpa’s lap laughing & listening to all the crazy stories that grandpas tell. God has made sure he is happy and well loved in heaven as well as on earth. May your hearts heal quickly.

  668. So very BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for having the courage to share this. I know this was hard to go through. Isn’t God’s grace and the peace only He can give amazing?

  669. After reading this my views on abortion have completely changed.. How naieve have I been?! I wish your great family all the best for the future. May the Lord look after him.

  670. I am saddened by your loss, but encouraged by your faith in our Lord Jesus who will carry you through this. It is my prayer that gives you and your family peace and comfort that only He can. All things work for the good to those who God and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28. I pray also that your story will be seen by many who are comtemplating abortion and will realize that they a a real human baby growing inside of them. God bless you and your precious family.

  671. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am so sad that this happened to you, but I’m amazed by your faith in God. I have a friend that had twins that were just short of being able to sustain their life outside the womb. It was devastating for her. I always felt so helpless watching her struggle through that. She shared your facebook post and so did I. I think it will give support to those families that have gone through similar losses and maybe just save a few babies from having their lives ended foolishly. Thank you again for sharing and God bless you and your sweet family.

  672. Precious lady. My heart hurts for you and your family. I know as you do that God is with your Entire family. I pray that many will read this and know of our God and that babies are babies at conception. I have had two miscarriages in the first trimester. CAN NOT IMAGINE WHAT YOU HAVE FULLY GOME THROUGH. My heart goes out to you and I pray that God blesses you and uses this to bring glory to His Kingdom. I do say I’m so sorry for your loss because we are human. In Christ’s love…..

  673. He is absoloutly beautiful! I’m so sorry for ur loss! Ur right! He is just as much a fully grown baby. I love the most all the pictures of you all together there amazing! Although he’s gone he was at one moment in your arms and all your family’s! What a beautiful little boy

  674. He is amazingly beautiful , I think u are very brave and strong to share your story , so so sorry for your loss , stay strong , much love to you all xxx

  675. Thank you for sharing! These pictures of your precious baby boy have touched my heart. I also lost a baby boy at 19 1/2 weeks but never got or thought to take pictures like these. It happened to me in 2001 and I have forgotten what he looked like, which makes me sad. Seeing your baby has helped me remember!

  676. This is so precious.. im 16 weeks pregnant and even the thought of losing my baby makes me so sad. But like you I know that he/she would be in a much be place with our heavenly father and my mother whom I lost at a very young again and grieve over an aweful lot.. thank you for sharing you story and your unshakable faith!

  677. Hi this is absolutly beautiful , I do feel for you and he is beautiful and he will always be remembered . Good luck in the future for all of you.

  678. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your baby I to went through the death of our daughter Molly Ann Thomas on June 20 I was 20 weeks she had passed in the womb. I have the reassurance that one sweet day that I will see my little girl again some day! I thank God for that peace:) I still have rough times but I feel Gods presence in my life so strong and I know he will help me through it! Thank you for sharing your story and your pictures! -Melissa

  679. I’m sorry for your loss. I just had a miscarriage a month ago. I wish my baby had been bigger so I could have held her too. But they are I. Heaven perfect and having fun

  680. I am so happy that you were able to hold and see your beautiful baby boy! I wasn’t given that chance when my son was delivered at 7 months. They just swooped him away and I was told that I would be alright. I’ll never be alright, even after 38 years! I miss my son and thank The Lord that I was able to have two more wonderful children. God bless you and your family!!

  681. my condolences to you and your family. I want to thank you for your beautiful photos. I am 19 weeks and 5 days pregnant and found your story very touching. I am amazed to see how perfectly formed a baby of 19 weeks is. I’m so glad to see that you were given the opportunity to bond with your son; a very special experience for your family. I believe the positive impact that your experience and photos will have on the world will be incredible. May God continue to bless you and your family.
    Kerryn (Sydney Australia)

  682. Don’t worry. Your baby will be in another world while watching u. Takr care. I understand how u feel as am a mommy to 2 babies. Be strong.

  683. Thank you for sharing your story and pictures, it was very touching and beautiful. A similar situation happened to my sister. Grieving has been very difficult for. Not only did we loose our nephew but we lost my sister shortly after. God has a purpose for all of us, even though sometimes we don’t understand. Walter will always be your guardian angel. You are very blessed to have your strong beliefs in The Lord. May he always be by your side through life’s trials and tribulations.

  684. Aww I’m sorry for your loss, I have never experienced or can’t even imagine how loosing a child might be. You had a gift in getting to see your baby before he left, others can’t or doctors won’t let them see their baby. Was your baby moving after he was born? I’m sorry just curious, he was perfectly formed, omce again I’m sorry for your loss.

  685. I am so extremely sorry for your loss my heart breaks for you! I know the feeling of going into labour and trying your best to stop it. I had my son at 31 weeks and the whole time I had nurses and doctors tell me he was going to die or be brain dead and I’d just sit there and cry after 4 days of trying to stop labour he was born and was perfect and after many prayers and 2 weeks in the NICU he was in the clear. I don’t know what it’s like to lose a child and I could never try to imagine the pain and suffering you are going through but I do know that your sweet baby is with Jesus I’ve seen The Lord use situations like these to perform miracles. And as a women of the faith myself i pray that the lost of this nation will realize that from the moment of conception it’s a human being not a “fetus”. God bless you and your sweet family!

  686. I worked infertility for many years. I know how hard it is when you have to try to conceive…find the joy of that treatment being successful and then having that joy taken. I will pray for you and your family. God will take good care of him until Mommie and Daddy come home.

  687. I don’t know why this has to happen. I can’t imagine the pain. But I do trust the God who created us all. The amount of beauty that pours from this precious little life is also unexplainable. Thank you for sharing him with the world. My prayer is that others will open their eyes to see truth and the gift of life.
    I trust in the Lord and I trust that your beautiful little boy is waiting for you. May God richly bless you with His presence and His purpose.

  688. Thank you for sharing your tender story. I, too, know that you will be with your son again. I work with unwed mothers who are struggling to decide what to do when they find themselves pregnant. I am appalled when I read newstories about how many people feel that these precious babies are just things that they can dispose of and am grateful for the opportunity to have a place I can refer them if in doubt.

    Again, thank you for sharing your stories and pictures. May God bless you and your family always.

  689. I am truly sorry for your loss. You & your family are in my prays. Your beautiful little angel will always be with you. You are an amazingly strong person & your beautiful girls are so lucky to have you as a mummy ❤

    R.I.P Walter Joshua Fretz ❤

    Your story will change many lives xoxox

  690. God bless u and your family. I don’t know how it feel as a mother ,but i know how it feel as a uncle when my sister went through the that. I will keep you and your family in prayer. As for your little angle he is with our father and he is looking over ya’ll . GOD BLESS

  691. Wow what an inspiring story. I am sooooo sorry that u had to go through that. It’s tough. I know I been there, I gave birth to my son at 26 weeks on the day at 6 am. He was 2 pounds 2 oz and I did not think he was gonna make it. The hospital would not let me start pushing until the city team came out. I then gave birth to my son Devon the doc took him immediately and shortly after I got up to go see him. Their were about 10 doctors waiting and working on him. They transported him to the city and that’s where he stayed in the nicu for 3 months that he should have been in my belly. There were a lot of ups and downs and moments we were unsure of but we stayed strong and never gave up hope. My son is now 4 yrs old. And doing great. But ur story touched my heart. 😥 I’m so sorry for ur loss my love. Just take one day at a time. Joshua is happy and healthy and has no pain. In the hands of god. Our father. Thank u very much for daring this with the world. U r a gorgeous string women. With 2 beautiful girls cherish every moment. God bless u all ❤❤💜💙💚

  692. May God comfort you and your family. My previous grandson was born at five and a half months. He was not a fetus but a beautiful child of God. It has been twelve years but I still treasure those precious moments spent with him and am comforted with the fact that we will see him again. Hugs and prayers going out to your family

  693. I am so sorry for your lost…and we all know he is in God’s hands right now being loved…You will see him one day again. Thank you for sharing your story and God will use this time of pain and sorrow for the good. We do not always understand why he lets things happen the way they do but he has a reason for this. May God give you and your family comfort through this time. Your family is in my prayers.

  694. From the bottom of my heart im so sorry for your loss. Your story touched me I cried infact. When i was about 18 weeks with my little girl i too started with bleeding and lower back pain i left to the ER as soon as i knew. At the moment we had no insurance its sad to say they did not allow me to listen to her heart neither did they perform an ultrasound he said sorry we only do ultrasounds if emergency needed. I was discharged with possible misscariage and with no peace in mind the doctor had the gut to tell us “sorry its just best for you to go home and set your mind and heart for the loss and prepare for a future pregnancy if desired” i was devestated that with no evidence he us this. I was crying so bad and my husband began crying as well as my parents. We came home to pray to god for my babys health and never lost faith. Glad to say that unproffesional hospital was soo wrong because we r now at 29 weeks with my princess being a fighter her strength to fight has made me the most strong person i had never thought to be. I thank god every night for giving us this blessing. And once again im soo sorry for your loss but i can so agree with you he was perfect cute and adorable he is now with god but hes watching over you guys and he knows you were strong and fought till you could. Bless your family.

  695. We had a daughter delivered at 32 weeks who we could only be with, this side of heaven, for three days. I felt as though I was the only person to have ever experienced that sort of grief. During the funeral period, others shared our sorrow with us. However, weeks later, when I was finally ready to talk about my feelings and grieve- others became very uncomfortable speaking about my dead daughter. That was the hardest part. Grief is a process and I encourage you to find someone who you can comfortably work through it with. I wondered, just as you do, how any living being could get through an event like that without the comfort of faith in a resurrected savior. My husband and I leaned first on Him and then

    1. On each other. May you and yours turn to Him for comfort and grieve together. God’s blessings to your entire family. You will remain in my prayers.

  696. I can not imagine the pain and anguish you and your family have indured. I have two boys of my own and reading your story made me cry. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. My heart goes out to you. I am truly sorry for your loss.

  697. Your story is incredible. I am strongly against abortion, but even more so now. Its amazing how formed a baby is at only 20 weeks. These pictures are amazing and brought tears to my eyes. I am very sorry for your loss. Your story could open so many peoples eyes. Your right, placenta is the wrong word. In my own opinion I call it a baby as soon as its conceived. Thank you for sharing your story, it was very touching.

  698. So sorry for your loss. I cannot image the pain of losing Walter has brought on your family. My prayers for healing go out to all of you.

  699. God Bless you and your family and you grieve the death of your son (not a fetus). thank you for sharing your testimony with the world. Hopefully through this other little boys and girls will be saved for murder by their mommies. What a precious little gift God has given you if only on earth for a short time. But he will be waiting for you with Jesus at heaven’s gate to say “Well done thou good and faithful servant and mommy.” My prayers are with you and your family. Don’t need to pray for Walter – he’s doing GREAT!!!! 🙂

  700. I can only imagine what you and your family went through…I can truly see that the Lord is helping you through this. He is the most wonderful comforter. I’m very touched and encouraged that you’ve chosen to share this with others…it’s a great testimony of how God will give you strength to make it through and shows the truth to people that babies are little people right from conception. I’ll be praying for you and your family…your little angel is with Jesus. There’s no better place to be. Jesus suffered greatly for us, just know that through your suffering, many lives will be touched, changed, and I believe that some women that see this will decide to choose life. Rest in knowing that he’s in God’s care and the wonderful thing is…you’ll get to be with him again and that will be for all eternity! ❤


  701. What a precious story. Amazingly beautiful. It’s been 47 years since my baby brother, Clint Lee, was delivered stillborn. At that time my parents didn’t get to see him much less take photos That has always been the one thing my Mom regrets but it just wasn’t allowed. I am so grateful you got to have time with your son and have your photos of comfort. You are a very strong woman. I wish only comforting and thoughts of love are headed your way.

  702. Thank you for shareing your photos, There so special , You touched my heart and many around you. love the photo with the wedding ring. please take care love sara and family xxxxxx

  703. Your sweet boy was beautiful and so perfectly formed. I’m so sorry for your loss. It touched me deeply to see the photos of him being held. I would have done the same thing; held him on my chest, cuddled him, have siblings see and hold him; for the short time he is here on earth, I would want my baby to know and feel love. Plus, I believe it’s a form of healing for those who are and will be grieving the loss. –God bless you and your family.

  704. I was truly touched by your story. I can not even imagine what it is like to be in your shoes. You are a strong woman. Walter will forever be in your hearts. God bless and take care. ❤

  705. Thank you for sharing. I am so sorry for your loss; Walter is precious and your photos are such a gift. I will be praying for you and your family.

  706. Your faith and strength is amazing!! This is a touching story and I feel beyond the shadow of doubt that GOD is using you, even through this hard circumstance. This story is reaching others and affecting lives. I pray that GOD continue to bless, use and keep you and your family during this time.

  707. So sorry to here what u have been through. I just can’t imagine what heart brake and emotions. Always rember that god is with u and ur baby boy also your family. God bless u and ur family u all r a blessed family

  708. Losing a child at any age difficult in itself. My daughter Samantha Nicole Heller was murdered on December 4th 2012. I had her for 17 years in my life. I was not able to hold her when she passed I was not able to carress her the only thing I could possibly do was run my hands across her hair and kiss her forehead we miss her terribly I don’t know if I will be able to go on without her she was such a huge part of my life I pray that God is with you for this time just like I pray that God is with us during our time. Not going to be easy for you definitely not easy for us we still have to try to go through. You can look up her story I type in her name on the web Google or whatever or Ben Klinger. again I pray for you and peace be in your heart and soul. From somone that knows were your coming from. SANDI MCFALLS

  709. Thank u personally for sharing your story and photos. I to had something like this happen when I was 19 w and 3 day my daughter was as big but knowing that someone has go s through this and not just myself and the way I feel was the way you were feeling makes me understand myself even more. Mine happen in 2010 and I ha no idea what to do. This was our first pregnancy and I couldn’t hold her but saw her body and planned a funeral. Thanks again.

  710. u and ur family r in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. i’m so sorry for ur loss. ur son was a living baby form conception, at least in my eyesight.

  711. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I also lost a son (Paul Stephen Robbins) at 19 1/2 weeks. These beautiful pictures bring back floods of memories. Other than the facial features, these look so much like my little Paul. I pray that the Lord will continue to hold you in his arms as you weep for your precious little one. You are right, he is safe in the arms of Jesus and enjoying eternity already. If you ever need to talk to someone else who has gone through this please feel free to contact me. Paul was my 4th child, and I have since had 2 more. I hope this gives you comfort in knowing that if the Lord wills for you to have more little blessings, he will make it happen. Love from another mother, Rachel

  712. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your sweet baby. God bless you and your dear family. I hope you will find some peace and comfort in knowing that your family can be together forever, and that you will see your dear baby alive and well again.

  713. I am so sorry for your lost, but truly we could only seek comfort knowing Walter is safe in the hand of God, sharing the peace and love in the kingdom of heaven now… thanks for sharing your story, Walter is such a beautiful child.. Hang on to Jesus and I pray that you will meet Walter in heaven. God bless.

  714. I am praying that the Holy Spirit will be with you and your beautiful family and that your and walters testimony reaches and saves other lives! He may have not been legally someone but his testimony is bigger and better & reaching more people than some humans do in their entire lifetime! I lost my 2 yr old son Carson july 10, 2000 and his little testimony has hopefully saved many childrens lives bc we didnt buy a pool alarm and we should have. He may be here today if we had. We also sold the pool and bought pool alarms from the nice people where we got out pool and they handed them out to people who got a pool with c hildren. May God bless you and your family!

  715. Thank you so much for posting the pictures and story! God is so amazing! I’m very sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful baby boy!

  716. My wife and I lost one even before this age and I think back and remember the hurt my wife had I can do nothing but cry as I type . My wife is now in heaven with our child and I can’t wait to be there with them.

  717. My son Koby was born at 19 weeks also. My pictures are very similar! !!! God is with him while we miss him. Thank you for sharing!

  718. First, I am so so sorry for your loss but I am thankful for your bravery and faith that your story will touch lives….and I have no doubt it will. Your little boy looks so handsome and completely perfect. Though these pics are hard to see, as a first time mom of an eight month old, I am reminded of Gods power and majesty and how perfectly he has created every life. He is perfect. I’m continuing to pray for your family and for you. Theres nothing like a mothers love. Praying blessings over you and your family!!!

    1. It’s insensitive to grieving parents. While it may be the correct medical term any mother who has carried and felt said fetus moving inside her will tell you its a baby

      1. Actually the etymology (study of word origins) of fetus (plural fetuses) is from the Latin fētus (“offspring”, “bringing forth”, “hatching of young”). So, fetus means “offspring” not “tissue” …in other words, baby!
        “Nobody says:
        ‘ Have you thought of a name for your fetus ? ‘
        ‘ Let’s give the expectant mother a fetus shower ‘
        ‘ Is this your first fetus or do you have others ? ‘
        ‘ When is your fetus due ? ‘
        ‘ I hope you have a healthy fetus ‘”

        Makes me think of a Ronald Reagan quote:
        ““I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”

        People can argue all they want, and people can want things to be as they want; but when it comes down to it, facts are facts (which Walter’s story in pictures proves) whether you like it or not.

        Thank you for sharing your story

    2. They are babies. Fetus is the medical term used to dehumanize them to soothe people’s consciences that do atrocious things that wouldn’t be acceptible when referring to a baby. Plain and simple as that.

  719. Thank you for sharing your photos and your story. My miscarriage was very traumatic for my husband and I and the insensitive people in the ER made things even worse. It is so hard for those who have not been through a similar situation to have compassion or understanding for this situation but those like you who share their story help others to understand and find compassion. Blessing to your family!

  720. As a lady who went through this not once but three times, I just want to tell you that my deepest heart of hearts is with you. You should have been vag checked, andbthere are drugs that the ER could have given you to stop your labor. One thing you learn quickly about hospitals is you need to be bossy! It also helps expidite things if you have a fully qualified hospital certified OB/GYN, as that makes you his patient, and he calls the shots. I say this only for future reference.

    I lost two at 23 weeks, Keith Adam, and Claressa Lynn. I had to have a circlage with my remaining pregnancies. However, I have three more beautiful living kids, in addition to my eldest son, as a result. Then in 2006, I came down with pregnancy related heart failure at 27 weeks gestation, and subsequently lost my daughtef Emma to a not in her umbilical cord.

    I just want to say that all that I went through helped me grow in my faith in my Saviour. God used these experiences to teach me so many things! I am so grateful to him, both for the family present here on this earth with me, and the family waiting for me in my eternal home. God bless you, and I am praying for you!

  721. I am a mother of two boys, and I don’t know what I would do if I had been in your position. Your story touched me, and I hope it helps people realize so many different things about life, death, and the time between the two. I also hope it helps be realize a child is a child be it fully formed or a new beginning of life. My prayers are with you.

  722. I think your son Walter was beautiful. I am sorry for your loss. I do have 5 children, but I have lost 11. Thefarthest along was 12 weeks. I never got to know Iif they were girls or boys, I never got the chance to hold them or tell them goodbye, and I never had a choice with what their “material of conceptuon” was done with…I loved each one of those babies and still think about every one of them. Bless you and your family for your strength and courage. Much love

  723. Im so sorry for your loss. I know your pain. 2/8/00 I lost my son Mayceo Jonathan Alan Beatty at 14 weeks. People dont understand how it feels to have your child treated as a non life. It changes your view of humanity. Imhappy you found comfort in your time of sorrow. Many of us dont have that.happen. I wish I had a photo of my angel. You’re blessed. God knows. whats best. He has a plan. Keep your eyes and heart on him.

  724. Thank u for sharing such a wonderful story that made me cry so hard I pray for u and ur whole family

  725. Dearest Lexi, you can see by all the messages people have sent to you that you are not alone. God needs angels in heaven to look after those on earth as well as those in heaven. Babies are the purest as they have not been on the earth long enough to be flawed by the world. God chose you and all the other mother’s in your situation to be the mother’s of his angel’s, he knew you would all be strong and get through it so your child could make a big difference here on earth and in heaven. Although we are still humans and will feel the grief God will give you the comfort you need. Your little boy will grow into a beautiful angel and will be happy where he is but he will also be very close taking care of you. Sending all my love. x

  726. Thank you for sharing. I pray God uses this to open eyes and hearts to the truth about abortion and encourage those of us who have lost children like Walter. Nearly 30 years ago I gave birth to still born identical twin boys at 24 weeks pregnant. They were perfect. No one thought to take pictures and I was afraid to hold them, I’m not sure why. I regret both of those things to this day! I’m so glad you have pics and loved on him. Seeing these pictures and reading your story brought back the memories & tears and regrets, but I WILL hold them one day and love on them when God calls me home. For now, they are in the arms of Jesus, what better place is there? thanks again!

  727. I’m sorry for your loss. I almost lost my youngest at 24 weeks. Why couldn’t they try saving him? I will have you and your family in my prayers. God bless you.

  728. Thank you for sharing your faith and story with us….your Son is beautiful and knowing that you will one day have the chance to spend eternity with him is amazing! God Bless you and your family!!!!

  729. thank you for sharing your pictures! I just lost my sweet Addie at 20 weeks and like you I’m amazed by her little body….she is fearfully and wonderfully made!!! just like your precious son!

  730. Wiping the tears from eyes and praying for you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing your story and especially the pictures of your son. We never really know what our children look like as they grow (expect on ultrasound pics). The puts it into “real”, at least for me. I will be lifting you in prayer for many, many weeks to come. Your love for the Lord is very apparent and your outlook very touching. May the Lord bless you and comfort you as you move forward.

  731. I am so sorry for your loss, about a year and a half ago I miscarried at 16 weeks. It was so hard on me and my family. I think your pictures are beautiful. Heaven now has another angel and now your son is playing with mine. God bless you and your family.

  732. I , too, lost a precious baby in 1990…a little girl we named Kelly Lee. She was 21 1/2 weeks..perfectly formed like your sweet Walter….and so loved and missed. May God comfort your family, wrap His loving arms around all of you and bring you peace. I am so sorry for your loss.


  734. Never say you are sorry for sharing your son with others! These are beautiful pictures with a lovely family who adore their children! May God bless you all and may He help bring peace to the void and heart break you are feeling! Thank you for your Faith and for sharing your family with us!!

  735. I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for sharing. A beautiful story of the gift of life and how precious it truly is. The pictures are beautiful.

  736. I am so sorry for your loss of your precious baby. My husband and I lost 3 little ones due to an incompetent cervex. Back 30 years ago, they didn’t allow us to spend time with our babies….so I have none of the precious memories you have. I am so thankful that you have a caring family to go home to….not to fill that void, but to help heal. The Lord blessed me years later with a son and daughter. Stay strong….grieve when you need to, and know that there are many prayers for you and your family.

  737. I’m so sorry for your loss. I went through 3 miscarriages, but they were early on in my pregnancy and as painful as that was, I know it can’t compare to what you and your family went through. Your strength through this ordeal is amazing. Thank you for sharing your story and posting the beautiful pictures. I pray God’s peace and comfort fill you up and that you grow stronger in your faith through this. God bless you and your family.

  738. sorry to hear about your loss. He was a baby it doesnt matter what people say. he was ur son. now he is with is heavenly father u know he is safe there and u will see him again one day and be with him forever. u and ur family r in my prayers.

    1. I also had a baby that went to heave before her birth. I am so sorry you had to go through this. My the Lord give you peace and comfort through your grief.

  739. Thank you for sharing such an intimate thing in your life. I don’t know you, but I am crying with you and praying for you and your family. I pray your pictures will touch someone’s life who is for abortion. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you for reminding people of the fact that a baby in the womb IS a baby. May God use your message.

  740. Your baby was never a fetus. he was a beautiful bab boy and I feel your pain. With My first baby i went into preterm labor at around 5 months and was put on bedrest till he was born. the Lord answered our prayers and even though i went into labor 4 times the Lord gave the doctors the wisdom to know what to do to stop my labor each time and he arrived 1 day past his due date. I lost my second baby at 13 weeks. Unfortunately I never heard a heart beat or even held my baby. There were so many problems they couldn’t even tell me if it was a boy or girl. What helped me the most was knowing that the first person to hold our perciouse little one was our Lord and Saviour. i hope nobody is giving you negitive comments. Some pople are so ignorant they dont realise how hurtful their words are. My next pregnancy went wonderfully and we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy. Right now Iam 25 weeks with our 4th and 1st girl. early in the pregnancy i started bleeding and at 19 weeks I started feeling painless contractions so we went straight to er and my experience there was much like yours. I was put in a back room and it seemed I was forgotten. I was there over 7 hours never offered anything to eat or drink and when I finally was taken for an ultrasound they wouldn’t even tell me if there was a heartbeat. I was taken back to my room and told the doc. Would come talk to me. When she did all she told me was that my cervix was 3 cm and I could go home. When I asked if it was indeed contractions I was feeling she said they didn’t know and just go home. I felt like they didn’t even care. Thankfully my Doc. And the specialists feel that they are just early Braxton hicks. We are leaving our baby and this pregnancy in Gods hands and trusting Him in whatever His plans are that they are what is best for us. May God be with you and heal all your hurt hearts esp your beautiful girls.

  741. My heart goes out to you and your famly, I to am fighting for change. Fight for Everett is the facebook group. So unfair they could have stopped your labor couldn’t they? I to was neglected and discounted.

  742. May the good Lord and his heavenly family take care of baby Walter, and his grandad Walter give him all the hugs and kisses you have been denied. Your son was a beautiful human being and will be sadly missed by you all. I cannot believe how incredibly brave you have been in publishing all these photos of your little boy and your family. May you forever remember how your son felt in your arms as I know he will be forever in your heart.

  743. What a beautiful story written about a very sad happening. I am a newly retired L & D nurse… 35 years of that kind of work, your story reminds me of countless similar losses for countless families. I am thankful for the OB staff that was so compassionate and caring, and hope that the care I gave was just that impactful to my patients. Thank you for sharing.

  744. Lexi and Joshua,
    I saw this blog mentioned on Chicks on the Right and started reading this and I realized I knew Joshua. I was friends with the family and I babysat for Joshua a bit when I lived in Sebring, Fl. My heart breaks with you. Thank you so much for sharing this. You both are in our prayers! Your message about life was loud and clear and everyone should see this!

    Dawn Clemens Trumbull

  745. Thank you for sharing your story! I love all the photos but especially the ones of your husband with Walter. A father-son bond is so precious to see. All the photos brought tears. Thanks for being a light in this darkened world.

  746. Thank you for posting this. I lost a baby boy at 21 weeks. Our baby was very active starting at ten weeks I could feel movement and later it got more and more noticeable. Then the movement seemed to lessen and disappear. I had the common ultrasound at twenty one weeks. God put the song, My Redeemer lives and I can see his glory as he works all things together for my good …” in my head going into the ultrasound. I told my husband I was a bit worried something was wrong, he tried to reassure me it was going to be ok. The ultrasound revealed that our precious son had died. Our doctor asked if we wanted to have him removed or wait for him to naturally come out. We said we would wait. I wanted to give God a chance to do a miracle. He would be our Lazurus and be brought back to life. His had other plans. It was tough carrying him for two more weeks and having people ask when my baby was due. I started labour a couple weeks after hearing the news. I decided to stay home and deliver there. Very difficult labour and then delivery. He came out, but the placenta wouldn’t. I held him, and he looked similar to your precious son…perfectly formed. The placenta also wouldn’t detach and I was losing a lot of blood, since he was still attached to me, I awkwardly held him and sat on tons of towels to keep the seats from being stained from all the blood loss. At the hospital they also called him a fetus. They weighed him and said he was only 454g, so not big enough to be called a baby. They did an emergency D&C. I passed out and had some weird things happen so I was hospitalized for the night. We did decide to bury our son, Silas Patience. We never took pictures because my husband didn’t think we should. Our children never saw their brother, only through my descriptions. Seeing your pictures made feel like I could see him again kind of. It was 13 years ago we lost our son. We have seen God work it for our good, he blessed us with another son, which wouldn’t have been here otherwise because he came in March and Silas was due in September, and died in May. I started a casserole ministry as a result of this and many many lives have been touched through this ministry. We named him Silas because we chose to Praise God during our pain. From the minute we heard I was pregnant, he was called Patience.
    Your story and pictures really touched me. God is turning your pain and using it for His glory and good is coming out of it. Thank you and God bless you and your family.


  747. I’m so sorry for your loss the horrible things you went through at the hospital. I had to terminate my daughter at 6 months due to chromosome abnormalities….she had 3 sets a 1 in 5 billion chance. I opted for a full delivery and the hospital and nurses could not have been nicer. I too took pictures and some of my friends were shocked. I’m so happy I have them. My heart breaks for you and all your pain. No one can completely understand unless they too have lost a child. I had a burial service for my sweet Mallory and every year on her Angel day (birthday) I have a special celebration just for her. Time heals but it never get easier. This is not about me I just wanted to share my story so you know when I say I truly understand that I do, as I’m sure many others do. You and your family are in my prayers and maybe your beautiful Walter and my Mallory are sitting next to Jesus together.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful and heart breaking story….May God bless you and keep you and your family safe!!!

  748. I am so speechless. Your faith and trust in God amazes me because I cant help but feel like I would be so angry in this situation. This story touched me unimaginably. Thank you so much for sharing.

  749. I am so sorry for your loss and appreciate your bravery in taking and posting the photos of your son. God does have a plan, but sometimes it is difficult to understand. I’ve also miscarried and believe God is watching over my babies, who I will one day meet in heaven.

  750. I am so sorry for your loss.I too lost a baby at 35 weeks because of Trisomy 18, where the chromosome does not divide right. I carried her for a month and half knowing she probably would not live. Losing her was the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with, but thank goodness, my faith in God brought us through. God is a great God and he brought us through every step of the way. He didn’t say it would be easy, but HE WOULD BE THERE and HE WAS!
    I think its great that you shared your story and feel led to post pictures so that others realize what a baby really looks like at that stage. Hopefully, your post will change some women’s minds about abortions. May God be with you and your family and give you the strength and peace in your loss. God bless you all.

  751. Thank you for sharing your perfect son with the world. My prayer is that your family receives healing with each and every heart that is changed because they’ve seen this story and the photographs.
    I think its wonderful that you allowed your other children to hold their brother and say goodbye…and although I know many cold hearts will say hurtful things about that as well as the images, I hope that you realize a seed has been planted in every one of them. Maybe this is exactly what God’s purpose was for his tiny life. We can only speculate, but I imagine that the lives that might be saved are enough reason to give you some peace through your grieving.
    Again, thank you and blessings to you for being so brave to share your son with us. What a beautiful, perfect boy…

  752. Rest peacefully tiny boy. I cannot imagine the sorrow of losing a miracle of God. You are correct in that he is in the arms of his heavenly father, and in those arms he is well. I pray peace for your family and comfort for your daughters as they process this loss. Your story has meaning and purpose therefore; so does Walter’s moment on this Earth.

  753. You don’t need to apologize, this is clearly not attention seeking. What you were able to capture in that moment, as a professional photographer, none of us would have been able to do. And the courage to share it, something so intimate and heartbreaking… thank you from the bottom of my heart

  754. You may not know the reason but I can assure you that every single person that your story has helped knows exactly why and it is a different reason for each one. We all know that God gave up His son for us even if there was only one of us. Your son has saved many lives whether they were just dead from desperation and depression, dead in salvation and much worse. Thank you for sharing. I pray that each post is easier to read as time goes by and that you can soon remember your tiny missionary with peace and joy rather than pain and sorrow. Beautiful Blessings to you.

  755. I don’t know you but my heart and prayers go out to you and your husband and family. He was so precious.

  756. So sorry for your loss. You have amazing strength and courage to share your story. God Bless you and your family

  757. I Have a Poem that a teenager wrote me when she heard I had a miscarriage and I thought I would share this with you:

    Don’t Worry, I’m Okay
    I was only with you a short time, and even though I had no say, God decided He wanted me back, because Heaven is where He wanted me to stay.
    He took my small and fragile hands and walked me up to Heaven. The gates opened wide and I saw Jesus with open arms, then I knew I was safe from any harm.
    God took me in and raised me as His own, so that I know I have a family and that I am not alone.
    I cant wait to meet you, and I cant wait for the day, when you come to Heaven, this is what I pray.

    I thought this is something that you would like. Hope you do. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful God Story with all of us. God’s Blessings!!

    Lisa Brix

  758. Thank you so much for your willingness to share such a deeply personal story. I am eternally grateful for the knowledge that families are forever and that we return to our heavenly home when we leave this earth. Walter is a beautiful child and I am sure he is watching over you all. God bless!

    1. how strong u are to share your sadness & how wonderful to have had a soo beautiful precious gift even for just a while…I wish u & your family strength love & happiness…you baby was & is beautiful…xxx much love xx

  759. I never comment on blogs, but I am just heart broken for you and your family, And at the same time amazed by your strength in posting these pictures. I wish his eyes had opened so he could see you, but he knew he was loved. And so around more of the world you go. If just 1 heart is changed by Walter then its all worth it.

  760. I lost my Quinton at 16 weeks due to a true knot in his cord. This was almost 5 years ago. My heart celebrates with you the life of little Walter. My heart also breaks for you, your husband, and your girls. I, too, had a wonderful bereavement birth team of nurses. They helped me survive the first days. You are not alone. Walter resides in heaven but lives on in your heart. God bless you..

  761. So sorry for your loss. Truly an amazing story. May your lil baby rest in peace. You have an amazing angel watching over you.

  762. Oh my goodness!!! Your story touched my heart in so many ways!! I am so sorry for your loss. I am hoping that this story also touches the heart of the young lady that I was having a conversation with last night!!! Thank you so much for sharing this!! God bless you and your family!

  763. I am so sorry for your loss! He is beautiful, and thank you for sharing your story but you are right he is with his Savior and being cared for! I know this had to be hard to share but it also I hope it helped some to know that so many people have been touched in some way by these beautifully taken pictures! Bless you and your family!!

  764. thank u for sharing ur story. im so sorry for ur loss, he is a beautiful angel. i cant imagine the pain u are going through but God is with u and will be with u always.

  765. Thanks so very much for sharing your story of sweet Walter! So very sorry for his loss, but knowing you will be reunited someday can bring peace and joy. I’m so very irritated with the ER staff, but so grateful the OB staff was so kind and compassionate!! I can’t imagine how you feel, but God does. Cry out to our Papa when it’s all too much! Prayers and peace to you all!!

  766. What a beautiful boy. Thank you for sharing your story with us, and showing the world just how perfect these “dispensable” babies are. May God keep you and your family until you meet Walter again.

    I hope this is not insensitive, but I would also like to encourage you to contact a medical malpractice attorney regarding your treatment in the ER.

  767. Dearest family…Thank you so much for sharing your story and the beautiful pictures of your family – all of them. I am so deeply saddened by this tremendous loss you all have to be feeling. I am so very glad your daughters got the chance to meet and hold their little brother. I am sick at heart of the lack of qwuality care you got at the hospital. How you kept from calling the paramedics is beyod me. You are blessed to live in the light of God’s holy love and that your beautiful son will be living up there with him, where he will be healthy and so happy.. May you continue to live in the light of the Lord. Many blessings to you and to your family.

  768. I’m so sorry for your loss. Walter is beautiful and perfect, and is now in the hands of our Heavenly Father. What a blessing that you and your family were able to spend time with him after his birth and that you have these photos as a keepsake. Your story is a lesson to so many, and a reminder that life is truly a miracle.

  769. The hardest part of reading your story wasn’t the pictures or the loss of your blessed child, the hardest part was that your baby was called a fetus. I kept having flashbacks of my miscarriage and the ER workers calling my child a fetus. The first time I heard ‘baby’ was when I went to my OB to see if I needed a d & c. I told my OB that they kept calling him/her a fetus and that I was so happy to hear someone call my child a baby. I was only 7-8 weeks along and could not figure out why I had so little time to bond with my child, but as you and I both know the Lord works in mysterious ways and He has a plan for each of us whether we like it or not. And you are right, He will love our children more than we ever could. There is a hymn in the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary called “I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb” that brings me great comfort in a loss such as these. I would like to share the last verse, ‘Who so happy as I am, Even now the shepard’s lamb? And when my short life is ended, By His angel host attended, He shall fold me to His breast, There within His arms to rest.’ I pray that you continue to find comfort in Our Lord’s plan. I am sending my love to you and your family.

  770. What a beautiful, perfect little boy. God bless you and your family. I will keep you in my prayers.

  771. Thank u 4 sharing as a midwife and director of a premature babies home in zambia that is on progress I visit the Nicu and c tiny babies fighting for life and they r valued and treasured often not photographed this highlights how perfect preterm babies r how they r perfect so early thanx 4 your courage

  772. I’m so sorry for your devastating loss. Your son is beautiful and you are so brave to post them. I wanted to tell you about an organization called Teeny Tears, they provide handmade diapers for babies just like yours. My sister Megan started Teeny Tears after she lost one of her twin boys when they were born at 28 weeks. Sewing diapers has been a way that she and hundreds of other women have found a way to serve and heal from the terrible loss. I hope you start to feel better soon.

  773. Thank you for sharing. Beautiful and sad. Prayers for you and your family.
    My heart is touched by your beliefs and the love and tenderness so evident in these pictures. Yes, your son is well and with the angels. Thank you. Thank you.

  774. I don’t know you but my prayers are with you and your family. Me & my husband and 2 children also went through a very similar situation in January of this year. I was 23 weeks pregnant with our son Benaiah when I delivered him. I went in for a routine checkup and the doctors couldn’t find a heartbeat. They sent me to the hospital for an ultrasound and our worst fears were revealed. I will never forget it. They sent us up to OB to induce and deliver our baby. He was just so beautiful! I too struggled to understand why this happened to us. We had been trying for about 3 years and lost two other babies early in pregnancy. But despite this and losing our son, we chose to trust God regardless. I just encourage you to never lose HOPE! God is in control and He knows the plans He has for you. Your story is so touching and I believe God is going to use this to reach many more people. Just know its ok to grieve and miss your baby boy. I find it very helpful to just cry with worship music on in His presence. He will wrap you in His arms and give you strength. This album really helped me: Kim Walker Smith – Still Believe. Once again, I am praying for you & your family! God bless you & your family.

  775. I, too, am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story. The pictures were beautiful. I’m thankful that you realize that God has a plan, as mysterious as it may seem, at times. God bless; you are in my prayers.

  776. God bless you for sharing this difficult time. Walter is beautiful! It still astounds me that people can deny this is a baby. I am sharing your story with friends who will also be touched by this wonderful little person who is your son.

  777. Am shedding tears. I lost my baby daughter at 22 months old and my son at the age of 34 but your story touched my heart so much because of all the abortions that are being done and the precious souls that will never know life. May God grant you His peace.

  778. Thank you so much for sharing your story. My heart breaks for you, it truly does. My wife and I are trying to get pregnant and this is a tale of sadness that bears on our own journey right now…I share your grief and pray that God restores you a new Walter Joshua Fretz if it’s in His will and timing. Praying for strength for you and your husband. Many blessings on you as you go through this time.

  779. I have been throsgh the same thing only difference mine was twins i didnt get the option to have a funeral.never even got to hold mine..i was 7months along.i was treated very bad at our local hospital.come to find out i had cervical problems and had to have cerclage on last heart goes out to u and your fMily for i know your pain.God bless you.

  780. Praying for you and your family. I know this type of loss and the deep hurt. I will remind you that God will carry you when you feel you just can’t walk through this anymore and some day you will share your testimony and you will know why you had to suffer this sacrifice. Prayers.

  781. I am deeply sorry for your loss. We lost a baby boy that was about three weeks from due date and also lost a son at twenty years old. Both were heartbreaking losses in their respective ways. We know that both are Ok and we will see them again someday, which I know you will see your son also. Thank you for sharing your story.

  782. Thank you so much for having the strength to share your story. It is incredibly heart-breaking and inspiring, all at once. I openly admit that I am trying in vain to choke back tears and body-shaking sobs, as Walter’s birth reminds me too much of our daughter, Hannah’s birth. We were fortunate & quite blessed; Hannah fought and survived an early birth (9 weeks early, 1 lb 10 oz) and subsequent 2 month NICU stay, and is now a very active 2-year-old. I am so sorry you never got that opportunity with Walter. I am touched beyond measure that you were able to hold your son and spend some brief moments with him. What a beautiful treasure; thank you for sharing your photos of him. Many blessings of love and light to your family.

  783. So many times through a tragic loss, God can be seen the most! I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your baby boy! My heart breaks for you and your family. Looking at the photos of Baby Walter, I see God’s amazing gift of life! Walter was perfection to the eyes and the plan that God laid out before this little one was entirely too short! For us! For you! Walter is indeed perfect now, with our heavenly Father! Walter’s purpose and the struggles that you all have endured has been part of a perfect plan! We may never know the reasons, but I see a very strong Mom and Dad to be able to share this amazing story with others. Thank you for sharing your hurts and your blessings! God is awesome and His work can be seen in the design of this precious baby boy! I have prayed for peace for your family and the strength to continue to share God’s unfailing love even during a terrible storm. Thank you again.

  784. Hello,
    I wanted to say that your story is indeed touching. I had a total hysterectomy at 25,and am not able to bear children anymore.
    I am Catholic and firmly believe God has a plan for everyone,even before they are born. You said that you didn’t know why God would take your baby away. But I think perhaps the reason is very important. Perhaps he was taken, so that he could be a catalyst in stopping women from having an abortion. Whether it changes the mind of just one woman, or a thousand,each life is precious and important. But you sharing your story, and even more importantly,these touching photos, is certainly changing the minds of women contemplating abortions. Abortions are wrong,no matter what the circumstances. There’s never a good reason for an abortion. I think that some of the time,women just don’t quite understand the realness of the human life they are carrying, and that’s sad. Your photos are so much more important than an ultrasound photo, or even photos in medical publications and journals. This is real and by also telling your story in detail, it makes it so much more relate-able because the reader can develop a bond with you,and feel your pain. I think there is very real and important reason that this happened. He is saving the lives of other babies no doubt. And that’s something not to be taken lightly. What are you are doing is heroic, important, and not something just anyone can do. Your photos are touching and lovely, and has surely changed the mind of at least one woman, if not many!
    God bless you and you and your family will be in my prayers.

  785. I am so sorry for your loss! Children are truly a blessing from god. Your baby boy is now with the lord taking care of his mommy, daddy, and sisters. The pictures are breath taking. Thank you for sharing your story. Perhaps this will remind some people to never take life or their kids for granted.

  786. I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing. Your photos and story will impact so many! It is my prayer that many women contemplating abortion see this and change their minds. I will keep your family in prayer.

  787. Thank you for sharing your story. Walter is beautiful!! Will be praying for your family. ——With love from Ohio

  788. My heart breaks for you and your family. Anyone that thinks an unborn child is a fetus at this stage is clearly uninformed. I am a new mother and never once from the instant I found out I was pregnant did I think of my baby as a fetus. I hope this touches many more people and helps untold young mothers to make a more informed decision about what they want to do with their pregnancies. May the Lord bless you and give you comfort in this difficult situation. I am in awe of your strength and perseverance in the face of so much grief. You are in my thoughts and prayers always. Thank you for sharing this touching and heartbreaking story with the world. You are truly amazing.

  789. My heart aches for you. You are so very brave for sharing your story. I delivered my triplets at 23 weeks in an emergency. I know you cherish the fact you got to see and hold your sweet boy. I was so sick, that I didn’t even see my Wyatt till days after he had passed. The nurses took many pictures for me, and I am so thankful for that. God bless your family.

  790. I am so terribly sorry for you loss of such a beautiful little boy. I pray that your story and these photos will be an answer to prayer for any woman considering abortion. God bless you all.

  791. One of my friends has experienced the same situation. Both of you are amazing women! She is now the mother of a beautiful 5 month old. Maddox (her son) is always with her in spirit as I am sure your child will always be with you. Keep your faith! Thank you for sharing your story.

  792. God bless you and your beautiful family! Walter is with Jesus now waiting to see you again! He is so beautiful! My heart goes out to you and your family! Thank you for sharing such a private, intimate time with us. ~

  793. We miscarried our first son, third child, at 20 weeks. There was a tight know in his cord and he did not develop past 17 weeks, my Dr said. I know what you are experiencing right now and I am sorry. We were devastated, as I know you are. We also had two daughters, as you. The worst thing is that you know what you are loosing when you miscarry. I am happy to hear of your faith in the Lord. It is what carried us along. Even so, I could not even smile until at least 5 mos had past and by that time I was pregnant again. Her delivery, our fourth child, was full term but had complications in delivery that no one caught and she died 17 days later, talk about devastation amplified exponentially. The Sunday before she died there was the most beautiful rainbow (on a clear day!) and the rainbow ended at her head, when she was confirmed total brain death. I won’t even talk about how that affected us. But I will say that God is good and faithful. Today, 4.5 years later, we have a 10 mo old son who is the sunshine of our household whom we all absolutely adore with multifaceted color. AND his birth was a miracle! Three hour super light labor. I drove myself to the hospital, 10 minutes after arriving Isaac Salem, our promised child, was born!! Isaac was the promised child of Abraham and Sarah and Salem means ‘peace perfected’!! He truly is what he is named. Our rainbow of perfect peace at the end of our storm.
    Blessings, my love, keep your eyes unwavering on Jesus! Do NOT look at the wind and the waves and keep your focus on Jesus.
    Love, Audrey

  794. You have an angel in heaven and he was a beautiful child on earth.Thank you for sharing this and I have to tell you that I read your story in tears.

    I never experienced anything like this personally but I was with my daughter as she delivered her full term son that was still-born. She was only days from her due date when she noticed he wasn’t moving. Like you, I’m so thankful we had the time we did with him even though we will never know why he was called home.

  795. Thank you for sharing your story and beautiful pictures. My husband and I lost our little Savannah Helane 16 years ago at 21 weeks. We had a wonderful lady who was the minister at the hospital baptize our daughter. She was kind enough to take a few pictures of Savannah that I will always treasure. Your pictures touched my heart in a way that only someone who has been through this would understand. Those photos are priceless and a treasure for years to come. Your faith and strength is an inspiration to all.

  796. Cryed my eyes out reading your blog, what a beautiful baby boy! So sorry for your loss my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very sad time. Lots and lots of hugs from London uk. Xxxxxx

  797. I am so sorry for ur loss, ur baby boy is beautiful and what u guys are goung through is horrible. May god heal ur hearts. ♥ always stephanie

  798. I truely feel for this couple! I lost a baby at 21 weeks. I was only allowed to see her once and I do not have any pictures of her. This was 16 years when this happened for me. I think it is good that they were allowed the time with their baby for bonding, saying their goodbyes, and taking pictures. I think that would have helped me with my grieving process. This couple will be in my prayers! God bless you two and your family!

  799. Beautiful, beautiful baby. Thank you so much for sharing your story and your pictures. I’m sure you have helped countless people. May God bless you and your family until you can all hold little Walter in your arms again

  800. Your story is amazing! I do not now nor have I ever believed in abortion. I feel like if God created it and it is growing…it is alive! Your pictures are so touching and I think you and your family are so sweet and brave to share this personal story…the pictures…the feelings with the world. There may be people who think you do it for the wrong reasons…but there will be people that change their opinions BECAUSE of your story! There is no telling go many inoccent lives you will save because of your story! God bless you and your family during this time and thank you for your strength and sharing.

  801. So very sorry for loss. What a beautiful and wonderfully made child. Thank you for sharing your story. May God bless you and your beautiful family.

  802. I bawled the whole time I read this. I am so sorry for your loss. It takes so much for you to share your story with us. Thank you. I almost had to go through something similar at the begining of my pregnancy, but thank the good Lord above my baby is ok. I am 32 weeks and 5 days pregnant. This is my 4th child and I still worry about things like this. I am not sure that I would have the courage that you did in sharing the way that you did. I know that God will bless you for reaching out to help other even during your time of grief. God bless you all!

  803. Do not stand at my grave and weep
    I am not there I do not sleep.
    I am a thousand winds that blow,
    I am the diamond glints on snow,
    I am the sun on ripened grain,
    I am the gentle autumn rain.
    When you awaken in the morning’s hush
    I am the swift uplifting rush
    of quiet birds in circled flight.
    I am the soft stars that shine at night,
    Do not stand at my grave and cry,
    I am not there, I did not die.

    Mary Elizabeth Frye…

    Your angel Walter is in God’s arms and you will be with him in heaven when God takes you home.

  804. I am so sorry for your loss, Little Walter had to come to earth to get a body so he can be resurrected with you when our Savior comes again. Prayers to all of you. You have a beautiful family and may the Lord Bless each and everyone of you during this time.

  805. I am sorry for your loss. You will be reunited in heaven where you will get to raise him. We love you.

  806. My heart goes out to u and your family….. May the Lord Bless u with lots of comfort and Peace.

  807. Im so glad you shared this experince so many prush it away. But for those of us that that have experienced this dont share it out of fear of what others think or say. You are a strong woman for doing so.

  808. Wow he is amazing and perfect! I am in awe of you both for sharing something so special. Thank you and I will be praying for your family

  809. Reblogged this on Shannon Vaut and commented:
    For anyone that thinks it is okay to abort an unborn child before 20 weeks, you must see these pictures. Sometimes in order to help one understand that a life begins at conception, knowledge must be passed on.

  810. This is so heartbreaking im so sorry for your loss im 18 weeks expecting and couldnt imagine losing my baby

  811. I am so very sorry for your family’s loss. Your son is beautiful and the photos of him with his sisters warmed and broke my heart all at the same time. Thank you for sharing this very personal photo collection with us. One of my dear friends lost her first child, also a son, to an undiagnosed heart defect right at 40 weeks. Her healthcare providers were also kind as you described yours being. She also had a memory book of photos of him & I felt privileged she wanted to share those with me. I feel the same here. Our children, no matter how they arrive or how long they stay, are beautiful gifts. I will pray for your family during the difficult time & I hope you know that your story and Walter now have a special place in my heart.

  812. Truly amazing! I am speechless!!! What a beautiful baby boy!!!! So perfect…..only saw his photos in your story, but I too, love him. A gift from God, if only for a short time. My love & prayers to you, Joshua & the girls.

  813. Thank you for sharing pictures of your beautiful son Walter. He will meet you with open arms when it is your time to go home to our Heavenly Father. Until then may you have peace, joy and comfort from Our Lord.

  814. I cried as I read your story. Though I did not lose any of my babies, my mother lost a son before me and a set of twin sons when I was in elementary school. Of course we were all crushed when we lost the twins, who were about the same age as your Walter. I have no other brothers and am now close to 60. What I wanted to tell you was what happened as my mother was dying in 2011. We were all there at her bedside for several days. Two days before she passed, she was not with us very much. She kept talking to someone ‘up there’. But the amazing thing was when she started laughing and crying all at the same time. We asked her what she was seeing and she said, “I’m playing with my boys! They are so cute!” It took a few seconds for us to realize that her sons, my brothers, were there waiting for her on the other side. I wanted you to know that Walter will be there waiting for you when your time comes. I am looking forward to being with my brothers some day too. God bless you and thank you for sharing.

  815. I am so sorry for your loss! God is with you everyday! You have a beautiful son! God will bless you when you are ready and the time is right for your family with another child!

  816. God bless you and your family…I wen through a similar situation. I was 18 years old me and my husband was having our first child. I was in the 12th grade. Had to finish school. I felt my son Dalton move all the time very active he was. I went to school one morning and felt different. When I got home I called the doctor office they told me to get my first morning urine sample and stay off my feet and come in early the next morning. I did just that. When we got to the doctor office I was seen first. We listened for the heart beat and herd nothing. We did a sonogram and found out the day before he had passed. I was 24 weeks. I was taken straight to the hospital to be fully induced I was in labor for almost 2 days the next morning I felt that I need to use the restroom and as soon as I got up I felt I needed to push as soon as I did I knew exactly what was happening. My mom was in the room with me and she went to get my husband. The nurse came into the room I pushed a few times she said her he comes and at that moment when she pulled he from me I looked at my family in the room and we was all waiting to hear him cry. But the nurse wrapped him up an was taking him away. I told her to give me my baby. She hesitated and did as I asked. They thought we was crazy to want to see and hold him but I did just that. I kissed him unwrapped the blanket did just as you did counted toes and fingers over looked his entire body cried oh lord did I cry. We passed him around to my mom and husband. Of course this was back in 1995 sept 30th to be exact. The day I felt my life was nothing I felt upset at god and wanted answers. I have learned in the last 18 years that dalton is in a better place he with The Lord and others that are not here with us anymore. Seeing your pictures makes me wish we would done the same thing the hospital has a pic of him that I never went and got. After the funeral home came and got him. Friends and family all got together and made Dalton the best casket ever! Old fashioned shaped and wan all pine my mom did the inside and we put little trinkets in there with Jim. God as blessed me with three other wonderful kids they all know about there big brother and what we went through. I just want you to know there is not a day after 18 years that I do not think about him. What he would be like his personality his looks. So when I look at his little brothers and his little sister I know cause they all favor so much. So in my mind glad to know that our babies are together in the heavens together. Thanks for sharing your story, and the photos. 🙂

  817. Thank you for being so brave to share your story and let it touch so many lives. Please know my family is lifting you up in prayer. My prayer is that our wonderful Creator continues to use this Story to change peoples hearts on the issues of abortion. You are one brave and courageous Mama!

  818. Hello

    Firstly I am so honoured you have shared this special little angel, and a very beautiful one to.

    We have lost ruby who was 21+4 and Lily who was just under 20 weeks. They both had a very rare genetic condition and even now 4 years on we don’t know what condition they had. All we know at this stage is that my husband and I both have the exact faulty gene! We don’t have any other children and have had to come to terms that we won’t try again as cant take much more heartache.

    Since then I have developed fibromyalgia which was brought on by the trauma of our angels. We live in England by the way. Our girls are buried together and that brings me comfort.

    If you ever need a chat I’m always here

    Much love

    Carol and of course angels Ruby & Lily xxx

  819. I am so sorry for your loss. You are a courageous mother to put down in words the sorrow that you and your family went through. Your family, including Walter, have an outstanding mother! May the Good Lord continue to bless and watch over all of you’

  820. I’m so sorry for your loss. Walter looked like a beautiful little boy. I think your really brave sharing your story and such personal photos. It will raise so much awareness. In my thoughts, stay strong xx

  821. Thank you for sharing your story. After having my first son, we tried for 3 long years to conceive. We finally found out I was expecting. At 12 weeks, I knew something was wrong. I went in for an appointment only to find out that there was no heartbeat. They sent me home and I wanted to scream at someone. I kept saying, really, I just go home? In a few short minutes I went from expecting a sweet baby to being told matter of factly that “these things just happened.” It was heartwrenching. I knew there was a life growing inside of me. How could someone treat that so cruelly and without regard? We experienced two other miscarriages, each has left an emptiness in our family. I am grateful for your willingness to share and hope that it helps those who do not seem to understand the miracle of life that starts long before laws claim.

  822. Powerful story telling of the pain you and your family is going through. To make this situation transparent for your little girls and the world makes this an amazingly, yet tough, story to share – I commend that yet also see the Love you have for our Saviour.

    By the sharing of your faith and knowing, for certain, that your son is with our Father is a powerful testimony for others; to know that it is our faith and our devotion to our Saviour, shows that he is alive, TODAY, now – if we put our faith in Him.

    Blessings to you and continued strength/comfort to the rest of your family in this time of: transition, learning, and understanding of the love of God in Christ Jesus. 🙂

  823. Thank you for sharing this experience with everyone. This past February my grandchild was born at 20 weeks. I arrived at my son’s house when his girlfriend was going into labor at 2am. I am an antepartum nurse but in the situation of that being my unborn grandchild and me knowing what the end result was going to be I had to call an ambulance to hopefully stop the labor. They took her in the ambulance and instead of allowing the hospital to tend to her needs a paramedic (volunteer county) pulled my grandchild out and placed he/she in a bag. Once at the hospital they treated us like it was really no big deal, no loss, just another day. My grandchild stayed placed in a red bag. When I went to the nurses’ station to question this and why would they wish to treat the mother so inhumanely as well as not offer the parents a chance to see the baby once cleaned up. I was asked to leave and to stay off the floor and out of the patient’s room. So, once she was was put in a med floor room they still left the baby in the bag. A doctor came to get my grandchild. To examine he or she. We asked when he returned what his findings were. He said he could not tell what the sex was and he did not know anything other than there was no cord. My son and his girlfriend were not offered footprints or the option of burial. No DNA tests were offered. Because I was only my son’s mother I was seen as a bother. My son had no say because they were not married. His girlfriend was in so much shock and grieving she did not know which way was up. This was at West Houston Hospital which has a HORRIBLE record and reputation to begin with and if any of your family and friends ever have a situation where they need medical care such as a pre-term birth or any OB situation avoid this hospital in Houston. To this day I do not know if I had a granddaughter or grandson. I call the baby Baby J. I know that Baby J is up in Heaven and my aunts, uncles and grandparents are all taking care of J until one day I am there to meet Baby J. My prayers is that other moms out there who end up in a situation like this are able to get compassionate care and get the chance to say goodbye as well as their family too. God Bless!

  824. What beautiful photos, showing the amazing care our Creator puts into forming our bodies within the womb… No, definitely not just a ‘cluster of cells or lump of tissue’! I’m so very, very sorry for your loss. I went through three miscarriages (earlier than yours) myself, and I take comfort in believing they’ll be waiting for me in heaven, But the lost possibilities of a shared life here on earth still hurts. Hugs…

  825. Your story is so insperational to those who just don’t get it……I see it the moment I found out I was pregnant it was a baby to me……I am truly sorry for your loss and hope one day his spirit fills with your next child……my prayers and hugs to you and your beautiful family

  826. Thank you so much for taking the time to tell your unforgettable story and show your amazing, touching, loving pictures.

  827. I’ve read your story and I feel for you and your family.. I pray that you all will continue to push forward and live not only for yourself but for your child that God took home. Peace and Blessings

  828. Thank you for sharing your story. I will pray for your family. I’m so sorry that you lost your beautiful baby boy. I know that he is as well loved in Heaven as he is here.

  829. Lexi, our son Gracen was born still at 19 weeks and 4 days. He was perfect, just too busy in my womb. He had gotten tangled in his umbilical cord. It also angers me that the law says he is not a person. He died on 6/24/09 and was born on 6/26/09. I carried him those last 2 days knowing his heart was not beating. It was hard, but I knew as his Mommy, that was a job I was called to do. I had already bonded with him while in my womb and knew his little quirks…just as I did his brother and sister. He is just as much my child as they are. Lexie, I am so sorry you are having to go through your loss and pain. I applaud you for your strength in sharing Walter’s story. Here’s a hug from one Mommy to another ((hug)). It’s not a club anyone should ever be a part of, but we are their voice.

  830. My Daughter was pregnant with twins, she too was having spotting and made multiple visits to ER and in May was told one of the twins heart beat had stopped. On June 8 she flew home to attend her brothers wedding that was to be on the 14th of June. On June 8th she too went into labor and lost baby # 2. I’m crying again with you and my Daughter. May God keep our precious Babies in his loving embrace.

  831. I am so sorry you and your family went through that. He is so adorable. I lost my precious daughter when I was four and a half months along. She was very healthy and growing like she was supposed to and then just one day she passed away inside me doctors don’t know why. So I wanted to tell you that I love you from one mother to another and keep your hopes up.

  832. I’m so sorry for your loss. Baby Walter, you and your family will always be in my prayers. He’s beautiful!! He’s in a better place and in the Lord’s care.

    I criedcwhen I read your story and saw the pictures. I had 4 miscarriages before my Son was born in 2010. The doctors didn’t know why & couldn’t find anything wrong with us that could have caused them. A couple of people made comments such as: “At least IT was developed yet”, or “at least IT wasn’t a baby”, and many more hurtful comments. My Baby wasnt an IT and she/he was a Baby/Human being! I felt the same as you.
    I don’t know you but you seem to be a strong woman. What you did with your girls and Walter is amazing! I’m grateful that you shared your story and pictures. God bless Baby Walter, you and your family!

  833. Your story should help many women or young girls who think it’s right to have a abortion. It’s not right like you said it’s not a Fetus but a BABY WHO HAS A BEATING HEART… I hope you and your family get thru your lost. That little angel will always be guiding you and and looking out for you. Please Girls Abortion is not a Answer babies are little miracles

  834. We are so sorry for your lose, Please except our condolences, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, May God bless you & your family.

  835. so sorry for your loss but thank u so much for being so incredibly brave and sharing ur story…u have a precious precious family including your perfect baby boy even though he is residing in heaven and not physically here…u all r now and forever blessed:)

  836. i randomly came across this post from a friend on facebook. i have recently gone through 2 miscarriages back to back and finally held the third time to term. although my experience wasnt quite the same as yours, i feel like you went through a lot more than i did making it so far along in your pregnancy, i can say i know how you felt. i my heart goes out to you so much. you are so strong for posting this story and i thank you for it. you have once again reminded me that i need to cherish these little bundles in my house though they drive me nuts at times. thank you for your strength and love for your baby. he has 2 friends up there with my own. ❤ god bless.

  837. Thank you so much for sharing your story! It was very touching and may God bless you at this time and every year on his birthday. Stay strong (but don’t forget that staying strong doesn’t mean you can’t have a little breakdown! )

  838. I just wanted to say how very sorry I am for your loss. And that I think abortion shouls not be an option for a completely healthy fetus. So many families want to have babies but can’t have babies and yet so many women just abort precious lives for their own want. I’m so sorry for your loss and send prayers to your family.

  839. I cannot imagine the depths of your loss, but I hope that you and your family will be lifted by the love that surrounds you and the prayers from all of us around the world, whom you have touched with your story.

  840. Bless you for sharing your story. I am humbled to have read it.
    What AMAZING pictures. Walter is beautiful!! What an incredible blessing to have spent time with him, and we are immeasurably blessed for you sharing his time on this earth with us. His pictures touched my heart. Know I will pray for you (mom to mom) and for your family. As my 10 year old always reminds me (in regards to a close friend of ours that was called home….”just think…he gets to play on the streets of gold, mom!!”
    God Bless you and your family.

  841. So devastating! I’m so glad the OB wing was kind and empathetic for you. Finding medical personell with a heart is a treasure. They most definitely are babies. I loath the word fetus. The hospital admin needs to be informed of the callous nature, and excessive time of unattention during a critical time, by the ER staff. Your heartbreaking experience has illuminated a serious problem in the medical field. A matter of days drastically alters the course of treatment for our sweet babies. I will be telling every pregnant woman I know to always say they’re 20 weeks if they’re any where near that gestation so they will be entitled to treatment. Prayers for your family during this time. Thank you for being willing to share his precious life.

  842. Thank you for sharing. I lost my son at 27 weeks on Sept. 18th 2009. I was devastated and still am to some degree. I didn’t take photos and so wish I had of. Beautiful!

  843. Thank you so much for this. I am so very sorry for your loss. This brought me to tears, and it was just what I needed today. When I was pregnant with my son in 2011, it was very unexpected, unplanned, and scary, but the most wonderful and exciting thing to ever happen to me. I had been on birth control, but there it was a nice big bold “pregnant”, test after test. At 8 weeks, I started bleeding. It wasn’t spotting, it was a lot of bold bright red blood. Everyone in the ER was extremely uncaring. I got everything from “I can’t tell you what’s going to happen, it’s 50/50 when you get home”. to ” I had 3 miscarriages and you will be able to have another baby”. I didnt WANT another baby. I wanted MY baby, the baby that I had already gotten very comfortably in love with. I begged God, I prayed, I made promises to God that I struggle every day to keep (like being the best mom ever, and never staying mad at him). I cried, and cried, and pleaded some more. I went from inconsolable to numb, and still every night for a week I bargained with God. The bleeding never returned. Several weeks later, I was sicker than I had ever been in my life. They diagnosed me with hyperemesis, a condition that makes you vomit into dehydration because you cant keep down water. My midwife gave me medication that didn’t help. I was told I had to keep SOMETHING down, or I was going to lose the baby. So again I prayed, and pleaded, I didn’t have the energy to cry. The next day I got a powerful craving for Taco Bell, and basically harassed my husband into picking up $20 in Taco Bell, just for me. I ate, and ate, and ate. It never came back up, so I ate some more. Sweet, calorie and fat filled Taco Bell. I cried out of relief. The rest of my pregnancy up until my birth went well. I went into labor a week before my due date. I never went to Labor and Delivery 4 times. My contractions where there, I hadn’t slept in days. I wouldn’t dialate past 3 cm. They finally admitted me when I started vomitting from the pain. They gave me pitocin, and an epidural. The pitocin, turned all the way up, didn’t help. They broke my water, and it was an hour before I reached a 5. My son was born one day late, pink, beautiful, and a whopping 9 lbs. I am blessed. I vowed that day to raise him as a child of God as best I could. Sometimes in the midst of a full toddler meltdown, it is hard to remember all of these things. Sometimes, I do remember. So instead of being angry, I just hold him and cry (while h squirms and kicks and acts like i’m crazy). For that, I thank you. I thank you for putting my head back on straight, on a day that I was holding on by a thread with patience and trying to understand the mind of a 1 1/2 year old.

  844. I honestly can’t imagine what you have went through, I say & red your story with tears in my eyes & then seeing those little pictures made me break down with tears.. Ill always be thinking of you & your family.. :-(:-(:-(

  845. I am so sry you had to go thru this but Jesus only takes certain little angels and my prayers go out to you and your family.Our children are suppose to bury us not us bury them.i lost a son at age 24 then i just two weeks ago burried my daughter at age 52 with cancer. I feel you r pain i really do.Praying for you all God Bless.

  846. I am so sorry for you and your family. You have been incredibly brave to share the photos of your beautiful son. I send you my prayers and every good wish for the future. Thank you and Gods Blessings for you all

  847. Im so sorry for ur lost im pregnant right now i cant even imagine ur pain,i cry while i was reading ur story:( But ur baby knew how much u loved him always and for ever.God have another angel w him i’ll keep u in my prayers…

  848. You have so much strength, I admire you for sharing your story and your pictures. My husband and I tried for many years to have children and weren’t able to, only the Lord knows why these things are as they are and may he bless you for having such a loving and giving heart.

  849. Lexi,
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful son and his story. If I were to put the birth of my son, Tanner, into written words, it would be very similar. My water broke at 16 weeks, and although the doctors encouraged termination, there was a tiny ounce of hope that the amniotic fluid could re-accumulate with bed rest. I hung onto that hope, until they could no longer hold off labor at 24 weeks. Without lung development, our little guy went quickly. I was so thankful for the wonderful hospital staff who not only cared for me physically, but shared in our heartbreak and made our comfort and feelings a top priority. Although, it seemed odd at first, I am so glad our nurse offered to take pictures and a plaster plaque of his tiny feet was made. We did not leave the hospital with that precious bundle that we had longed for, but having those pictures, plaque, and a special box of momentos lovingly gathered by volunteers, helped ease the pain of our empty arms. Unfortunately, our several attempts at having a family was unsuccessful, and my husband was then killed in a work accident. I have no living children, but I have those pictures and tokens. Again, thank you for providing your experience for those who may have question in their hearts and for those, like me, who can relate and know that we are not alone.

  850. What a strong young woman & mother you are. What beautiful children you have, all 3. Walter’s pictures are just precious. I think one of my favorite ones was of his beautiful tiny feet while you were holding him.
    You are an amazing young mother to have the strength to share with your daughters to be sure they remember their sweet baby brother. God bless you & your family.

  851. I am so sorry for your loss. He is a beautiful boy. One day there will be a wonderful family reunion. Praying for you.

  852. He is beautiful and I am so sorry for your loss. Each child is such an amazing gift from God and that gift of life begins at conception. I will never understand how others can not see this and have such little regard for life. Thank you for sharing your story! You have two beautiful little girls and Walter was so blessed to have been loved by such a wonderful family! God Bless!

  853. God bless you for sharing this! I pray the Lord uses the pictures and story in a mighty way. I lost 3 babies and was never able to see or hold them. I pray the Lord comforts and strengthens you as only He can.

  854. Thank you for sharing your story. My husband and I lost our little girl at 28 weeks on January 28, 2013. Our sweet little Adley was diagnosed with Trisomy 13 in October. We have 2 boys, Adin 9 and Andrew 6. It was hard on all of us but we, like you rejoice in knowing we will see our sweet baby girl again. Praying for your family, not only during this time but in the months ahead! 🙂

  855. I read this and cried the whole time im r 34weeks pregnant can only imagine what that would be like I’m so sorry for your loss

  856. I am so sorry for your loss, I also lost a child and also got nothing from the law either. But you and you’re family are in my prayers and I hope you and you’re husband are able to have another baby and all my prayers go out to you’re family good luck with every thing. My name is tawainia zirnheld and I kive in south bend in my number is 765 617 6693 if you need to talk give me a call.

  857. I lost a baby at 8 weeks – much too early for me to be able to hold him. I had hoped at the time that my experience would help others going through loss. I honestly don’t know if it has. Your experience is totally different. Walter has touched many lives. Thank you for you openness and honesty.

  858. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Your son was beautiful. I am so sorry for the pain you and your family are going through but I am so glad you have a relationship with Christ. I can imagine anyone going through this much pain without have rest and comfort in The Lord. God Bless you and your family

  859. Thank You for the courage to share these photos, with the world. May the peace that passes all understanding abide in your hearts.

  860. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know the pain all too well. I lost my twins at 11 weeks June 4, 2005 from a fall in my kitchen. Exactly a year later I delivered a beautiful little girl at 35 weeks who spent the first 24 hours in the NICU due to a heart murmur. The next morning before transport to the children’s hospital something miraculous happened and she no longer had the murmur. I had another little girl 4 years later. I like to think that my beautiful twin babies asked God to give me 2 beautiful little girls that I’ve always wanted. Stay strong and stay faithful to your faith. I know it’s hard now, but I promise it gets easier as time progresses. Take care and God Bless.

  861. Words cannot express how sorry I am for your loss. You are a very strong and courageous woman of faith. The Lord will give you another beautiful baby boy to love! Zechariah 9 :12 Matthew 5:4 Praying for you at this time. May God Bless you and your beautiful family

  862. Thank you so much for sharing your heartbreaking story with us, and these amazing photos of your precious son. What a beautiful, perfect, miracle. I am so very sorry for your loss, but thankful that we have a Lord and Savior who is holding this child now, and you will be reunited again. My deepest condolences and prayers to you and your family in this tragic loss. God bless you with the peace that only He can give. xxx

  863. I have never been married or had a child but my brother and sister in law lost 3 babies before they were born, This is a poem I wrote for them, may you be blessed. Walter was a beautiful baby, thank you for sharing your story and precious photos. He will forever be a part of your family and your life. By his death, he may save others. I’m praying for you, God bless you!

    I loved you when you came to rest
    In my womb, beneath my breast
    Precious baby loves small seed
    How I loved you indeed
    Wanted, cherished as you grew
    What you’d be, we never knew
    For before you were even born
    God called your unfinished form
    Now my arms are empty here
    As I softly shed a tear
    My hopes and dreams for you, my child
    Are put away, I feel defiled
    Betrayed by my own mortal flesh
    But I know God’s will is best
    I’ve a child in heaven, and on earth
    For you never had term birth
    Gone forever, your tiny frame
    So soon we barely knew your name
    But in heaven, I’ll see you someday
    But now for healing, I do pray
    You’re safe in the arms of God
    While mine can’t hold you on this sod
    Precious baby, love’s small seed
    How I loved you indeed

    Debbie Preuss ©

  864. I am so very sorry for your loss. I think being brave enough to share your story and photographs with others is an awesome thing to do, because there are so many parents out there who have experienced losing a child before term, or at birth. There is no where to go to realize that the feelings and experiences you have had are normal. When I was pregnant 28 years ago, my biggest fear was miscarriage, and premature labor. My OBGgYN advised us that we “might not want to tell anyone about our pregnancy until I had passed the 12 week mark, in case something happened.” My thought was, if something happened, I wanted people to know, so they could help us in our grief. My Doctor was not unkind, that was just his suggestion. Every question, every concern that I had over the duration was attended to, and answered to my satisfaction. When I asked him what would happen if I started bleeding, or having contractions, he told me to report to our hospital, and medications would be given to try to stop the premature labor. My feeling about your experience is, perhaps if the ER workers had paid more attention to you, and gotten you to the OB floor immediately, your labor might have been able to be stopped. However, that is hindsight. Your photographs are precious, and just know that your little one is not in pain, and is a beautiful angel. Time will help ease the pain, but you will never forget. God has a reason for eerything, even though we don’t always understand. Having faith in Him makes even the hardest times easier to bear.

  865. Words can not express how overwhelmed with emotion I am after hearing your story. I am so thankful that your testimony has reached so many people. I hope that it changes the hearts of those women who are contemplating abortion. What a handsome son you had. He looked so peaceful in the pictures and loved. The ones with his sisters holding him spoke volumes to me.

    It is so amazing to me how death has infiltrated our society and that people, especially those in the medical profession refer to a 19 wk old baby as a fetus. My mother was told by her OB nurse during her pregnancy with me that I would be mentally retarted and should be aborted. My mother felt pressured and scared by what she was hearing. She had my sister 4 years prior and she was born perfectly healthy. At one point my mother had contemplated abortion, but my dad told her that he would leave her. In the process of birthing me the nurse was still telling my mother that abortion was an option. After I was here, the doctor said I was perfectly healthy. My mother demanded to speak to the nurse. The staff told my parents that no one with that name or description every worked in the hospital. My mother was convinced from the beginning that there was a spiritual warfare over my life. We were sent home, but I turned blue and was taken back. I stayed in ICU until released. The second time I went home my uncle stepped outside. He came back in and told my mother that she had to come outside and to bring me. My mother and father took my outside and there were double rainbows over our house. Each one as brilliant as the other. My mother heard God speak to her and say that His thumbprint was upon my life and that I was their promise child.

    I do not know why God allowed me to live while other mothers such as yourself have to experience the loss of their children. I do not know why some are allowed the experience of pregnancy only to terminate it while other women want the experience and are unable to get pregnant, or loose their babies. I do know that your choice to keep fighting as well as my mothers makes the difference. I pray the peace that passes all understanding over your family. I pray over your womb that any damage/ trauma that occurred will be healed/

  866. This is a very touching story!! Sorry about ur lose!! is agood looking boy for be delivered at 19 weeks!!

  867. I was 8 months along & my baby girl. I still don’t know what happened to her. I lost her may 12, 2010. I know someday that I’ll see her again.

  868. What a very sad but very beautiful story I have never seen pics of a baby that small it is amazing my thoughts are with all of you

  869. Bless you and all your family. Walter was blessed to have such loving parents. As a midwife and as a parent I appreciate you sharing your incredibly moving story. I know he will always be a huge part of your life. My loving thoughts are with you all.

  870. I am so sorry for your loss. I loved your story on everything that happen. I cried almost the whole way through. I pray for you that you will find the comfort from God and enjoy the memories that you had with your son. I know that God will take really good care of him and will make sure that you will get to see him one day. Things happen for a reason and no one knows exactly why they happen. But with Gods help life will come a little easier. God bless all of you and may you find peace in your home. My prayers and thoughts are with you. God bless!

  871. Thank you for sharing your story and your photos. I hope Walter will be able to educate the world …. God be with you and your family, he is already holding Walter.

  872. Hes so perfect. This story has touched me so much and i am so grateful families can be together forever. He was a perfect human

  873. Take care I hope Jesus will return Walter back to you and your family when the time is right. . . Cheers

  874. So sorry for the loss of your son. It breaks my heart for anyone to feel the pain of the loss of a child for any reason. I have felt that pain over many times, including two stillbirths. Our daughter Madelaine at 33 weeks and our son Aaron at 21 weeks. Nearly two decades have passed since those loses. Near the dates of their births we feel so melancholy. The sadness and hurt softens with time but never truly goes away. I am so glad you shared your family photos and your story. I have often felt that if there had been more of an open avenue for communication years ago that the grieving process might have been easier for us. We do have two daughters older than the babies we lost. We adopted a son afterwards and then we had a son one year after the adoption was finalized. I do not believe God is involved in the heartaches like this that happen to us on this earth. I do believe though that thru his love and grace beautiful miracles can heal our wounds. God’s love filled the holes in our hearts. Bless you always for your courage and strength.

  875. Thank you for sharing so many pictures of your beautiful baby boy. I lost a baby at 18 weeks. I was induced and started bleeding a lot and passed out and the baby was taken by D&E. I never saw the baby and I always wondered if it was a boy or girl and what it looked like. The pictures you’ve shared have helped fill that void. I hope your family is doing well.

  876. I sit here and weep, as you shared your story…I have supported the fight against abortion…I believe your sharing your story and the pictures of your precious son, Walter, may just save the lives of some of the babies being considered for an abortion…Walter is a Beautiful and Perfectly formed child…not a piece of tissue…
    as a Christian, I know he is alive and well in the arms of Jesus, and will be waiting to “Greet” his family, as they arrive in Heaven someday…..May God Richly Bless You and continue to bring “Comfort” in this time of loss….You will be in my Prayers…Sherrill Bunch

  877. Hi, my name is jasmyne McCabe I am 21 and me and my husband have a beautiful little girl. I am so sorry for what u went through. Me and my husband almost lost our baby girl I went into premature labor three times and bled a lot. I am sorry that u lost your little boy but he is with our Lord and he is the most precious and beautiful babies. God be with u in this time of loss. You and your family will be in my prayers.

  878. First off I want to start by saying I am soooo sorry for your loss!! He looks soooo perfect and you can see all the love for him!!

    Second, your story how is different from mine has helped me find strength that I didn’t think I had anymore. You see me and my sister had babies two weeks apart last year. The girls are 16 months old now. My niece at the age of 5 mo had to have emergancy surgery to remove her kidney that had a softball size tumor on it. Mind u we didn’t know about it til about 6 hours before the surgery. They did a biopsy and found it was cancer. She has been fighting this ever since. On Monday 6/24/13 the dr gave her the terminal diagnosis and said chemo was no longer working and that her cancer was getting worse. We were all devastated, and so all we could do was wait for yesterday 6/27/13 to see another dr to see what we could do. So they went to the dr yesterday and was told that she had about 6 mo left with us!! Those words that we have heard this week no parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent ever wants to hear!! And like I said our stories are different, your story has helped me find strength I didn’t think I ha left in me after this last week! And I want to thank you for helping me see its still there and no matter what we are fighting to keep Kassity with us longer!! You have no idea how much you have helped

    1. tyffani —-PLEASE PLEASE get ahold of me asap! I know we dont know each other but i have info that CAN help your niece!! For now, Please go to YouTube and watch “Run From The Cure” by Rick Simpson! I hope and pray you get this in time!

  879. I had my first son at 23+6 and he survived 6 weeks my story is long so I won’t go into detail. The fact you can still have an abortion up to 24 weeks shocks me 😦 Kai was very much a baby and fought hard to be here .. We sadly lost him Xmas day 2008 😦 your son is a beautiful angel now and will always know he was loved .. Sorry for your loss. Sending much love xx

  880. Thanks so much for sharing your story. It will be a long road for you. My son, Landon was born on March 11, 2008 at 24w5d. I had a similar scary story leading up as you did and was heartbroken at the thought of having no choice but to deliver him so early. We were blessed to have 10 days with him before he I expectantly got an infection and became sepsis. The last five years we have gone through so many emotions and miss him more today than ever. When you lose a child, one of the biggest concerns is that people know how beautiful and precious he was and never to forget. I will keep you all in my prayers. (((Hugs)))

  881. “You are not forgotten, nor will you ever be. As long as life and memory last, we will remember thee.”

  882. I am so sorry for your loss. I read and looked at the photos in your story and I am in absolute tears by the beauty of it all. Our God makes beauty from ashes… and peace from despair. In time, reasons may be revealed and hearts will be fully healed. My family will be praying for yours and your story will be permanently pressed into our hearts. Thank you for sharing.

    Brittany M. White

  883. Thank you for sharing the truth that all believers in Jesus know… we are gifts of His and we are human beings from the second we are conceived… thank you for being someone that shares her faith in such a special way.

  884. He’s absolutely beautiful! I had no idea how perfect they were- right from the beginning! I am so sorry for you loss. Please know you are in our prayers.

  885. Thank you for sharing your story….God Bless you and your family. May God’s love bring you peace and comfort. Walter was a beautiful baby boy. I lost my first child, Cody Joshua, when he was 3 1/2 months old to SIDS. Love and hugs

  886. So sorry. Thankyou for sharing the lovely photos you have of you’re beautiful baby boy.
    This brings back so many feelings for me as i lost my second baby at 17 weeks and my third at 21 weeks of 23 years ago. A little boy and a little girl.
    To top it all my sons girlfriend has just lost a little girl at 20weeks our first grandchild 11 june 2013. They also lost one last year a little boy at 17 weeks history repeating itself..
    Treasure the photos you have of him i never had any. Just have the memories of carrying them for a while..
    All the best to you and you’re

  887. These photos are beautiful, Walter is absolutely perfect, you can see clearly that everything is in place and he should never be referred to as a foetus as he is far more than that. I’m so sorry for your loss, I know it’s a cliché but Heaven really has gained another angel. Your family are beautiful and inspirational and so strong.
    Thank you for sharing such a personal story. These photos are proof that the abortion limit needs to be lowered.
    Thank you so much, your son is beautiful and precious and perfect.

  888. My heart breaks for your family. Thank you for being willing to share your pain with the world. Hopefully one day we’ll convince our lawmakers to protect precious babies the same age as little W.

  889. Your son is absolutely gorgeous. So sorry for your loss.y The Lord be with you and your family during this difficult time. Thank you for sharing your story. God bless you.

  890. Although your precious bundle is safely awaiting you in heaven, what an amazing gift he has left in you by sharing your story. I couldn’t stop tearing up, as we have four angel babies in heaven. The doctors, nurses, friends and family do not realize how hurtful it is to not acknowledge our beautiful babies, as the beings they were destined to become and not a ” fetus”, “miscarriage” or ” still born”. The term I absolutely despise most is “spontaneous abortion”. These babies were all conceived in love and desperately wanted.
    Thank you for sharing your lovely story and such intimate pictures. God bless you!

  891. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your experience. I am so sorry that happened to you. I will pray for you and your family. Your photos are stunning.

  892. I am praying for you and your family, thank you for sharing your story. You have a beautiful family.

  893. so so sorry for ur loss ♡ ur angel is beautiful ♡ I also lost a son, to a heart condition at 9 days old. u need to chatt ul get me at sammyjo burton on Facebook big loves ur way x ♡

  894. God bless you and your family. I am sorry to hear about your loss, but happy to hear how your faith was able to get you through. I have 7 children living at this time and three were called to be with God. We are also expecting our eighth child and I always worry. I will continue to pray for you and your family that you are able to cope and continue to follow the path that God has laid out for you. You are an incredible example and I thank you for sharing your life this way. Walter was a beautiful little boy and I am so happy you were able to get those pictures and that your children, your husband, and you were all able to get time with him. Take care and love in Christ,


  895. Thank you for sharing, especial the pictures. 31 years ago I lost a baby, while in Utah. visiting .I was 5 months just. but never got to see the baby,. or know what sex it was. I still morn the loss and the not knowing. This has given me some inkling of what she or he would have looked like. It was a crevice opening and they did nothing to stop it. But that was 31 yrs ago and they didn’t know as much back then. Or that is what I keep telling myself. So thank you for sharing, It has helped so much. God Bless you all and if it is His will you will have another.
    No email at this time that I can retrieve. But my name is Penny Hoyt from Madrid NY.

  896. Thank you for having the courage to share this story, and for doing the hard part and documenting this for others to learn from. Your baby is beautiful, so precious in every way. Bless your family.

  897. Although I do not know you personally, I saw your story on Facebook and had to know more. Your son was beautiful and I ache for your loss. I appreciate your willingness to share the story of Walter (not a fetus but your son) with the world and pray that you and your family feel God’s comforting arms around you.

  898. I feel your pain! I miscarried at 10weeks during my first pregnancy and was devastated. All I wanted was to just be able to see my baby after the surgery, but couldn’t. It was all I could think of. I was taking an oral presentation class in school and was close with my teacher and she was in shock when I spoke to the class about what had happened. Mainly because I had only told her and two other people in school. I think that if it wasn’t for having such a great class full of great students I wouldn’t of been able to make it through my pain. My favorite part about your photos is your little girls being able to hold their little brother. I love that they were able to meet him it’s so precious. Forget about what the law says the law does not have children it does not know the little butterfly feelings of a baby growing inside of you. A fetus is a baby regardless of how far it has come in its process. We all love our children and miss those that we have lost and I pray for each and everyone of us<3

  899. I hope you all the best as I too have lost a child the same way but I was 27wks that was 25yrs ago he looked so prefice ust way your little boy did . So I know how you are feeling and my heart goes out to you and your family. God bless you all and know he’ll be waiting for you in heaven when one day you can be reunited x

  900. You’re pictures were absolutely stunning and beautiful and I was overwhelmed at how perfectly formed he was. Thank you for sharing.

  901. This all made me a blubbering mess. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. My heart hurts so much for you. These pictures are beyond beautiful and I am blessed to have seen them. Thank you so much for sharing your story and these pictures of your perfect son. Jesus is holding him now and he is forever safe. I know you will be with him again one day. Thank you again for sharing, your son is a blessing to many. He is beautiful and perfect beyond words. Much love and blessings to you all.

  902. I’m so sorry for your loss! Kudos to you for finding the strength to post this. My nephew and niece have lost 3 babies and I can’t imagine the pain of these losses. She is very involved in a pare-natal bereavement network and that has helped tremendously. It so helps to let people know that your baby is a real person, even if they never had the chance to grow up. Bless you and yours!

  903. I’m so sorry. I know exactly what you are going through. I delievered our son, Max, on May 14 this year at 19 weeks 4 days. The pictures we have are so precious to us. Our children also got to hold him and say oodbye. It was so important for them to see him. Our 5 year old and 2 year old are still really teary. but our older ones are doing a bit better. In the midst of it all there have been so many blessings and graces. I know there is a purpose for our little guy, and yours too. God bless you and your family, you are in our prayers.

  904. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Even though it’s been almost 18 years, I still had hoped to have held my son. I wasn’t even given that option. May you find great comfort in knowing how beautiful he was. God bless you and your family.
    Deb McCann

  905. I am so happy that you & your family were given the opportunity to see, hold and love your child. Forty-three years ago I was not afforded the same opportunity. My daughter was born at 28 weeks, however, she only lived for 1 1/2 hours. I was never afforded the opportunity to see her face, hold her, kiss her, etc. I have never forgotten or forgiven the cruely of that time of my life. I am so grateful for your opporunity to love your child! God bless ALL of you. ❤

  906. I’m so very sorry for your loss. Walter was Awesome Sweet Little Man. I know he would have made a Great Little Brother. God Bless You And Your Family.

  907. What a beautiful experience, albeit heartwrenching, to say the least. Thank you for sharing it. My prayers will be with you. Hold on to your faith that you will be reunited with this precious boy.

  908. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful pictures
    I was so glad you shared it with your children I presume from the photos as they deserve the right to grieve just as an adult would
    Went through the loss of my grand daughter and had very mixed reactions from my pictures
    I had my cuddles with my little angel in the chapel of rest and don’t regret my pictures one bit
    She is my grand daughter she didn’t make our world but she was still mine for that brief but so lovely hour and I will always remember her
    Her tiny little coffin was so hard to see but each day/week/ month gets a little easier
    So sorry for your loss no mother sees her baby as purely a fetus and nobody has the right to tell you otherwise
    You have an amazing family from the photos and heaven gains a beautiful star to watch over you all xxxx

  909. I am so sorry for your loss. It was so brave you posting those pictures of your precious baby and your story. I have always been against abortion but feel even stronger about it since my grandson was born 3 months ago. May God lead and guide you and your family!

  910. My friend lost her son a day or two before his due date. She almost died, and her son was stillborn. She went from feeling him kick earlier in the morning, to losing him later in the day. One of the most valuable things they did for her was take pictures of him, as they did at that hospital for every newborn. He was absolutely beautiful, as was your son. I am so sorry for your loss, and hope that time, your faith, and your loved ones help you find comfort.

  911. That Was Such A Beautiful And Heartwarming Story. Thank You For Sharing. He Was A Perfectly Beautiful Baby Boy. And Im So Sorry For Your Loss.

  912. He is beautiful. I couldn’t imagine the pain of losing him. But the picture of him wearing your rings is just to precious. I will share your story and help keep him alive. I am so sorry for your loss. He definitely looks like a Walter though 🙂

  913. Thank you so much for sharing. I think this has gripped the hearts of many. I too, have traveled this road. It’s such a deep emotional place. I am thankful that our kids are with Jesus and they are in our future. Praying you feel the love and compassion of multitudes and the presence of Jesus more than ever.

  914. So sorry for the loss of your little boy. Thankyou for sharing these very precious memories sending love and hugs to you all xxxxx

  915. Thank you, I had lost my 3rd pregnancy, 9/83…of course the ER just threw me in room & allowed me to be alone over 8 hrs. So, by the time the doctor finally showed up, it was finished!! (I had been told no big deal, false labor!!)
    I did have one visit from the housekeeper, after shift change…she stayed for long enough to pray for me and my baby, and the little ones at home!
    I was 14 weeks…I had a glance chance to see the tinny tiny baby, before the nurse threw the baby in the trash, declaring “your still pregnant!!” Go home get plenty of bed rest!!” This was after the doctor had his own visit to say “you have lost the baby, but your young enough to continue your family!!”
    So, again left alone after both visits to wait for check out…but, my angel (the housekeeper) she had to come back to check on me; well, Thank you,Jesus!!! Cause you can just imagine the mental & emotional WRECK I was in…she came in, I told her, once she calmed me down from the deep sobs of hysteria! Both, what the doctor had said, and what the nurse had said and did!!! Well, she took me in her loving arms and held me…then, after we both prayed, she took the trash to the lab out of respect for me and my baby!!
    I would like to thank you, for your love & courage for, if not for your pictures, I would only have just the slightest glance of memory of my sweet tinny tiny baby! The size of my ring finger, but perfect in form!! Now, thanks to you I am given an up close head to tiny toes & fingers look, just amazing!!
    I love the fact that you know that you know you willsee your son

    1. Thank you, I had lost my 3rd pregnancy, 9/83…of course the ER just threw me in room & allowed me to be alone over 8 hrs. So, by the time the doctor finally showed up, it was finished!! (I had been told no big deal, false labor!!)
      I did have one visit from the housekeeper, after shift change…she stayed for long enough to pray for me and my baby, and the little ones at home!
      I was 14 weeks…I had a glance chance to see the tinny tiny baby, before the nurse threw the baby in the trash, declaring “your still pregnant!!” Go home get plenty of bed rest!!” This was after the doctor had his own visit to say “you have lost the baby, but your young enough to continue your family!!”
      So, again left alone after both visits to wait for check out…but, my angel (the housekeeper) she had to come back to check on me; well, Thank you,Jesus!!! Cause you can just imagine the mental & emotional WRECK I was in…she came in, I told her, once she calmed me down from the deep sobs of hysteria! Both, what the doctor had said, and what the nurse had said and did!!! Well, she took me in her loving arms and held me…then, after we both prayed, she took the trash to the lab out of respect for me and my baby!!
      I would like to thank you, for your love & courage for, if not for your pictures, I would only have just the slightest glance of memory of my sweet tinny tiny baby! The size of my ring finger, but perfect in form!! Now, thanks to you I am given an up close head to tiny toes & fingers look, just amazing!!
      I love the fact that you know that you know you willsee your son

  916. I am so sorry for your family’s loss. Your tribute to your son was beautiful. Many people might wonder why you would put this out there like this…why you would allow your daughters to be there. It is because this precious baby was a part of your family from the time he was conceived. I think it is wonderful that you took the time to hold him, love him, and say goodbye to him. To anyone out there who supports abortion, this is proof that God has truly knit us in our mother’s womb, that life begins at conception. God bless you and your family.

  917. such an amazing story. It is hard to go through but by sharing your story it can truly touch the lives of young women. I am glad you shared your story. He is absolutely beautiful beautiful. He will watch you and smile down on his mommy from heaven. 🙂

  918. God’s blessings be on your family as you walk through this difficult time. My husband and I lost twin boys (Nathan Wayne and Nicholas Lee) at 21 weeks into our first pregnancy in Kokomo 33 years ago. At that time, we were not allowed to see our boys. It would have helped our grieving process to be allowed to hold our babies one last time. We went on to have three beautiful children in 8 pregnancies. You are in our thoughts and prayers!

  919. I’m very sorry to hear about your baby’s short life. You were so much stronger than me . I could never be that patient waiting in that ER. I have lost 3 babies and wish I was as wise as you and took pictures of mine. but my husband was so freaked out that they put a dead baby in my arms that I finally had to have them take it away because he couldn’t handle it. I do have 3 live children that i am so thankful for. but when i lost my first 2 i was so angry at God for taking them away. I do still want to place the blame on someone even if it’s myself, but that’s so not going to bring them back. Bless you and your family for sharing this very private time in your families life. May God bless you and your wonderful family.

  920. He is beautiful, perfectly formed & you & your family will see him again some day. I had a miscarriage when I was 11 weeks & it was a bad experience too with no compassion at the hospital. A year later I met Jesus & He healed my heart.& gave me 2 beautiful children after. I’m praying that the peace of God that passes all understanding will envelope your loving family!

  921. I am so very sorry for your loss. Your faith through this is amazing and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your story. I’m certain that many people have been touched and many lives changed because of God working through you in this way. May God bless you and your family.

  922. I know you only had a short time with him but he knew you loved him. He will be with your family always. What a lucky little boy. You will be together again some day. He’s your tiny little angel watching over you.

  923. Go Bless you and your hausband and daughters. Doctors can be so very cold-hearted. You tiny son was a person, a baby. NOT a fetus. Thank you for sharing your story. Maybe some of the horrible people who are for abortion will be convinced that it is simply murder of a tiny, helpless person. Hold strong to your faith. God Bless.

  924. Thank you for sharing such an intimate time in your life. Praying the Lord fills you and your families hearts with abundant joy. What a day of rejoicing it will be when you meet Walter in heaven.

  925. I am so sorry for your loss. I do believe that God’s plan and timing is perfect. Your photos are amazing. I thank you for sharing them and pray that those who see them experience a renewed respect for life. I am a nurse and am so sorry for the awful experience you had in the E.R. Thank goodness you felt loved and supported by the labor and delivery staff. I also applaud you for letting your girls see and talk about their brother. You are a strong, inspiring woman. Wishing you peace.

  926. I am so sorry for your loss,I couldn’t imagine going through something like that.I have five little ones and its funny to think before I had them I didn’t want kids now can’t imagine myself without them.I am a firm believer in God doesn’t give you more than you can handle so stay strong and God bless

  927. I read this in tears. So sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story. It will help change alot of minds. I’m sure your beautiful baby boy is smiling down at the good you are doing. God bless!

  928. I am so very sorry that your precious Walter made his journey to heaven so soon. 21 years ago we had a precious daughter, Destinee Joy born at 30 weeks, also perfect. Unfortunately, at that time, ultrasounds were not a “routine”, and when she was 7 days old she got necrotizing enterocolitis. They did surgery, put her on life support and 2 days later we let her go to be with Jesus.
    I thank you for your sharing your hearts, as broken as they are right now. I thank you also for the photos – he is a beautiful little boy!
    May our Lord and Savior grant you the peace that passes all understanding and know that Walter is whole and healthy, playing in heaven with all the other children, including our Destinee who I am sure greeted him with Jesus upon his arrival!
    Huge hugs and much love!

  929. Oh, when we are journeying through the murky night and the dark woods of affliction and sorrow, it is something to find here and there a spray broken, or a leafy stem bent down with the tread of His foot and the brush of His hand as He passed; and to remember that the path He trod He has hallowed, and thus to find lingering fragrance and hidden strength in the remembrance of Him as “in all points tempted like as we are,” bearing grief for us, bearing grief with us, bearing grief like us.

    God be ever close to you all and heal your broken hearts. Psalm 139…Walter is fearfully and wonderfully made by our loving Heavenly Father. Romans 8:28
    God Bless you all.

  930. so sorry for the loss of your little boy, i hope u find strenght and encouragement from all of these posts from all of these people, take care and stay strong. x

  931. God bless you dear sister and brother. I was moved to tears because of your loss and also knowing that so many children are taken from their mothers womb at this same age. Thank you for sharing the pictures of your beautiful boy. He is touching many lives.

  932. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I lost twins the very same way 8 months ago. May you find peace and healing in the coming months.

  933. Thank you so much for sharing your personal story. I pray for God’s perfect peace and comfort in the loss of your baby Walter. One cannot deny the evidence of a perfectly formed baby and an Almighty Creator. I am from Texas and am concerned about the bill that did not pass on preventing abortions after the 20th week. How our world needs to know the Lord!!! Your faith, family, friends, and countless unknown friends through your sharing will lift you up to HIM and pray for your husband and your strength in the days ahead. You have blessed and touched me. God never promised that the cross we carry would be easy, but He gives us the strength to carry on. I pray that little Walter’s life speaks volumes to people who need the Lord! May God richly bless you!

  934. so sorry for your loss but as you have already said Godknows best and you will see him again one day.God bless you and your family,you are in my thoughts and prayers.God bless you

  935. I pray that God will give you and your family the peace that yall will need your baby boy is beautiful and he will be watching you from Heaven you have a Guardian Angel and god has another Angel by his side my heart and prayers go out to you and your family I could not stop crying I am a first time mommie and we almost lost our baby boy he is a blessing from the Lord !!

  936. Thank you so much for sharing. I am so sorry for your loss. I especially like the picture of your baby Walter with his mouth open.

  937. All I can say is “Wow” and thank you for sharing such an intimate part of your life. I use to photograph sessions for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep all of the time but the very last session I did was just to emotional and painful so I had to stop. The little boy, like yours, was only 19 weeks. I told the hospital that was too young and we didn’t normally do any images for infants that young but the mother called me herself and pleaded with me to do them anyways so I did. It was heartbreaking and reading your story reminds me that women across the world experience these tragedies on a daily basis while others so callously choose abortion. If they could only see these images and realize the precious life they are carrying is a real little person. A human being worthy of life. I wonder how many of them would change their minds? Let’s hope many will.

    I will be praying for you and your family. God bless you for having the strength to share your story. I strongly believe that we are in a spiritual battle and that now is the time for all of us to speak up and condemn abortion for what it is. God gives life, he should be the only one to take it.


    Cheryl McNabb

  938. I’m sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful, perfect baby. I pray that you find some comfort in knowing that he is with God and you will see him again.

  939. i am so sorry for your loss , i know how hard this is and i will be praying for you and your family, we may not be closs but i love each and all of youprayers for all love you barbara garrard”,eddies wife”

  940. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story of your precious baby boy. I pray God’s comfort and anointing on your family.

  941. I can not even imagine the pain of losing a child. The photos of your precious baby boy really touched my heart… May GOD be with you and your family during this journey.. Much love!! from Louisiana

  942. I want you to know that your story has made me cry. That my best friend went through this at 16 weeks of pregnancy and it was the longest 3 days of our lives. Heartbreaking but we know that Her son is also in the arms of the father. That ER should be ashamed on how they treated you. And with time everything does get better ❤

  943. Hi I am so sorry for your loss my son was born 2 1/2 months premature it was so hard as boys do not survive as well as girls I was told he had many issues as did I because I had gotten preclampsia with hellp syndrome and almost died and so did he he is 9 now and has some small issues with school sensory and consitration but otherwise happy and healthy thank you so much for sharing your story it is one of love and great strength and my well wishes and love reach out to you.

  944. Thank you so much for sharing such a intimate time. May God bless you and my prayer is that this story and images will get into the hands of those that made the wrong decisions about abortion

  945. I am a 15 year old girl and your story has impacted me emotionally. You are a very brave woman, i will always remeber your story when i have my children iny ears ahead. Am so sorry for your loss and keep your head up, you have an angel in heaven taking care of your bless family. Much love and blessing to you and your family<3

  946. A friend of mine shared your picture on my wall over on Facebook. My heart is screaming for your loss, but I am forever grateful of God’s eternal plan. You WILL be together again. Thanks for sharing your story, I love you for that.

  947. I am so sorry for your loss. Your baby boy is resting peacefully in heaven now, God is looking over him. I thank you so much for sharing your precious photos with everyone. My daughter is 15 and wants to be a pediatrician – I told her your story, then I showed her the photos. She said – that is not a fetus – that is a baby, look at his fingers and toes… I will pray for you and your family. May God be with you and richly bless you.

  948. We lost our grandson Luke at 21 weeks. The hardest part was my son and his family was visiting her relatives 1000 miles away, but that was obviously God’s plan. My son too said he was so glad they got to spend those few moment with their son. Thankfully their next Dr. was more vigilant and started doing ultrasounds at 4 weeks with the next pregnancy. They finally diagnosed my daughter in law with an incompetent cervix and took preventative measures that allowed her to carry that baby to term. By the way, my son is also a pastor. Thanks for sharing your story. So sorry for your loss but we do not grieve as those with no hope.

  949. Thank you for your transparency and for sharing your beautiful story. I thank God for the gift of each life and I thank God for you testimony and for Walter’s testimony. I was born at 24 weeks, 2lbs 2oz in 1980. I only had a 10% chance to live but our God had other plans. I am now a Mommy of 4 (with one of the way). Your story and pictures have blessed me and also have given me a bit more perspective of what it must have been like for my Mom and Dad. My prayers are with you and your family and I am so glad that you have the hope of seeing Walter again in eternity. May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you in His perfect peace.

  950. I just want to start by saying I am so sorry for your loss! My heart goes out to you, your husband and girls as well as the rest of your family. I am a L&D nurse and know the feeling of loss from previous patients of mine, one of our own nurses that I helped care for (3 weeks early), my sister (Full term) and my mother (2 losses both prior to 20 wks). My heart breaks every time a little one is called home. I do not know how anyone goes through this without our Savior. It is hard enough going through it with Him. My thoughts and prayers will be with you all in the time to come. May the Spirit bring peace and comfort you each and every one. Lean heavily upon Scriptural promises and wise counsel. Thank you for sharing Little Walter’s story. If it is alright with you, I would love to share this with new nurses coming to our unit to work so that they might understand a little more the necessity of their presence and caring.

    God bless


  951. Just wanted to tell you and your family thank you so much for sharing your life story with the world. Prayers for you and your family in a time of need. Your baby son is a blessing from God that will always touch the lives of others. Again I just wanted you and you family to know that you have amazing strength and courage to share your story.

  952. I am so, so sorry for your loss of your sweet angel.

    I wanted to tell you about my sister’s foundation that she started as an angel mama herself. It’s called Teeny Tears, and she started as a tribute to her angel twin, Dex. She started making teeny flannel diapers for preemie and micropreemie angels that are lost in the NICU. If your hospital doesn’t participate, maybe this will be something that will help you through some of your grief. I can’t imagine the pain your are feeling, as a mother…there are many other women in that community that can hurt with you. (and PLEASE tell me to shush it if I’m completely out of line.)

    Here is the facebook group:

    Here is the blog that she started to document it:

    You are such a strong mother to share your story with the world. Walter lived, and he knows he is loved. A person’s a person, no matter how small. My heart breaks for you.

  953. What an amazing little soul. I’m speechless, thank you so much for sharing him and your story. I am so unbelievably touched. For all of us who have heard “well you can’t just try again,” a picture is worth a thousand words.

  954. Your son is a precious Angel in Heaven!! May God continue to give your family strength! My heart goes out to you.

  955. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. Your baby boy is absolutely perfect! I am 19 weeks pregnant with my third child and I was able to show my oldest your pictures. We talked about how your baby is the same size as ours is now and how sometimes Jesus calls home even little ones to be with him. What a comfort to know your little one is in the arms of our loving Father until you also are called home.
    Blessings to you and your family!

  956. I am so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you and your family. What a beautiful little boy, just know he is being held in the arms of our savior. May god bless you.

  957. I am so humbled as I wept through your honest and amazingly detailed account of the loss of your son…. such a wonderful miracle that you were able to hold and have this time with him, and take these truly breathtaking pictures of how beautifully Walter was already knit in your womb. I have never seen anything like it, I thank you so much for sharing and pray for God’s constant comfort and healing for you and your family.

  958. Im So Sorry For Your Loss 😥 What A Beautiful Little Bundle </3 God Has A Plan For Everyone & Everything.. Even If It Dont Seem Right With Us.. Take Far To Soon! R.I.P Little Angel ❤ My Love Goes Out To You All xxxx

  959. so sorry for your loss ,god heals all wounds cherish the time you had with your son god knows best thanks for sharing your touching story i will be praying for you and your family for strength and peace God bless you and your family

  960. I can very much relate to your story as I lost a little girl at 20 1/2 weeks. She was considered stillborn. This happened thirteen years ago and while I know she is with God in heaven the pain will never fully end. When you loose a child it is if you loose a piece of your heart. We did what you did and what I would recommend for everyone who looses a child and that was to hold, love and take pictures with our little Meredith. God bless you and take care of you.

  961. A year ago today I was induced to deliver our son who died at 20 weeks and was born still the next day. It was our sixth loss, the third this late. Your pictures and story are beautiful. I’m sorry for the devastating sorrow your family must feel. Reach out to us if you want. Consider researching napro technology in your journey.

  962. Stay strong god is now careing for him and forgive me but i do not know you but yet i am sadden for your loss any women willing to abort anything as precious as your little boy was is crazy. Stand tall god loves yall and god bless you as a grieving mother to show all young pregnant girls that they are carrying more then a fetus that they are babies and gods precious gift. God bless your whole family and im praying for each and everyone.

  963. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Much love and many prayers for your family during this time. Your sister in Christ from Los Angeles.

  964. Your photos were a little healing for me. I lost my first baby at 29 weeks. I was only 18 years old and I wasn’t allowed to see or hold my baby – they wouldn’t even tell me if it was a boy or girl. The nurse told me that it would just promote an unhealthy attachment. Reading your story and seeing your beautiful pictures was like getting a chance to say goodbye. Thank you.

  965. Your family is beautiful and I am 100% sure your son is the best if friends with my sweet Reese that was born at 18 weeks. My daughter was 12 when Reese was born and she did come to the hospital to see her sister. I had them take Reese out when emilee was coming because I wasnt sure if she would want to see her or make her feel uncomfortable. She came and didn’t ask to see her and I didn’t ask. She left and then on the way home called and asked to come back and see her. I was nervous because even though Reese was perfect I wasnt sure if emilee could handle it and I didn’t know how to support and comfort her when I was so lost and destroyed myself. I was emotionally raw and could barely keep it together for more then a few minutes at a time. She was so brave and strangely enough I was comforted by seeing her hold her baby sister. I knew I was naming her Reese but had not decided on a middle name. Emilee said she wanted it to be Abigail… was perfect and her name is Reese Abigail Janes. I only took a few pictures mainly of her hands and feet. The pictures of you daughters with their brother are especially precious. Again in a strange way the curiousity and sadness in their faces is beautiful. You can see the love for their brother in their eyes and the gentle way they held him is beyond precious. Thank you for sharing your story and pictures of your family!!!

  966. It was a very sad story and I cried the whole time I read it and the pictures of your baby son are priceless very beautiful little baby. My hearts go out to your family. God Bless your famiy!

  967. Thank you! What a perfect angel. I’m so sorry my heart aches for you and your family. To see this precious baby is to know there is a God. I am amazed by how fragile and perfect a baby is. I to believe that you will have the chance to hold your sweet baby again. May you feel peace and find the tender mercies that God has for you.

  968. This is absolutely beautiful. I’m so glad that you shared this story and pictures of your son. This honestly proves to people that a baby is not just a “fetus” it is a baby, a growing little person so innocent. You had beautiful children.

  969. Thank you for sharing with me the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I can feel your love for your BABY, your Walter, through your pictures and words, but I can feel even more your love for God and your acceptance of his need to be with Walter over your own need to be with him. May your beautiful son walk among the angels in wait of your entrance into God’s kingdom so you may be forever with your son, for all eternity, and with God and your family. God bless you and yours. My prayers are forever with you.

  970. I am so sorry for your loss. We have been through a similar loss – years ago. Our son was born 2 months early and died 7 weeks later – heartbreaking. He was our 1st and we had tried for almost 2 years to have him. A year later we had our 2nd son, perfectly normal and today is a 6 ft., 36 year old man with children of his own. God was our Healer – He was with us every step of the way. I pray your broken hearts will be mended. I too know our first born son rests in the arms of Jesus and he’ll be waiting for us when we get there.

  971. Your story is truly inspiring. I am sorry for the loss of your families beloved Walter. He will never have to know the heartache that we face on earth I envy for that. He is in a much better place although I know it is painful for your family heaven has gotten another angel. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers

  972. I pray that you can have another baby. Walter is beautiful and perfect. That made me cry so hard. My heart is overwhelmed with your pain. But happy that he is with Jesus now. Thanks for sharing those amazing pictures.

  973. I have friends who have shared similar stories and captured the memories like you did. I can’t imagine the heartbreak your family has had to go through, but I have to believe that faith in the plans of our Heavenly Father make it easier. Imagine if you didn’t have that hope. I went into labor with my daughter at 28 weeks and while I can’t even begin to understand how deep you have hurt, I think about life without my miracle baby…. And it would be torture.

    But in reading your story and looking at the pictures, I am so glad your girls got a chance to be with their brother. There are some hospitals that won’t let you hold your baby in that situation and I think that it has a very negative impact on the grieving process.

    If your story helps just one person, it is worth sharing!!!! God Bless you and your family. We may never see the fruit of the seeds we sow, but I believe we will get to see them all waiting for us at the gates of heaven to say thank you.

  974. I am so sorry fire all that you had to go through. I hate that the er treated you the way they did, that was very rude and unsympathetic of them. They did not take your condition seriously, but I am very grateful that the ob treated you well. You had a very beautiful baby boy. I am dirty that you only got to enjoy him for only a short time but he is in heaven with the lord and is well taken care of. Thank you for sharing your story. God bless you and your family!

  975. A beautiful little boy. You will be reunited someday! Thank you for sharing your story and your pictures of your precious little angel!

  976. Lexi – bless you for sharing your story. What a beautiful perfect little boy Walter was. The tears streaming down my face right now after reading your story and looking at your pictures are those of sympathy and empathy. I have four baby angels in heaven to reunite with one day. My heart is with you in your time of mourning. May God be with you and your family during this difficult time. All my love.

  977. So sorry to hear of your loss. I too lost a child but mine was a little different but hurts the same. We were able to hold our son as well and that really helped. He would have been 3 this June. I feel for you and hope and pray that God will help you with this loss!

  978. What a beautiful little boy. I miscarried my first child and I never understood the pain of such a loss until it happened to me. I can only imagine how much more poignant yours was because you got to hold and see your precious baby. My comfort was knowing that the Lord had taken a tiny soul to be with Himself who never had to suffer pains of life on earth or even commit an active sin. Thank you for sharing your experience. May the Saviour continue to uphold you all.

  979. I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad I saw the pictures of your son and I hope they will be used to show people what they are doing when they destroy a pregnancy. I can’t believe women can have an abortion at 20 weeks. Your baby was a human being just like the babies they want to kill.

  980. I did not read your story today but I will later.I looked at the amazing and beautiful pictures you took of your son. I lost twin daughters at 20 weeks. I gave birth to ththem and they were living. One was born in the ems the other in the ER. I regret only taking a few pictures on my phone of them wrapped up. I felt weird taking them. Thank you for posting these

  981. Thank you for sharing your story and photos. My heart aches for you. I too lost my baby around 11 weeks…I cannot imagine having to go through labor and delivery and not bringing baby home. Your little man is perfect, it makes my heart ache but also smile for the time you were able to hold him close. He knew he was loved ❤ God bless you

  982. I am so sorry for your lose this touched my heart and brought me to tears when I got down ti the pictures he is beautiful.. and he is in a safe place god seen fit to have your son as his angle.

  983. Wow this must still be so hard for your family to deal with even though you got to bond with your son. I’m so sorry for your loss. May God Bless you and your family in all your endeavors. Thank you so much for sharing your life changing event.

  984. I am so sorry for your loss, I do however have a suggestion to what may have caused this and you may want to ask your Dr about it. It is an immune disorder called Anti-Phospholipid Anti-Body Syndrome it is known to cause severe clotting issues and also miscarriages in women of child bearing age. This may not be the cause of what happened but it is something to look into with the difficulties you expressed in getting pregnant. There is a website you can go to for more information it is hope and pray that this information maybe of some use to you in your time of grief and sorrow and my heart goes out to you.

  985. What a beautiful angel The Lord sent to you. You held him only for a few hours in your arms but he will be in your heart for all eternity. Don’t give up on god during this hard time, he won’t give up on you! God bless your family at this time. Please take care of yourself, your daughters need you 🙂 much love, many prayers and hugs and kisses to u and your family! 👼

  986. Thank you so much for sharing your story and the photos of your precious little son. My heart broke to see Walter’s tiny hands and feet and to see you, his daddy, and his sisters, each in turn, cradling him.
    I pray that God softens the pain in your hearts and that these pictures have a profound and positive effect on anyone contemplating an abortion.
    Please take heart in knowing that fetus, in Latin, means ‘unborn child’. So, no matter if someone says ‘fetus’ instead of ‘baby’…. The meaning is not diminished!
    May God bless you with another child!
    Linda D.

  987. Thank you for sharing Walter with us.
    The sharing and healing in the comments and the fact that his story will save lives is a powerful testimony. No one can see his photos and say he is not a person! I am sorry you had so little time with him. His story has given me a peace I didn’t know I needed. I didn’t get a chance to see or hold my angel, so again thank you for this blessing.

    1. the story Phenomenal ! ! ! the pictures Amazing ! ! ! all of you as A family so strong I’m speechless I don’t even know any of you and this drew tears to my eyes I’m so sorry for your loss he is with god now and god will take care of him till you get there GOD BLESS YOU ALL SINCERELY DOUG SIRK

  988. Thanks for sharing your story and your beautiful son , My daughter went thru this to, and as a grand-mother it was so painful to lose a grand-son and to see my daughter have to go thru the grieving , she was 7 months and thought we were just having a premmie , He was still born , R.I.P Zaiden Ives , Your Walter is in the play ground with all the other children, May God Bless You and Your Family and stay strong

  989. I’m so sorry for your loss when I started reading your story I had dry eyes but as I got into it I started crying. I don’t know exactly what you are going through but I can relate and I wish that this hadn’t happen you no one deserves to go through that but at least you have the precious moments and know that he is in heaven. May God bless you and your family.

  990. What a beautiful baby boy. What a beautiful family. God has already used your testimony to touch other peoples lives. Thank you for sharing your testimony, and I am praying an abundance of His many blessings upon your family.

  991. God be with you in this time of grieving. You are an inspiration to everyone. I pray that women who see your pictures and hear your story will have courage to honor, love and protect their unborn children.

  992. I didn’t get a chance to meet are two babies.
    I still feel close to you. I will also keep you in my prayers. I know when my husband passed away they came to take him home. And one day I will meet them. May God bless you

  993. I am so sorry for the loss of your precious child. You absolutely did the best thing and no one can criticize that. I believe God is allowing your story to touch others. May The Lord bless you and your family.

  994. What happened to you is so very sad. I love your faith & that you have found comfort in our Heavenly Father. You have a beautiful family. Walter is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. It is my prayer that girl wanting an abortion will see this and change their minds. Thank you so much for allowing my to read your story & sharing your family with me. You & your family will be in my prayers. May God bless you in all you do.

  995. First, my heart goes out to you, your husband, girls, and extended family. Your story brought tears to my eyes. Truly your story and the sweet pictures of little Walter show a deep love and high Christian beliefs that God will use in great ways to touch others. God is so amazing and awesome with all things He creates, but perhaps His most blessed and awesome creation is a baby! Maybe God wanted to use Walter and your testimony to help millions of other babies be given the opportunity to have life and not be aborted. Walter was perfectly formed and beautiful. Each picture was so sweet and touching. Thank you for sharing your story, your family, your Christian testimony, and especially Walter! God makes each one of us special. I’m sure He and Jesus are enjoying little Walter. You will see him again. My prayers are with you all. God bless you with peace and courage.

    Alaina Bell
    Forney, Texas

  996. What a heart warming story. Your baby boy was beautiful! Such incredible photos. Thankyou for sharing your experience I am sure it will help many.
    God Bless ♥♥

  997. I am a surgical tech who works in labor & delivery and my job can be complicated sometimes because I, along with the L&D nurses am the one who has to help deliver, dress & take the baby to see mom & dad, it gets very emotional sometimes but it is our job to be the strong ones for the parents. I’m sorry for your loss & know that we take care of your babies as if they were full term, no matter what the gestational age. I believe that from the moment they are conceived they are living breathing babies and should be loved & cherished by all. I guess this is why I work in this department. I love my job and am glad that people like you are grateful to the medical team that does this kinda job.

  998. Hi my name is Frances we to lost a little girl at 19 weeks 3 days and weren’t allowed a birth or death certificet because she was not classed as a baby . We to involved our children our daughter Devin and son james in what we were going thro as we belived they had as much right as we did as Katy was there sister we also have pictures of Katy which to be honest I’ve had in our room since we lost her but now after reading your story they are now in our living room I would like to chat more with you and to tell you how we were badly treated and also that I was sent home with her still inside me knowing she was dead for five days if its ok with yourself can we talk again am on Facebook as Frances Neri – nisbet thank you and may god bless you and your family x

  999. It took a lot of courage to tell your story. Your baby is perfect and he is a seed. I’m sure your story has saved other babies that may have been intentonally sacrificed. God bless you and give you comfort and peace.

  1000. I am so very sorry the loss of your beautiful baby boy. The photos are heartbreaking yet amazing! It is astounding to see that only half-way through the pregnancy your baby boy already had the same facial features as your family! Already you could tell just by looking at him that he was one of you. How fearfully and wonderfully made he was.

  1001. I have a pro-life website at It has beautiful pictures of unborn babies and unfortunately quite a few of aborted ones as well 😦 I get about 500 hits a day. May I use a few of these pictures? I am asking because I have pictures of babies in the womb at every week in pregnancy- except the 19th. I have found pictures labeled every other age. These would be good to have in the gallery I am trying to set up. I will link to your story. I am so sorry for your loss and I am so grateful that you shared pictures of your beautiful little son.

      1. Thanks. 🙂

        Again, I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope that the pictures can inspire a woman to choose life.

  1002. I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my first baby, a precious little girl we named Ansley Grace, at 21w5d. In 2 days, on June 30th, it would have been her 6th birthday. My story is so very identical to yours. They say I have an incompetent cervix, and I have since brought two little boys into this world. Bryson will be 5 next month, and Braden is 16 months. Since losing my sweet little girl, I have also become a L&D nurse. Your experience with the ER is exactly why I wanted to become a nurse. I wish that no one would ever have to experience what we have, but at least I can be there for them in their time of need. Even though it has been 6 years since Ansley passed away, the pain is still so sharp, but I will tell you that the tears become fewer with each passing day. Thank you so much for sharing Walter’s life with us. I know our angels are up in Heaven watching over us. May God bless you and your family. Love, hugs, & prayers from Tennessee!


  1004. I am soooo extremely sorry for your loss. I also lost my baby except I made it all the way to the end. And she passed away the day before my due date. There is no explanation of how horrible it is of a feeling to lose your child. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!! Just know your sweet baby Walter is in Heaven. And he feels no pain. He will always be with you. There are many support groups you can look into that might help. And just a little thought. The blue butterfly is the symbol of a lost baby so everytime you see one. Smile and know your son is with you. Peace be with you.

  1005. I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you and your family. Your son was absolutely perfect. Those pictures took my breath away. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for sharing your story. Thank you, thank you. Your son made his mark in this world. My prayers are with you.

  1006. I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your precious baby boy! I am also very sorry about the way you were treated in the ER. I pray that people will realize that our babies are “babies” from the moment they are conceived and not just a clump of cells! I am so glad you took pictures of your precious angel…they are so touching and are something I know you will treasure. I pray Jesus will wrap you in his arms and carry you through until the day you are reunited with your angel in heaven! Much love to you and your precious family! God bless!

  1007. I am praying for your family. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet, perfect, God made, baby boy. Your story has me in tears. I do think it is amazing how God can use your story for His glory and to help show what a sweet innocent BABY you were carrying inside you. Thank you for being brave enough to share it. God bless you!

  1008. My goodness sweet lil walter. Thank you for sharing your story! I just had a baby boy @ 32wks I couldn’t imagine losing a child it was hard enough that he had to stay a wk in the hospital. Your pictures are so sweet shows just how precious life is♡♥♡♥

  1009. I am so inspired by your faith and strength. My daughter Trinity went to be with God at 22 days old in 2007. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. If I could go back and change one thing it would be for me to rely on God’s strength. During that time I did not know God and I know that I would have understood a little more easily what was going on. Only God knows what the ultimate plan is. My dear Trinity’s purpose of life was to introduce her mommy to Our Father!! Blessings to you and your family! (the pictures of Walter have me in complete tears, he is a beautiful human being!!!)

  1010. I’m so sorry doe youe lost. And for those out there that do get aborions I’m against they don’t understand that they are human and that thwy are so precious and if don’t want them than give to good family that wants them and I am so sorry for your loss tho

  1011. I’m so sorry for youe lost. And for those out there that do get aborions I’m against they don’t understand that they are human and that thwy are so precious and if don’t want them than give to good family that wants them and I am so sorry for your loss tho

  1012. I know you didn’t have him on earth for very long, but what a gift it was for him to have lived, to have spent his moments on earth in the arms of those who love him. And now he is in the arms of He that loves him more than any of us could every imagine.

  1013. May God keep you and your family; but it wil be all right. I am praying for God healing of you and your family. Your girls need you.

  1014. May The Lord have him in his blessing and in his holy heaven i know that your baby is gonna always be there with you and your family never forget that he’s always gonna be in all of your hearts

  1015. This story absolutely broke my heart. I am so sorry for your loss, I cannot even imagine what you and your family have hone through. I’m so completely in shock that anyone could consider him an “abortionable fetus”. A baby is a baby. Even though you don’t know me, prayers and love are sent to your family.

  1016. Hey read your story the law is wrong your baby is not just a fetus he had all his fingers and toes and was alive in u he was a baby I praying for u and your family u did give him an name and I think it was a beautiful name for that sweet little boy my god bless ya and keep u in his heart thought all this mess and maybe u can show the young woman out there that the baby’sthey have in them are human to not blobs

  1017. I am so sorry for your loss. He is with God now & in the best hands. I sat reading your story crying as I am a mother of three and your story touched me. My God bless you and your family

  1018. I Am so touched by your story my 2 son Jackson Was Born with Hydrops Fetalis And I have telling the doctor that something was wrong with me But he simply just push me aside I was in the hospital for a week having contractions three minutes apart at 35 weeks And he discharged me saying he was going to chalk it up as a viral infection When I had not sneezed call or anything else Well long story short my son was born dead Luckily the pediatrician on call resuscitated him it took an hour but she brought him back He was transported to the Nicu and Golfport And the doctor told me that they had never seen a case like this And they did not expect him to make it through the night Well truth be told he’s three years old and living proof of a miracle The doctors were so amazed that he had pulled through everything he had went through Then on his discharge date the doctors told me he had a blood clot on his occipital temporal lobe And that I should prepare myself for the worst and hope for the best That he would be mentally retarded or have Sarabel palsy With a lot of praying from a lot of people my son is living proof that miracles do happen!!!! I’m so blessed to have read your story and not only has a touch my heart but many others! a friend of mine was talking about abortion on Facebook today and I shared your story on her page and hope it would help her out!! But I have not gotten no response She wants to abortbjust because the man doesn’t want the baby!! I hope your story that I shared on her page helps her make her decision!!!

  1019. I’m so sorry for your loss. Your pictures are absolutely amazing and he is a beautiful little boy. Thank you for sharing them.

  1020. I am so sorry for the loss of your precious son…we lost our daughter full term to an undetected heart defect. She lived 12 hours. Our faith in God is what keeps us going. Prayers and hugs to you. Thank you for sharing your sweet baby with the world.

  1021. Stories like these are what make people appreciate the little things in life. I am very sorry for you and your families loss but like you said there was a plan. He is pain free and living a wonderful life with our Father in Heaven. I had a friend that was able to carry her baby a little longer but the doctors wanted to terminate it before then because of difficulties in labor. She ended up having him so she could see her precious son and bury him properly. I had no idea that if they are under 20 weeks that hospitals are willing to just throw them away. Be strong and I pray that y’all find peace.

  1022. these pictures are beautiful…thank you so much for sharing them with us…may God continue to comfort your hearts and give you peace…He is good!

  1023. Thank you for sharing your sweet little boy..even though God seen fit to take him early he is a very big blessing….this was a help for healing for me…dr suspected I lost a twin very early I have always wondered and never got to hold that angel but God has a plan and none of us understand but someday they will greet us in heaven….sorry for your loss but may God so richly bless your family in this road he has for you to travel…

  1024. I don’t know you, but I have been crying for the past 10 minutes reading about your family. I only have 1 baby but could not have imagined something like this. You and your family are so incredibly strong and I will continue to think about you and wish you peace during this time.

  1025. I saw you story on facebook. I am so sorry to hear what happened to you. I have a very similar story as you almost 4 years ago we lost our little baby boy Ty Randall. I also went to the er and they treated me horrible would not tell me anything i also was able to hear his heart beat on the ultrasound. After the ultrasound they just looked at me and said you are going to lose the baby and just walked out no emotion. The one thing i regret is i never took pictures of him. I will never forget him but i wish i had something to look at. Two years ago we lost another baby my six year old at the time named her elmo the doctors told us that she never formed. A year to the date of losing Elmo i gave birth to my beautiful daughter Lylee (lily). We found out that i have an incompetent cervix the pregnancy was not easy at all I was on bedrest for 22 weeks with her. I pray that you never give up hope on having another baby. Thank you for sharing your story and you beautiful baby boy. God bless you in this time of need

  1026. As a pediatric emergency room nurse, I want to apologize for the way you were treated on arrival and throughout your stay in the ER. I’m so thankful that the OB staff was so much more kind to you during this unexplainably difficult time. Your story and your strength are such a blessing. What a gift to have the peace of knowing that we serve such a mighty, mighty God! You and your family are in my prayers, and I know that I will be able to use these photos in my practice to help young girls who have become unexpectedly pregnant. Thank you for being such a blessing.

  1027. I am sorry for your loss and uncaring way the doctors spoke & treated you & your feelings at such a hard time in your life. I know how it feels to lose a child, I lost my 1st son back in 1996 it was a hard pregnancy they tilde he would never be born(my water broke when I was 2 mo. Pregnant). I carried him to the 1st day of my 8th month, he passed away at 14mo. old. I would never trade a single day I had with him, you are sharing something very devastating but thank you for being strong enough to help other women with similar experiences know they aren’t alone. You are a vey brave woman & I’m glad to hear
    thatsomeone else belives a baby is a baby no matter how many weeks along they are, they are still sometimes peculiar child

  1028. So sorry for your loss. We too lost a baby girl at 20 weeks in similar circumstances to yours. We called her Harriet and we have 2 photo’s of her which are very precious to us. A few weeks later my husband bought me a cherry tree for mothers day and we scattered Harriet’s ashes around it. Now 5 years later our little tree has grown and at this time of year is full of cherries. We call it Harriet’s tree and it too is very precious. My other daughter Eva was only 8 mths old when I lost Harriet and I didn’t intend to tell her about her. But one day she asked if we could have another baby (having had another miscarriage after Harriet I didn’t conceive again and at 46 I don’t think it will happen now). I told her and showed her the photo’s. I am glad that I did as Eva now talks about her little sister (though she always refers to her as ‘that baby in the box’ as I keep the photo’s in my box of memories. Hold on to your memories of your beautiful, perfect son, they can’t be taken away from you, It does all become easier and less painful. Take care xxx

  1029. Your son is so beautiful. I only know the pain of early loss (6 to be exact) but know that my heart hurts with you. I so admire your faith in God. While I was going through infertility and loss, I was so angry with God. Since then I learned how to trust Him in all things. I pray that God will use you in all you do. One unborn life saved through Walter is a miracle. I am sure my children are there in heaven to welcome him. I will lift you and your family up in prayer.

  1030. Your story has touched me. I lost my baby at just 8 wks. The OB/GYN that I was seeing said to abort because of a blood mass right above and the babies slower heartbeat. I was devastated. I couldn’t do it. I saw my old dr that was no longer on my ins so it would be completely out of pocket but he said the moment there is a heartbeat we as scientist or drs stand back and let God do his work. I too held my baby in my hands and cried. A month later I got miraculously got pregnant again only to miscarry at 7wks. I have 2 beautiful boys prior to my miscarriages and 1 beautiful adopted daughter.

  1031. Omg you poor sweet young lady , you are incredible!! And I really mean that fro my heart .I am still crying and shaking from watching you strength and keeping it together, for you girls…and omg your girls!!!! Did you see them take on mommy mode, exploring him and bonding….too many words to Express , just know I will NEVER forget Walter because of your strength ever . Never will I forget that perfect baby boy, Walter.gotta go and will leave you with the thought of st. Geraurde the patron saint of motherhood, from conception. To delivery and everything iin between . Good luck and god blesd your….including your sweet boy WALTER

  1032. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. We lost our first born at 12 weeks and while I never saw him, I’m so thankful you were blessed with these moments and able to show the world this incredible testimony. May you find peace and healing through His peace.

  1033. its very heart touching as I do have a brother younger than me, I feel very much for him as I have seen him grow before me. We have about fourteen years difference so whatever whenever happens to him, my hearts begins to cry so I can understand what this is and how this beautiful family went through. God will send another angel as he do everything for us. God bless you and your family. May his soul rest in peace.

  1034. It is unbelievable what the medical profession will do and not do. I feel your pain!! Although I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason. Take care and God bless!

  1035. I’m very sorry for your lost! I wish words could heal. As a mom I was very moved by your story. My body threatened to miscarry with my 3rd & 4th children & I was placed on bed rest at 4 months with each of them. Hearing heartbeats & feeling movements & making those weekly checkup were nerve wrecking at the time however I was blessed to carry both those children to 36 before they had to be delivered. I did however loose my 2nd child due to a miscarriage at 9 wks. I too know that little angle & I will meet again & heaven. Thank you for sharing your very private moments & pictures. Bless you & your family!!i


  1037. very sorry for your loss, you are so brave!! it is lovely you have been able to share your blog and pictures, i am sure it will help other women.

  1038. Your families loss must have been heart breaking your quiet strength admirable.The way you have painstakingly described your ordeal and emotions, hopefully will be of some comfort to others who are experiencing the same pain and bewilderment.

  1039. Unbelievably, a cousin shared this story with me not knowing I would know Josh. I read the beautifully captured telling of Walter Joshua Fretz’s short life story with awe and admiration of the stong evidence of your faith and trust in Christ. My prayers for all of you have begun and will continue each time I think of you. Thank you for proclaiming the gift of life by sharing your loving journey with Walter!

    Merlinda Hobbs, Sebring, FL

  1040. I am so very sorry for your loss. And as a nurse I am very ashamed of the ER that you went to for how you were treated. Every life is precious and should be treated as such. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. It does touch lives. He is beatiful as well as your girls.

  1041. thank you for sharing your story. what a handsome little angel he truly is. I love how your daughters were able to spend time with their baby brother, those photos are precious. my heart goes out to your family. know that there will always be a special angel watching over you.

  1042. It is so amazing to be able to see how he looks like the family. You would think you wouldn’t be able to see the personality so early, but you can so clearly.

    I strongly commend your choice to let your daughters hold their brother. Tragedy is an unfortunate part of life and I believe your daughters will develop a strength and compassion few girls their age have.

    I’m heartbroken for your family’s loss and am HONORED to have been able to read your story.

  1043. I truly believe you just showed many the miracle God performs when creating a new life and that abortion is murder! May God bless you and your family through this difficult time! I will add you all to my prayer list and thank you for sharing!

  1044. I also had a baby girl ia 21 and a half weeks her name was Mackenzie Denice Jessop I caught that infection from cat feces where pregnant women aren’t supposed to be around litter boxes so I can understand exactly what you gone through I send my loveand prayers

  1045. Thank you for such a beautiful story.I don’t understand those who think there is no God. my prayer are with you and your family

  1046. I am so sorry for the loss of your baby. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I lost a baby when I was at 23 weeks. My baby unfortunately had died before birth so there was no way to save her. They never let me see her. I am so glad that the people in the OB let you hold your son, a chance to bond. That is something I never had a chance to do and now realize what I missed. Thank you again for sharing. My God be with you and your family.

  1047. your story has touched my heart. my heart goes out 2 you and ur family dont know what i would of done if i lost my daughter

  1048. I’m so sorry for the loss of your precious baby boy. Thank you for sharing your story and photos, as it’s no doubt in my mind you are helping others. The Lord bless and keep you always.

  1049. Walter was a baby the second he was conceived. Your story will touch many lives and change many “decisions.” God promises to take the bad things in life and make beauty come from the ashes. Walter did not die in vain. I am so sorry for your and family’s grief, wish I could hug each of you. God bless all of you.

  1050. God has a purpose for all of us, even if we or others can’t see it immediately. Maybe Walter’s ministry was your pictures. I see a smile on his face. I know he loved you. Thank you for helping him tell his story!

  1051. I’m am so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine what you and your family are going though. Thank you for sharing. God bless.

  1052. Bless you and your beautiful baby boy. God has another tiny angel in his heavenly home. Thank-you for sharing, and showing the world that a baby is from day 1 a human, bundle of love.

  1053. I lost a baby at 16 weeks, much smaller than Walter. Hurt just as much. God be with you and your little family. Thank you for sharing your story and pictures of your perfect little Walter. You will never forget, and you will always have pictures to look back on. We may never understand the reasons they leave us so soon, but God had His reasons, and really, that should be enough, although, we don’t feel it is enough. God will hold you close to His Heart every time you feel that hurt, and He will cover you in His love. Just be still and know that He is God.

  1054. this is such a beautiful story and very very sad. as a parent myself feeling baby kick is the most precious thing. i cryed looking through the pics and i am very touched to see how formed and perfect your little baby boy was at 19wks. rip little man ❤ xxxxx

  1055. my much loved and wanted 4th son was born at 21 and 5 days, this brought back so many memories, my son looked just like this, the only photographs i have are 2 poloroids that the hospital took which arent very clear, this has remined me of how beautiful and perfect my own little man was when he was born in 1997, i regret not having more pictures and i never expected to see more just like him, thank you for sharing these, sleep tight precious boy and if u see my man give him a hug from his mummy ❤

    1. i should also add in the eyes of the law here in the UK he didnt exist either, born too soon to be viable so no birth certificate, no death certificate and i was told this while i was cradling him in my arms trying to keep him warm, my heart breaks for you, i dont wish to take away from your pain but my own experience and how i was treated is very similar, i undersatnd totally how you feel x

  1056. Aaww…he looks so peaceful. Thank you for sharing. Babies are one of Gods greatest gifts. My family & I send our prayers for comfort during this difficult time. God bless.

  1057. Your son is perfect and beautiful, and the pictures you took are amazing. I’ve talked to my teenage children about abortion many times, so I shared your story and pictures with them to show them what a baby looks like at 19 weeks. I pray that my children will choose life and will be pro-life advocates to their friends. Thank you for sharing your story and pictures. God is working through your story 🙂

  1058. Blessings to u, the love u show is amazing in this world filled with so much hate n fast paced life

  1059. I just happened to read this story in my 19th week of pregnancy with our first child. While it is very sad, it reminds me of the fact that pregnancy is such a great miracle and blessing that only God has control of. Ultimately His plan for our lives is much greater than anything we can ever imagine for ourselves. You are very strong and this is a story that I will never forget! I leave you with Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts I have for you. Thoughts to prosper you and not to harm you!

  1060. I am so sorry for your loss. I do hope that your story will help others to see that a baby is still a baby at such a tender stage of gestation. May God hold you and your family close and baby Joshua even closer until you do meet again.

  1061. Little Walter is truly beautifully and wonderfully made! I sit here in tears unable to say the right words. We would have been due around the same time. I just want to thank you for sharing your faith story so boldly, life is a miracle that only our Creator can be credited too, and to witness people not valuing a beating heart is beyond sad! I just want to thank you for sharing your story, sharing your faith, and being such a great encouragement! You and your family will be in my prayers! God bless you! And I know Walter is sitting at Jesus’ feet, waiting to meet you. Take care!!

  1062. My heart cries for your loss. Thank you for the courage to share your story with others. I pray your story touches some hearts and shows that just because a baby is before 20 weeks, they are a baby. I love your pictures and know how much they mean to you. God bless and keep your family.

  1063. Dear Lexi,
    I just lost my husband last month. I know he is with the Lord…he loved babies,maybe he is holding yours…You are very brave. I will be praying for you and your family.

  1064. Thank you for being so brave in this heart wrenching time of your life. I can’t, nor do I want to imagine what this experience was like for you and your family. Words can’t express the sorrow I feel for you all now and in days to come but I feel comfort knowing that our heavenly Father holds you all and your precious son tightly everyday. You, your husband and daughters were blessed with a beautiful baby boy and may you always cherish the special moments you all shared. The moments may have been short but may the memories be beautiful and long lasting. Again thank you for being brave and thank you for sharing your story.

  1065. I’m in tear’s over you’re lose!!!What a hind some little boy he was.I do not believe in abortion & see Walter confirms my belief that from the moment if conception there is a CHILD GROWING!!! MY HEART FELT SYMPATHY 2 ALL OF YOU’RE FAMILY & FRIENDS. GOD US GREAT!

  1066. Your baby boy is absolutely gorgeous! PURE Perfection, radiating the GLORY of our Creator. Darling ones, I am so sorry for the, (temporary..THANK YOU JESUS), seperation from Walter. We’ll all be together soon…He’ll RUN to you. Love to you sweet girl. xoxooxoxoxo

  1067. If any good is to come of this loss maybe it is to show the world that life begins with creation…abortion is murder, plain and simple and no matter the size it is a human life. May God bless you and your family and thank you for sharing with the world…let’s pray they see what life is and stop taking it.

  1068. You are a very gracefull woman I wound never be able to go through something like that you are very strong and I truly wish that there were more strong wemen in the world that we live in today.i look up to you now… Daniels a 13 year old

  1069. Precious family you do not know how many tears I shed for you, but thru it all giving thanks to the Lord for all the people that He put next to you who truly care and was there to help in all. My prayers are that in the Holy name of Jesus he been the doctors of all doctors whatever condition that was in your placenta as of this moment is a WAS. I declare healing in your body that the blood that was shed in the cross cleansed you of all of all conditions that did not allow for your prescious son to be born be Heal in Jesus name. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story and your precious baby pictures. At this moment your baby has done and demonstrated to a lot of young woman’s that is not a FETUS but a living baby, that is not an It but a precious life. My prayers for you and your family and my thanks. Please remember the negative comments could be easy deleted, do not let them bother you for they do not construct nothing positive in your life. GOD BLESS YOU.

  1070. I just wanted tell u how sry i am 4 ur loss. Thank u 4 sharing ur story with every1…i know that wasn’t easy. He was a very beautiful baby. My heart & prayers go out 2 u & ur family.

  1071. im sorry for ur loss i lost my baby in 09 at 16 weeks so i know how u feel walter was born on my birthday im mad to know that u were treated that way in the er the pictures are beautiful and i trueley am sorry for ur loss

  1072. My heart aches for your loss. I have had three early miscarriages, but I can’t even comprehend what you have been through. I applaud your courage in sharing your pictures of your beautiful son and heartbreaking story.

  1073. Walter is precious. We are grieving with you. Yet, we are also rejoicing that Walter is in the precious arms of our Savior. Thank you for sharing. We are praying for you all. May you know the Peace of our Savior.

  1074. Lexi: I applaud your courage in opening yourself and your family up like this to prove to the world that this is not a fetus – this is a child – an innocent beautiful baby. May God Bless you. xxx

  1075. Thank you for sharing your story, it brought tears to my eyes. I also am touched to see how beautifully formed and perfect your son was – what a miracle – only by the hand of God. Blessings to your family!!!

  1076. Thank you for sharing. I lost three babies myself in early stages of my pregnancies and I know that it is something that no one else can really understand but God. I pondered over their little spirits and I am not worried about them at all because I know they are with Heavenly Father and He is taking care of them. I am a photographer at our local hospital and have the opportunity to photograph babies. I found so much beauty in the sweet photos of your son. You are right. He is perfect in every way. I hope you feel God’s love and strength.

  1077. If everyone on earth treasured life as clearly as you do we would have a better place to live. May God bless your family in every way!

  1078. This is a very touching story. One which I am all too familiar with. The pictures are so very sweet and personify the word innocence. Walter was a beautiful, little man. Perfect in every way. I look at these photos and can feel the love emanating from them. What a perfect little man. A perfect CHILD!
    Having lost my fair share of children, at different stages of pregnancy, I can so relate to and with your story and photos. Back in 1994, I gave birth to a perfect baby boy, Harry James Henry. The only problem with the birth was, I was only 22 weeks along.
    My water broke while I was at work (I worked for my mom and dad, we owned a deli at that time), we all rushed to the hospital. Baby’s heartbeat was strong and viable. They did an ultrasound and the news was not good.
    The sac was completely void of amniotic fluid. Nothing for the baby to survive in. I actually had to wait for my son to die, inside of me, to birth him. I was so determined to hold on to him for 2 more weeks so something could be done to attempt to save him, that I physically stopped the medication they had given me to induce labor.
    The nurses were stunned. They told my mom my mind was so strong that I halted the meds and stalled out dilation at 1 cm … My mom, dad and husband sitting in the hospital room with me, tried talking reason to me. Let God have his angel back. Don’t prolong the inevitable. Let the meds work as they are intended to. I just couldn’t. I knew he was alive. His heart was strong. He’s not meant to be taken back. Why is my body betraying me?? If he’s this strong, I can be just as strong. Failure is not an option.
    But, my failure was becoming more and more apparent. My body, Benedict Arnold. They stopped administering the meds. The nurses told my mom they would start them again in the morning. There was no use continuing them, I had been getting them through my IV for 9 hours already and I should have long since been dilated and in heavy labor.
    My mind was set. I’m holding on, until I can’t hold on any longer. Then a doctor came in, Dr. Kessler. I will never forget that man as long as I live. He was a cruel, cruel man. No bedside manner at all. He has no business being a doctor, especially one that deals with women that are suffering a miscarriage. These were his words to me, and I repeat them verbatim, even 19 years later. “Fine, you fight those meds. You won’t win! You are going to let your body cut that baby to ribbons! You will give birth to an arm, then a leg, then maybe his head, another arm, another leg and a torso. Piece by piece until all of him is out. Is that what you want? You want your body to form bands around your baby and cut him up? You just keep fighting the meds and that’s what will happen.”
    I had all I could do, to stay seated in my wheel chair. I looked at him, then back at my mom and said, get that MOTHER F***** out of this room before I get out of this chair and knock him back to med school where he can take a crash course in bedside manners or a course in ethics!!! Get him the F*** out of here before I KILL him!!!
    What kind of person, let alone a doctor, says something like that to a person losing their child?? UGH! Terrible experience. But, as I laid in that hospital bed, my mom lying there next to me, trying to console me, my dad and my husband asleep in recliners across the room, I felt it. I took my mom’s hand and told her, that’s it, the baby is gone. She looked at me and said, “how do you know?” I told her that was his last kick and I knew it because of where I got kicked. It was way up here under my rib cage. He’s turned and he’s in position to be born now. He’s gone. Just as soon as my mind accepted that, I gave birth to a perfect little angel within minutes. 3:20am, 20th November 1994, my son, Harry James, had to die to be born.
    It wasn’t an easy thing to live with. It wasn’t the first time, nor would it be the last time, I would miscarry, much to my chagrin. One of the worst things throughout all of this was the people telling me, you can have more. Don’t dwell on it. It happened now move on. I hadn’t even buried my son yet and I’m supposed to move on? How callous are people. I found out they can be very cold and quite cruel. This includes the priest that spoke at my baby’s funeral. He said, “it is not ours to question God, we should thank God that we could even create a child. What we, as his parents, should be questioning was what we have done in our lives that we had to pay for with our sons life.” What I had done?!?!? What we had done?? I had to thank God, not my husband for getting me pregnant. I wasn’t to question God’s choice to take Harry James home. I should be questioning what I had done throughout my life that made God want to take my son as payment. Did the priest not know I was ALREADY questioning that. ALREADY blaming MYSELF. It never dawned on me to blame God for His plan, well, at least not until the moment the priest said that. Then, for a very brief and fleeting moment, I was angry with God. Detested Him. Wondering how cruel He could be. How warped His sense of humor must be. Those thoughts would have never occurred to me, had that stupid priest never said the words he did. I got over the words, but, as clearly as I remember what Dr. Kessler said to me all those years ago, I remember those words coming out of that priest’s mouth and remember for the first time in my life being put off (ever so briefly) by God and my religion!
    Not long after, I miscarried twins. But was no where near as far along as I was with my son. It has happened more times than I care to remember. But, I DO remember, each and every one of them. God had other plans for how my life would play out.
    His plans for me, well, they included one perfectly beautiful baby girl, born 8th August 1987 at 10:59am. They also included losing many children along the way, losing my husband of 24 years and being a widow at 41 years old. God’s plans did not include my birthing any more children. While I would have loved to have three or four more children, I am more than grateful to have been able to have at least one. She is closing in on 26 years old and is a beautiful young woman with a heart of gold that is way too sensitive and trusting for her own good. She is overly brilliant, too smart, truth be told. High IQ and as the saying goes, book smart and no common sense or street smarts, but her heart is pure and I am very proud of her, for the person she has blossomed into. She is very much like her father, as far as her personality and easy going nature go.
    I have to trust that God knew what was best. Shortly after I miscarried my son, my husband had several heart attacks. He was diagnosed with Chronic acute Hep C, cirrhosis, heart disease, cholesterol problems among other things. He was deemed permanently disabled due to so many ailments, in 1996. I miscarried the twins, my husband ended up in the hospital for a quadruple by-pass. Maybe God thought having new babies and a husband that would need tons of care to recover would be too much for me. Or maybe He knew what was to come. I should have 18 kids right now, had I carried all the pregnancies. As I mentioned, I have ONE. My first husband, together for 24 years, was ultimately diagnosed with liver cancer, barely made it to his 50th birthday. It was 10 weeks from diagnosis to death. That was 7th October 2006.
    I have remarried, a wonderful man, whom I have known for some 19 years. He has one daughter that he fought for and won custody and raised her as a single father from the time she was 8 years old. I have known both since, his daughter was 3 years old. I was friends with him and used to bring him clothes from my daughter (who is 4 years older than his), as a way of helping him with his daughter. He is a great man. I often sit back and wonder, what man would have even wanted to date me, let alone marry me, with that many children ranging in age from 30 all the way down to 10 now. So logically, I had to trust God knew what he was doing. It helps me rationalize it all. Put it in proper perspective.
    How would I have managed all those kids alone? Sure some of them would have been on their own, but still, no matter how old they get, they still need their parents at different points throughout their lives. So, as it stands now, I have two kids. Both beautiful girls that are kind and giving. One born of my loins, the other God blessed into my life, and if you spend time with us both, you may stop and wonder if she was really mine. She is more like me than my own daughter. Personality wise and disposition wise, anyway. We are both very highly strung and if we’re thinking it, we’re saying it. It’s funny really. But that, along with knowing her since she was a baby, it made blending our families quite natural and very easy.
    God knows what He’s doing. We don’t know. Sometimes it’s best not to question. Sometimes your answer is, there is no answer. It just is what it is.
    It is my opinion that, the our government is far too involved, in too many aspects, of our lives. They tell us what to eat, what to think, how to behave, what’s Politically Correct, what’s offensive, what we should and shouldn’t say, what we should feel and shouldn’t feel and when we should or shouldn’t feel it. People are far too touchy these days.
    Everything is offensive, if you really sit back and think about it, something is offensive to someone, somewhere at any given time throughout the day. You would think our government with it’s nose so far in our business and telling us we should be politically correct would have the common sense to be politically correct and non-offensive themselves. But, I guess the rules don’t apply to everyone. They are so busy making rules for us, that they don’t have to abide by, you would think the people would bring it to their attention. If the rules are good enough for us and you (the government) to think we, as a people, need you to tell us the most common sense things, is offensive in and of itself. Perhaps you all should try following your own rules and laws, because if we have to live by them, so should all of you that pass them, but I know you all think you are above the law and too good for the rules to apply to you, the rules/laws you set forth or for us, the people who elect you, the ones you, obviously, think are too stupid to raise our kids, or know what to think or how to feel or what we should or shouldn’t say. We keep proving how stupid we are by electing (and re-electing) all of you into office, even knowing how stupid you seem to think we are. We keep voting for and letting you all condition us. For that, I guess we deserve what we get.
    People have gone haywire these days. It’s a shame. Only certain groups of people, religions and cultures are deserving of Political Correctness. People who practice Catholicism/Christianity and believe in God, apparently don’t deserve the same considerations. It seems that we are supposed to accept chastising and berating and just let it roll off our backs. They want to take God out of every aspect of our lives. I, for one, am not willing to remove God and my Roman Catholic upbringing from my life. If that offends people, that’s just too bad. God always has been and always will be one of the foundations of this country and the people who settled here and made this THE United States of America. One nation, under God. It’s who we are and we’re NOT ashamed of it!
    I do hope you and your family are making progress, working through the terrible time in your lives and the loss of your CHILD, Walter. You can take some solace knowing that one day, you will be reunited with your precious bundle, your BABY, Walter. There are wonderful groups for dealing with the loss of children, out there. My family tried to talk me into seeking them out. I did go once or twice, however, I found it easier for me to work through my grieving process, with my family and within myself. I’ve been kicked around a lot in my life. Had so many tragedies to overcome and I found out, I am the strongest person I know! May God help ease you through your loss and find a place to put it all, so that it will make you all stronger than you ever imagined you could be. Walter is buried deep in your heart. A place you can freely visit and stay as long as you’d like and it’s a place he can never be hurt but always feel love.
    My heart and thoughts are with you all. Thank you for sharing your story and the wonderful pictures of your family and your precious, baby son, Walter.

  1079. I’m sorry that was so wordy. It’s just that your story and pictures made me recall my situation that was so very similar.

  1080. I am so so so sorry for your loss! I cannot even begin to conceive how doctors class that baby as a fetus! What a beautiful baby boy and his family too! My thoughts and prayers are with you all! I have so much respect and thought for you! All my love and wishes! Xxxx

  1081. my heart goes out to you and your family. My son was doing fine in utero the week before he was born. Then, the week he was born, my wife was concerned as she had not felt him move all week compared to constant movement the week before. We went to the local hospital for a heartbeat check. Little did we know he would be born the next day. He was six weeks early. Our experience with the hospital staff was a roller coaster as well from being told we would have one doctor perform the C-section to minutes before having another one do it on top of the doctor telling us we were bad parents for using a midwife. In the end, we are very blessed to have him in our lives. Both yours and Walter’s story is an incredible one and will hopefully open up the eyes of many people. Our prayers are with you.

  1082. I’m so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing such a personal story. He is a beautiful baby boy and I know that you can hardly wait to see him again.

  1083. I am so sorry for you and your family’s loss. I can’t even imagine the pain you are all going through. Thank you for sharing your story, and your treasured pictures. Not many have the strength to do so. I hope that they can help many women. Bless you and your family.

  1084. I am speechless…I have never been pregnant so I have no children of my own. I also didn’t know what babies looked like at 20 weeks either. I am so very sorry to read and see your loss. You are so brave to put this “out there” for all to see. I pray that you have more babies that live. You and your family are so strong. Can’t thank you enough for sharing your story…it is a truly remarkable one.

  1085. I am so sorry for your loss… but I wanted to say Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures with us. I’m so glad that you took them. I hear of so many stories of people that don’t and then they are sorry later. I have also heard that some places discourage you from taking pictures such as yours (where the baby is uncovered) but I think they are precious, and a wonderful tribute to your son. Thank you.

  1086. such a perfect little boy! I am sorry for your loss but I too believe he lives with God now. I am grateful you felt like sharing his pictures; it’s great evidence for how detailed there little ones are at such a young age. God bless you and your family in this difficult time.

  1087. IM SOOOOO SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS. PRAYING FOR U AND YOUR FAMILY. I know exactly what u and family are going through. My son passed away in my arms. I was 6 months pregnant when we got hit by another car my water broke and they had to take my son out cuz there was no heart beat but I had to do csection worse experience ever they brought my son back life so he was in NICU for 2 months it was hard because at that time my daughter was 1 in a half and I visited my son every single day for hrs and hrs for two whole months when one day getting ready to go see my son I get that phobe call to come in as soon as possible I called my husband and that 30 min drive from our house to the hospital we made it a 15 min drive we get there and they handed my son I knew what to expect the lord was calling my son and he waited for us to get there my son took his last breath in my arms I held my son 8 hrs straight b4 they came and got him they had to force hI’m out my arms bc I didn’t want to let go. January 22 was two years that he passed and I still cant get over it. I know ur pain but remember we have an angel watching over us the lord called them bc he needed them to help him watch over us. They earned there wings and not everyone gets those they will always be in our hearts and are always beside us. We will never understand why only the lord knows that’s why we trust him never question him why just thank him for giving u the opportunity to meet and hold ur son mot everyone can do that he will never give u something u can’t handle he chose u bc ur a strong women and chose ur son to send out the message to others. Hes an angel now in peace pain free he wants to see mommy happy so give that to him talk to him bc he is listening I do everynight and I know he’s by my side. I wish u and family the best may the lord help u all get through this. I will be praying for u and family. I love the pictures ur baby is beautiful I’m not gonna say was bc he never died he lives in yalls hearts and always will. Blessings to all and stay strong and positive. Hugs to all.

  1088. I just came across your story on face book. Thank you for sharing your story and the amazing photos of your beautiful son, Walter. You and your family are so brave. I thought it most amazing how your beautiful daughters got to hold Walter and bond with him. Your family has a strong bond because you shared your amazing and beautiful son, Walter. Thank you and bless your strength. So many people will benefit from you story.

  1089. I am so sorry for your loss…and I love your pictures. So many people don’t get the chance to capture these moments, so it makes me happy for you that you did. He was perfect…every little detail was so obvious. Very much a baby. I hate the term ‘fetus’ and am glad the L&D docs didn’t use that term for you. Fly high, baby Walter.

  1090. I am so very sorry for your loss. Your baby is absolutely beautiful! In 2005 following hurricane Katrina I buried my son. He was stillborn at 39 weeks due to a severe cord accident. We had a funeral for him. I hope u got to have a funeral for your baby. May the Lord wrap his arms around you and comfort u in your time of need. God bless u and your family.

  1091. It’s been a while since I have been so touched by someone’s story. There are no words for what I’d like to express. I simply cannot recall a more accurate (present day) example of grace* than the one that comes through in the sharing of your heartache.

    You are a beautiful and brave soul, to allow such a personal glimpse into your lives. You, are an inspiration, I can’t express this enough. And Walter . . . what a tiny little bundle of perfection. Thank you,and peace to you and your beautiful family.

    *Strong’s (#5485) defines grace as “the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life.” This is the definition that I refer to when I think of you.

  1092. God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers…and you ms.lexi surley are one of those…i couldnt agine myself going through what you and your family went through…you are indeed a soldier and keep your head up because you and your family deserve a round of applause.

  1093. I cry because he is just so amazing. Oh, he is just so beautiful it takes my breath away. Thank you for your vulnerability and faith, for sharing your perfect boy with the world so others may see him, and all babies, through the eyes of Jesus. I’m not going to pretend I know your pain, but your community grieves along side you. As a nursing student, I will remember your patient experience and work for change. I am so sorry for the way you were treated by some and I am so glad that you were sent others who were able to hold you during such a profound loss. Keep holding on in the days ahead and remember His promises of hope, peace, and joy.

  1094. I am so sorry for your loss! I do know how you feel. My husband and i tried for 17 yrs to have a baby. I had a miscarriage @ 10 wks. and another one at 4 wks(just 2 days after i found out i was pregnant.) In 2007 my dad passed away and 4 months later i learned that we were expecting again. I bled off and on for 2 wks and had a tiny bit of cramping, but thanks to my prayers and those from family & friends, God saw to it that we got to keep this one. He (Joshua) is now almost 5 yrs old! When he was 2 1/2 God sent his little brother, Braylon to us. During the last 2 pregnancies i was so scared and did A LOT of praying and God saw us through it and i, too, know that one day we will get to see our babies in Heaven! Until then, i know they’re all playing happily together and our Lord & Saviour is taking care of them. God bless you & your family and thank you for sharing your story and photos of your precious baby boy, Walter.

  1095. Praise God that through little Walter we can see God’s glory! We are not a bunch of cells (like a cancerous growth) but wonderfully and fearfully made! From the perfect eyes of your son to the tiny veins precisely directing the life giving flow of blood from your mother’s heart. So ordered, so perfectly in place! God is not a random God nor is Walter a fetus. Walter is God’s perfect plan for you and he has gotten to experience God’s final perfecting. Walter will never know anymore pain, sorrow or ever sin again but sees God face to face. I rejoice at the lives that God is saving because of Walters life and your bravery to share shine a light on one of the biggest lies believed today.

    As I sit here and weep with you for such a great loss God reminds me that this life truly is light and momentary troubles. How AMAZING will heaven be when we stand before God face to face and in the first minuet of heaven we say the miscarriage, the rape, the death of a child, the loved one who never accepted Jesus and every other pain and sorrow we face is NOTHING to God’s Glory and the rewards of heaven.

    I praise God for giving you the strength to share your son with the world. Truly God will use weak little Walter to show the foolishness of the world.

  1096. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family. Rest in peace Walter now you have gained your wings.
    Check out Ollys Rainbow on Facebook, its run by my friend Alex who lost her son Olly at only a few months after his birth.
    She raises a lot of awareness for sudden infant death.

  1097. God is so alive in your family! Loving and saying goodbye for now to your Precious Angel! My entire heart and soul is sending you all the love I can! Planning on seeing you all on the other side!!! God bless!!!

  1098. I dont know you but my thoughts are with you and your family, I had a son at 36 weeks he was stillborn I still miss him and think of him it would have been his 18th birthday this year. They say time is a great healer but only time will tell. God bless little man x

  1099. i am so sorry for your family and am happy that you guys could spend time with your son i cant even think of what i would have done if i had that happen with me i hope you and your family can get some peace in knowing you will see him agin and he was a beautiful boy

  1100. I am sorry for your loss….I know the pain you went through….my daughter was born at 22 weeks…1 lb 2 oz….and when i saw her i fell in love, though i was scared about her sheer size….today she is doing well, but without god in our lives who knows what tomorrow will bring…you are right he is at home, and one day you will reconnect and it was great that you and your family were able to bond….stay strong and i will pray for you

  1101. I’m so sorry for your loss, but thank you for having the courage to share your story and touch so many lives.

  1102. I’m So Truly Sorry for your loss Heaven has gained another Angel and yes I’m very sure his Grandfather was there to meet him and be with him until you can be with him yourself.
    And They Should Be Thought Of And Viewed As Such..
    God Bless You and Your Family Stay Strong

  1103. Thank you for sharing your story. We lost our third 19 years ago @ 14 weeks. I still often wonder which I have waiting for me in Heaven, another son or another daughter, even though God has blessed us with 5 others since then, Your pictures are beautiful and a wonderful memory for both you and your daughters. May God bless you as you seek to use this heartache for Him.

  1104. Thank you for sharing such a heart-breaking and intimate moment in your lives. My prayers are with you and your precious family. I believe Walter, in his beautiful but brief life, is speaking for unborn babies world-wide. Through your graciousness to share his photos, he’s able to show the world that tiny humans in mommy’s womb are actually human babies and not just a blob of tissue. I’m certain Walter, with your help, has already saved many lives. I made a small two pic collage message to share on my Facebook wall. I’m hoping many more people see it and decide to give the life in their womb a chance. I’m glad you have these pictures to remember your baby boy. What a treasure you captured. Again thank you and may the God of peace be with your lovely family.

  1105. So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful little boy Walter was and is in glory now. My heart aches for you and your family. I’m praying for you. I’m so grateful that you are trusting God through this tremendously difficult trial. Being content, even when things are at their worst, is the highest form of worship. There is no need to respond to me, just take care of yourself and your family. A sister in Christ.

  1106. I’m sorry for your loss, I’m thankful you have peace and comfort in our Saviour Jesus Christ and most of all I’m thankful for your strength to share your story and the beautiful pictures of your littlest angel! God be with you and grant you continued peace, comfort and love!
    Your sister in Christ,

  1107. Hi their, I just wanted to say I am truly sorry for your loss & it’s truly brave of you to post pictures of you baby. May God bless you & your family & watch over you during these difficult times! Heaven just gained another angel. I’ll be keeping you & your family in my prayers.

  1108. Hi thankyou for sharing your story and pics, I think you are so brave to do that and the pics of your beautiful son are amazing! I lost a baby 26yrs ago at 12 weeks. It’s as clear to me now as it was all those years ago and it was always a baby, not a foetus! I went in to have a beautiful son who is now 25 and makes my heart burst with pride almost every day! So sorry for your loss and I hope you go on to get back the child you lost.

    Best wishes

    Allison x

  1109. I’m sorry for ur loss. I also lost my baby at 16 weeks on june 7, 2013. When I was reading your story I was thinking to myself.. this is me. The same thing happen to me. I was there in the er all alone. No one paid attention to me since I was 16 weeks only and they didn’t want to take me up to labor and delivery. I was having contractions every 3 minutes. I was in the er the day before because I was having mild cramps and spotting but they checked me and the baby was fine. My baby boy was moving a lot and I could here his heart beat too. I was there very late and then I came home to eat and then shower. After that my pain was stronger and stronger. All night I just cried and cried not knowing I was having contractions. I decided to called my sister around 4:30 am and she took me again to the er. But since I was there already a couple of hours before and everything had come out right they didn’t really paid attention. They just put me in the room for hours until the nurse came to give me a little bottle to pee. Again it took like two hours to bring me the results. At first they told me it was urine infection and they were going to let me go but my pain was getting stronger so decided to call my doctor. In the mean while the er doctor order to inject me some morphine. The said it was safe for the baby. Then the er doctor pressed my stomach so hard and he said if it hurts me in a particular area and my answer was its all my stomach and I know its contractions. He said I think its pendicitis or the kidneys and I was no I know I’m having contractions. He still said he wanted to do a ct scanand he said it was safe for the baby. At that time my doctor had just arrived and also confirmed to me that the ct scan was safe and he wanted to know where that psin was coming from since the day before they had checked me and the baby was fine. While they were doing the ct scan I felt a lot of blood gushing out and I thought it was the baby but no the sac had ruptured. Thats when my dr ordered to take me upstairs to delivery. My baby was still alive. But they just took me to a room upstairs and left me all alone for a long time having more contractions and stronger since the water had broken. Finally my sisters in laws got there and they were holding my hands as I was having the contractions and finally I delivered my baby with no nurse or dr around. My baby looked like ur baby. Finally ghe nurse came and got the baby cut the cord and left my baby there with me but wasn’t alive anymore. He was fully formed and was 7 inches long and weight 4 ounces. Finally the dr came and checkec me I was still in pain cause my placenta was still in there so he ordered to put me the epidoral. The first time the epidoral didn’t work I could still feel everything and they put me a second one. I felt they had put it wrong cause I felt hr poked on one of my nerves I felt a big shocked on my body. It felt terrible but everything was numb. So the dr was able to get only a piece of my placenta out so I had to stay there overnight to see if by the morning it had came out or else the dr would had to do me a c section or a d&c. Thank God in the middle of the night the nurse was massaging my stomach and another piece came out. But I couldn’t sleep that night and blood pressure went down. I got scared but the nurses were able to stabilized it. The morning came and dr did do the d&c afterall. Finally I was out. I got out on a saturday but I went back to the hospital on monday. I knew tthere was something wrong with the epidoral. When I woke up on monday I woke up with a massive headache it is called spinal headache. I can describe it maybe like hitting me with a bat on my head. I went to the other hospital since the other hospital left me there for hours and I didn’t want to go back there. In this hospital they only took them one minute to call me. As soon as I explained to them about my situation and about the epidoral they knew what I had but there was a problem. They couldnt treat me there since my dr wasn’t from that hospital and besides they told me I had to go back to the doctor who had put me the epidoral so he could fix the problem since it was something very delicate they didn’t want to mess it up or making worst. I was leaking from my spinal chord but I cried and cried of pain and I told them to plz help me out and that I didn’t want to go back to that hospital anymore so they were kind enough to help me. What they did to fix my problem was to do another epidoral but without medicine instead with my own blood patch the hole where I was leakin. The results were in an instant. I felt a great relief. Well I also cremated my baby because they were going to disposed and I didn’t want that. I wish I could also share my pictures with u. Its hard cause this is my 3rd miscarriage and I can’t still have any babies. But this 3rd pregnancy was the farthest I had where I could actually see my bsbys heartbeat and see him and felt him moving. The other two I didn’t even had a sonogram that’s why with this pregnancy it hit me very hard. I’m coping eit h my depression but with the help of my family I’m ok. Hope I can share my pictures with u too.

  1110. I am so sorry for your loss – we went through something similar 11 years ago and I could feel God in that hospital room. It was the worst day of my life but I had never felt more fully in the presence of God. My son Cal had died of an umbilical cord issue around 21 weeks but we didn’t know it until a few weeks later when there was no heartbeat at the doctors office and the ultrasound confirmed we had lost him. I was induced into labor and able to hold him and take pictures. We too chose cremation and plan that someday he will be buried with me or my husband. He was perfect in every way but I did take comfort, like you, in the fact that he would not have to endure the pain of this world but took the straight track to heaven. God bless you as you and your family deal with this – it does get easier but you never forget.

  1111. I am sorry for your loss. But, know that your son has left his mark on the world! God Bless you and your family.

  1112. psalm 139:13 for you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
    i’ve been a NICU nurse for 30 years. this post is amazing. it shows how precious each life is. thank you for sharing your heartache with so many. God will bring glory to walter’s life. God bless you.
    i ditto what kathy said, no need to respond to me, just take care of yourself and your family.
    praying for you.

  1113. Thank you so much for sharing your story and the pictures of your 3 beautiful children! I had a tubal pregnancy and lost my child. I was put under and my baby was removed. I never got to see or touch my child. You are blessed to have had the opportunity to spend time with your son. They are both with the Lord and we will surely see them again someday. Many blessings and prayers to you and your family.

  1114. My heart is breaking for you and your family. Praying that God wraps all of you in his comforting, healing embrace.

  1115. beautifully and perfectly formed in every way by our wonderful God. I am so sorry for your loss but to God your little boy is precious and being in the Lord’s arms is always the best place to be. I pray the Lord would be close to your family and abundantly bless you and heal you. x x

  1116. Oh my! As I sit here & I read this & look at the pictures I am reliving September 29th 2004. The year my day my daughter Angel Renee was born. I was 18wks and 4 days. She looked exactly like your precious one. She lived for 2 hours on her own. Everything happened the same way with me. Very unexpected and everything up to that point ha been going perfectly with my pregnancy. Thank you for sharing. Our children are proof that babies that young in the womb are truly babies! Babies worth fighting for.

  1117. I want to thank you for sharing your story about your son. My heart breaks for the lost that you are going through. It truly saddens my heart to know the people we put into public office thinks there is no life in a baby until it is born. This is not true. From the moment a baby is conceived, there is life. Our Creator, God knows what He is doing. I know without a doubt that one day you will see your beautiful, Walter again. It is hard to understand why things turn out the way they do. God sees the big picture when we only see a portion of it. God has a plan for all of us, He says in Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee. I will be praying for you and your family and that God will bless your family in a very special way. Once again, I want to thank you for sharing the beautiful photos of your precious little boy.

  1118. You are so brave beautiful girl. your love for the lord is amazing. god has a plan and that’s keeping that gorgeous handsome little man of yours in his loving arms. he has a place for you in heaven when you can once again hold, hug and kiss him but until then he is your guardian angel and you have a job on earth looking after his gorgeous sisters who he adores just like his mummy. you are an inspiration to everyone and I wish you and your gorgeous family the best this world has to offer. god bless you precious. xx ❤

  1119. My heart aches for you. I’ve been through something similar. Last year I gave birth via cesarean to a baby boy that although I carried for 27 weeks, he was only the size of a 21 week baby.. We tried for 7 years for him… I can relate. His name was Alexander, and I’m glad you shared this with all of us. I wish nobody had to ever go through such an experience as to lose a baby 😦 It’s one of the most horrible feeling in the world!! Hang in there… We had our son cremated (they did it for free because of his size) and we carry him in little stainless steel necklaces meant for ashes, near our hearts. I never take my part of him off. ❤ I'm sorry for your pain

    1. All Have to say is that God has put you in my path and you will never know how much your story has touched my heart . Your son is so precious and them sweet little girls are very strong . Thank you for sharing your story with each of us and I will be praying that you and your family will continue to do God’s work . You and your husband are doing so much for God . Your little son ,in his short time on earth , has done more for the Lord than I have in my 43 yrs . May God continue to bless you and your family and give you all his strength . I am sorry I was rambling on but you have touched my heart .

    2. In sharing your story, you have made your loss ours as well. We share your grief . We will not forget your beautiful son.

  1120. I have messaged you, already, but just have to say your ER experience was, unfortunately, common. That aside, in your beautiful pictures, I wondered if you noticed in the lineup attached to this, Walter holding your rings is immediately preceding a picture with your profile….Walter looked just like his Mom!! Bless your intelligence and intuition that caused you to take pictures of your daughters holding their brother. Precious, precious pictures! Thank you, so much. As a critical-care pediatric nurse (former L&D) I have cared for some who arrived 26 weeks….it would have been an honor to meet your Walter. Keep sharing. Keep caring. Blessings to you and yours.

  1121. After one daughter’s perfect pregnancy and delivery, I miscarried four babies, but because of our God’s abundant mercy, I now have three beautiful daughters. Progesterone and baby aspirin carried my last two to term. Was told I would never conceive them, but God is bigger than all our fears. Will keep you in my prayers.

  1122. I pray that the loss of your son knits the hearts of your family tightly together. Jesus grieves with you because he knows on this side of heaven, it’s hard to fathom why things like this happen. For now we see through a glass dimly. It is amazing still, how Walter in his brief moments on this earth has witnessed to so many. Had you not shared your beautiful photos, I don’t think people would understand how perfect, complete and precious your baby was. God understands so well that your hearts are broken just as His was when he lost his only Son. But today He lives and so does Walter! I pray with the comfort of the Holy Spirit and the time you need to grieve that perhaps you will find yourself in a place where you too can say, “It is well with my soul!”. May that comfort and healing he brings to your soul empower you to help those in the future who find themselves right where you are today and experience from you the love and comfort you found in Jesus. He uses everything-you’ll see.
    May God’s richest blessing be upon all of your family, their travel, their support and most importantly the love you will always hold in your heart for your darling little boy, Walter.

  1123. First let me say how sorry I am that you had to experience the worst pain a person could endure, the loss of a child. Reading your story took me back 14 years when I too lost our baby girl at the same point in the the pregnancy. I had almost the same experience that you had. I am so glad that you took those pictures of your beautiful son, I only got a couple of our baby and had wished I had taken more. I remember marveling that our baby had fingernails, really tiny ones, but they were there, and that she looked like her dad, also her tiny little eyebrows. Cherish those pictures, don’t let anyone make you feel like you are odd for having them. That was your baby, and you loved him. Time makes it easier to cope, but the emptiness will always be there, here I am 14 years and 3 more kids later, and I am still tearing up, since it has brought me back to that day. Take care.

  1124. May God keep you and your family in his loving arms, he will take care of your son til that time when you will all meet again.

  1125. sending loving thoughts you and your family. You are brave and wonderful and thank you for sharing. It will open up so many eyes and save so many lives. Just like Colton from “Heaven’s 4 Real” said: “Heaven is for real and no one wears glasses.” You will see your little one in Heaven too.

  1126. Thank you for sharing your story. My grandson Jeremiah died about the same size as Walter and that was on 9-11-2011. I never got to see him. He also was cremated. Now at least I have an idea of how small and precious he was. God bless you. My heart feels better knowing he was just perfect. I still love him very much. ❤ May God comfort you at this time.

  1127. We are so very sorry for your loss. Your story touched us. God bless you and your family.

  1128. Reading your story has touched me i feel for you and your family, your pictures are beautiful and so is your son, I think that its amazing that you’ve shared your story to make people aware that if you have an abortion you are aborting a life and not a blob or just a cell, your story has also help me comes to terms with my loss and i believe that there was a reason for my loss but why I still dont understand, your such a strong and an amazing person much ❤ to your self and your family, i pray that your able to conceive again and have another amazing lil addition to your adorable lil family ❤ Xxxx

  1129. I lost my first born only 3 hours after she was born. My only daughter. I got to hold her and bathe her and bond with her. the hospitol took the routine newbron photos but not untill after she had passed. she was critical so they were working on her untill the inevitable came. we were 30 weeks and I had placenta previa as well. she was my 10th pregnancy and my only baby born. tubal & miscarriage had been my stry. Then as a result of my daughter passing I got saved and became a christian, GOD spoke to me & assured me I was going to have a baby & would get pregnant in december. (that was in june) sure enuf i did and had my bouncing baby boy 16 months later who was born at 34 weeks weighing 4.9 pounds at birth. hes now 17 years old and 210 pounds & 6’2″ tall. GOD ONLY KNOWS WHY BUT I AM BLESSED.

  1130. No matter how old or how young, God has a purpose for everyone! Walter Joshua had a purpose, no matter how insignificant it may seem to some, to others he has been life changing significant! I believe that is our God given purpose in life. If his 4 hour time span on this earth touched the lives of thousands and or millions and actually has saved some, he was not only used for God’s use only(set apart) but has done more than some who have lived 40 years! God is so good and faithful! He is also our Healer, I pray healing and wholeness to you and your family in Jesus’ Mighty name. Psalms 127:3-5 Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court. God is awesome, out of curiosity, I looked up the name Walter after I put in the scripture, it means “ruler of the army”, what a name! God has a plan that is greater than we can see but He is victorious in all He does, Walter’s short time here will not be in vain( and already has proven that). God bless you!

  1131. My daughter lost her baby daughter the very same way you lost your son. She went into premature labor and there was nothing the doctors could do to save the baby. She only lived a few minutes. Reading your story brought it all back to me again. My heart goes out to you and your family. We don’t know why these things happen but your faith in a loving God will see you through it. I agree with you when you say that you will be with your precious son again some day just as I know that I will someday see my precious granddaughter Nevaeh again in heaven. May God comfort your family until then. Thank you for sharing your story with the world..You and your family will be in my prayers.

  1132. I’m so very sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers to you and your family, such a beautiful little boy Walter was.

  1133. I lossed a baby just about 5 yrs ago! It was the hardest thing in my life I have gone throw. it is still hard today! but what helps me is the Lord! I did not get to hold my baby I was only 2 week! I wish I could of held my little one! But I know one day Jesus will waiting at heavens gates with my little one too! I am so happy that we have HOPE! my prayers go out to your family! and remember are hope! our babies are waited for us in heaven!

  1134. Thank you for sharing your beautiful son with us. What a heartbreak you and your family experienced. I hope many, many lives of unborn children are saved by your sharing his beautiful pictures. I was blessed that my two children, born at 30 and 28 weeks, were far enough along and survived. I hope you are able to add to your family successfully, and I know you will be able to raise your sweet little Walter when our Saviour returns. May the Lord Bless and protect you and your family.

  1135. Thank you for sharing your story of baby Walter. I am an RN and never have personally had any children, but truly believe life begins at conception. It disheartens me to see people in the legislature trying to pass bills dictating what week a baby is formed and alive. I pray God will bless you and your family for your testimony and faith in Him! I pray for the healing to you and your family during this time of turmoil. I pray that anyone who doubts precious life before delivery will have their doubts cast away. Peace to you and your family!

  1136. You absolute amazing woman ! So brave I’ve a little boy and I seriously don’t think I’d have the strenth you’ve had to come through this! Your amazing! He’s perfect as you said – he is fully formed! He is not a featus he is a baby and he is beautiful!

    Much love to you and your family!

  1137. sveiki,nesitikejau kad 19 sav taip issivystes,toks grazutis gali buti vaikutis………. matyt toks buvo likimas,laikykites,stiprybes ,istvermes jusu seimai……. dekoju kad pasidalinot savo skausmu ir nuotraukytemis…….

  1138. I am so sorry for your lost and pain. Your baby is beautiful. I really enjoyed the pics of such love and awe for your boy. May your heart heal (for both the mom and dad). I am so sorry for your loss. Your child was magnificent!

  1139. I am truly sorry for your loss. I cannot being to imagine what losing a child must feel like… May our Heavenly Father’s grace and peace fill your family’s life during this time.

  1140. Walter is such a blessing to the world my faith doesn’t allow me to accept abortion either. God is using his child and gave him to you because he knew you would share his story. Peace be with you.

  1141. I am so sorry for your lost and pain. My prayers are with you and your family. I have lost baby too. I found group called Compassionate Friends they help a lot they too have been where we are. Your child was beautiful.

  1142. Thanks for sharing your story. We lost our first son at pretty much the exact same time during the pregnancy. I was out of town for work and my wife miscarried in our apartment, with the placenta and everything coming out at one time. She watched our baby Logan make his last movements on our bedroom floor. It was terrible. And I wasn’t there to be with her when it happened. AND…the day after she went to the ER to let them know that she was bleeding a lot, which shouldn’t be ok. The terrible ER tech sent her home after doing an ultrasound and said that since she had our gender determination appointment scheduled for a couple days later, she should be ok. “If it gets worse, come back in.” IF IT GETS WORSE? Worse than bleeding worse than a period?!! So yeah, I feel your pain. Sometimes I’m completely dumfounded by the ineptitude of hospital staff sometimes. We thought about suing, but by the time we were able to get through the fog, we decided against it and didn’t want to deal with it.

    I’m so very sorry for your loss!! Just know that the days will get easier to deal with. Time truly does heal. It doesn’t erase, but it heals. I hope you and your family stay strong through it all.

  1143. Thank you for your story and photos.

    I lost my child at ~ 10 weeks only (in pain, but I left ultrasound room and went to another hospital, when I asked about my child, and was corrected it is not a child), and I saw and kept my little wonder later in my hands. it was different, but it was my baby, I still have the image in in my mind, and wish I had a camera that time.

  1144. I want to post this on Facebook. I think it is a wonderful thing that you have spent time with Walter and he is now a permanent part of your family as he would have been under normal circumstances. Thank you for the sincerity and the depth of the love that you have to share with him, your family and the rest of your family.

  1145. Thank you for sharing your story and the pictures of that fearfully and wonderfully made baby!! I feel that God is going to use littleWalter to impact the world.after seeing the photos .. Anyone thing of abortion will think twice . May God bless your family

  1146. Your both so strong, I couldnt imagine or even begin to imagine what you went through, hes beautiful, yet so so so tiny , he was still your baby from the moment you found out you was pregnant your both an inspiration too so many people and honestly my deepest thoughts go out too you and your family … hes safe in heaven may your beautiful baby rest in paradice … sweetdreams little one! And as for the doctors I dont know how they go on knowing and calling a human being A nothing love to you and all your family x

  1147. Thank you, Lexi, for sharing something so deeply painful and personal with all of us. I am confident that God will use your story and pictures to save children facing abortion. May His love and power sustain you and your family during this difficult time.
    I, too, have a son in Heaven, his name is Brian, and I long for the day when I will once again hold him in my arms. My son loved babies, and I just asked the Lord to allow him to spend some time with Walter. Come soon, Lord Jesus! Looking forward to seeing you and your son in Heaven someday, Lexi.

  1148. So sorry for your loss! Thank you both for sharing! Will keep you all in prayers. The loss of a life is so tragic. God bless you all and thanks for sharing!

  1149. My brother was born exactly the way your son looked. It is very hard. It will be 7 years in September and there is still days I lay there and cry. I wish he was here. They stopped my mom from having labor a couple times before but they couldnt this time.

  1150. Wow! What an incredible testimony! I can’t imagine the fear, pain, guilt, and grief you’ve had to go through, and I’m truely sorry for your loss. Your son looks precious and perfect in these photos. God bless you and your family. Thank you for sharing your story and your son’s life with the world!

  1151. Incredible. I pray your photos reach out to those who believe in abortion. God is good. Those are incredible photos. How wonderful that you got to feel his heart beat. And how awesome that God will use this to reach out to thousands of people. He always uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. What you are doing is extraordinary, by sharing your story with the world. Thank you.

  1152. God bless your family.
    I myself experienced placenta previa problems and had to spend one week at the hospital & much more weeks and months with these worries & thoughts until my son was born. Now he’s 7 months old sleeping on my hands & I thank God for keeping him with us.
    Blessings & love to you all & thank you for sharing your story with us. It really makes us all think of what is really important.

  1153. Such a beautiful, tiny baby boy. I am so sorry for your loss. I am so sorry you and your baby were treated with such disregard in the er. It is outrageous the lack of care and professionalism they had towards you. In such a fragile and scary time when you needed that help, professionals just pushed you and your baby aside like unwanted food on a plate. Thank you for sharing your story and your photos. Your son is ever so beautiful and precious, your daughters also. It is nice that they were able to share the joy and the sadness with you. I have never, thank god, had to experience such tragedy, and hope I never will. But reading your story is inspirational and I know if I was to read this in a situation like that, it would give me some strength and comfort to get through xx

  1154. Thank you so very much for sharing your family with us. I was so touched by the photo’s because of the love they emitted. Also, I believe the same as you about a baby being a baby the moment they are conceived and I find it hard how cold some doctors can be. While others can be so compassionate. You will be with Joshua again one day in paradise, where no one will hurt or be sick any longer. God bless you and your family.

  1155. I am so sorry for your loss and I am so grateful for you posting your story and most of all your photos! You see on December 4, 1965 our daughter Sondra Kay was born on her daddy’s 21st. birthday and I was only 19. I was about 22 weeks along. She weighed 1 lb. 4 & 1/2 ozs. and 16 inches long. She lived for 7 hours with nothing being done for her except being in an incubator. They took her away and I never ever got to see her but my husband saw her for a few minutes and I have asked him dozens of times what she looked like and to my understanding I believe she must have resembled your son Walter. This means so very much to me. Thank you so very very much!! May God be with you, your husband, and your girls!!

  1156. He is so pretty…absolutely gorgeous. I’m so sorry. So sorry. I hope that people will learn from your experience and stop the whole abortion business. 😦

  1157. Our little girl was 9 oz. and lived 3 hours when she was born at 19 weeks and looked like your son; she’d be 26 this year. Our son was born at 23 weeks, lived 3 hours, and weighed 1 lb. 3 oz; he would be 25. Amazing how beautiful and perfectly formed they are. Our children probably know each other in the Kingdom. They are with many, many others who came too early.

    Today, I took the pictures of my two to the Texas Capitol to talk with anyone who wondered what babies this age look like (we are in the middle of a vote to stop abortions after 20 weeks). Even as some of the pro-abortion people said they were sorry, I teared up. I do miss them. But it is so much easier these many years past. May God comfort your hearts and bring healing to your family.

    I have seen others mention this so I will also. It turned out that low progesterone was probably the issue with my cervix not staying closed. Should you be pregnant again, please find an ob/gyn who will check that and give you treatment if needed. It saved my nephew’s life last April; my sister-in-law was able to carry to 40 weeks. If it had been caught before 17 weeks, she might have avoided months of bed-rest and two hospitals stays, and obviously, great stress. It is a joy for us obviously – he is the first child to survive on our side of the family.

  1158. I have been seeing these gorgeous photos on facebook for awhile now before I stopped to read the story. I realized that I knew of you, as I went to nursing school with your Mom. My heart breaks for you and I am so sorry that you had to experience this. However, thank you for the courage you had to share your story through photos. These photos are so powerful. You have shown the entire world that children are beautiful gifts from God and that the womb is a sacred place where life is! Thank you. God Bless you.

  1159. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my first baby at 14 weeks gestation. I experienced the same same treatment in the ER. I had no pain meds and didn’t know until later that I was actually in labor. My baby was thrown in the trash in front of me. I was so weak and alone. My husband was not allowed to stay with me. This was 26 years ago and I still wonder what my sweet baby looked like and if it was a girl or boy. That was the absolute hardest thing I have ever gone through. God bless you and your family.

  1160. Thank you so much for sharing Walter’s precious life with all of us. I believe, by God’s own grace, that Walter’s short life upon this Earth will have a greater impact and influence for good, than so many more which are fully lived out and yet never leave their mark upon the rest of us. May God bring comfort in this time of grief, restore any hope that was lost, and provide all the answers that your hearts seek. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1161. I linked into your blog from a post that a friend of mine had on their Facebook page today. I wanted to send my sympathies to you and your family, unfortunately I know what a difficult time you’re going through as our 39 week daughter was born into the arms of Jesus on Wednesday, June 19th. We also have two beautiful children who were awaiting the arrival of their new brother or sister. They weren’t able to see their sister, Amelia, at the hospital but we did choose to have a full funeral and they saw her there.
    This is a dark corner of life that nobody should EVER have to experience and I want you to know that there are others going through the exact same emotions as your family is.
    Walter is a wonderful little boy. I hope that he’s had the chance to dance with our beautiful Amelia next to Jesus in Heaven.
    Prayers for you and your family –
    With love from Wisconsin,

  1162. I am so sorry for your loss and understand a little bit about how you feel. I actually never comment on these types of things, but couldn’t help myself. Six years ago I had a stillborn son, Bryce. I was 26 weeks pregnant with him when they couldn’t find a heartbeat. He also passed away on June 14th. Every year we do something special for him at the cemetery, And this year on June 14th while you were experiencing probable one of the hardest days of your life, I was publishing my first novel which was dedicated to my son. I am always thinking of him and know that he is with your son up in heaven. Now every June 14th, I will think of you and your beautiful family too.

  1163. I am so sorry for your loss… I miscarried twin boys at 16 weeks. At the time, my husband and I were so scared, confused and saddened that we couldn’t bring ourselves to look at or hold our precious babies. We just had our first ultra sound days before and at the time everything seemed fine. The boys were busy moving around just as expected. That was the way we wanted to remember them… but as I look back, I am often saddened by the fact that I didn’t get to hold them; that I didn’t get to say goodbye. I’ve looked at my precious children now and often wondered what those little boys looked like. Your pictures provide me with the glimpse of what could have been. Thank you. With this I hope I can find the courage to at least request the picture the hospital has in my file. Like you, our faith in God seen us through. He has plans for us all, and this shows me His plan was much bigger than mine. I may have only carried them within my body for a short time, but I will always and forever carry them in my heart.


  1164. From France, I have discovered your story by a spanish blog!
    Thanks for your testimony about you beautiful baby.
    It is very important to speak about this and your photos are a wonderful lesson of life.
    Best regards.
    Mille mercis pour votre témoignage, une maman française

  1165. God bless you!!
    Your son’s life outside your body was very short, but very much productive that the majority of the lifes. It is possible and I hope so, that In some minutes he has save much more lifes than many doctors in their long lifes.

    He and you are a servant of God.

    Kisses and a big “¡OLÉ!!!!” from Spain

  1166. Sono commosso e vi sono vicino. Che Dio vi benedica. Un giorno abbraccerete il vostro piccolo nella luce splendente della Resurrezione!

  1167. I had to cry when I saw the pictures of your beautiful baby. He was so lucky to have you as parents, parents who gave him love and treated him with respect. You were also lucky to have had the chance to hold him in your arms and kiss him and feel his warmth and her heartbeat. I lost a baby last year with 8 weeks and never had the chance to touch him or even see him, much less to say goodbye. But I’m confident that I will see him again in Heaven where the Lord is now taking care of him. I’m now pregnant again with 30 weeks and I hope everything goes well.
    Greetings from Germany and God bless you

  1168. There are no words…. I am so sorry for your loss, and all you’ve been through… you will be in my prayers…. thank you for sharing your pics so full of love, peace and beauty. God bless

  1169. God bless you, your family and your little angel. Thank you for sharing your story. I lost my baby also, at 16 wks. The fact that you and your family bonded with your baby and held him, will help you heal and have cherished memories that time together with your little angel. Blessings to you all.

  1170. All I can do is pray and give you my love!! I know how devastating you must feel!!! How heartbreaking!! Be strong hold your head up high!! The only thing I can think of that is good is your little guy is with Jesus and is doing better there.

  1171. My heart goes out to you and your family. Your precious Walter was so perfect in the eyes of our Heavenly Father that he didn’t need to experience the trials or be tested in this life. He was born into a very special family that he had chosen, knowing he wouldn’t be with you long. Take comfort in the knowledge that he is just across the veil cradled in the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ and he will be there for you when you cross over. Have peace in knowing you will have your family complete again. Walter’s sweet spirit will always be with you. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. (((Huggs)))

  1172. Allow me to start out by saying you are an amazing person. I too am so sorry for your loss but so happy you had the time you did. The pictures were beautiful. What child of God could not be? Whatever stage of development they may be in. I do not have children yet but your story let me in on how powerful that experience is going to be. Thank you. Brigitte Grisanti (future Mom).

  1173. Thank you for sharing what was a tragic but beautiful testimony. Yes, the photos are an example of Gods exceptional handiwork. May The Lord bless each of you as you heal.

  1174. Thank you for telling your beautiful story of your precious son. I am so glad you had the courage to tell it and to show the beautiful pictures of him, and I am so glad your children got to experience saying goodbye to their precious brother. I am pro-life, and I know that’s not how everyone thinks and I respect that. Anyone can just look at your precious son and know that he is fearfully and wonderfully made. He is in the arms of Jesus and singing with the angels. I hope you can find peace soon and keep that wonderful moment you met him close to your heart. God bless you and keep you in His care.

  1175. Hermoso bebe!!! Perfecto! Que Dios los llene de paz, sin dudas muchos bebes van a poder vivir porque estas fotos van a tocar la vida de miles de mamás que piensan abortar. Que Dios recompense este sufrimiento.

  1176. Lexi, bless you for your generosity in sharing Walter with us. He’s already saved at least one life that you know of, and there are probably many, many more. Thank you for the reminder of how precious babies are, right from the moment of conception, even when current science terms them “not viable.” May God give you and your family peace.

  1177. Bardzo mi przykro. Popłakałam się czytając Waszą historię. Będę pamiętać w modlitwie Waszego kochanego Synka Walter’a. Jesteście wspaniałą Rodziną! Niech Bóg Was błogosławi!

  1178. I’m so sorry for your loss. We lost our little boy at 19 weeks 1 day back on June 2nd. My water broke prematurely. Our baby was removed surgically, so we never got to see our Benjamin. There is a new organization called Through the Heart ( that I’ve found helpful in dealing with our loss.

  1179. My condolences. I think God’s mission for Walter was to save so many other babies by his strength for living and the love you gave (and give) him. His example will encourage other mothers into strugling for their pregnancy. There will be countless the lives your son will save. Remember that you are the mother of a hero.

    Sincerely yours.

  1180. Thank you for sharing your beautiful son with the world. Your photos may seem controversial but I think they’re beautiful and amazing. I am 19 weeks 2 days pregnant right now and it’s just incredible to think my baby I already that perfectly formed. I’m so very sorry for what you’ve been through but so grateful that you’ve shared this little beautiful boy with us.

  1181. Such a short life, Walter Joshua, but an amazingly powerful witness to the whole world. God bless all your family, as he did with your beautiful son.

  1182. Es hermoso que tu hijo haya podido sentir tu amor, antes de partir a los brazos de nuestro Dios.
    Que el Señor los bendiga y los colme de paz.
    Un abrazo

  1183. I’m so sorry for your loss. You had a very beautiful baby. My heart and prayers are with you and your family. Beautiful pictures.

  1184. What a heart warming story! He was meant to play forever in paradise with his creator! God bless you and your family, and thank you for sharing your story!

  1185. You are a very brave family! God bless you! I have no comments. I am very touched for your story. There is a new angel in heaven! All my love to you all, beautiful family!!

  1186. u dont need to worry
    u hav a good testimony sister
    n u hav a good thought that his grand father will receive in heaven
    u hav a good faith in god n u hav good patience
    u r his beloved daughter
    he takes care of u r little baby more than u do in heaven
    u r loved by him sister
    and thanks for sharing this wonderfull testimony
    we all ging to meet him one day
    n one thing i would like t0 say that u hav increased our trust in god
    we love u n u r family
    take care
    one thing i would like to bring to u r notice that
    u r his beloved
    u rockzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    …………………………………………… abraham

  1187. Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful pictures of your son my prayers and thoughts are with you all. Your son is beautiful with love Tracey xxxx

  1188. Wow, what an amazing story. Thank you for sharing such a personal story that all could benefit from. God Bless you and your family.

  1189. always take comfort in knowing that Walter now resides with the Angels and…The Lord…my heart is bleeding for you…God’s Blessings to you and your family…XOXO

  1190. I’m so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful son. I know how you feel as my daughter went through the same thing with her first born son 10 yrs ago. He was stillborn at birth at only 24 weeks due to complications from pre-eclampsia. It was very devastating to us. My daughter and her husband only got to see him for a short while as the nurse took him right away. He was cremated that same day.

  1191. I am so sorry for your loss. I’m in tears… Thank you so much for sharing this moment with the world. So many people should learn from you about faith and love… Walter is beautiful and will be for ever with you.
    With love, from Limerick, Ireland

  1192. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for having the courage to share your story. Some children are so loved by God, that He cannot bear to be parted from them, even for a little while. Your son, Walter, is truly cherished and his brief life may save countless others, so tiny a hero he is.

  1193. Dear, you have acknowledged the human value of your sweet little boy by sharing the pictures of him despite the pain of your heart. You are right…he was perfect in every way! I am so very thankful for the strength of faith that has been your comfort and guide throughout this journey. Our God is an amazing God who has your sweet boy in His safe and glorious keeping, awaiting the time of your reunion. May God’s richest blessings be on you and your family. Allow Him to continually attend to your hurts, taking whatever time is needed. In His grace, Cathie

  1194. I too lost a son like this. the song stil was really comforting along with books from the homeschool conference on miscarriage

  1195. My thoughts and prayers are with you on the loss of your beautiful son. I think everyone who thinks a 20-week old is not a baby needs to see your photos. Walter was perfect. His sisters look so very proud of him. I’m 32 weeks pregnant with my 2nd and it has taken us about 5 years to get here. We know people from church who had a full-term stillbirth last week. Our 7-year old daughter is terrified that something will happen to her baby. God’s blessings to your family as you grieve for your son and thank you for sharing his life with us.

  1196. My heartfelt condolences on your loss! I miscarried at 10 weeks (on Easter Sunday of all days) & went thru that same relative indifference of several workers in the ER – it was so frustrating & painful. The ER doctor seemed to think he was reassuring me as he told me that it would not prevent us from being able to have another, etc. Yeah, great, but it’s not like they’re replaceable & I wanted THIS one. Even a male nurse who was so clearly sympathetic for our loss caused me enormous pain by referring to my miscarried baby as “the product of conception”. I don’t know if it was their ignorance or hospital PC not to refer to the baby as a baby, but I didn’t have the resources to deal with any of that at the time – I was grieving too hard. Now I think I should write a letter to the hospital and tell them so that other women won’t have to endure that kind of garbage at such a traumatic time in their life. God bless you & your family! And your precious saint in heaven who is eagerly awaiting the time when he will be reunited with his family!

  1197. Life is a Miracle. Thank you for sharing Your Miracle with us. Glory be to God in you, your life and your family for ever and ever. The pictures are absolutely amazing and brought tears of joy to my face. Your boy is beautiful!

  1198. What a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing and for your exemplary strengthen. You are a beautiful and strong women. May the Lord Bless you!

  1199. Tu historia es increíble… Ahora tienes un ángel maravilloso en el cielo cuidando a tu familia y a ti… Exito en todo!!! un abrazo enorme desde Chille ❤

    (Your story is amazing … Now you have a wonderful angel in heaven taking care of your family and you … Success in everything! a huge hug from Chille)

  1200. Hola. Acabo de ver esta noticia y, a pesar que es lamentable la pérdida, es maravilloso que puedas tener este testimonio de vida. En nuestro país (Chile) se está discutiendo (nuevamente) sobre legalizar el aborto en algunos casos, así que espero que nuestros legisladores vean este testimonio para que piensen bien antes de tomar decisiones al respecto. Muchas bendiciones para ud. y su familia. Que Dios la bendiga.

  1201. Lexy, this is something incredible that God permits live your family. We have 2 girls and one angel that visited us for two weeks 3 years ago (was born of 24 weeks). This was a sad moment but beautiful at the same time. we gave thanks to God for to know our baby and these moment could be one hour, two weeks, 3 years or sometime, but is the opportunity to meet with him.
    Our son is every days living in our hearts and his sisters, caring for them.
    2 years later, God bless us with a new baby to complete our happyness.
    Regards from Chile

  1202. Hola, Todas las bendiciones para ustedes y para su hijo perfecto. Su presencia, sin duda, marcan un antes y un después. Sus latidos y respirar, su ser… nunca pasarán al olvido.. Vivieron un unos momentos llenos de emociones, únicos e irrepetibles…, bendiciones. Saludos, Chile

  1203. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I’m from Ecuador (Latinoamérica). Some people says that when such a special moment happens like been born for such a short period of time it’s because they come here (to life) to make one more step and then come back near to God and become a spiritual master who would now help from heaven to people in need. Joshua it’s even more special because (thanks to your beautiful heart that made u share this moment with the world) he touch so many lives.

  1204. El mas afectuoso saludo desde Chile. En no,nre de mi familia les enviamos todo el amor, bendicion y felicidad para su familia.

  1205. Hola Lexi : me conmueve mucho tu caso, esto demuestra lo maravillosa que es la vida humana. jehova Dios nos creo con la capacidad de anhelar vivir para siempre. Quiero que sepan como familia la maravillosa esperanza que hay de la resurreccion. Revelacion 21:3 y 4 aparace esta promesa divina y sabemos que Dios no puede mentir. Un abrazo en este momento y los felicito por su entereza.

    Simon D. (

  1206. Gracias por compartir esas preciosas imagenes y los minutos de tu bebé, me llegaron al corazón.

  1207. Your family is amazing. What you experienced is truly heart breaking. My brother in law was born at 25 weeks and spent so much time in the hospital fighting for life. He is now 25 and doing well. I hope that there are many women out there who are considering adoption read this story and see these pictures and change their mind. God is the only one who should be the decider. Giving birth and life is such a joy and gift. I am very sorry for what you have experienced. I hope that you and your family can heal soon. I can’t imagine how it must feel. I will keep you in my heart and prayers. With my heart and thoughts Sincerely, Shandi

  1208. I’m so sorry for your loss. And thank you for sharing your experience with us. It might help families that are going through the same experience and they don’t know how to bring the best out of it. You are a very brave and proud family that everybody should be looking at. Many blessing for you, your husband and your girls. May your son rest peacefully.

  1209. Desde Chile los saludamos con mucho cariño, los que hemos sufrido esta pena sabemos realmente lo que se siente. Un abrazo.

  1210. Lamento mucho lo de su niñito. Que Dios lo tenga en su reino y les dé la paz a cada uno de su familia.

  1211. All my love with you and thaks for sharing your history and pictures with all of us. You are so brave! and little Josua it’s an angel.
    I send you a big hug from Chile, South America.

  1212. The baby is perfect! Wonderful micracle of life!
    Thanks you to share this lovely moments, I am sure you are God blessed !

  1213. A month ago I lost my baby of only eight weeks. Thank you for sharing your pain with us. Now I feel a little better. My child was not like yours, but we buried him anyway, in the cementery next to his grandparent. It is sad that, despite of being their parents, we could not know him, we don’t know if it was a girl or a boy, or what conditions was causing his death. We loved him and we still do. I feel as I had two kids, one at home, and the other with my dead father.

  1214. Relamente your son is perfect!!. It is a blessing in every way, in that you’ve had your hand, feel and enjoy. Thank you very much for sharing the miracle of life. Affections from Chile.

  1215. Hola, lamento mucho tu perdida, soy de Chile y me emocione mucho al ver las fotografias, yo tambien perdi un bebe de 19 semanas de gestacion hace 3 años atras. Al ver las fotografias recorde cada momento con mi hijo y lo perfecto que era cuando nacio y vi su carita por primera y unica vez. Agradezco que las hayas publicado en tu blog. Bendiciones para ti y tu familia.

  1216. God Bless your son and all your Family. He is an Angel that is taking care of his Sisters and his Parents. Your story touch me and it reminds me how fragile the human being is.

  1217. I´m so so so so sorry for your lost, you are so right saying HES WAS PERFECT, yes…He was perfect…..I can´t stop crying looking your pictures….God bless you and all your family (sorry about my english…I´m learning…I´m a peruvian living in Las Vegas)…..Natalia

  1218. Lo más hermoso que he visto, gracias por dar este regalo a todo el mundo, gracias Joshua, gracias a tu mamá por su valentía, en los breves minutos de vida has dado mucho más que otros que vivimos muchos años y no hacemos nada, Dios bendiga a tu familia y a ti en el cielo.

  1219. Siento en el alma la perdida de tu hermoso bebito… Desde Chile, un abrazo y bendiciones para tu familia.

  1220. I admire your strength!!!!! You have a beautifull family and a lovely angel wathching over you!!!!!!

  1221. Hola al parecer tu noticia navega alrededor del mundo y quiero expresarte desde Lima, Perú mi mas sentido pésame.

    Así también felicitarte por tu gran valentía y entusiasmo de volver a ser madre a pesar de los hijos que ya tienes, recuerda que ese pequeño angelito que llevo alegría a tu hogar por unos minutos estará observándolos. Mantenga esa linda unión familiar y recuérdenlo con alegría ya que ese pequeño se encuentra en las manos del señor

  1222. i am so sorry… you are a big woman and have big family too!! you make big job with that, because some people think different about the little baby and they have the power for killing them. hugs to you

  1223. Dear baby, you’re God, because now you’re with him, like an angel, beam been very strong and having seen only tells me one thing, GOD IS GREAT as we have seen through you, and now you’re by his side, and your fathers have known, and today you will remember forever, as you will live in our hearts because we’ve seen, BE HAPPY MY ANGEL, light kisses … your aunt Peru

  1224. this is an amazing story, thanks for sharing this photos. i’m sur God has this little clid with him and you four have an angel.

  1225. Siento mucho su perdida.
    Creo que no existe algo mas triste que la perdida de un hijo.
    Mis bendiciones y fuerzas para seguir adelante.
    Saludos desde Chile.

  1226. Lamento muchisimo tu perdida,solo aquellas personas que tenemos hijos nos podemos tratar de imaginar el dolor que sientes ,que creo es aun mayor que lo que se pueda describir.Te envio desde Chile un abrazo enorme ,mucha fuerza y sobre todo fe..cariños.. Karina

  1227. Hi I’m Silvia fromPeru, and just wanted to say I’m sorry you are lost walter, you need to be very brave to take photos and display them. of heart I hope they can overcome this stage. Mostranos Thank you for your precious baby.

  1228. Hi Lexi:

    You said that things happen for a reason and it is. Walter has met one of the most wonderful mission: to show the world that a human being is a human being from the moment of conception, that God, in his infinite wisdom, gives human form from the first weeks of life. He, Walter, came to speak to the world as the angel who is, in the language of love, in the language of God, to learn to respect life and to realize that these little angels to those who take their own lives with the legal and illegal abortions are human beings in all its dimensions with the same duties and rights as others and thus an abortion is MURDER whichever way you look. May God bless you and your family and you can be sure that when the time comes you will see Walter again in the glory of God.

    Luis Vigo

  1229. I just lost my 8 weeks baby last week (8 weeks pregnant), and it was the third time. I’m sure my three angels are in heaven with your son right now and they must be very happy there. God bless you and your family.

  1230. Mi solidaridad contigo y tu familia, tu bebé está al lado del señor porque nació para ser un angel, Bendiciones.

  1231. i am really sorry for your loss but i know that Joshua (like my son) felt all your love ¡¡¡
    be brave just God knew why it situations happens ¡¡¡ much kisses and love for your family

  1232. Hi, i writte from Peru…first of all, I´m sorry for your lost. I´m 30 weeks pregnant, it´s my first baby and I must say that Before I decided to read your story, i prefered to saw the pictures, just in case they were too strong… fortunately, they didnt shock me. Then I started reading and realized that for a mother our child (and it could be for all people in the world) it´s alive for us since the first moment we know we´re pregnant…they feel our emotions, we feel their movements, if they´re hungry or just want chinesse food at midnight…it´s a wonderfull conection that it could´t be denied or pass by, they are not guilty for the parents mistakes, they have all rights to live and been happy.
    People on work told me that I was crazy to see the pictures, that I must stop because they could take me bad…but it didn´t, and you know why? because with your story i understand (it´s such a new emotion for me) that for us (parents) our principal mission it´s to see our child happy, and it´s what your pictures show: A baby born happy to be with his family, recieving love from their parents and sisters …and that was the best of all: That walter never felt alone (instead the problems) because they were people compromised with him and his short stay in earth …I know he will be always with you, sharing bad or happy moments.

    Thank you for share your story (and sorry if my English isn´t too good)

    with love from Lima -Peru

  1233. Que dios cuide de su familia y su angelito siempre,Eres una gran mujer llena de fuerzas y amor jamás pierdas eso.
    Tu bebe es hermoso, algo maravilloso, no dudes que tendrás un angelito siempre a tu lado y nunca, nunca te sentirás sola.
    Saludos desde Chile.

  1234. Cuanto lamento tu pérdida..¡¡¡…a pesar que no tuve hijos, se lo hermoso que es convertirse en madre, pues lo viví con mi hermana que tiene 3 hijos..así que puedo imaginarme el dolor que sentiste, además de la valentía de compartir tus momentos de dolor, al saber que el bebé estaba ya irremediablemente perdido y se convertiría en un ángel…espero que Dios te brinde la paz que necesitas y tengas otra niño para que completes tu linda familia…Bendiciones desde Venezuela…

  1235. I am glad that you could be toguether for even a couple of minutes, he was perfect.
    All the best vibes fom here, lots of love.

  1236. From Chile, so much love to your baby, your story and your family. Your strength is really awesome. Get a good life , all of you. This baby has been really a miracle.

  1237. Hola! mi nombre es guillermo y te escribo de Lima, Perú. Realmente sentimos mucho lo sucedido, tu hijo es un angel del señor y estoy seguro que el servira de mucho para que el mundo comprenda cada vez más lo que es el milagro de la vida. Que Dios los bendiga a ti y tu familia. Nuestra familia se solidariza con toda tu familia!

  1238. Dios los bendiga a ustedes y a su angel que está ahora en el cielo. Hermoso Bebé y hermosa familia. Fuerza desde Chile.

  1239. he visto tu blog atreves de una noticia en un diario electrónico, y sinceramente puedo decir que tu bebe, mientras estuvo entre ustedes logro tener todo el amor que una familia le puede brindar, me lleno el corazón la ternura y cariño que le expresan al bebe, como agotando cada segundo de su corta vida fuera solamente de amor. Tu familia es increíble, muchas bendiciones. I am sorry

  1240. Gracias por mostrarnos lo hermoso que es la vida, lamento su pérdida, Dios sabe por que hace estas cosas…

  1241. que bello era, yo perdi dos asi, no tuve el valor de verla solo me console imaginando que se habia ido para regresar en su momento, hoy en dia tengo a mi hija de 16 años y fue muy lindo para mi salir con ellas en mis brazos despues de habre sentido tanta vacio y soledad en aquellas perdidas. NO SE COMO HAY MUJERES QUE LOS ABORTAN SI YA SON TAN LINDOS A TAN POCOS MESES

  1242. La belleza de la vida en la creación del Ser Humano, y la belleza de la vida con una familia tan hermosa que supieron darle a su bebe una despedida llena de amor a la vez que les enseñaron a sus hijas la importancia del momento. Este relato conmovió mi corazón y sentí la pena a la vez que la ternura de una madre, de una familia formada en los principios y en el amor!!!!! Dios con Ustedes hoy y siempre!!!!

  1243. I am so sorry for your loss and this angel shows us that a life is a life and should never be terminated, the minutes you spent your angel attest to that.
    Big hug to you and your family

  1244. Hola.
    También soy padre, y al leer tu relato me salieron lagrimas de los ojos, creo que desde algún lugar él te esta observando y ríe cada ves que ríes y te abraza cada ves que estés sola o triste.

  1245. Siento mucho la pérdida de tu bebé, me emocionaron mucho las imágenes, sé que Dios les dará un consuelo, y las fuerzas para seguir adelante con sus dos princesas que tiene por hijas. Dios les cuide y les guarde.

  1246. Lamento el que hayas perdido a tu hijito, y gracias por compartir tu ángel con nosotros, Dios lo tiene en su Santo Reino, y tu familia tiene un angelito en el cielo.

  1247. Que el mundo sepa lo que es esta maravilla tener un hijo, y también que piense lo que hace cuando se provoca un aborto para matar un ser humano.
    Muchas gracias por tener la oportunidad que ustedes nos entregan.!!

  1248. FOTOs impactantes pero hermosas,los admiro mucho un abrazo desde Chile y que DIOS los bendiga enormemente.

  1249. Lo siento mucho, que terrible perdida para ustedes, Joshua Fretz vino por poco tiempo y recibió tanto amor, su historia me ha impactado. Que Dios lo bendiga y bendiga a su familia. Estoy conmovida, no he aguantado las lagrimas..

  1250. Jesus,… your story make me cry and don’t be sad, because you have another angel in the heaven, blessing of God for you and blessing for your family. Kisses

  1251. Es muy significativo para toda la humanidad la vivencia que compartistes y en especial para mi particularmente, que bello que sus hermanitas lo tubieran en sus brazos, DIOS lo tenga en sus brazos, que DIOS nos bendiga ……

  1252. From South America, thank you very much for sharing this pictures. Walter is a beautiful gift for all of us!! Make us think about the mistery of life, and the beauty of life. So sorry for your loss!!!

  1253. Gracias por compartir tus fotos de tu amado hijo Walter eres una mujer muy valiente son realmente bellas y deja una gran enseñansa para muchas mujeres en el mundo ,mucha fortaleza para ti y tu linda familia.

  1254. no puedo dejar de conmoverme tus fotografias, se me apreta el corazon con tan enternecedoras imagenes, mucha fuerza para ti y tu familia desde chile.

  1255. Desde lo mas profundo de mi alma ruego a Dios que en sus corazones de padres coloque una porción de su Paz y a esa bella criatura que tuvo unos minutos con ustedes le allá alcanzado para agradecerles por todo el cariño en el depositado Dios Bendiga a Walter quien pasa a ser parte del bello jardin celestial. Nuestros hijos son flores que Dios nos entrega en custodia y El es Dueño de recogerlas cuando uno menos lo piensa. Desde Chile mucha fuerza y Bendiciones

  1256. Really sorry for your lost- At the same time, thank you so much for sharing this part of your life with us. I’m in Peru and it’s amazing that this story of love can get so far. God bless you and your family.

  1257. Hola, y gracias por compartir tu historia… solo se que la vida es una gran milagro de Dios, bendiciones para Ti y tu Familia.

  1258. lamento tu perdida… veo las fotos de tu hijo y lloro de emoción… debe ser muy difícil perder un ser tan puro… te felicito por la fuerza al compartir tu dolor.. ojala sirva para muchas mujeres que prefieren abortar y se niegan a ser madres. desde chile un abrazo afectuoso.

  1259. Nose que decir , solo que mi corazón se rompe al ver esas imágenes maravillosas de ese pequeño bebe, cuanto lo siento que no haya sobrevivido , los hijos son regalos maravillosos de Dios , espero que tu bebe descanse en paz al lado de Dios , Que dios te bendiga a ti y tu familia . Gracias por compartir las fotos maravillosas de tu bebe un bebe campeón y luchador , muy hermoso .

  1260. Desde Chile te envío un enorme abrazo por las maravillosas fotos que compartiste, son muy motivantes para luchar por la vida. Gracias.

  1261. Thank you, for the pictures, and at the same time sorry for your lost, but right now you have an angel in heaven that will care and protect you and family for all your life.
    God bless you.
    JR From Chile

  1262. I’m so sorry that your beautiful baby is now in heaven. He was absolutey perfect! I will pray for you and your family. Noemi

  1263. Gracias por compartir tu historia que muestran la grandeza del amor…. justo ahora que en mi país se esta discutiendo una ley de divorcio …..Dios les de paz a sus corazones y los bendiga..

  1264. te agradezco que publiques las fotos….eres una mujer muy valiente… emocionaron tus hijas….deseo de todo corazon que el Dios del cielo te siga dando coraje….un abrazo para ustedes…..

  1265. I’m sorry but that cute while allas been even a moment your baby, thank you very much for sharing your photos …greetings from Chile

  1266. Your son is an angel he gave me a lesson of life i have no words to say how i feel about this i ve never feel this way…i have a baby boy 2 months…..
    Thank you joshua,it was a pleasure to meet will live in my heart forever you are an angel.


  1268. muy conmovedor! 😦 pero por algo Dios hace las cosas! Dios te bendiga por el valor que tienes.

  1269. Desde Chile les damos nuestro cariño y fuerza por la enorme pérdida de su hijo, que por cierto era hermoso….gracias por compartir tan lindas fotos, que llegan realmente al corazón.
    Que Dios los bendiga….

  1270. Guauuuuuu que perfeccion de Dios, no he visto fotos mas maravillosas en este mundo asi era mi hija a las 19 semanas….solo tenia que desarrollar tamaño 🙂 gracias por hacerme ver que este mundo es maravilloso y no hay cosa mas perfecta que lo que hace Dios,

  1271. eres una mujer muy valiente y llena de grandeza y amor por la forma en que te enfrentaste a este nacimiento y muerte y como lo hicieron como familia… te mando un gran abrazo y bendiciones desde el fin del mundo austral… paz y bien

  1272. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful family with us. I know God is with you, that is what I could see in each picture. You are in my prayers.

  1273. What a precious little baby. You and your family had great courage and love seeing and holding him like that; it can´t have been easy seeing him so fragile and vulnerable, and perfectly formed. So sad that he wasn´t given a bit more more and maybe things could have turned out differently, but everything happens for a reason and your time with him was vital.

    I hope that you will be able to carry on with your little girls and who knows, maybe another little boy will arrive when the time is right.

    Thank you for sharing something so personal and my thoughts and well wishes are with you and your family.

  1274. Hola, realmente son imágenes muy impactantes y a la vez tiernas. Es increíble ver como un ser tan pequeño puede causar tantas emociones. Lamento mucho lo sucedido. Saludos desde Lima-Perú.

  1275. la perfección de la creación de Dios, simplemente hermoso, gracias por publicar estas fotos, realmente ayuda a tomar conciencia sobre el tema del aborto, muchos dicen es un feto, pero no es así, es una vida que hay que amar y respetar, Dios la fortalezca junto a su familia.

  1276. Un abrazo gigante a la distancia, el pequeño Angelito siempre estara con Ustedes. ECUADOR ESTA CON USTEDES

  1277. God bles your family, specially the baby, walter is an angel, their sister have an angel in her arms, walter is an example the life. Grettings from Chile.
    (Dios bendiga a su familia, en especial al bebe, Walter es un angel y sus hermanas, tuvieron un abgel entre sus brazos, Walter es un ejemplo de vida, saludos de Chile)

  1278. I have been moved by your story and cannot even begin imagine a similar situation.
    I hope somehow you and your family find a measure of peace in your hearts. Thank you for sharing a private moment of your lives in order to display your little miracle of live and love with all of us.
    A warm salute from Peru.

  1279. I am so sorry for your loss, what a precious little boy. I have a 3 year old and I am just in my 13th week with my second. Your story is both comforting and sad, at least there are those out there that believe that no matter how far along you are it is still a life that we hold in our womb and that is a wonderful miracle no matter if it is one day or the full 40 weeks. I never thought that I would ever have children, and now I cant see living without them. We are so excited about our newest little member of our family and hope you are blessed and you always see your son as the little miracle that he is. God Bless and keep you.

  1280. Realmente valioso tu aporte para que las personas abramos los ojos y no aceptemos un aborto. Gracias por compartirlo.

  1281. My heart and my love its with your family now. Thanks for share the history of your little angel. God bless your life. God bless your family, God bless you Walter Joshua.
    From Lima , with love.

  1282. I really sorry. Your son was an angel. thank you for share your experience and the love of your family. All the best my friend. Kind regards, Carmen Gloria, from Chile

  1283. Muchas bendiciones para su vida ahora ese angelito esta en el cielo cuidándolos a ustedes como familia les deseo lo mejor para sus vidas. muchas bendiciones

  1284. im really sorry… fentren newen from chile.. a big hug for all your family… you have a little angel taking care of you from heaven.. he felt all the love you gave to him. thanks for share

  1285. Lamento mucho tu perdida, yo pase por algo semejante, mi bebe nacio pero solo vivio 5 semanas para despues convertirse en un angel, comprendo tu pena y te acompaño en tu dolor, ademas que tuve dos perdidas mas cada uno de dos meses de gestación, los cuales tambien son angelitos, piensa que tu bebe ahora es un bello angel que juega y es feliz con el divino creador, te envio un beso y abrazo de fortaleza.

  1286. Sabemos lo que has pasado, nosotros tenemos a nuestra hija tambien prematura ella nacio de 5 meses y 10 días, 24 semanas y ver tus fotos es revivir toda esa etapa de mucho sufrimiento, esfuerzo y mucha dedicación. Tú bebe era muy precioso. Los felicito por haberle dado esas muestras de amor con toda su familia, el debe haber sentido a sus hermanias y asus papas como le tranmitian amor. Que gusto me dío.

  1287. Hermosas imagenes… debes tener una fuerza impresionante.
    Mucha fuerza… espero que allas disfrutado al máximo esos poquitos minutos de vida de tu bebe.

  1288. hei, you are so strong, your baby is very beautifull, very very perfect, best regards from Perú.

    Un besote a tu familia, big kiss for your family 🙂


  1289. May God bless you, and fill you with His infinite love to overcome this loss.

    With love from Chile.

  1290. I really learn something from you and your family…, hope Joshua can show how a baby is inside mum to whole word!!!

  1291. He is a little miracle!, I’m very sorry for your lost but I think he is a little angel and he always will be protecting you and your entire family.
    I don’t have words to say how I feel in this moment, he make me think a lot of things that I’d never thought. Now I apreciate life like I’d never do.
    Thanks you
    God bless you all ❤
    Greetings from chile

  1292. This is the first time I’ve come to your blog and, up until a few minutes ago, I didn’t even know about you or your family. Still, I’m sorry for your loss and I’m impressed and touched by your photos. I’m sure the Lord has Walter in His arms and he’s well and happy that his life, no matter how short, has served so many to think things through or stop for a moment and contemplate the miracle of life.

    Thank you for sharing your story and God bless you and your family!



  1295. gracias por mostrar una de las realidades mas crueles que nos da la vida, la perdida de un hijo, yo no tengo la dicha de ser mama todavia, pero me muero si no lo puedo ser, me impresiona tu valor al mostrarnos estas impactantes pero a la ves hermosas imagenes que nos muestra la valentia de Waltersito…. ahora es un pequeño gran angelito que cuidara por siempre a tu familia….

    saludos desde Santiago de Chile 😉

  1296. I am so sorry for your loss. Reading your story made me cry because it is my story too. I had two losses one at 20 weeks and another at 22 weeks. With my first daughter I was so scared I couldn’t hold her right away then I was taken to have an emergency d&c. Thankfully the nurse caring for me encourgaed me to hold my daughter and I am so thankful I did. With my second daughter I was able to hold her for the percious minutes God gave her on this earth. She wrappes her little hand around mu finger like she knew who I was. Thank you forsharing your story.

  1297. Gracias por compartir esto con nosotros. Es una gran lección la que están dando al mundo. Gracias.

  1298. Im Peruvian and I dont speak english well, but I need to say something. This is a miracle, God wants to show us that the life is awesome. you could see an angel, and you could feel your baby in your arms.

  1299. Mucha resignacion, eres joven y fuerte, tu familia es la razon mas grande para que salgas adelante y puedas tener otro bebé, siempre se positiva, Lily (perú)

  1300. These images had made me cry. Thank you for showing us what an angel looks like. God bless you and your family a billion times. xoxoxo

  1301. It is simply beautiful. Many women prefer abortion before contemplating the wonder of life. Your story touched my heart, I am a single mother and I am proud to say no to abortion. Your baby is an angel in heaven. My prayers for your family, Love, Melina / Ecuador.

  1302. from venezuela.. youre a hero, this can only be done by a mom, by a real mom. the love that represents to have a child is the bigeest strengt somebody can have. hope your story can open the hearts of those who leave their children. God bless you and your family forever, and alow you to join you baby boy in heaven in another life. Hugs.. and thankyou for sharing those beautiful images.

  1303. many greetings from my family from Ecuador, God is going to have in your glorify your cute baby and I admire your courage for introducing your child.

  1304. I’m very sorry for your loss. Thank you very much for your strength to share these pictures, your son may have only lived 11 minutes but his memory will remain always, a message of love.

  1305. Lamento mucho su perdida y admiro tu fortaleza en querer compartir esas fotos. Tu hijo es un angel que desde el cielo cuidara de ustedes. Dios los bendiga.
    Desde Venezuela.

  1306. Tienes un bello ángel en el cielo. Gracias por compartir la magia de la creación…. y que pena que no haya llegado a término, pero Dios así lo quiso…. un abrazo y mucha energía, eres una bella persona…. From Chile…. (im sorry I cant write everything inEnglish)


  1307. neidiz falcon de Venezuela

    lamento mucho tu pedida pero me alegra que hayas tenido a tu precioso beb en brazos por un momento hace unos años antes de graduarme de la licenciatura de enfermeria vivi un caso similar a la diferencia es que el bebe que nosotros ibamos a tender venia con enfermedades cardiacas e hidrocefalia lo cierto es que segun el bebe que nosotros atendimos no viviría unos tenian malas espectativas a cerca de el pero mientras estuvo con vida yo luche para que recibiera los cuidados que deberia tener tu historia me ha hecho recordar mucho esa situacion vivida que tambien fue muy lamentable ya que la paciente que nosotros tuvimos nunca supo que su beb nacio con vida solo recuerda DIOS tiene siempre un plan perfecto y tu bebe es un perfecto angelito del cielo Dioa les bendiga

  1308. Hola mi nombre es Talia Carmona, soy de Chile de verdad adoro tus fotos y la valentía de tu familia por subir estas bellas imágenes de tu hermoso bebé, sólo Dios sabe por qué no les acompañará en su diario vivir pero estará siempre en sus vidas, mi hijo también fue prematuro está pronto a cumplir 3 años y es por eso que ame las fotografías que tomaron, bendiciones hoy y siempre a toda su familia, con muchp cariño y respeto.

  1309. Is an angel, definitely! From Argentina I send you a lot of love for you and your family! ❤ This is a story that I will remember all my life. I hope it touch a lot of hearts like it did with me!

  1310. !!!Cuanta Grandeza de Dios nuestro señor…Miremos que hermoso angelito…..mi Dios por favor…Muchísima fuerza familia…mis bendiciones hacia ustedes…

  1311. Gracias por compartir su familia, es muy hermosa, hace unos meses me tocó vivir la perdida de nuestra hija y puedo entender el sentimiento que viven, por otra parte, sé que muchas personas no entienden o no están de acuerdo con esto, pero es importante para remover la conciencia de tantos países que está a favor del aborto y que invierten en armas para defender sus países y la de paz de las personas que en el habitan pero se olvidan y no quieren asumir que están cometiendo un crimen contra su propio pueblo.
    Dios los bendiga y los fortalezca en la paz y en la alegría.
    Desde Chile

    Esteban Neira Cordero

    Thanks for sharing your family, is very beautiful, a few months ago I’ve experienced the loss of our daughter and I can understand the feeling that live on the other hand, I know many people do not understand or do not agree with this, but it is important to stir the conscience of many countries that are in favor of abortion and investing in arms to defend their country and the peace of the people that dwell but forget and do not want to assume that they are committing a crime against their own people.
    God bless and strengthen you in peace and joy.
    From Chile

    Esteban Neira Cordero

  1312. I’m so sorry for what happened and the way you were treated by the nurse. But your child was loved by you and all your family. he stayed in this earth the time he was allowed by our Lord and could experience what love is. I cannot understand how somebody can abort a little angel. When you see little Walter Joshua you clearly can see he is a person, a human being, it doesn’t matter the size of him. God bless you and your family and give all the love and peace that you need.

  1313. I’m sorry for your lost. I know that a lot of people had told you the same… but I really sorry. I have had a lost the last year… a little baby with 13 weeks pregnancy. I know is hard when the people said: “you will have another baby..” and in the bottom of my soul I answer: “but it won’t be he”.
    I see the beautifull pictures of the little Walter Joshua, and I see you were lucky… at least you can see the little baby and you could said goodbye.
    No all parents to whom lost babies could see them and hug them like you did.
    When I lost my little child, one friend told me: “when a little baby is lost so soon, God will keep his soul to send it back again, to have a second chance”

  1314. Es dificil que un hijo ya no esté, espero puedan aprender a vivir con esa pena tan intensa. Solo queda la seguridad de que Joshua los estará esperando y protegiendo hasta el momento de su reencuentro.
    Dios los bendiga.

  1315. God Already Bless You.
    One day you and your family will be together once and forever with Joshua in Our Holy Father’s house.

  1316. Que tu corazón se alegre, Dios te dio la oportunidad de tener a un Angelito entre tus brazos, se lo llevo por que pertenece a un nivel muy superior al nuestro y le pertenece a Dios, solo te lo dio para que sepas que tienes un Bello Ángel con nombre propio llamado Walter Joshua, y que te cuidará por el resto de tus días.
    Dios bendiga a ti y tu familia.

  1317. It’s just sad that sometimes we have to get through situations like this, but at the end it’s Gods will and we should take this as a test from him.
    May God bless you and give you strength enough to overcome this, I can’t imagine what feels like to lose a son.
    Cheers, from Peru

  1318. Hola mi nimbre es nicole tengo 22 años a mi me paso algo parecido pero mi bebe tenia 21 semanas , los entiendo es algo que no se puede sanar pero sin duda lo mas maravilloso es ver como el ser humano puede crear algo tan hermoso como otra personita les mando un abrazo y mis bendiciones saludos desde Chile.

  1319. I think Walter wes beatifull, he was perfect, thanks for sharing this and your pourpose for doing it. God bless you all, may god have him in heaven. Big hugh from chile

  1320. Sorry for you loss. Your baby is beautiful. I believe in god, i know he´s taking care him rigth now. I live in Argentina, and i found this notice in a virtual newspaper, i culdnt believe it, so tinny, but so perfect at the same time. Be strong!

  1321. Hola Lexi:
    Me conmoví totalmente.
    Dios bendiga a tu familia y a ti por tu gran fortaleza. Walter los cuidará desde el cielo.
    Es raro escribirte porque no te conosco pero gracias por compartir con todas las personas que visitamos tu blog el gran amor y sentimiento.
    Miles de bendiciones.
    Saludos desde Perú!

  1322. Tu bebé ha cumplido una gran misión y su llegada a este mundo, aunque fue corta, estoy segura que ha tocado el corazón de muchas personas, y seguramente hoy gracias a tu historia muchas vidas pueden estar siendo salvadas. Gracias por compartir tan bellos momentos, momentos que solo un corazón sincero es capaz de compartir. Walter Jhosua estará ahora haciendo travesurillas en el cielo junto a un gran grupo de ángeles querubes. 🙂

  1323. Awesome your son, just a few hours with you, but a lifetime of memories with her sisters.
    From a distant country like Chile a big hug.

  1324. sorry , i not speak english…. pero tu historia me conmueve sobremanera, soy madre de sietes(dos en el cielo y cinco conmigo)todos nacidos por cesarea y aunque para el mundo es una locura es lo que dios a permitido para mi y para cada uno de mis hijos , las que somos madres sabemos el sufrimiento por el que debes estar pasando siembargo tu historia servira para aquellas mujeres que tienen pensado abortar y viendo esto no lo haran , Dios ha permitido esto en tu vida para ser visto por otras osea tu bebe ha tenido una mision y eso que te reconforte, dejame decirte que te has ganado el cielo eres muy valiente al mostrar las fotos de tu bebe y asi dar a conocer al mundo que los bebes no son simple productos….un beso desde Peru y que dios bendiga a tu familia

  1325. Hermosa historia, ustedes son unos buenos Padres, espero que Dios les bendiga mucho, saludos desde Ecuador 🙂

  1326. Dear Friend, from Chile, Southamerica, a big hug. My sistes lost a baby too… I have a beautiful princess, 3 years old and it’s amazing… I hope that God bless always your family…

  1327. Ver su blog y las fotos de su bebé es muy conmovedor. Solo con esa ternura que muestran se ve la gran madre que es. Es muy hermoso poder ver sus niñas con su hermanito aun cuando sea por pocos minutos estoy segura Dios le recompensará por su gran amor a su familia. Mi primera hija fue prematura y se muy bien cuanto se sufre, aunque ya tiene 13 años todavia vivimos la secuela de su nacimiento antes de tiempo. Un abrazo y mis respetos desde Puerto Rico

  1328. Your family is the example of love. Surrounded by pain, but pure love.
    I know that the cute baby is in peace now. And wish the whole family a wonderful future, filled of joy, happyness, success and love.

  1329. It’s hard to know that your baby don’t make it, but think that’s an angel. The pictures are awesome and specially the ones with the baby and his sisters. The girls take the situation with maturity and do not show panic or disgusting, That’s a great love in the room. Thanks for share the pictures and God bless your family. (from Puerto Rico).

  1330. Greetings from Ecuador.
    I wanted to share with you that I am deeply touched. Life is life from the very beginning.
    I imagine these are hard times, rest in God, I know He will give you and your family His peace.

  1331. What a beautiful creature, God allowed his family to be with you a few seconds. God Bless and thanks for sharing this moment with all of us …. we have done our …

  1332. I’m heartbroken for your family. Thank you for sharing the intimate pictures of your beautiful son. May time heal your pain and sorrow and may the memory of sharing that short time with him live in your hearts forever.

  1333. Well, i just can stop crying, as i was reading the tears started to fall on my face and my little girl (she is 4) kept asking what was wrong.
    I admired your courage on showing this intimate moment.
    Im sorry, so sorry for your loss.
    I had to be hospitalized for preterm labour at my 33 week, i was soo scared, so i can relate to your pain and the things you had to live that day. I was in bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy and my boy was born with 38 weeks and healthy.
    God gave you a beatiful boy, and im sure he knew you could handle it.
    My love and prayers for you and your family.

  1334. I know what its like to lose a baby, really soryr for the pain and suffering your going thru,i pray our lord jesus will give you streangth…you have two beautiful little girls that need you..that little angel will be watching over his family..someday you will be reunited with him….may the lord bless you and your family…

  1335. I’m so sorry for your loss. These images are beautiful and sad at the same time. I pray for the Lord to give you and your family the strength to go on. And may your message be reached to many more. God bless to you and your family.

  1336. Solo Dios es dueño de la vida…el sabe por que hace las cosas. Eres muy valiente
    tu hijo siempre sera tu hijo….por es parte de tu vida

  1337. Es imposible tratar de ponerse en su lugar, el dolor y tristeza que causa la perdida de un ser querido es indescriptible, personalmente agradezco que hayan compartido esta historia…….que muy a pesar solo cuando leeo algo asi me pongo a pensar en todas las personas que tengo a mi lado y no las valoro…….Dios ahora cuida de su angelito y el de ustedes..que Dios los Bendiga

  1338. Hi, I’m so very sorry for your loss. I just recently lost a baby and its not anything I’d would wish on anyone. I read your blog right as the post was made and believe I commented. The reason I am back today is because my parents in Puerto Rico just saw your story posted on their local newspaper Facebook page (Primera Hora)
    And although I know you didn’t do this for the publicity, I felt the need to let you know where hour story showed up.
    xx xo


  1340. siento mucho tu perdida yo pase por lo mismo con la diferencia de que mi bebita era mas grandecita fallecio en mi vientre a las 33 semanas de gestacion asique te entiendon muy bien es triste preder a un hijo lo siento mucho de todo corazon,ahora tu bebe es un anguelito ,muy hermoso que dios te bendiga y que te allude a disminuir tu dolor .

  1341. Me siento muy emocionada por usted y su familia. Perdí al mayor de mis hijos al momento del parto hace ya 10 años y todavía me pregunto por qué no me dejaron verlo. El dolor que se lleva en el alma es muy intensa. Siempre he pensando que si tan solo me hubieran permitido verlo un minuto mi vida sería diferente. La admiro profundamente y le doy gracias a Dios por haberle permitido estar con su hijo el tiempo que pudo hacerlo y entregarle ese amor que solo nosotras llevamos en nuestros corazones.
    Han pasado 10 años y mi dolor sigue ahí, la vida transcurre y ahora tengo otro hijo maravilloso que Dios. Soy feliz con mi precioso hijo que ahora tiene 4 años, pero nunca, nunca dejaré de sentir el dolor que usted y yo conocemos.

    Que Dios la Bendiga a usted y a su hermosa familia. Fuerza que las mujeres somos luchadoras y muy valientes.

  1342. lo siento mucho se lo que se siente perder un bebe con la diferencia qe yo perdi 2 una beba a las 33 semas de gestacion
    y un niño de 2 años es muy dificil y penoso pasar por algo asi .te deseo lo mejor del mundo,muchas bendiciones y el es un angelito hermoso dios los nesesitaba mas el que uno ,abeses es dificil superar ese dolor pero dios es muy grande y el sabra como alibiar tu dolor , mucha feee ,te lo digo por experiencia propia.mi mas sentido pesame :/

  1343. My condolences and God sense has control of everything, is not easy but it gave you the opportunity to know and show the world that even if they are in the womb there is life. It is impressed with the photos and see that at 19 weeks already formed complete and this shows those who are engaged in the abortion that are killing a person and not a cell. I’m from Puerto Rico and I support this decision, you send a hug and God will find the fortress.



  1345. es hermoso, esta en el cielo cuidandote es muy emocionante ver las fotos y te felicito por tener ese orgullo tan grande de tu bebe y compartirlo con el mundo soy de chile y me emocione mucho al ver las fotos de tu bebe y tu familia, compartiendo con el aunque allan sido unos minutos;
    un abrazo desde la distancia y mucha fortaleza

  1346. yo no hablo ingles pero fue una bendicion el que compartieras esta experiencia de vida aunque dolorosa, nos proyecta que dios es grande y que cada segundo cuenta al lado de los nuestros… es momento de sencibilizar a todas aquellas personas q aprueban el aborto y que con esto entienda que los baby ahay que dejarlos nacer.. gracias por tan hermoso regalo de reflexion… carla

  1347. Im so sorry for your loss. You, and your family, are very generous to share this with the world. Hope your example, and Walter Joshua´s life will help 100´s of others life been born. I share your story on my facebook page, i´ll be praying for your family. Thank u very much

  1348. your baby always is going to live inside your hearts. and now in ours too. saludos desde Chile. Tranquilo pequeño que en algún lado muy bien estarás.

  1349. Querida: Este angelito volvera al lugar del cual salio: El Cielo; junto a DIOS.
    Gracias por que tus fotos crearan conciencia para que NO existan mas abortos…

  1350. I am very sorry for the loss of your child. May the Lord give you and your family the strength needed during this difficult trial. Thanks for sharing your story with others. It takes a lot of courage to share this. May God bless you and I will have you in my prayers.

  1351. Thank you for sharing your story. Is amazing how Walter’s short life has a purpose for God. I hope that legislators in my country Chile also know their history.

  1352. I have the experience of a baby that young god bless that angel my sister lost 2 at 18 weeks and they was perfect like your so sorry for you loss

  1353. im so sorry, her baby was an angel who still not touched down but was found with parents exelentes and could feel the love he hiban to provide now returned to heaven but took a nice memory of their parents

  1354. The greatest love story that has passed through my life. Thanks for sharing your story, the story of an Beautiful Angel.

  1355. Siempre la vida le ganará a la muerte, hermoso bebé seguro estás ahora en los brazos de Jesús.

  1356. Tranquilo bebito ,ya estas en brazos de nuestra madre Maria y de Dios Nuestros Señor,,que Dios bendiga a tus papis y hermanitas y les de paz y resignación !!! Bsits desde Argentina ♥

  1357. Greetings my friend. Accidentally I founda article of your angel. I’m truly sorry for your lost. And thank you for sharing this miracle of life that has unite people from everywhere. He was beautiful. Your faul and even thoug I feel sadness in my heartbI also beleive but also I feel thankful because I just saw the most wonderful images of love, true love. God bless you and my respects for you and your family. Kids are the purest gift from God. Trust me you’ll see him again.

  1358. desde ecuador ese angelito es un milagro y para su madre sostenerlo en brazos tenerlo esos momentos no los cambiaría por nada del mundo

  1359. My prayers are with you and your family. .God blessed your baby he is a little angel right next to God.You are very strong and brave person you are blessed with an angel.

  1360. So beautiful I cried. I’m sorry for your loss, and am comforted in your faith in Christ. thank you for sharing your story.

  1361. Solo Dios sabe por que hace las cosas, tu bebe es hermoso y perfecto,
    yo se que se encontraran nuevo. Se que es triste pero siento que por algo aparecieron las fotos de tu familia, tengo 42 años y no tengo hijos, es practicamente imposible que los tenga ya que tube dos perdidas, pero hoy ocurrio algo maravilloso vi las fotos de tu bebe y un amigo que no veo hae tiempo me llamo para decirme que su esposa esta embarazada!!! Dios tal vez me esta diciendo algo El sabe si que es lo correcto para mi
    Muchos Besos a ti y tu familia
    Con Amor desde Santiago de Chile

  1362. Sorry for your loss. Thank you for share these pictures with the World. Hope this story save a lot of babies life’s. Greetings from Puerto Rico.

  1363. Perfecto el fue un niño perfecto. Tanto que solo Dios le permitio compartir con su familia unos minutos para luego regresar a su paraiso de perfeccion. Siento su dolor y perdida debe ser un proceso muy dificil pero Dios estara con ustedes. Bendiciones!!!

  1364. Mucha fuerzas madre querida, Dios te de el consuelo para superar un dolor tan grande como perder un hijo, solo unidos y de la mano de Dios lograran salir adelante, un abrazo gigante desde Concepción, Chile. Con cariño

  1365. I am so, so sorry for the loss of your child. Even though the devastation is great, I would like to thank you for your story and your pictures. They show so vividly that at 19 weeks a baby is a real little person — not tissue. I pray your story will go viral and that women seeing it will change their mind about having an abortion, especially late term. May God comfort you.

  1366. Un Angel en el cielo esta y su nombre es Walter, por las noches su estrella brillara en cada uno de sus corazones, él los ama, un abrazo infinito y bendiciones totales por siempre con cariño Laura-

  1367. Los hijos son un regalo de Dios, desde el momento que comienza a formarse dentro de uno, Hermoso tu bebe, bendiciones pa tu familia…desde Ecuador =)

  1368. God bless you for sharing your amazing story and photos…it is proof of God’s love in your life. Beautiful pictures of your daughters cherishing those brief moments with Walter. Absolutely precious. I hope God allows you to become pregnant again and allows you to experience new joy…with your daughters and husband as well. Thank you for sharing!!!!

  1369. Lexi and Family, I am speechless. My heart and prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for touching my heart tonight. I will never forget your family or Baby Walter. He is beautiful and perfect and thank you for sharing with us.


  1371. I personally know the terrible pain that is losing a child. My prayers are for you, your family and every woman that have ever felt that pain.

  1372. I personally know the terrible pain that is losing a child. My prayers are for you, your family and every woman that have ever felt that pain. With love from the Island of Puerto Rico.


  1374. Ánimo, son una gran familia. Walter fue y sigue siendo un digno hijo de una valorable madre y de un valorable padre, hermano de dos hermosas y tiernas hermanas.
    El caso amerita que lo sepa la humanidad completa para que cese el aborto de millones de niños y niñas inocentes por nacer.

    Si ustedes son una familia cristiana tengan la certeza de que Walter ahora mismo está con Dios.

    Mi sincero mensaje para ustedes,

    Moisés, El Salvador.

  1375. Hi Lexi! This past January 6th, I also gave birth to my son Johan at only 18 weeks pregnant. I passed the whole process, contractions and pushing…everything! And that’s exactly how he looked…at first I didnt want to see him, but then I thought I needed to remember him…his little body, his face….it was going tl be my first baby and everyone was very anxious…

    But if I can say something “good” that happened, is that I could see in that moment the love of my husband at a 500%, he never left me, even when be was hurting….family and friends that stay there overnight taking turns to be with me, just to see that I was ok… and I thank God, cause if it wasn’t for them, thay moment would’ve been harder than it was….

    I cant still hurts…some days more than others…but seeing this pictures today brought me mixed emotions…it brought Johan back to me for a few minutes! Thank You for sharing!

  1376. I’m so sorry for your loss. I commend you for sharing such a heartbreaking story. As a mother of two I did shed tears. This is such a blessing that we can read & share this with others. God knows best and changes our plans & desires to what he thinks is best for us. I will pray for your family for strength. God bless you guys.

  1377. Your family provide Walter so much love in his short life. God bless all your family and I am sure that God will sent your a son in the future. Walter is your angel ….Iris Lopez from Puerto Rico..

  1378. I’m sorry for you lost. You are a blassed family, that could be even for a few minutes with your son an brother . And he could feel all your love.

    1. Tu baby es un hijo de Dios que tuvo la oportunidad de venir a este mundo y cumplir su mision gracias a ti que fuiste su madre…recuerda que el los estara esperando en los cielos para que sean una familia eterna… que nuestro padre celestial los bendiga a ti y toda tu familia.

  1379. Cuando escuché en las noticias tu historia, vinieron a mi mente muchos recuerdos tristes, que quise guardar en mi mente. Al ver las fotos de tu bebé pude recordar las que yo tengo en mi mente de mi hija, entiendo y comparto tu dolor hace 4 años perdí a mi hija con tan solo 17 semanas de embarazo, al parecer era una vida inviable… estuve con trabajo de parto sin saberlo por casi 3 días y siempre mantuve la esperanza de que todo cambiaría, los doctores iban a revisarnos y podía los latidos de su corazoncito y eso me dejaba más tranquila, pero jamás pensé que podría perderla, fue un dolor fatal, desgarrador, era mi primera hija,
    Al igual que tu decidí recibir a mi niña para darle cristiana sepultura, aun siendo un ser tan pequeño e indefenso, quise completar su ciclo… no iba a permitir que la llevaran a una fosa común, porque no se lo merecía y no había padecido todo para dejarla asi.
    El día que fuimos a buscarla, la pude contemplar por primera vez a la luz del día y supe que era niña, porque hasta el momento de la pérdida me habían dicho que sería un varón, recuerdo sus manitos pequeñas, el color de su piel, sus piernecitas, las facciones de su carita, su tamaño era un poco más que la palma de mi mano. A diferencia de ustedes no fui capaz de captar ese momento con una fotografía sino que opté por guardar en mi mente su recuerdo, ahora vienen a mi,

    Sólo puedo decirte que estés tranquila que Walter se encuentra en un lugar mejor, aferrate a la vida, a tu hermosa familia, a tu esposo e hijas hermosas, Dios los bendecirá más adelante.
    Un abrazo enorme!

    1. que dios le bendiga, tu testemuno es la prueba contra el aborto…las nenas cuando abortan no saben lo que hacen por ignorancia de la vida uterina, despues el pesadelo viven con ellas por la vida toda…asi esta tambien ayudando a combatir el aborto asesino de los angeles de dios..gracias cristina.. dios bendiga tu bebita en el cielo asi como a tu. muchas gracias tu apoyo …..dios contigo amiga..
      mi bebe sobrevivió con casi 7 meses..dios sabe lo que hace…pero el mio y la tuya y al waltito son elegidos de dios…muchas gracias.

  1380. Increible, espero quee esto desmonte muchos argumentos de Abortistsas- Extremistas. Esta claro que un ser humano ya lo es desde antes de las 19 semanas¡¡¡

    Animo a esta pareja que ha sufrido lo peor que le puede pasar a alguien, perder un hijo¡¡¡

    Desde Madrid (España) con Cariño

    Isi Mtnez Paramo

  1381. Gracias por mostrar lo maravilloso que es la vida, desde el primer segundo de concepción, hasta el último aliento de vida. Gracias por compartir con todos algo tan íntimo y especial.

  1382. I felt impressed for the pictures. It was a lovely boy and Iam very sorry he couldn’t make it. You and your husband were brave to do this. To handle him as you did. Another angel is now in heaven and he will take care from there to all off of you.
    god bless you all.

  1383. Lo siento mucho …. Dios te bendiga por el valor que has demostrado al aceptar este hecho y compartir con el mundo tu experiencia. Dios bendiga a tu bebé en el cielo…. Y recuerda que eres afortunada de tener una bella familia unida y tuviste la oportunidad de ver un ángel por unos minutos entre tus manos….

  1384. Hola Lexi te escribo desde Argentina la verdad es que miro una y otra vez las fotos y es increible nunca habia podido imaginarme lo perfecto que es una criatura de solo 20 semanas de gestacion…lamento mucho tu perdida….y te gradezco eternamente por en cierta medida dar a conocer tu historia y las fotos de este pequeño gran principito…saludos!Florencia Paola Marquez

  1385. es lo mas hermoso de la vida .. compartir algo que fue fecundado por uds. y que DIOS les permitio que lo vieran y lo que hiciste de mostrarlo al mundo,,, no tiene precio… es mi deseo que todos los que están a favor del aborto,,, tomen conciencia de una vez por todas puedan ver en ese niño,, lo mejor de la creación de un DIOS que sigue teniendo esperanza en este mundo lleno de rencores,odio, orgullo y egoísmo .. si tan solo pudiéramos entender que es un milagro ver nacer y crecer a un niño,,, tomaríamos conciencia ..un abrazo grande para toda tu flia. y te aseguro que esta´con ese Dios que le dio la vida por unos minutos …

  1386. hola, les envió un abrazo y fuerza desde Argentina, yo perdi un bebe hace siete años en ese mismo período de gestación, espero que mi niño Fabián se encuentre con Walter y lo acompañe en una vida de luz, es tan sorprendente ver cada detalle de tu bebe, tuviste el regalo de verlo y despedirte y él de ustedes, Dios los bendiga.
    Cristina desde Buenos Aires, Argentina

  1387. ¡ Qué triste, Dios los fortalezca y bendiga. Dios sabe, Dios oye, Dios ve, nada pasa sin que Él lo sepa. Tómense de la mano del Dios Eterno para superar esta gran pérdida. Un abrazo a la distancia, voy a estar orando por ustedes !

  1388. There are no words to describe the beauty of life nor the sorrow of its loss. Those who believe in god will find confort in him, others will look in nature or philosophy.

    My best wishes to you and your beautifull family.

  1389. Te agradezco de corazon poder a dar a conocer al mundo a tu hijo tenes una hermosa familia te deseo paz , coraje , y mucha fuerza soy de Argentina y la misma reza por vos u marido e hijas que Dios te bendiga

  1390. Hi..i dont have words to explain how much touch my heart this images of your son..thank u so much for share it with the world..i send u a big hug and ..everything happens with a purpose..sometimes we cant understand that..your baby is an angel now..hope this pictures make a reflexion in the persons who are pro abort..cause that was happen in me later of knew your story….be strong and never give up..excuse me my english from Cordoba ,Argentina ..God bless your family

  1391. English: I’m so sorry for your lost. Heaven has another angel. Be proud of your son, because his short life has showed how precious and marvellous the human life is. I’ll pray for your son.
    Español: Siento mucho vuestra pérdida. El cielo tiene ahora otro ángel. Estad orgullosos de vuestro hijo, porque su corta vida nos ha enseñado cuan preciosa y maravillosa es la vida humana. Rezaré por vuestro hijo.

  1392. I am really sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family.
    Big hugs from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  1393. There are people who deserve the whole sky. People struggling, that despite the adversities they say YES to life. Excited to know this wonderful story. Sure they are amazing people. 🙂
    Undoubtedly, are an example to the world.
    Greetings from Argentina.

  1394. So sorry for your loss.
    Thanks a lot for sharing this amazing moment.
    I am sure God is now taking care of this little soul.
    Love. God bless you and your family.

  1395. Algun dia, al llegar a la eternidad, se encontraran con un joven alto y apesto con una enorme sonrisa esperando para abrazarlos y poder corresponderle todo el gran amor que tuvieron para el. PAZ Y BIEN A OSTEDES

  1396. Your are a wonderful mom!, and for sure God will help you and your family to go thru this process, as you say, I hope this story helps women you think of abortion as just removing a quists and not a living person. warm from Argentina

    1. Thanks you for you sweet story and show you beatyfull picture for joshua really god bless us at all for show how is a little life to young son really I can see how him show you love in the way touch your hand at you god bless you with short time for know you beatyfull beby.You are special family and god bless you always you sweet joshua every time stay with us .Special regard from Chile Donoso Zamorano Family

  1397. Todo mi cariño para vos y tu familia, tenés razón cuando decís que todo en la vida tiene un porque, en el cielo un bello Angel te cuida y te dará fuerzas para seguir. Y las fotos les demostrarán a muchos la perfección que hay en lo que muchos llaman un feto, pero que para nosotras las que somos mamás es nuestro bebe.

  1398. Termino el día con lágrimas pero al mismo tiempo feliz y lleno de gozo por una gran lección recibida de una familia a quien doy las gracias por tamaña muestra de amor y generosidad. No lo olvidaré.

  1399. El 28 de Junio pasado he perdido a mi bebe con mas de 8 semanas de gestacion, y como tu, lo pude tener en mis manos, media tan solo dos centimetros, era tan chiquito! Se me partio el corazon, y hoy al ver las fotos de tu bebe, la tristeza volvio a anidar en mi. Yo no le he sacado fotos, pero su imagen ha quedado grabada en mi mente y por sobre todo enmi corazon. Deseo la fortaleza tuya y de tu familia, seguramente tu Walter y mi Mateo ( estoy segura que era un varoncito) estoy hoy en el cielo, el lugar mas perfecto, esperando por nosotros, algun dia podremos reencontrarnos con ellos y no separarnos jamas. Fuerza!!!

  1400. Dear Family:
    It’s the most loving memory I’ve ever seen. No mather how long you last in your life….the mark you left are much more important….and WJ have shown to you what LOVE IS ABOUT……
    Adriana , Buenos Aires, Argentina

  1401. La inteligencia humana no puede concebir que un ser tan tremendamente pequeñito e indefenso pueda conmover a tanta humanidad. La debilidad del ser humano es su fortaleza. La fortaleza no está en matar y aprobar con leyes la muerte de seres pequeñitos sino en cuidar de ellos con inmensa ternura, con aquella ternura que tiene Dios para con nosotros.
    Ustedes han hecho más que cientos de discusiones sobre la vida humana. Su testimonio dejará perplejos y sin palabras a quienes no aman la vida en toda su magnitud. Su hijo nos ha traído un mensaje a esta humanidad dolida por sus disparates. ¡¡¡TAN CORTA VIDA PARA TANTA HISTORIA!!!

  1402. Thanks for sharing your photos. I’m so sorry for you and your son. He will always live in our minds.Greetings from Spain.

  1403. I am so sorry for your lost and thanks for sharing those precious moments. I am lucky to have all my four children alive! Hugs, kisses and my prayers with you’ll.
    You are such an example for all of us.
    Irene Rojas Cambias

  1404. Todo mi cariño y fuerzas, gracias por compartir las fotos de su Angelito … desde Chile estamos con ustedes

  1405. Hi Im from Buenos Aires Argentina
    Im sorry for your loss, God bless you, your family and your gorgeous Angel Walter Joshua
    I have a beatiuful baby named Chloe she is my entire life.
    I pray for your beatiful baby
    THanks for share the pictures

    1. thanks for sharing these beautiful photos .. I pass a similar situation and my thinking is much different .. pray for my baby live a little more if there is God that he did not hear me and so I no longer believe in it. . the only hope I have is that after death there something more .. give me a chance to see him when I die .. but some friends
      comforted that God wanted it to be an angel .. but I think God was selfish because I did not want to he wanted me, I send a hug from Quilmes Buenos Aires Argentina .. force the whole family

  1406. Hermosa historia de amor , coraje y valentia, hermoso mensaje para toda la Humanidad. Seguramente esos minutos de amor que Joshua recibio de toda su familia fueron suficientes para saber lo mucho que fue y será amado por ella. Dios los bendiga grandemente! Gracias por compartir tan bella historia con nosotros.

  1407. lo siento…. lo miro y me trae a la memoria el haber perdido un embarazo de tres meses…..pienso que mi hijo hubiera sido parecido..miro de nuevo la foto.. causa total ternura…valor… amor… y total fuerza…. si hubiese vivido …. hubiera sido maravilloso… lo lamento en el alma…descansa con dios… un angelito mas….

  1408. im so sorry about your loss..! But remember that God have a perfect plan! i loss my first baby whe i was 20 weeks pregnancy.. he only lives for 24 hrs.. it was so hard.. then i lost my second baby when i was 10 weeks… But i still waiitng for a miracle..! i know that my babies are with God… God bless you..

  1409. Dios lo tenga en la gloria, en pocos minutos dijo más que muchos en años de vida. Que Dios les dé paz y una vida feliz a toda la familia. Gracias por compartir con nosotros el milagro de la vida.

  1410. Es una historia muy triste y al mismo tiempo tan llena de amor , perder un hijo es un dolor profundo que solo puede sobrellevarse con tanto amor.un abrazo.

  1411. Hi, I’m Laura, I have 11 years. I’m from Argentina, I do not speak English very well. I’m going to an English school because I really like to talk in this language so precious. Surely there must be many misspelled words, because I used the google translator to write in English, so you can understand me. Look, this happens in life. Not your fault, not the fault of anyone. The only thing that you have to think about is that Joshua Walter Fretz is in a better place. Not that he is not with you. Because if it is, in heaven. That you can not spend your life LIVING beside him is one thing, but that he is in heaven, which is a better place, and it will be better there than here is something else. I do not know what you’re going through, but it feels to lose someone who you love like a son! Last year my sister Jessica was pregnant with twins, was such wonderful news, charming, and beautiful. I could not believe I was so happy to say, for Christmas, I’m going to be an aunt. But after nearly three months of pregnancy, lost both. I felt very frustrated. And now I have fear that to happen to my brother’s girlfriend, Silvana. She is expecting a baby in January 2014. And I have fear that she would pass the same. But try to have faith that everything will be perfect.
    Well, here ends this speech, haha.
    But never drop their arms … Maybe I just have 11 years, I know nothing of being a mother. But I know it feels to lose someone as Important as a son. And I hope that everything that has served you wrote something for you to understand, you had that baby, so beautiful and bright, you will always be in your heart. I do not know you, but I wish you well … Blessings!

  1412. OMG, I’m so so sorry for your loss,that perfect little baby is now an angel watching over your family!!, thank you for sharing the photos, hope everyone learns from you experience….

    Medellin – Colombia

  1413. sorprendente y emosionante, no dejo de admirar el bebe. Yo vivi una situación dificil, al nacer mi unico hijo. El se llama Marco, nacio con 6 meses y peso 900 gramos al nacer. Estuvo dos meses internado, gracias a Dios y todos los santos, que estuvieron de nuestro lado, ahora esta re bien con dos años y 8 meses. Mucha fuerza hay que tener para “superar” semejante obstaculo. Siento mucho lo que uds. pasaron!!.

  1414. Holaaaaa , desde la lejana Patagonia , nuestros mas sinceros abrazos , realmente es admirable no que nos muestran , a veces los pequeños y buenos momentos felices son los que nos quedan grabados a fuego en la retina para toda la vida.
    Pienso que tendriamos que tener dos fechas de cumpleaños , el dia que vemos por primera ves la luz y la otra la fecha de nuestra gestacion , sin ir mas lejos desde ese momento tenemos vida.
    Seguramente ese bello pequeño , sera una de las mas hermosas estrellas en el cielo.
    Aunque no tengamos el agrado de conocerlos , les enviamos un enorme beso a los cinco
    Chau chau chauuuuu

  1415. Hi I’m Rodrigo de Buenos Aires Argentina, sorry for your loss.
    The story excited me much since I’m a father too.
    It is a beautiful angel.

  1416. Dear Lexi,
    First of all, I’m so sorry for Walter’s death, I’m a father too, and I can imagine all the sorrow you may have had. (so sorry for my poor English, I’m a Spanish man who lives in Panamá)
    Then I’d like to say you a big THANKS; your story touched my heart, and I’d like to spread it to all the people I know; that’s the reason why I’m gonna take and translate it into my own mother languaje (always mentioning it’s your story, and with a link to your page)
    Please, don’t worry about answering or not answering to this. There’s no need to do it. Just receive my best whises to u and your family,

  1417. Fue muy furte para mi ver unas imagenes como estas.Pero tengo una hermosa esperanza para compartir q es q nuestro creador romete ver nuevamente a nuestros seres amados nuevamente.(juan 5:24-25)

  1418. I am sorry for your loss. Beautiful story, thanks for sharing. Your child is perfect and I am praying for this Angel.
    A fraternal embrace from Chile.


  1420. I’m deeply sorry for your loss and I agree with you when you say God has a perfect plan for Walter that you have yet to understand. I translated your story into Italian and shared it with Ciao Lapo, a non-profit Italian foundation to support parents who have lost (stillbirth, abortion, death after delivery) their babies. Here’s the link to Walter’s story


  1422. hola soy de Mexico-Veracruz me acabo de enterar y no encuentro palabra alguna para expresar el sentimiento lo siento mucho Dios hace las cosas por algo y le aseguro que el tiene una gran recompensa para usted, para con su dolor de madre.Dios la Bendiga por siempre y a Walter Joshua.

  1423. Tienes toda la razón, Dios te bendijo con un hijo y una familia perfecta. gracias por compartir tu historia tan llena de grandeza, Un abrazo

  1424. wuao psz qq lindo esterner un hijo asi psz lo importante es que este bnelbaby aww q mas se puedde decir es muy interesante ami me gustataria qq mi hijo fruera asii felicidade en verdad su fotos me hicieron llorar peroo esta hermoso su baby

  1425. I am so sorry for what you have been throgh. I am sure that your baby, Walter, couldn’t be in a better place now and, as you’ve said, God only knows why this happened.Walter is a heroe; even he was so small, he gave to you a beatuful gift: you could heard his little heart beating ♥

    God bless you

    Alexia from Argentina

  1426. God bless you little angel and you and your family… I am so sorry for your lost may God give you and your family the strength that you need on this moment. Walter is a beautiful baby.

  1427. Es un angelito precioso, que tiene asegurado un lugar en el cielo, espero que mi hija gracielita que murio cuando tenia tres añitos, pueda jugar y cantar con el en el cielo, lugar que debemos procurar ir nosotros tambien para reunirnos con ellos y vivir juntos por la eternidad. Dios de bendiga a ti y a toda tu familia. Dios sabe su proposito, el te dara otro varoncisto. GERALDINA (Honduras)

  1428. lamento su perdida cuando vi esta noticia me puse a curosesiar y yo siendo una niña de 11 años yo puedo sentir su dolor 😥

  1429. I had live the same than you 4 years ago, I took my child in my hands like you. It was very important for me to say good by. A lot of people say me that I was crasy but not. They said that made me suffer more but not. There are beatifull photos. All of you gave to your baby a marvelous minutes of life.
    I am sory for y english,its not so good.
    Kisses for him desde Argentina

  1430. He is Incredibly beautiful. My condolences for your lossThat angel will be in the hands of Mr. jesus. blessings

  1431. lo único que me queda por decir cuanto amor de esa madre , por ese chiquito, que sabe que no va a vivir mas de unos minutos. Hojala que aquellas que deciden tener un hijo en vez de habandonarlo le den el mismo amor.-

  1432. Thank you allowing us (the world) into your pain and loss and many thanks be to the Lord who has a plan for all of us, children of God. I had a ruptured uterus at 38 weeks during labor and lost my baby girl. I am lucky to be alive. Contractions were 1-2 minutes apart, baby was +1 station on her way down, I was fully dialated just waiting for that pushing feeling. Contractions stopped and midwife checked me only to find out baby had gone back up and was sideways. She immediately explained that we needed to go to the hospital. Long story short my uterus ruptured causing the placenta to bleed out. My baby was pulled from a gaping hole lifeless. I wish we could talk. I know you are probably busy. Thanks again for sharing. The world needs to see that fetus’s are real people, real children, real human beings!

  1433. Gracias por compartir tu historia y gracias por permitirnos conocer un angelito tan bello….admiro vuestra fortaleza y son un maravilloso ejemplo de lo infinito que es el amor y que todo momento grande o pequeño es adecuado para demostrarlo, entregarlo y compartirlo.
    Desde Chile un abrazo enorme.

  1434. Mucha fuerzas para toda la familia, sin duda el lograr conocer a su bebe y la lucha que este dio, fue un regalo de Dios, Dios los bendiga por ser excelentes padres, por valorar a este hijo y entregarles por tan pocos minutos el amor que todo hijo se merece

  1435. Es sorprendente y maravilloso!

    La vida de todos nosotros tendra valor en la medida que impactemos para bien las vidas de nuestros seres queridos y demas, y tu bebe hermoso en el pequeñito tiempo de vida aqui en la tierra ha hecho tal impacto en todos nosotros con tan solo esos minutos. Muchos quisieramos ser capaces de hacer lo mismo a lo largo de nuestras vidas! Un angel mas para los cielos!!!

    Bendiciones y Amor para toda tu familia!

  1436. Soy madre de 2 adolescentes, a quienes amo un montón. Admiro tu valor al compartir con el mundo tu hermosa familia y la historia de ese bello ángel que ahora tienes en el cielo. Dios les guarde y llene de bendiciones.
    Un abrazo.

  1437. Its amainzing. I’m from Argentina and i’m crying, i’m crying for LOVE. Thanks for this moments…

  1438. Siento mucho lo de tu pequeño; las fotos son tremendamente emotivas; que Dios bendiga a tu bebé y gracias a Dios por el milagro de la vida.

  1439. Siento mucho tu perdida, pero sabes, ahora sabes que el esta con Dios {God}. god bless your family. Your dauther are very very beautyfull.

  1440. From La Paz Bolivia South America… God bless you, support and love for you and your family…

  1441. Thank you so much for sharing those sweet photos, specially the ones with his sisters… they transmit me so much love, the way they carry him in their arms… I send you all my love and hope you’ll be ok soon, I’m from Bariloche, Argentina.



  1443. Hola Lexy, soy de Argentina, te quiero agradecer por mostrar estas imagenes de tanto amor, y que un bebe de 19 semanas de gestacion es toda una persona. Creo que no importa el tiempo que uno viva sino cómo se vive en ese tiempo y las huellas que uno deja, tu bebe por lo que veo dejo mucho y eso es lo mas maravilloso! Ojala que esto te de mucha paz! Un abrazo

  1444. siento la perdida de un ser que lucho’ en sus entranas para venir al mundo y vino perfecto a su corta edad pero el destino no quiso que continuara su camino , por algo dios no quiso que pasara a la antesala de la vida . en nuestra familia ,hace 6 anos tubimos el mismo caso pero no con estos resultados ,mi hijo mayor y su esposa trajeron al mundo un nino de 17 onzas de peso y 21 semanas de gestacion este angel lucho por la vida junto a los medicos e emfermeras pediatras muy duro por espacio de 3 meses , despue de habercele efectuado varias operaciones entre ellas una muy delicada al corazon ,fue abierto desde el estomago hasta la parte baja de la espalda para realizar esa operacion , la cual los cirujanos quedaron solprendido cuando la realizaron ,todo esto se realizo en el hospital baptist de kendal, todo gracias a dios salio bien en cuanto a salud pero al tiempo de crecimiento fue desarrollando autismo y hoy en dia es autista pero muy inteligente , solo dios hace las cosas para la humanidad , fueron muy valientes y delicados para ensenarle al mundo su hijo ,los felicitos espero lo guarden como un gran trofeo de la vida , dios los vendiga y lo lleve al lugar de los angeles inofencivos .
    gracias por demostrarnos sus grandeza como madre y padre al ensenar su fruto de amor . este es un abuelo con dicha que ama a su unico nieto .varon

  1445. Be strong!!
    God is with you, and please accept my condolences, I wish you, and your whole family the best!!
    PS: Sorry for my english, I speak spanish in my country.

  1446. Mi mas sentido pésame,yo he vivido algo similar mi hermana fue prematura y tenia prácticamente el mismo tiempo de gestión ue su bebe, la tube en mis manos por un tiempo, luego le coloque un rosario a petición de mi Madre.y en ese poco tiempo entre el dolor que sentía por mi hermana disfrute verla acaricirala por primera y ultima vez es dificil, muy dificil pero DIOS todo lo hace perfecto el mas que nadie conoce su proposito y aunque aveces no entendemos las cosas pasan porque tienen que pasar pues es el plan de Dios, espero en Dios le de fortalezas,DIOS LOS BENDIGA


  1448. Gracias por compartir las fotos. Los felicito por la desicion tomada al mostrarlas, puede ser que el mundo comprenda el valor que tiene la pequeña vida que se gesta.
    Que Dios los bendiga siempre y que Walter los acompañe desde el cielo ya que hoy es la luz que ilumina vuestras vidas

  1449. GRACIAS AMIGA!!!!!!
    Gracias por compartir con nosotros este momento para que comprendamos las maravillas de Dios. Si, tu nene es perfecto y hermoso, porque es tuyo y todos hemos sido creados a imagen y semejanza del Señor. Ahora solo tienes que imaginarlo en el cielo como un angelito más.
    Dios te bendiga a ti y a tu familia.
    ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ QUE VIVA LA VIDA !!!!!!!

  1450. Hola No hay palabras es un angelito de Dios, no se me antojo otra cosa mas que llorar, yo perdi un bebe de 10 semanas y fue muy doloroso, Dios los bendiga….

  1451. Hola I am From Colombia, you are a wonderful mother. Thanks for to share beautiful photos

  1452. en el año 2007 estuve embarazada y tuve un aborto espontaneo de 18 semanas de gestacion, mi hijo estaria cumpliendo 6 años en diciembre, para mi fue muy duro enterarme que estaba embarazada me habia separado de mi esposo cuando me entere que esperaba un hijo, se me vino el mundo encima pensaba en mis dos hijos ya que estaba trabajando y mis hijos dependian solamente de mi ya que mi esposo se desentendio de ellos y no me ayudaba monetariamente… fue muy terrible enterarme de mi embarazo y les soy muy sincera pense en desaserme de mi hijo incluso busque quien me solucionara el problema pero el remordimiento y el temor fueron mas grande y no pude presentarme donde esa persona, se que para muchos les parecera que fui una persona sin sentimientos pero el verme sola con mis dos hijos y saberme embarazada me iba hacer imposible salir adelante;finalmente mi embarazo siguio, cuando tenia 6 semanas 1/2 empezaron las primeras complicaciones pero logramos salir adelante. despues cuando cumpli las 18 semanas de embarazo estuve 3 veces hospitalizada y luego sufri un aborto espontaneo entonces perdi a mi bebe pero tuve la dicha de conocerle saber que tenia todos su deditos su carita y que tenia las facciones de mi hijo mayor, me costo mucho superar su perdida cai en depresion me sentia muy mal al pensar que queria desaserme de el y mas sufria estuve en sicologos y no me ayudo mucho solo pensaba en el hijo que habia perdido…pero con el tiempo el amor de mis hijos y la misericordia de Dios me ayudaron a seguir adelante.
    creo que son muy fuertes y les felicito por querer compartir su historia con el mundo cuidense mucho y sepan que su hijo no tener aunque sea por un minuto unos padres como ustedes…QUE DIOS LES BENDIGA

  1453. so sorry for your loss. thanks for sharing such a sad and beautiful story. I climb mountains here in Colorado where I live, next one will be dedicated to Walter.

  1454. I am very sorry for ur loss…and i write 2 you 2 tell u that this has happened 2 me as well…i had my baby girl on June 17th and was only 21 weeks..she was perfect and like u we still don’t know why this happened. Be strong as u have 2 beautiful girls that need u very much.

  1455. So touched by your story. God bless you and your family and know that your little perfect angel is in heaven.
    from Costa Rica but lives in Houston Tx

  1456. Thank you for sharing these pictures to the world! God is going to use this to change the hearts of people and misbelieves regarding when life begins.. I am so sorry for your loss.. He was definetly a little angel sent to this world to give us a message. May God bless you abundantly and your family. He is the author of life and our creator. Feel confident that even though this is a hard time, God will bring deliverance and many women will repent of aborting a their child. As you said: He was perfect”.. Yes, he was and is perfect now in heaven. One day you will meet him there. Thank you so much for sharing the intimacy of your family and letting God use you to give this amazing message! I pray that God will heal you and give you and your family peace in the name of JesusChrist.. God bless you!

  1457. it reminded me when i had my girl and my boy for first time, thank you for sharing, though the sad ending… i also remembered how much i love them before they came to my life (i still do love them) sorry again.. best of life to come to you.
    (Mexico City)

  1458. Que tristeza siento al ver estas fotos de tu bebe… de inmediato recordé cuando mi novia yo cometimos el error de abortar, la bebita era hermosa y no le permitimos vivir. Eso hace mucho tiempo, pero aun hoy siento mucha pena y temor de como Dios me cobrara ese horrible acto… Mucha fortaleza para ti y toda tu familia. Saludos desde Cali, Colombia.

  1459. He was a beautiful baby, He was a baby, a human being.
    Thanks for sharing these photos and show the world that life is life.
    A lot of kises from Spain and my condolences.

  1460. Such a beautifull family..such an awfull thing to happen to anyone. .beautifull pics of a beautifull boy…im sure you have lovely memories..hold on tight to them..i cannot begin to imagine how this feels but hope in time it becomes bearable for anyone goin through this and send much love to you high lil angel.x

  1461. Que Dios los bendiga y sepa perdonar a todos los que quitan la vida con los abortos. Gracias por brindarle aunque fueran unos minutos de cariño a ese ser humano.

    From Spain.

  1462. Thank you for sharing your story. I read a short note on a regional News Paper, in Galicia, North-West of Spain, although they didn’t say more than the news of the happening. As I suspected you where christians and had much more to say about it I came to your blog and took some notes for our church bulletin, and for when I may have to preach about things related. I’m pastor of a Brethren Church. God bless you.

    1. I’m glad that found our story and will be able to use it. We are part of the Grace Brethren Fellowship and my father in law is also a pastor. My husband also fills in to help with preaching from time to time. Blessings!

  1463. I write from spain, Burgos, sorry your lost, but is fantastic what you did, hold your baby and gave him all your love.
    Thanks a lot, i lost 6 babys and the first was like yours and I couldn’t hold him and touch… so when i saw your pics I can saw him again… thanks, thanks, thanks

  1464. Que bellas fotos, Dios es grande y misericordioso. Tu bebe era bello, y hermoso, y si, es como dices es perfecto. Dios lo tenga en su gloria. He llorado a leer cuando dices que podias ver su corazoncito latir desde su cuerpecito. Muchas fuerzas para tu familia tan bella..
    Saludos desde Venezuela 🙂

  1465. I can only say that is so awesome what you have lived. A lot of strength in your family, that Angel from heaven shines for you.

  1466. Im very sorry 4 your lost but im sure that the family have a great Angel who cares you … God Bless You and your family … Hi from Durango, Mexico

  1467. Dear Lexi, Joshua, Michayla and Emma,

    When I read your story and look at the pictures I see two stories: a very sad one where you lose Walter, but also a very happy one, where the whole family fills Walter’s short life with love. You were together in that wonderful and terrible moment supporting each other. The way Michayla and Emma hold Walter and look at him shows the great sisters they were for him. The picture of you, Lexi, with Walter on your chest and tears in your eyes is heart breaking. For Joshua it must have been hard to take those pictures but it was a great idea to do so. Those minutes were Walter’s whole life and you can tell every second of it was full of warmth and love and I am sure he could feel it.

    I hope you will always be the incredible family you are.

    All the best.

  1468. querida, eu tambem me emocionei contigo em tua dor…eu tambem tive um filho prematuro de quase 7 meses..mas sobreviveu..hoje é meu amigo esta com 22 anos. Deus sabe o que faz..talvez seu bebe teve um proposito de Deus…para mostral al mundo inclusive as autoridades dos estados unidos que são a favor ao aborto, e deixam que mulheres abortem com até 6 meses…isso é um assassinato.
    teu bebe esta mostrando ao mundo que com 19 semanas esta perfeito, assim as mulheres pensam antes de abortar.
    isso foi maravilhoso voce postar seu bebezinho, que creio que veio para tentar mostrar as meninas e mulheres a não ter mais a coragem em abortar…
    obrigado por mostrar sua privacidade e toda sua dor da perda. mas pensa que ele foi e é um anjinho de Deus que veio para tentar impedir tantos abortos mesmo as meninas não terem noção quando abortam com 6 meses.
    eles depois morrem aos poucos, depois do aborto que tem noção que o bebe ja era perfeito e tinha todo direito em viver e não assassina-lo por ignorancia.
    que deus possa abençoar medicos como o seu…e dar o perdão aqueles que matam bebes assim tão indefesos…obrigado…e que deus conforte seu coração e de sua familia.. seu bebezinho é enviado de deus para uma missão e ele vai conseguir isso, atraves de suas postagens…não desista…mostre ao mundo seu bebe que na verdade é a prova de que ele esta perfeito…que deus abençoe seu amor a ele a aos demais que irão pelo menos deixarem de serem mortos por ignorancia das mães ou sem capacidade de ver a vida dentro do utero…que deus faça seu bebe viajar ao mundo inteiro..e continue entrando em outras redes sociais..assim voce pode ajudar a que meninas não matem mais esses anjos de deus….
    obrigado desde Brasil…um abraço e que possa voce chamar atenção contra o aborto…
    parabens…seu bebe esta com deus…e voce foi escolhida por deus a divulgar uma propaganda contra o aborto…usada por deus, como foi maria…
    deus te faça felis…e que suas filhas sejam abençoadas..toda sua familia.
    obrigada, grande mulher e grande mamãe…
    tank you, gracias, obrigado…..Brasil comparte contigo uma mensagem linda sua contra aborto… obrigado…..obrigado….obrigado
    com carinho, desde Brasil….Solange

  1469. Siento mucho la muerte expontánea de Walter Joshua , pero la valentía de sus padres al hacer publicas esas fotos , debe concienciar a la gente sobre el aborto provocado . Espero que la muerte de Walter Joshua sirva para evitar el asesinato de otros inocentes.

  1470. Desde COLOMBIA te envío todo mi amor y calor….ten fe porque tu PERFECTO BEBÉ estará por siempre con Ustedes y ten por seguro 100% que Dios te dará la felicidad de tener otro bebé….Gracias por compartir con todos nosotros tu dolor, fortaleza, amor y grandeza… Gracias por tan bellas imágenes… Vamos para adelante y recuerda no con dolor sino con alegría que tu bebé sintió el amor infinito de todos Ustedes antes de partir…

    Un fuerte abrazo para todos Ustedes…

    Luz Stella Aristizábal M.

  1471. que mujer tan fuerte. DIOS bendiga a toda la familia. entregense a DIOS y el señor les responderá sus dudas.saludos.

  1472. Si Walter paso brevemente por la vida de esta familia, ha sido por la Gracia de Dios. Un ángel vino de visita, y dejó una estela de amor que ofrece una oportunidad al mundo.

  1473. Son unos grandes padres, y fue hermoso lo que hicieron por ese bebe en su momento de vida y que se fue feliz al saber que tiene una familia que lo ama, mucha suerte y que Dios lo llene de bendiciones para todos. desde México

  1474. Is difficult to say something, I´m so sorry. Thank you for sharing your history, it’s so sad but at the same time is beautiful. God bless your family.

  1475. This story has arrived also to Spain, I listened it today on the radio.
    I am very sorry about your loss, can only express with correctnes what I feel about this in my language:

    Lo siento mucho la pérdida de vuestro hijo,estoy conmovido por esta historia. Quisiera también decir que lo que contiene este blog posee un valor espiritual inmenso para este mundo actual en el que vivimos, y lo mismo cabe decir de algunos de los comentarios que han hecho otras personas acerca de ello. Al igual que otros que han comentado, al ver esto me doy cuenta de que estoy ante algo verdaderamente grande y profundo. Que la paz, la felicidad y la protección acompañen siempre a esta familia por tan extraordinario aporte para todos. Descansa en paz Walter Joshua.

  1476. Hola que tal soy de Puerto Rico mis mas sincero pesame por su hijo y al mismo tiempo los felisito por demostrar el verdadero milagro de DIOS y muchas personas no creen en milagro en cada momento ocure uno pero somos tan ciego que no lo vemos el solo estar vivo es un milagro ustedes lo han demostrado muchas gracias ..
    Perdonen pero no hablo ingles.

  1477. Hola, tal vez ni puedas leer esto porque es español. pero quiero que sepas que son las fotos mas hermosas que he visto! a aquellos que les parecen molestas, se les olvida que un dia fueron asi, y que ellos tuvieron la graCIA de Dios para nacer bien, sin embargo tu pequeño Walter no. quizás haya vivido unos minutos, pero suficientes para llenar de gozo sus corazones, por el rostro que veo de tus hijas al cargar a su hermanito. ESTO ES LUCHAR POR LA VIDA. gracias por compartir estas imagenes y hacerme reflexionar en lo hermoso que es la vida. y para aquellas que tienen en mente abortar y vean estas imagenes puedan descubrir que la vida es vida desde el momento de la concepción. THANKS. GOD BLESS YOU.

  1478. I am sorry for your loss. There is nothing similar like losing a son. We went through the same four times & finally we have two little boys. Saludos desde Mexico.

  1479. maravillosa la obra de Dios, oijalá se recuperen pronto, son jóvenes pronto tendrán más bebés, Dios los bendiga.

  1480. LEXI:

    I’m sorry for your loss. I went to this for 3 times, three little boys, in 2003, 2004, and the last time in 2006. It was a very hard and sad experience for me and my family. I don’t have any kids yet, after those losses. When i saw the pictures I went back in time, I cry so much!!! But you know what, at the same time I felt so happy for you because besides the pain that you most felt in that moment, at least you have the chance to hold him in your arms and touch him, which I couldn’t do to mines. Thank you for showing the world these pictures!! With them the people from all around the world would know what a mothers heart IS!! My best wishes and blessings for you and your beautiful family, and like you said in the letter, they’re in HEAVEN with our Lord and the Angels!!! What more can we ask!! There is no doubt, that besides the pain that we can feel here in earth for the loss, they’re in a BETTER PLACE now, waiting for us. Take care and God Bless you!

    From Puerto Rico


  1482. No tengo idea de como empezar, ya que el dolor que sienten MAMA, PAPA y todos los familiares no es a la misma escala que uno, y es normal que sintamos dolor, La Biblia nos enseña que cuando Jesucristo estuvo acá en la tierra y murió su amigo Lazaro, Jesús sedio a las lagrimas a pesar que el era perfecto y no es el caso de nosotros ya que nosotros heredamos el pecado de nuestros primeros padres Adan y Eva, entonces es normal que sintamos dolor, además La Biblia enseña que Jehová Dios no es mentiroso y es que Amor, por tal razón y ojala que la familia pueda leer mi comentario y puedan leer lo que en Libro de Juan 5:28,29 Jehová nos da la esperanza de que muy pronto veremos a nuestros seres queridos que se han dormido en la muerte. Busquen consuelo en Jehová por el unico medio que el nos habla hoy, su Palabra La Biblia, y comuniquense con el con la linea directa la oración. Un Abrazo y siento mucho su perdida.

  1483. I’m so sorry the loss of your baby, you’re a very brave woman to share with the world all these photographs, your baby has certainly left its mark on many hearts .. forever in our hearts Walter Joshua Fretz.

  1484. yazmin
    hola yo tambien pase por una situcion igual el 04 de junio nacio mi bebe con 15 semanas de gestacion, y sabes es una experiencia triste y hermosa a la vez, porque nunca te esperas conocer de esa manera a tu bebe pero la vida nos dio esa gran oportunidad y yo me siento orgullosa de ser la madre de un gran angelito porque dejame decirte que mi bebe tambien fue niño se llama MATEO lo amo y el conocerlo de la manera en que lo conoci me hizo ver la vida diferente.
    gracias por compartir tus fotos yo no pude tomarle fotos pero al ver a tu bebe estoy viendo al mio es igual nuestros bebes son perfectos

  1485. Huge lesson have given the world an example of courage and love. For this reason we must say NO to Abortion. A hug from Venezuela, God bless, comfort and strengthen them. They have a beautiful family and an angel in Heaven.

  1486. Mi pésame por esta pérdida ………Tu hijito ha recibido todo el amor que una persona merece y quedó plasmado en estas fotografías. En el átomo en el que se haya convertido les dará luz y entereza en todo lo que emprendan reciban mi abrazo desde Buenos Aires Argentina

  1487. Que maravilla, hermosas fotografías, gracias por publicarlas, a ver si la gente entre en razón para no abortar.

  1488. Los acompaño a Ud y su familia en estos momentos de tristeza. Estoy seguro que el niño percibió el gran amor profesado hacia él por todos Uds. Dios los bendiga. Saludos desde Medellín, Colombia.

  1489. Tan pequeñito pero tan INMENSO el AMOR que nos ofreció tu perfecto BEBITO… su misión mandar al mundo un mensaje de vida, amor y bondad que tanta falta le hace al ser humano. Dios los bendiga ahora y siempre.
    Y el mejor regalo para él, es que siempre lo lleves en tu corazón y no lo olvides jamas, porque siempre sera TU HIJO para la eternidad.
    Un fuerte abrazo
    Monterrey, Mexico

  1490. You are very brave and I thank you for sharing your story. I’m very sorry for your lost but also I could connect with what happen to you because it happen to my sister in New Jersey. May God bless you and your family:)

  1491. From México City, We saw your pics, they are wonderful, we are sad for your loss. I wish you and your family the very best. we will pray for you and your little one. God Bless you.

  1492. who like you who had the fortune to see and touch an angel, if he did not stay with us is because they did not belong to this world, now will take care always, beautiful little angel rest in peace…totty from mexico city

  1493. Felicidades por compartir esta maravillosa historia de amor y vida. Si cada ser humano comprendiera el milagro de vivir….TODOS DEFENDERÍAMOS LA VIDA contra todas las situaciones y entornos que la amenazan y aniquilan. Dios le conceda fortaleza a toda su familia y a usted sea la Virgen María la que conforte su corazón. Mi oración con gratitud.

  1494. It’s terrible to have lived this, eh lost my daughter 26 weeks make a very difficult decision to not wanting pictures of her, but now I realize how beautiful it is to see you but are no longer physically with us, we have mood an angel to take care of our way.

    Ana Celorio, Mexico

  1495. lamento mucho que este hermoso angelito no halla completado su periodo de gestacion que maravilloso es que lo allan conocido y que hallan sentido su calor que hermosos momentos dos los bendiga

  1496. este es el milagro de la vida, inigualable como dos seres juntos podemos lograr tan hermoso Ser. Sientanse dichosos de haber entregado un cuerpo a su pequeño hijo, El solo necesitaba eso, es su principal plan en la vida para volver a vivir en el cielo. muchos abrazos y cariños a la distancia, su mayor refugio estar con la familia mas unida que nunca y con la Fé de volver a estar con El en la eternidad. Desde chiloé – Chile.

  1497. hola desde aqui de venezuela lo siento por tu perdida es muy bello ese baby te entiendo lo q sientes a mi me paso casi igual la vida nos da y nos quita pero ahora es un angel de dios un querubin y disculp si alguna de mis palabras te ofenden no es facil perder un hijo a mi me a pasado 2 veces y duele saludos besos y coraje y fuerza .

  1498. Felicidades por tan hermoso pequeño que tuvieron, lamentablemente Dios lo recogio siendo solo aun un angelito. mas les dio la bendicion de conocerlo, un saludo a tu familia, y que dios los bendiga siempre.

  1499. God give you peace that both thing you need is, and remember that those who love God helps them ALL right Romans 8:28
    . greetings from Colombia. Diana

  1500. Hola.. es de admirar el gran amor que se tiene hacia un hijo, brindándole la oportunidad de que el pueda sentir los latidos del corazón de su madre,, una mujer que soportó el impacto de perder su hijo…… Dios bendiga su hogar, la humildad y el amor que muestran sus hijos al compartir esos pocos minutos de vida… walter hace parte del grupo de ángeles que protegen su familia,,,, solo me queda decir,,, FORTALEZA Y BENDICIONES..

  1501. tuviste un bebe muy hermoso,lamento mucho tu perdida, te entiendo( yo tambien perdi uno)el tiempo y el cariño de tus pequeñas y de tu esposo te daran muchas fuerzas: Eres una madre valiente y maravillosa, Dios te bendiga y guarde a ti y a tu familia.

  1502. Lamento grandemente lo ocurrido haces que uno valore enormemente la vida de sus hijos, nunca he estado a favor del aborto y ni lo pienso estar espero en Dios que el mensaje que deseas transmitir llegue a todos y todas las personas y que les haga tomar conciencia.

  1503. He was really perfect, so beautiful baby. Tanks for share this and show the women in the world that our sons are live inside us from the begining.


  1505. Hola que tal,

    He leido su mensaje y no encuentro en mi mente la forma de ordenar mis ideas. Es de gran valor; un valor muy muy grande desde el fondo de su corazón y su alma para haber compartido su vivencia con nosotros los lectores que podemos verle en cualquier parte del mundo. Gracias muchisimas gracias por compartirnos las fotografias de su pequeño. Dios es muy grande y sin importar religión o creencias; la vida es lo mas grandioso que tenemos y tambien saber aceptar las cosas como están planeadas sucedan para nosotros; para cada ser humano. Eso es lo que desafortunamente ha veces olvidamos, ser humanos, tener tacto y sencibilidad a aquella persona que está pasando o paso por alguna situación difícil y que ha cambiado su vida inmediata y futura. Ustedes podrán reencontrarse con su pequeño bebé en el paraíso; él ahora está con el SR. y verá por ustedes; les cuidará.

    Gracias nuevamente por fotos tan bellas, a las cuales no puedo evitar lagrima y no olvidar el milagro de la vida. Les mando un muy fuerte abrazo y pronto puedan continuar con su vida diaria cotidiana; guardando en lo más profundo de su corazón su amor a su bebé.

    Desde la Cd. de México (Gabriel Velasco Muñoz)

  1506. I am sorry for your loss, it is obviously an angel but God requires in his heaven. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos of Joshua
    his brief passage through this world leaves a great teaching. It tells us all those women who think that there IS LIFE abort and have the right to take it away …
    Joshua lived only a few moments that will be eternal in the life of all the people who see these images, Joshua was only a moment but will be remembered for the whole world, for a lifetime ..


  1508. Science supports today that life begins with the fusion of sperm and egg fertilization call (Latin fecundare: fertilize).

  1509. Hola mi nombre es Edith soy de Argentina comprendo tu dolor pero te felicito por tu coraje para publicar las fotos ,yo perdi tres embarazos y me encantaria poder tener un recuerdo de mis bebes ,saludos y fuerza el tiempo ayuda

  1510. hola es una bendicion de Dios el te permito conocerlo y disfrutarlo almenos por unos segundos solo Dios sabe por que hace las cosas y te ba a bendecir con muchas cosas mas disfruta atus hermosas hijas y se feliz con tu familia que esta perdida que tubieron los hagan mas fuertes y unidos Dios te bendiga..

  1511. Our Mr. Jesus has allowed this time so that others who think differently about unborn babies, They are people just like any of us, only they are still very very helpless .. God bless them for taking up where it was possible with this commitment to life .. it’s beautiful, see her perfectly shaped body, it is a person, is a person! and is now with our lord in heaven .. The lord says, let the children come to me!

    It’s sad but the pain is comfort in knowing that God is among His angels at this time.
    God bless I will pray for your baby and you all.
    In the name of God the Father, Jesus and his mother Saint Mary virgin , peace be with you, Amen

  1512. 19 semanas y miren !!! esta perfectamente formado,,solo les falta desarrollo y /o madurar sus organos,,que tomen fuerza para valerce por si mismos,,,si quienes piensan diferente acerca de los bebes no nacidos,,ahora deben de ver con ojos de vida,,que son perfectamente personas,,,Dios les bendiga por la fortaleza y decision de darnos a conocer este maravilloso acto de vida,,Dios les dara y guiara en lo que hagan y sus hermanitas creo que seran impactadas de un modo sano y especial al tener tan cerca a su hermanito,,Dios ya le ha asignado un lugar en el cielo,,El ha vuelto a casa del Padre,,,,Un abrazo en el nombre del Sr,,,Les incluire en las oraciones y apelar a la Divina Misericordia en nuestra radio amiga de Miami, Radio Paz (Paz a la Luz de la Luna)Coronilla a la divina misericordia,Oracion y mucha Paz,,,Bendiciones!!

  1513. God Bless you and your family.
    I can imagine what you went through… I lost my daughter at 31 week of pregnancy… I had twin girls, when Claudia became an angel Claire was born… and here she is 2 and a half years old… we´ll never forget our angel… she lives in our hearts.
    Strength and faith…
    It´s amazing what your pictures did to the world… thank you for sharing
    Walter will always be your angel.
    Be strong and take care. Mònica (from Barcelona Spain)

  1514. Bendiciones para ti y tu familia, que Dios les llene de fuerza nuevamente, gracias por compartir tan íntimos momentos.


  1516. I’m from Mmonterrey, Mexico. Your son left my heart overwhelmed, such a tiny creature of the Lord, but such a beautiful angel He sent for the world to meet. His short life will sure mark a change in many others, and will be hope for those who are in doubt.
    God bless you and your family.

  1517. Seeing your photos has allowed me to expand the human conscience as I am.
    Thank you for sharing photos with the world. Your baby is beautiful and perfect.
    I’m too sad and so sorry for your loss.
    God bless your family.

  1518. I am so sorry to read about the loss of your precious baby. He is beautiful, as are your other children.

    I’m going to be teaching a class about abortion and how precious each baby is to God. May I use one or two of the pictures to show those in my church how perfectly formed an unborn child like he is?:

  1519. es un milagro de vida y es doloroso perderlo pero recuerden tuvieron la oportunidad de decirlo lo amado que es estamos con ustedes

  1520. sorry for your loss, but I am happy to share the photos and some activists understand who kill in their “free choice”

  1521. Dear Lexy,
    I write to you from Mexico, very touched thanks to your enriching experience. You are such a brave mother! I hope the story of the life of your little child to be a pail of cold water that falls on the minds of many people. Walter is a perfect person, with soul and body waiting to be reunited in Heaven. He is much more than an Angel since he is a son of God. I ask Him to bless your beautiful family!

  1522. un momento que jamas se olvidara y se llevara en cada uno de los corazones de la familia dios los bendiga y les de fortaleza.

  1523. Totalmente impactantes, por poco y pierdo el aliento jamás en mis 41 años había sentido esta sensación al mirar una fotografía. Siento mucho tu perdida. Que Dios lo tenga es su santa gloria. @arquimides2000

  1524. hola soy Sharon te escribo desde mexico lo lamento mucho que perdieras a tu bebe pero lo tuvieron un momento con ustedes dios selos permitio y estará con ustedes siempre para siempre besos y bendiciones pediré que oren por Joshua amen.

  1525. Desde el cielo Dios manda regalos q se convierten en bendiciones y aunque no nos parezca solo no los presta por un corto tiempo lo que tu viviste fue una bendición de Dios por las fotos fue una obra hecha con mucho amor te animo a que le des gracias a Dios por haberte dejado vivir tan bella experiencia. GUATEMALA

  1526. From Portugal (Santa Maria da Feira)
    I am so sorry for your loss, but Lexi is now with God and he will always protect your lovely family.

  1527. Life and its forming source is amazing. I couldn´t avoid my eyes to shed tears, both for your beautiful being son as well as for his shorter life. Thank you for sharing this single moment.

  1528. I’m from Portugal – your photos arrive to the media in this small country. In Portugal the abortation can be done on-demand if a woman’s pregnancy has not exceeded its tenth week. Portugal remains a country where the Catholic tradition has a significant influence and for that reason many people, like me, are against abortation.
    Your message is important to those who believe in abortation – it’s not possible to read your message and do not cry. I’m sorry for you lost but at the same time I’m happy because you believe that you will find him again. The Lord will protect him and I think that your messages and photos will turn possible the lifes of many children. Please forgive any mistakes in the English Language.

  1529. I am so so sorry for your loss. I’ve just read your history in a spanish national newspaper. Thanks for share your personal photos of Walter, I should say that I consideer myself agnostician (so much comentaries are argues what I’m gonna tell saying that they are christians) but I think that abort should be banned in 19 week pregnancyes. I think that in some cases it should be legal, but in one more and a half you have anought time to think if you want yo have the child or not. I’m sure about that anyone who watch the photos will be agree with me.

    A hug and greetings from Valencia.

  1530. Thank you for sharing something so special.
    Impossible not to be touched to read your story
    I think this will be your goal to perpetuate the memory of your child by a lot of people. I think it makes you feel that your existence was beyond the moment he left.
    I am a witness and that the memory of your child crosses continents, countries and cultures touching all those who know your history.
    For all this thanks again.
    Francisco Rocha
    From Portugal, Maia

  1531. Lamento imenso que vosso novo rebento não tenha conseguido sobreviver, foi a vontade de DEUS. Obrigado por partilhar estas imagens. Tenham FÉ que DEUS vai substitui-lo.

  1532. siento mucho la perdida de su hijo, y gracias a ud mucha gente tomara conciencia de a quien mata cuando se hace un aborto….nuestro Dios cuidara en el cielo de su bello hijo

  1533. Lamento mucho lo sucedido con tu bebé. Gracias por compartir este momento tan doloroso con todos nosotros. Que Dios te fortalezca a ti y a tu familia. Es hermoso ver el milagro de la vida y ese bebé tan pequeñito y “perfecto”. Que Dios te bendiga y te guarde siempre. Besos.

  1534. obrigada por partilharem connosco este momento. Um momento de Paz, de Vida, de Sofrimento….Uma amostra da Nossa pequenez….
    Lamento que o Vosso bébe, não tenha vindo para cá ficar, lamento muito. Mas ficou para sempre nas nossas cabeças, de todos nós, que podemos ver estas fotos maravilhosas, de Vida…Bem hajam!!

  1535. God’s blessings to you and your family, Thanks for sharing your testimony of life, definitely is valuable to show the world the great miracle of life.

    Rosa Maria Centeno Ruiz, Tabasco, Mexico

  1536. I’m really sorry for this loss Lexi!!! But after reading what you have written, I think you are a really strong woman who will get over this situation.
    I’m glad you posted this photos, because now all the world can see how a wonderful creature is a 19-week-old baby. Thank you.
    Lots of love from a Spaniard living in Austria.

  1537. You have a sweet angel looking for the rest of the family from the skies. Your baby was beautiful and I am sure he came into this world to give us the testimony of unconditional love.
    The pictures are strong, because they are a hymn to love.
    God bless you all!

  1538. Hi,
    First of all i’m very sorry for your loss! As i like to tell my litlle son, those who die became litlle stars, guiding and protecting us.
    Thank you so much for these photos, it took a lot of courage and much love to take them. I was not shocked when i saw the photos…i was thrilled to see a perfect litlle human being as i never thought to see.
    Wish you, all, lots of courage to deal with this and lots of happiness in the future.
    Kisses and hugs from Portugal!

  1539. Me ha conmovido en el alma, en verdad te admiro por tu fuerza para superar este paso gracias por conmpartir tu historia, un fuerte abrazo y animo.

  1540. There is always a reason, a short visit to earth, knowing her family at least for some minutes and then goodbye, a unique situation which I hope will enrich this family in unity and hope. Blessings to you all.

  1541. I am without words and I can only say thank you for sharing your photograps with us.
    Kisses for your beautiful family, and a special hug for you.. Thank you again.

  1542. Dios lo tenga en su santa gloria. Mis bendiciones a toda tu familia esposos e hijos. Desde Mexico.

  1543. He was perfect in every sense. You are one of those few people that had a wonderful experience to see you baby boy in that stage of formation. Praise The Lord for you are and will be blessed.along with your family. For seeing so much love of your family is a miracle!

  1544. I’m really sorry for your loss; for sure he is a beautiful baby, and now a little beautiful angel. It was hard for me to see those pictures, because I’m mother of an eight year old boy and 30 weeks pregnant. At the beginning was a shock know that I was pregnant, and because my circumstances (Single mother in a different country, and the dad of my baby is also in other country), some members of my family didn’t accept the news very well, and I thought at that time I did a mistake, after too much thinking, I realise that was the best thing that could happened to me, because my baby was made with the man I always loved, and with all the love that I always wish to make a baby with him long time ago. And then I decide to be brave and spread the news with friends and the rest of my family, today I’m feel very happy that my little boy is coming soon, and I can’t wait to hold him on my arms. Thank you for share your story, and helping me to appreciate more the life of my baby and my alder son. God bless you!

  1545. Sorry for your loss!…you are so strong and blessed…God bless you and your family!!….with your story you have reached and touch so many lives…. Thank you for sharing with the world your story!…it’s a treasure to let us know your son and the miracle of life…

  1546. Thanks for sharing your very special moment in life. This shows the love of a family, the love from a family towards life, you are a perfect example of the good that exist in humanity. That goodness that little by little we are loosing, but still some have it within…. At the same time I am very, very sorry for your loss.

  1547. Siento mucho tu pérdida. Yo perdí uno a las 8 semanas, es duro y triste pero nos dimos otra oportunidad y ahora tenemos una bebé de 1 año y siete meses. Todo se puede. . .


  1549. Bravo! Habéis ayudado con vuestra generosidad a la causa pro life. Me alegraré que, más adelante, un nuevo niño aumente vustra alegría familiar. No habéis perdido
    nada. Habéis mejorado la condición humana. Que Dios os bendiga, Mario C

  1550. Lexie you are an example of mother, you are amazing. i send you much force and calm for pass this hard moment.Kisses for your family from Argentina.

  1551. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to learn once more that God really exists. He is the only one who can do this: a perfect boy, every part of his tiny body, really amazing. just send you peace and lots of love for you and your family and power to continue living in this life.

  1552. God give you and your family the blessing of having little Josh for a few minutes so that you and your beautiful girls learn the precious gift of life! It wasn’t his time and he will be back when the time is right. Bless you all from Puerto Rico♥

  1553. Everybody said sorry for your loss and your family’s loss, but you know what I think, Walter Joshua will be with you, your family and the entire world for the eternity. God permit things for show us how love he had and how big he is..God bless you and bless your family.

  1554. Es una tristeza ver a una criatura en formación y que no tuvo el privilegio de vivir pero Dios sabe todas las cosas y porque las permite. Es un angelito …y mi Señor les dará la fortaleza para continuar..Muchas bendiciones.

  1555. I am honor to know your family, God blessed you with the miracle of Joshua a beautiful angel.

    Thank you and God bless you.

  1556. Sorry for your loss, god bless your son and your family. Saw in a local news . For sure your son is right now in God hands.

  1557. zerimar

    lexi, you are a strong woman and thank you for sharing with the world the story of your baby, walter. i hope that lord be with you and your family always and give you the strength all of you need to continue. walter is an angel now and he is with God, as you said in your story, and from beyond walter is taking care of you too. your baby was beautiful and there is no doubt that when we as a women get pregnant within us is a growing a life and that baby is a baby from the conception time up to the end of the pregnancy. God bless you and your family and i am pray for all of you here. thanks again for sharing with us your sad but at the same time wonderful story.

  1558. Your example of what love is, it’s amazing! I have so much respect for you, your courage and all the love we can see in your posts. Thanks for sharing something so personal and intimate about your family and most of all honoring Walter in this special and beautiful way. God bless you and your family. Many blessings and prayer from Dominican Republic.

  1559. OMG the pics are very beautiful. Walter Joshua is a beautiful angel. God bless you and your family. I’m sorry for that….

  1560. Dear Lexi,
    I hope that is already better as well like your lovely family.
    I just want to tell you that in Portugal, the pictures of your little angel did not stop in Fecebook, and that the whole country is thrilled. Thank you for sharing this moment with the world. Believe me, it changed a lot of people.
    Believe also, that your little angel is now with god and is another shining star in the sky.
    Congratulations for wonderful wife and mother who is.
    Kisses from Portugal,(Lisbon)

  1561. Joshua is in heaven now and he is blessed to have such a beautiful family. This is a beautiful story, a story of a real family that is full of love for each other. I admired you and your family for have the courage of sharing the photos of this perfect boy. Everything happens for a reason. Why he has to departure so fast from this world? We have no answer for that. May God continue blessing you and your family.

  1562. Hola, mi nombre es Yenerva Pineda soy de Republica Dominicana y tu historia es muy parecida a la mia y por eso me veo en tu espejo. Yo tengo 3 niños uno de 12 años, una niña de 3 años y un bebe de casi 7 mese y aqui inicia mi historia: Mi bb nacio de 29 semanas y peso casi menos de libra y media y era asi de pequeño y completo super hermoso y sus manitos y muy activo, estubo casi 2 meses en la encuvadora entubado, poniendole surfato, realizandole trasfuciones de sangre y quien me podia quitar de al lado de mi bb, nadie me podia hablar de que no iva a recistir ese bb era parte de mi, parte de mi familia. Te felicito por esas fotos por tomar las cosas como lo isiste por comparttir esos momentos con tu familia desde el mas grande hasta el mas pequeño. Aqui te dejo mi correo para que conosca a mi bb el se llama Salvador y es tan hermoso ya tiene 16 libras y es un bb sano. Mi fb es Yenerva Pineda. Disculpa pero no se hablar nada el idioma ingles.

  1563. I’m very sorry for your loss!
    What a story! 😦
    He will always be your little angel! God Bless your entire family!
    From (Puerto Rico) currently living in USA

  1564. Dios te bendiga ! God Blessing you / Este niño perfecto, es de nuestro Señor perfecto, y demuestra lo bello que es la vida y que nadie, nadie tiene derecho a quitarla … Recibieron su herencia, y Joshua está con nuestro Señor Jesuscristo. Amen

  1565. Im sorry for your loss!! Gods creation is beautiful!! Thank U for remind that God make beautiful and perfect his creation!! beautiful boy that is in heaven waiting. GOD bless u and ur family. from PR

  1566. Tu historia es bella, y de una manera u otra tócara muchos corazones, Gracias por mostrar al mundo el amor maternal y el respeto a la vida humana. Cuida a esa bella familia que tienes.

    He querido hacer este mensaje en español para que puedan entender que el idioma no importa al momento de mostrar amor hacia los demas al fin y al cabo todos somos hermanos.

    Adelante cariño!!

    Jeanette Sepúlveda Chavier
    Puerto Rico

  1567. There is not equality between men and women! God bless you with the opportunity of giving birth, something we can not enjoy. You did not loss a baby, you have him alive in the sky, smiling because he gave you one more reason to believe in life, is important not only to be a mother, but to be a son and he did enjoyed it!

  1568. God bless your courage and your family!!! I wish I was brave enough to have done the same when I lost my little girl seven years ago.. She was 22 1/2 weeks and weighted 2 pounds and measure 10 inches. My water broke when I was at work and when I got to the hospital the Dr said that it was best to get her out because there was no change for her to live at that age, but she kept on moving inside of me and I would not let him performed an (abortion), so they transfer me to another hospital where there was an advanced NICU and maybe my baby had a change to live, but I was wrong, they set me up on the side and practically forgot about me, saying I had a bacteria that would kill me if I didn’t let them take my baby out but I refuse “she was still alive” until I was injected “something ” I am still unsure of what it was but all I know soon after that I was giving birth of a beautiful baby girl named Sudeliz Marie!! The Drs. words are still recorded in my heart when he gave her no hope of living, he said: I have only seen these miracles in the states!! (I live in Puerto Rico.) She will always be my little princess!! I have three handsome boys!!

  1569. yo me pregunto porque no lo metieron en una encubadora antes de pasearlo como un juguete por las niñas y todos tal vez se hubiera salvado

    1. Walter was too premature to attempt any life saving treatments. He was born alive and his heart was beating but he only lived for a few minutes. He was born on friday night and we did not bring our daughters into see him until the next day. If there was anything that could have been done to try and save him, I am confidant the dr’s would have attempted. Our daughters did not play with their brother like a toy. They held him just like they would if he were alive and cried that there baby brother was not on this earth anymore. We placed him in the small outfit because his body had started to deteriorate by morning and we wanted him to be covered before they saw him. We felt it was very important to their healing that they could see and hold him. To have their baby simply dissapear would have been much harder to understand and deal with. I hope that you understand.

      Walter era demasiado prematuro intentar cualquier tratamiento para salvar vidas. Él nació viva y su corazón latía, pero sólo vivió durante unos minutos. Nació el viernes por la noche y no nos traen nuestras hijas a verlo hasta el día siguiente. Si había algo que podría haber hecho para tratar de salvarlo, yo soy el confidente del dr habría intentado. Nuestras hijas no jugó con su hermano como un juguete. Ellos lo mantuvieron al igual que lo haría si estuviera vivo y gritaron que no hermanito no estaba en este mundo nunca más. Lo colocamos en el equipo pequeño, porque su cuerpo había comenzado a deteriorarse por la mañana y que quería que fuera cubierto antes de que lo vieron. Nos pareció que era muy importante para su curación que podían ver y abrazarlo. Para tener su bebé simplemente desaparecer habría sido mucho más difícil de entender y manejar. Espero que usted entienda.

  1570. Impressionante .A vida é tão pequena, o ser humano no seu Ponto de Partida.

  1571. I believe that mans and women’s develop them as persons and the world, through the contact and social interaction, You are very brave Lexi, despite it was not the desired pregnancy end, you was open and lovely women to share with the world the beauty and perfection of a nineteen weeks life human being, it´s hard when we lost someone very close to us, but I see that you have a lovely family, two lovely daughters in the photos, and I am glad for you.

    The best regards from Portugal, thanks for your openness and kindness.
    My best wishes for you and family.

  1572. Hello,
    My name is Vera and I am Portuguese.
    I know the pain that you feel.
      2 years ago I lost one a baby at 23 weeks, was a boy.
    I have not seen, and now I regret.
    Strength and courage.

  1573. I would like to congratulate you for the courage of sharing the fotos of such precious moments… I admit it touched the very bottom of myself… I wish the best of lucks to you all… Hugo Guerreiro (Portugal)

  1574. Incrivelmente tocantes…. mas com tanto , tanto amor…
    Obrigado por partilhar.
    os sinceros pêsames pela vossa perda..

  1575. É muito dificil perdermos um filho e continuarmos a ter coragem para seguir em frente,sem ter muita vontade para tal.Lexi,agarre se a sua familia que é muito bonita e corajosa também e vá todos os dias á janela e repare que as estrelinhas que mais brilham,são os nossos filhos que sorriem para nós.Um bem haja para todos.


  1577. My condolences for you loss. I tip my hat to you for Your courage and respect for human life. In releasing these photos you gave us an insight that at 19 week old human, is a completely formed human life. Thank you. God Bless you.

  1578. Hi Mrs. Fretz! I have heard about the loss of your baby. I want you to know that there is a hope for your baby. I’m Jehovah’s witness and I have learned many promises that God gives us and one of these is to see our loved ones who have died again. I would like you read this information:
    If you want you can contact me if you want to talk more about this.
    God bless you!
    hugs. =)

  1579. so sorry to hear this story I have been thru the same thing but except I was having twins they were fraternal twin girls maddie had passed away around 24 weeks the same week my other daughter had a seizure it was so rough back in 2009 twin a made it out alive now she is a healthy terriable 3 year old lol but twin b will never be forgotten cause little bitty babys makes a big difference in life! I hope u hsave a great rest of life with the ones you have now take care!

  1580. Parabéns! Seu gesto de amor ajudará muitas pessoas a refletirem sobre o que é abortar, intencionalmente, um ser humano vivo, objetivando o aniquilamento. Salvará muitas vidas,principalmente para que a legislação brasileira continue conceituando o aborto como crime, e assim abraçar os filhos daquela pátria desde à concepção.

  1581. I am so very sorry for your loss. We are expecting our third granddaughter shortly and I can even imagine the pain if something would happen. We will keep you and your family in our prayers.

  1582. Amiga… a Dios no hay que entenderlo… simplemente hay que obedecerlo! Gracias por compartir lo más íntimo que tenías en tu vida… he llorado y he comprendido que Dios es perfecto y está en control de todo!! Eres una madre guerrera! Un abrazo espiritual! Ahhh y llevamos el mismo nombre!! Lexie Marie!

  1583. First of all I want to express my deepest sympathy for you and your family. But I want also to congratulate all of you to share these photos. Even though it is a very difficult time, you have been chosen to prove to the world that babies are living creatures from the beginning, I am sure that your courage has helped a lot of people that were thinking on abortion. But these photos prove that they are alive. God works in many different ways to send His message. Children are creatures from Him, and your love and kindness to share your experience is a way of letting the world know that there are reasons for all of God´s acts. For those thinking on abortion, please think on adoption. I couldn´t have babies so God gave me the opportunity to adopt a girl 26 years ago. And you and your family have a beautiful opportunity to promote this. You have proved that these are real babies, no matter the time of pregnancy. And your little girls will always remember this and promote that there should be no more abortions. Thanks for sharing, even though I do not know you, I know you are a beautiful person outside and inside. The picture with your wedding rings also show what a great man is your husband. Congratulations for such a beautiful family. God will give you the courage to go ahead and bring the message to everyone. We are His messengers in earth. GOD BLESS YOU; YOUR HUSBAND AND YOUR CHILDREN.
    Please receive a big hug from a new friend, Mariluz, from Puerto Rico,

    1. Son imágenes duras pero reales. Dios tiene un propósito para todo y para todos. Dolorosamente ustedes debieron ser el testimonio para muchas personas que creían estar en razón. para apoyar el aborto. Jehova les de la fortaleza para enfrentar esta dura prueba.

  1584. I konow what you feel my son was born in 22 weeks I have him on my hands only for a few minutes he was perfect it was the most difficult moment in my whole life in one second i have and lost my baby for ever i regrets that i dont have foto of my son

  1585. Hello to the family of baby Walter Joshua Fretz. Thank you for sharing the pictures of your adorable baby, the miracle of love too soon to leave this earth. An amazing baby’s life, rest in peace. Many blessings to your family.

  1586. Thank you for these amazing pictures. He was such a beautiful baby, and I’m sure that now he’s in a better place seeing you.

  1587. D-s es perfecto y su tiempo también, tu bebe era perfecto y hermoso. Llore mucho y le doy gracias a D-s por mis hijos. DTB

  1588. Mi nombre es Margarita y te escribo desde Bogotá- Colombia. Le doy gracias al Espíritu Santo de Dios por haber puesto en tu corazón el compartir esta hermosa historia que ha llenado nuestros corazones de tanto amor y ternura. Siento mucho que hubieras perdido a tu bebecito, también soy madre y amo a mis hijitos, pero estoy segura que El Señor permitió que viviera por muy poco tiempo para darle al mundo esta lección de Poder y Grandeza, con tan poco tiempo de gestación, es un ser perfecto, hermoso y completo, un milagro de vida como solo El lo puede hacer. Le mostraste a tantos corazones duros que la vida es un Don Divino y Precioso y que no tenemos ningún derecho de truncarla con el aborto. Es un atentado contra el Amor de Dios. Sé que tu corazón y el de tu familia ya fue consolado con tantos mensajes de solidaridad pero primeramente sé que El Amor Infinito de Dios te envolvió en sus brazos, te llenó de paz y recibió a tu bebecito en su Reino como otro angelito para que con sus alitas pueda revolotear sobre ti dándote todo su amor.. Que Nuestro Dios Grande y Misericordioso te bendiga por siempre hasta que te vuelvas a reunir con tu bebecito precioso.


  1590. Tenemos una bebe de un año y tres meses, y al ver las fotos de tu angelito, solo puedo darle gracias a Dios por la bendición que nos ha regalo. A ti te felicito por tener la fuerza de afrontar esta situación tan dura, pero se que nos le haces un gran favor a la humanidad para que comprendan lo valiosa y milagrosa que es la vida. Bogotá -Colombia

  1591. Hace dos años, también perdí a mi bebé, que solo tenía 3 meses y medio. Fue un momento muy difícil en mi vida, porque lo esperábamos con mucha ansiedad, pero un problema de pré-eclampsia, me hizo perderlo. Su cuerpo estaba totalmente formado. Era un niño y lo llamé Samuel. Jamás olvidaré la semejanza que tenía con mi familia. Tenía un rasgo de cada integrante de la familia. Lo amo y lo amaré por siempre.

  1592. I deeply regret Friend. Porla I had to fight my sons life .. matrix suffer hypoplastic and spent my two pregnancies fearing perser to my children, the first born of the second 30 weeks 34 weeks .. whenever there was an emergency thought the worst .. but it never happened …. So you give yourself the best with your beautiful daughters and have hope in life .. and have a family and per minute were Joshua’s mother … thousand blessings from Venezuela Milagro Vineyard

  1593. Mil gracias por mostrarnos a su hermoso y maravilloso bebé, no sé lo que significa perder un hijo; pero estoy segura que ahora es un gran varón al lado de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y un gran servidor de DIOS.
    De nuevo mil gracias por esas bellas fotografías y muchas bendiciones.


  1595. Hola quiero decirte que sos la mujer mas valiente en el mundo , y que ojala Dios te de un bebe nuevamente por que sos la mama mas maravillosa y fuerte que haya podido ver … I am sorry for you baby ,, pero Dios a todos nos da un propósito en el tierra y a el le toco en el cielo. saludos from Cali, Colombia

  1596. es muy hermoso, un angel que no era para es mundo, el va a estar con dios, sus fotos ojala sirvan para esas personas desnaturalizadas de piensan que abortar es como cortarse el cabello o las unas, no piensan de son seres que ya pueden sentir… mi corazon esta con ustedes, por la temprana partida de ese hermoso ser… angelica maria desde cali-colombia

  1597. God Bless your family and I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for your courage and faith to share these precious moments with all of us. Your baby was PERFECT from conception – all that God has planned is there from that moment and is a huge blessing!!!! I too pray that soon we will collectively reconsider abortion (but respect the rights of those in dire need to choose). From 6 weeks they have a heartbeat and at 12 they can suck their thumbs. It breaks my heart that live in a society that would call Walter a fetus instead of a baby. Anyway, I’m sure you’ve had your fill of strangers giving their opinions at one of the hardest moments of your life! I will keep you and your family in my prayers and pray your family feels God’s peace, love and strength now xxxxxxx

  1598. I am so sorry for your loss!
    I also regret that many say it was the will of God, he needed another angel in heaven and … so took your boy! What kind of God is this, that takes a baby to a mother?!? It makes no sense!

    In His Word – the Holy Bible – we read in Job 34:10: “Therefore, hear me, you men of understanding:
    far be it from God that he should do wickedness,
    and from the Almighty that he should do wrong.”

    God does not cause evil! Your little boy deserved to live …

    When Jesus Christ was on earth he is taught that the purpose of his Father resurrect the dead, note that in John 5:28, 29: “Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice
    and come out, those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment.”

    Jesus while on earth made ​​with the power of his Father some resurrections, when you can please read those recorded in Luke 7:13-15 and Luke 8:51-56. When reading note that the resurrected were returned to their families … this is the purpose of God!

    If you wish you can get more details about what the Bible says on this subject at this link:

    Again sorry for your loss, but please know also that this was not God’s will.

    Courage, and thank you for publishing your story.

    Also know that I will pray for you …

    Please excuse if this message has some mistakes in English, I’m Portuguese, and only learned English in school.

  1599. Es un ángel de Dios, nos permitió conocerlo y tenerlo un ratico acá
    en la tierra, pero el lo necesitaba en el cielo para cuidarnos desde ayer, fortaleza para tu familiar y que Dios bendiga su camino y ten presente que tu angelito siempre te acompañara.

  1600. Beautiful and sad history, all the love and blessings for you and your family from Venezuela!! ❤

  1601. I am so sorry for your loss. No matter what those Dr.’s say that was a baby, period. From the moment of conception that was a baby and I am sure that baby was very loved as well. I lost a baby at 16 weeks and that was 25 years ago so I share your pain. You and your family were so blessed to get to say goodbye to your child, I was not allowed that privilege. I often wish I would have been given that chance to say goodbye. You and your family will forever be in my thoughts and prayers. May God Bless your family.

  1602. Reblogged this on Life Speaks and commented:
    These are pictures of a baby who had to be delivered at 19 plus weeks. Beautiful, precious pictures and a love story written by the mother of this little boy. She shares her story and these pictures to show the world that, even so young in the womb, this is a baby, a child, not just a mass of tissue.

  1603. Hola soy Mia. te escribo desde Colombia y España
    Solo quiero enviarte una voz de aliento, seguramente es un dificil momento pero Dios cuidadara de ese pequeño hermoso que cultivaste en tu vientre , me siento conmovida con tu historia y desde mi mas profundo y sincero corazón oro a Dios para que cuide de ti y tu familia.

    1. Lamento tu perdida y admiro tu valor al compartir con el mundo esta historia.
      Dios bendiga a tu familia. Tienes a un angel en el cielo. Yo he perdido varios embarazos y puedo imaginar lo que sientes. Yo no pude tenerlos en mis brazos como tu. Gracias por compartir tu historia.

  1604. My dear sister,
    I have 3 children and miscarried early with 1 child before my first and after my last. As I read your story and see your photos my heart fills with such sorrow for you and your family along with such joy that you were blessed to have been able to hold him and give him all your love for the few short minutes or hours that he lived on this earth with you his amazing and strong mommy and daddy. My God comfort you and strengthen you; and, may your story touch the hearts of everyone on earth. May the Lord also see fit to bless you with yet another child if it is your hearts desire and His will to do so. My heart and prayers are with you.

  1605. Very touchable your story. II’m from Mexico and as a doctor, mother and Catholic I really apreciate you’re sharing this, ’cause it’s important to show what’s life’s and the meaning. We have to support always the lif.God bless all your family!

  1606. Your story is very emotional, wow just thinking how there are people in the world that just decides to end their pregnancy like nothing, sorry for your loss. This is a little Angel that will always be bless, he have gotten his love from the beginning. May God continue to bless your family!

  1607. Sabemos lo que estan pasando porque nosotros tambien somos padres de 4 angeles. El les dara fortaleza y losprotegera desde el cielo. Se ha ido pero no lo olvidaran hasta el gran momento del encuentro. Dios los bendiga.

  1608. You are so brave. And your little one is so perfect and so beautiful. Praise God that you will hold him in heaven.

  1609. thanks for those beautiful photos you are a great family and your dead baby is alive forever in god’s arms. GOD BLESS YOU

  1610. La vida de este hermoso bebe que se aferro a la vida por sentir el amor de sus padre y hermanas es maravillosa,la vida es tan fragil y este lindo niño demostro que el amor es poderoso,y dios lo tendra por siempre a su lado hasta cuando sus padres se reunan con el.Dios bendiga vuestro hogar,vuestra familia

  1611. Beautiful little baby.I am so sorry for your loss, I know what it feels like, God Bless you and your family.

  1612. God is amazing Look what He has created and allowed you to see Him 🙂 God wanted him back home I am happy and crying when I see these pictures. I Know that God is comforting you and Helping you through this time. With Christ’s Love Kristy

  1613. So glad you got to see him. My grandson was born at 26 weeks and although disabled was soo soo precious to us! We lost him when he was five and some thought it would have been better if he had never lived. Oh, they just don’t know the love he brought to us all. Those short 5 years were a gift from God. I know you didn’t get much time at all but thank goodness you were able to see and hold him. God has a plan for us all.

  1614. I am so sorry for your families loss. Y’all will see your son one day when our LORD JESUS comes for us. I rejoice for your sons new life in heaven with his heavenly Father. GOD bless you and your family. You are an awesome wonderful lady!

  1615. U little precious angle will be waiting n heaven for u to arrive someday an he knows how much u all loved him from the very 1st time u knew he was n ur womb. So touch by ur story! God be with u an ur family. Will say a prayer for u an ur family.

  1616. I’m sorry for your lost,,29 years ago at 22 weeks I lost my first child, it’s was a boy also, I know how feel,but you were blessed to see your son, the hospital would’t let me see my son, but I will see him one day, GOD BLESS

  1617. I’m so sorry for your loss but rejoice in the fact that your precious son never had to know the pain and suffering of this world but will only always know the joy, peace and comfort of our precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. His life had a purpose and he fulfilled that purpose for God in those short minutes he lived. His life may have stopped an abortion of many little ones. Thank you very much for sharing. May God richly bless your family for this. You have beautiful pictures of Walter to remember him. I have a song that is pro-life, please feel free to use it and if you need a copy let me know. Following is the link, the song is Hero.

  1618. I am so sorry for your loss, know that he is with the Lord Jesus and is living in a much better place than on Earth. Maybe his loss with help someone think before they have an abortion because life begins at conception and every baby deserves to live no mater what he is Gods Child. My Prayers and thoughts are with you and your Family as you grieve . I lost four babies the first was at 5 week the others were about ten weeks they found no heart beat.I never saw them or held them had to have dnc with all of them but the first one. Little Angel

  1619. I am so sorry for your families loss, he was so beautiful. Im so glad you believe and trust in the LORD. THE LORD NOW HAS ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL LITTLE ANGEL. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

  1620. I know God send the Holy Spirit will surround you with comfort and love. Your baby is safe in the arms of Jesus. I will keep your family in my prayers. God Bless you

  1621. Hi sweetheart, I just wanted to you to know that God has his own reasons for the things that happens in our lives, ourcchildren are our gifts, butt they are only on loan. God is our Heavenly Father and eventually he wants us back, God sent you an angel to serve His purpose ( we don’t always know what that purpose is) but I believe it is to help all those people out there on the internet otherwise this wouldn’t have happened. But your baby didn’t pass away in vain, look at so many others who are affected by the passing of your dear child. God Bless You Sweetheart, And Remember God Is With You Always.

  1622. I can’t even begin to say how sorry I feel for your loss or even say I know how you feel but I do believe walter is your guardian angel & he is in Heaven with God & Jesus & is a very happy boy & he is blessed by his Earthly family & his Heavenly family & yes you will see him again.
    Just have faith & put your trust in the Lord.
    God bless you & your family.

  1623. Your story is amazing. I pray for you and your family to continue on in his strength. Your testemony about not know why God took him home but your trust in His perfect timing shows your true character, strength and love for God. I can not express how your story touched my heart and I pray that MANY MANY more women and girls will have the opportunity to see your beautiful family photos and know that the lies they are being told are just that, LIES. God created every tiny little aspect of your baby boys life and every little feature he would have. To lie to woman and tell them they are not even formed yet is a disgrace. I have always known they were not truthful but to actually see what your little baby looks like at such a young age is very eye opening. I found myself examining his every feature, his tiny toes, his little finger nails, his little chest and even the out line of his ribs. I can not thank you enough for sharing your story with us all. It is something people needed to hear and see. May God use your families story to change the hearts and minds of people. Change the world. God bless and keep you all in his care. Love in Christ our Lord Ernest and Hope Sierra (Rockledge Florida)

  1624. Thank you for sharing your story. Tears came to my eyes as I looked thru the pictures! I know the pain you are feeling is great. I, too, lost a baby due to a miscarriage several years ago. One thing that always brought me comfort was my belief that my baby went to heaven and, I hope that will help you too.

  1625. Oh sweetie! My prayers to you and your family. We lost our son Joseph at 18 weeks. Thank-you for sharing your stories and pictures. We never got to hold our son and I never even got to have a good look at him but at least my husband did. He would have been 14 this year and it still hurts.

  1626. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your Beautiful baby Boy…. My son was born at 22 weeks 6 days and he lived for about 15 hours… He was so tiny and so precious just like your little guy… However, I did not have the strength you have to share a story such as this.. We lost our daughter Natalia in 2006 to S.I.D.S and a year later in 2007 we lost Isaihah… The pain that this type of loss brings is something no one can imagine nor compare. My heart breaks for you as I know the struggles and journey ahead of you as you try and heal and understand. All the unanswered questions and anger you will feel. However, lean on one another and know that GOD really does know what he is doing, and has an amazing plan for all of us.. Your little boy was sent here to help you share this story and try and make others understand they are HUMAN and they are not a fetus, they do have finger and toes, and a mouth and cute little button ears.. You are amazing and I pray your family finds strength and peace in the days, months and years to come.. Our little guys are best friends up in heaven I know it.. God bless you and your family Monica Haning, Mandan North Dakota

  1627. I am so sorry for your loss and all you had to endure. I pray the Lord will strengthen you and your family and heal you. My hope is that some one will see the photos of your precious Walter and change their mind about abortion. A life is a life at any stage. May God bless you.

  1628. May good bless you for sharing your special story with the world. May our father in haven in His love and mercy give you peace. I also hope as many people that can read your story will understand that life begins at conception and God is the only one that can decide when that life should end. Again, Gods blessings and peace be with you.

  1629. Walter was such a beautiful little boy. Thanks so much for sharing your story and the pictures of him. Each and every life is so very precious, no matter how short or how long it is. May God richly bless your family.

  1630. I know that you have had a lot of ppl comment on what happened to you. Walter is and always will be beautiful. I hope that your story will make it harder for women to have an abortion. I am happy that you got the opportunity to hold your precious son. Don’t be discouraged about having another child. God might have taken Walter but the Heavenly Father may send you another child to give your love to. May God bless you and keep you. Rhonda Waughtel(West Portsmouth, Ohio). Once again thank you for sharing your story.

  1631. I am so sorry for your loss. What an amazing story about your son and your family. The love that you were able to share with your son, Walter when he was born. As you said at only 19 weeks Walter was a baby and not a fetus. Your story touched me so much, you see my husband and I always wanted children, but we were not able to have one of God’s most amazing gifts. I am always hurt by people wanting to or going through with abortion. My pain of not being able to ever have children comes through every time I read of someone else’ story of loss. We were almost able to adopt a new born baby, but at the last minute the mother changed her mine…It was very hard for us both and we decided that we did not want to put ourselves through such a traumatic thing ever again, it was just to hard. So we went into spoiling our nieces and nephews so much…we love them as our very own. And now our great nephew is spoiled twice as much. So I’m very glad that you were able to have your girls to love on. I know you could never replace your son, Walter with the girls or another child. But God did bless you with those girls before Walter so that you would have them when you son passed away. That is a blessing in it self. You son Walter is so sweet and I’m over joyed to have been able to share in your joy of having him as a blessing from God. I’m so glad that you had your camera to capture those precious moments with your son Walter. Ones of which I know that you will always cherish for the rest of your lives. Walter is another angle in heaven now and will be waiting on your arrival to meet you all again. May God bless your family always for giving Walter the love that he so deserved before he left his earthly home. And thank you for sharing your family story with me and others. My heart is filled and overflowing for your family. You will be in my prayers for the next few months for God to ease your pain of the loss of Walter your beautiful little son… God Bless!!!

  1632. I’m so sorry I know losing a baby is hard I lost two boys one back in May 12th 2009 at 23 weeks and lived for 2 hours and I was out of town and had just my husband with me and my other son was born April 5th 2012 and died April 12th 2012 and then I got really sick and I had 3 Miscarriage.your baby was so tiny Ashton was 1LB .05 oz .

  1633. He was absolutely beautiful! Such a precious little boy. Thank you for sahring your story with us. God is so good and he had a plan for your son, you are showing the world that a baby is a baby no matter what age! Life is so precious and your story just proves that so much more! God bless you and your family!

  1634. I am sorry about your baby. He may not be here with you and your family, but someday, in the blink of an eye, you will be with him again!

  1635. My heart hurts for you. He was such a blessing and I can not even imagine the pain you went through. Although it was not your intention I hope this makes people realize how precious an unborn childs life is even at 20 weeks. I am so sorry for your loss and hope you find peace knowing he is in heaven and one day you will be with him again.

  1636. Thank you so very much for sharing your story and your photos. Your little guy is beautiful. And I hope and pray that these photos Will save countless other babies whose mothers decided against abortion after seeing that he is a human, a baby, and NOT a blob of cells like some like to think. God bless you and your family.

  1637. We all are really with your family with all our heart in this sad moment .
    God bless you ad your little Angel.
    Tiziana from Italy

  1638. Dios los bendiga a todos ustedes, su bebe esta en el cielo y es un ángel que desde allá los cuida. Bendiciones!

  1639. Oh my sister, I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart is broken for you. I have had this type of loss a few times in my life, and your strength amazes me! I became bitter and resentful and had to pull myself out of that hurtful place with the help of G-d and time. I wish I had your grace and faith. Heavenly Father has taken me far, but I still have a long way to go. My prayers are with you and your family and we will light a candle tonight to remember with your and grieve your loss with you.

  1640. I can’t imagine the pain you and your family has gone through, I lost a child who I know was a girl by God;s confimations in February 2013. I am still grieving and she was only 5 weeks 3 days. Your son was a beuatiful little boy. Thank you for sharing your story and

  1641. I just wanted to say how sorry I am that you all had to go through this. But, God is good and even though we don’t understand, His ways are perfect!! Every life is precious and hopefully God will bless you with another little miracle! May God comfort you and bless your life!
    Through Christ,
    Amber B.

  1642. tu perdistes uno yo perdi un par de gemelos con 5 meses y medio y cada uno vivio 1 hora y media se lo que se siente y comprendo tu dolor el unico consuelo es que ellos son un par de angeles mas que tengo en el cielo para cuidarme

  1643. So sorry for your loss. These pictures are absolutely amazing. I hope anyone who is even considering killing her baby takes a look at these pictures of your perfect little boy.
    May God bless you and your family….especially those precious daughters.

  1644. Im so sorry for your lost he is so beautiful Iv never seen a baby so small in my life just brought tears to my eyes. just so tiny my prayers go out to you and your family God Bless you….

  1645. Los felicitos por ser tan valientes y enseñarles al mundo el desarrollo de un bebe en ese periodo de gestacion, espero la humanidad tome conciencia, es un angel esta con el Señor.

  1646. This brought me to tears mainly the pictures, I’m heart broken. I’m so sorry for your loss, but God has a plan and you must trust in His ways even if we don’t understand it at the moment. You went through a tough situation but I believe God will make something good out of it. I mean just look at how many people it has already touched. With abortion being a huge issue, your story can get into the hands of women considering it, and your story could be the way God speaks to them saying, “Don’t abort you have a precious living baby inside of you.” Keep the faith sister stay string and encouraged, and know that God will use your story to bless many! God bless you and your family.(:

  1647. GOD BLESS you for telling your families story that it might make the world see life and understand GODs love for us and your beautiful baby boy.

  1648. Your story is amazing and Walter is absolutely perfect and beautiful ❤ I feel your pain I lost my son at 8 months pregnant almost 7 years ago he was stillborn. I am sorry for your loss your story has touched me deeply I love your pictures of walter I wish someone had thought of that when I lost my son I have a few the only remembrance I have of him god bless yo and your family

  1649. I am so sorry for your loss. he is very beautiful and I know our good lord is taking great care of him. I want to thank you for sharing your story and showing his pictures it has helped me so much. I just had a baby 7mons ago and im pregnant again the father wants me to get an abortion and I thought about it but now there is no way I can do it. god blessed me with this child for a reason and I will take care of her and love her just like I do my other children. I am so thankful to you and I think you are very brave and strong to share your story. much love to you and yours.

  1650. I am so sorry for your loss, having gone through it twice I understand the deep pain and sorrow. May you find peace and comfort in the fact that many lives have been touched by these pictures… Walter’s life although too short, had meaning… God bless you and your family.


  1652. Thank you. You had a beautiful handsome son.
    This shows proof it is
    baby at 19 weeks . Lord bless you all.

  1653. I am so sorry for your loss and I know he is in heaven, but I know you also wanted him with you here on earth. I had a hysterectomy at 24 and was never able to conceive before that. I am an early childhood educator and own a home day care. I saved one of Walters pics, hope this is okay, so incase someone asks me about my prolife stance I can show them Walter. God Bless your family.

  1654. que estas fotos sean para reflexionar a las personas que piensan abortar, sin consiencia de lo que estan hacienda en verdad

  1655. I’m so sorry for the lost of your son, but I know that it was not a good bye but see you later. Thank you so much for sharing this pictures. I’m going to share them, because I know some one who’s pregnant and her step dad was wanting her to have an abortion. When I was in high school I did a report on abortion and I learned so much doing my research and seeing photos then. But to see your baby’s picture people can see what a baby looks like even though they were not aborted. Again thank you for sharing and my prayers are with you and your family.

  1656. because i am a male i can not feel/understand (however Gods’ does)the emotions that goes thru a mother in his mind and whole being. I pray that God give you comfort in this moment, in Jesus name. Also to all the mothers that for some situation has lost a dearest son or daughter. May God grant grace, forgiveness and a change of heart to all those who has gone thru a voluntary abortion. I pray the same God to forgive and restore this country 50 something million abortion. And yes me and my wife lost our first girl due to high blood press. but she conceived 2 times after that loss. Arcadio

    1. Walter was not ready to survive outside of my body. We were located at a small hospital, but even if we had been at a larger more equipped hospital their wasn’t much they could have done. Generally 24 weeks is the marker for survival. Instead, we enjoyed his few minutes of life in peace and I will always cherish those few minutes.

  1657. Hi, my name it´s Aimara. I`m from Venezuela. Sorry if my english is not so good. Some time ago I saw your baby boy pictures and it really touched my heart, I really want to write you some words, but in that moment and even now, there are no words that can fullfill such terrible lost, and the sadness that is in your heart. Now that I am a mom of three beautifull kids, from the moment I knew I was pregnant of the first, the love for that little person inside of me began to grow and never stop growing, and I can´t even imagine what you can fell every moment you remenber your beautifull baby boy. But I also know there is a beatifull and great GOD name Jehovah that caan help us through those moments of sadness and terrible lost. The sadness will never go completly but Jehovah can help us endured the lost. Pray to Jehovah he will give you the strengh that you and your family need in this moment, he didn´t took him away. But he gives you the oportunity of seeing him again. If any Jehovah`s witnesses knock on your door, ask them how, and they will demostrate you with your bible that beautifull esperanza. My heart it`s with you in your terrible lost. You have a beautifull family and look great all together, keep it that way.

  1658. Thank u 🙂 you & your family are making a HUGE statement & I can not image how much this much needed stand has drained you all physically & emotionally. I pray God blesses you all beyond measure in every avenue of life & that your marriage grows stronger everyday & your life is filled with peace & joy beyond measure. Again thank you all!

  1659. I dont know what to say. I am speechless. He was fully developed. I did not think that at that stage of the pregnancy a baby is completely whole. Its sobering and makes me think that women need to think twice before ending a pregnancy.

  1660. Lexi and family,
    I went to school with your mama. She was recently the L&D nurse at my grandsons delivery and was outstanding!

    While I had not forgotten your story (wow, what an understatement that word is), seeing your mom compelled me to find a way to contact you to let you know I continue to pray for you and your family.

    There is no need to respond, that’s not why I contacted you. May God bless you above all you could have thought or asked according to His riches in Glory!!

  1661. Mis condolencias y mi pesar de que no pudo acabar bien. Parece mentira que hoy en dia, con todos los adelantos que hay, no se hubiera podido hacer nada mas. Pero de todas maneras, vino por algun motivo y se fue por otro. Ese infimo momento de vida (corto pero intenso ), que ese SER vivio, yo creo que le fue mas placentero, que nuestro largo recorrido por la vida.

  1662. LEXI 😦 … i know you dont know me but I read your story and I am so sorry Walter didnt get all the there but GOD didnt want him to suffer anything (not sure what) anymore and took your little man HOME to grow and YOU WILL SEE HIM in HEAVEN HUN!!! Byut YOU had time with him … how amazing is that!??? 🙂 God is with YOU Lexi .. GHod will never leave YOU nor forsake you !! xxx Jo 🙂

  1663. my heart and prayer’s go out to you and your family. I believe in what you said and as a sister in the faith I say continue to stand on the word of God.. You will see Walter again.. As a woman who has lost many babies I stand on the promise of God to have healthy children. I appreciated your transparency, God bless you sharing even in your pain.

  1664. Completely ripped my heart out. My youngest son was born at 25 weeks. Long story, I won’t go into detail, but he weighed 2.08 pounds. He nearly died when he was two days old, because the doctor sliced his throat open. He had two blood transfusions and fought like a champ. That wouldn’t be his only battle. When he was 4 months, I found out that he would never see. I was so mad and felt so bad for my tiny little baby who would live in darkness for all of his life. People like you made me realize how lucky I was for him to have lived. God has placed people along the path, who helped us get past this. Thank you for sharing your story. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  1665. Good night lil’ man, I wish I could tell you that you’ve touched so many lives (including mine!) Thank you for unselfishly sharing to us your son. My prayers are with you and the family…God bless!
    (all the way from Bangkok, Thailand)

  1666. I am a student of Korea and I saw this pictures at Korean website. All of people there said this is so sad, warm, and beautiful. I feel so sad too and I think these pictures are so beautiful. I am sorry for your loss and wish you have gone through with it. Sorry for my bad English

  1667. I took 2 of your sites photo on my blog ( ) and write an article to let people knows babies are awared event they only grows up 20 weeks. I hope people don’t hurt them before they born. Sorry for my poor English due to it is not my mother language.

  1668. Thank you for sharing! I’m sorry for your loss. I admire your courage of sharing these pictures! They are simply wonderful! Your son is so perfect and I can see his sweet smile on his face! how wonderful is that! His smile is touching my soul and allow me to make connection with my previous lost too. Thank you so much for sharing once again. My prayers are with you and your family.

  1669. Thank u for sharing ur story and ur pics , i had a miscarraige at 12 weeks and i never got to see my baby . In some strange way ur pics have eased my pain . Lots of love and light to u and ur family , Jeanine from Ireland

  1670. God bless you! Tanks for share with the world your experience. Walter is in heaven, his your angel now

  1671. I know and understand your pain. I too have lost a baby. My 5th son was silently born on January 14, 2013. His name is Wyatt Morgan. He was term but had no heartbeat. His cord was to long to support his size and maintain proper nutrients. Due to that his heart stopped. I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family. May God help ease your grief and sadness. Little Walter is your Anchor in Heaven.

  1672. Até esse momento; nunca tinha visto e nem tãopouco ouvido falar á respeito deste acontecimento, INCRIVEL.! Parabéns pela força e dedicação desta MÃE .

  1673. I just saw the photo of your sweet son on Facebook. I am a mother to four boys and I have six angel babies that I lost to miscarriage. I know that your willingness to share your story and your beautiful photos, has probably saved the lives of countless babies and touched the hearts of countless more. Walter has accomplished great things in his short life because of it. I know that he is with our Father in Heaven and he is anxiously awaiting the day he will be reunited with his family. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

  1674. My first born daughter Mia was a stillborn at 31 weeks. She’s only weighed 2 pounds 14 oz when she was born and I was only 18 at the time. She was fully formed and a picture of perfection. I loved her so much and couldn’t understand why that had happened. I know what it’s like to lose something so precious. God bless you. You’re in my prayers.

  1675. I will Keep you and you family in my prayers. I am so heart broken and sorry that you all had to endure than kind of pain. May god bless you and your family. Gods love us all and I believe Walter ( you gave him a lovely name) is with our maker and may he rest in heavenly peace. He is still is perfection and beauty in his own way. I know you loved him before you met him face to face.. He was blood of your own blood. This brought tears to my eyes. I’ll keep you in prayers and thoughts.

  1676. This Child didn’t pass away in vein thanks to a very loving Mother, Father and His two awesome Sisters. This Child resides not just in Heaven but in all our hearts especially to those of us who lost a child <
    – The INFIDEL

  1677. Thank you for share it with us, May God bless you and your family, for a beautiful lesson of love. Your beautiful son is an angel now and will see for all of you.
    A huge hug for your as my prayers for your consolation.

  1678. I’m terribly sorry for your loss.. My boyfriend and I lost our baby girl February 25, 2012. I never really knew what took my daughter from us, but I was 18 weeks 5 days.. I was in the hospital for a week; but the doctors and nurses didn’t know what was wrong exactly, extremely angry and depressed I started yelling at the doctors to give me answers but they never did.. I stayed at that hospital for a week straight not knowing why I couldn’t keep my daughter.. and to this day I still have no idea why she’s not with me today.. But before they took her away from me; a really nice nurse (the only nice nurse) made us a little scrap book in memory of her and I just broke down with how thoughtful she really was. I made sure that I tool many pictures of my princess because we truly loved her and she WAS a human being!

    1. I just do not know of any words in any language to express what I am feel right now.So I will just say God bless you, all my Love Heart and Soul.

  1679. A beautiful perfect son. I am sorry for you loss. And I know u will see him again someday because he is with his heavenly father. God bless and comfort u and your family.

  1680. I lost a girl at 25 weeks back in 1969 and was not allowed to see her. With looking at your pictures I now know about what she looked like thank you. I know I will see her one day, I named her Marsha Renee.

  1681. hello may I say I’m very sorry to hear of your lost I had a miscarriage never seen the two that I lost you don’t forget the babies that you lose god did bless me I had two I lost two I lost my first baby cause of my blood I had a rh factor in my blood my husband our blood didn’t mix so after every miscarriage or birth they gave me a rh am shot after each birth and miscarriage then the t second miscarriage my cervix would not stay closed. The reason I wrote was to tell you I know how it feels to lose a baby I didn’t see I didn’t get to hold mind god bless you god blessed me with two healthy kids 3 grandkids

  1682. I just want to say how very sorry I am for the loss of your son, but I am happy you all got to hold him and be with him for the short time he was here. I can see how beautiful he is and I know he is in Heaven waiting for you to be with him again someday. God Bless you and your family and your little, perfect angel in Heaven.

  1683. I am so sorry for your tremendous loss, this story made me cry so much. My son and his wife lost their baby boy too @ 6 months in Sept of this yr. and it was my son’s first son so you can just imagine how hard it has been on them also. May Our Good Merciful Lord give you, your husband, and family the peace, comfort, and the strength to continue this tremendous loss. God Bless!

  1684. My heart is breaking for your loss of your beautiful baby boy.I know and believe that one day you will see him again when you go to heaven. we will all be united again in heaven with all of our lost loved ones.I have read that all the babies and children grow in heaven.So, your sweet little boy will grow up and he will be waiting for you when its your turn to go home to heaven.”God Bless”, you and your Husband and little girls and I pray that one day God will Bless you double for your loss.

  1685. Oh my, I shudder reading what you and your family have been through. Your faith in the Lord is beautiful. You didn’t become bitter with God, instead, you accepted His will and His way. My prayers are with you. With tears I write this because you are such a beautiful person and mommy and I cannot imagine the pain of the loss that you are feeling. The only good news in this is, your baby will never know pain, he is home with Jesus and one day you will be there and united with him. I thank God for the humble spirit that you have kept through this ordeal. God bless you and I pray the Good Lord will comfort you and your family. ❤ O:)

  1686. Your story brings me flashbacks … The exact same thing happened to me at 19 weeks. On June 14 , 2007 was when I lost my baby girl.. Been six years but the pain doesn’t ease. I got to held her, baptize her, before they took her away. Never had the chance to hear her first word, see her first steps, or any of those things you cherish as being a parent. No matter how much times passes, there will always be a missing piece to our hearts. We have created an angel and is now looking down on us..
    Sorry for your loss. Blessings to you and your family.

  1687. I’m so sorry for your loss, I cried while reading your story and looking at your photos. I had to be in the ER while pregnant…I never lost either of my babies, but I do remember the fear and the agony of being in there wondering what could be wrong. My oldest sister did loose two babies, one miscarriage and one still born, it devastated her. I just wanted to say… Your pictures are beautiful, and my prayers go out to you and your family.

  1688. God Bless you!
    And thank you for sharing your story. And your photos. We had a little boy August 4, 2004. I was 16 weeks. We went for a scheduled ultrasound. And there was no movement and no heartbeat. We had to go to the hospital that night and deliver him. We too have a strong faith in our Lord and Savior. And trust in him. I don’t have any photos. I called and begged the ultrasound offices for the photos. She wasn’t allowed to give them to me. But she ended up making copies for me. I have 2. We made a shadow box with something from our 3 daughters and his photo. It is all we have of him. My husband wants to get a monument to put in our family plot back in his home town. It will be 10 years next Summer.
    Thank you for sharing. It makes me remember I’m not the only one that has gone through a similar thing. But still holds fast to their trust in God. The pain may never go away. But it will get easier.

  1689. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with Walter. Your little man was beautiful and perfect. I think most people do not realize that these little ones are people because the medical community does not choose to show that. I do believe that a lot of abortions would not occur if the mothers were fully informed. I too hope that there are people out there who will see your photos and read your story. It just may be instrumental in allowing some dear little darling babies to have the life that is theirs to live. God bless your family.

  1690. Thankyou for sharing your story. He is beautiful. My heart thoughts and prayers are with you. You are right God must have a purpose but I know it’s still hard and hurts. Know that many have been touched and many still will be. Walter may save lives of many babies.

  1691. Thank you so very much for sharing your story and most especially your precious pictures of baby Walter. I can’t even imagine the pain of going through this experience. God bless you and your family. Sincerely, Karen (Mom to three boys and 13 grandchildren)

  1692. I am so that Walter came too early to be able to stay here with you. The pictures are beautiful and I’m so glad you have the photos as a remembrance of your precious baby. I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks and I was devastated. I wish I could have known if it were a boy or girl, but I won’t know in this life. God bless your family and thanks for sharing your story.

  1693. sorry to hear of your loss no one should have to suffer a loss of a baby i know how it feels im sorry the little fella didn’t make it

  1694. I am so sorry about your loss. I know how it is to lose a child but mine was 18 months old and he was an awesome little boy. Your Walter was such a cute little man and just from the pictures he was well loved and would have been spoiled rotten by his big sisters. God needed our sons more then we did but we know one day we will hold them again. Thank you for this story. I hope it touches all this young kids that no matter how far along you are that is a human growing inside so don’t murder the little one give it up if you don’t want it. Again thank you and my prayers are with you all. God bless

  1695. muy duras imágenes, conozco un milagro de vida, por error medico le practicaron una cesárea para extraer supuestamente a un fetos muerto y cuando rompieron el saco se dieron cuenta que la bebe estaba con vida, justo a las 19 semanas de gestación, después de pasar más de 6 meses en cuidados intensivos la bebe salio del hospital y esta en perfecto estado, en estos momentos debe de tener 1 año de vida, las cosas de Dios son perfectas 🙂

  1696. soy argentina, y pase exactamente por lo mismo, mi hijo, Mirko nacio a las 21 semanas, y no puedo dejar de extrañarlo ,es muy duro pasar.por esto,.pero admiro tu fuerza y la de tu familia, espero q estas experiencias nuestras mamis que pasan lo mismo sirvan para dar fuerzas y que aquellas que estan a favor del aborto. tomen conciencia y vean que el bebe, es vida, vida desde el instante en qhe el ovulo es fecundado.
    besos y abrazos desde.argentina

  1697. I lost 2 boys that were born early, normally I don’t stop talking however during after my sons passed away I didn’t speak for almost 2 or 3 months. Sharing your loss takes a lot of guts, I have a great deal of respect for you posting these pictures and sharing your story I would not have been able to.

  1698. Lexi
    I just saw your story on Facebook. Thank you. It brought back precious and heartbreaking memories for me. My husband and I found out a year after our daughter was born that I had cervical cancer. The doctors immediately wanted to do a hysterectomy but we wanted more children so I said no. We went to Little Rock, Arkansas where I had surgery to remove my cervix. I was told that chemo would be needed but that I should be able to successfully get pregnant. So in August 2005 I visit my OB for the first time and lay it all out there. I would be a high risk OB patient but my husband and I want to have a baby. i successfully finished my chemo in April 2005. Can I get pregnant and will you be my doctor? He’s never had a patient like me but after much talk he agrees to take me on. So in October my husband and I find out we are expecting our second (my third) child. We are so happy!! In Nov. I had a procedure done to help me carry the baby since I have no cervix. In Dec. I am put on bedrest because I am having spotting and some cramps. My water broke at home on Thursday, January 5, 2006, at 19 weeks and 5 days. We went staight to the ER where we were treated wonderfully by the ER team. I was taken upstairs to the OB floor. The nurses were great. My doctor was not on call but he was contacted anyway. He came in on his night off and preformed my C-section. Maggie Louise Ruth Lee made it thru the delivery and then past away. I wanted to be awake but my doctor said no so I was put to sleep. My husband got to hold our daughter after she was born. He made the decision not to let me see or hold her because he felt it would be to traumatic for me. I wish I had had that opportunity like you. The nurses took a picture of Maggie for me and put together a beautiful keepsake box with her picture, footprints, & a few other momentos. It’s been 8 yrs. I miss her every day. Her last ultrasound pictures were taken on my grandmother’s birthday. Maggie’s namesake. We lost her to cancer in 1983. She was laid to rest next to her, and I know my granny is taking good care of my little girl in Heaven. I will see her again one day! God bless you and your family.

    Brandy Lee

  1699. Personally, I think I would have kept these images just for the family. They are amazing images though and I’m sorry for your loss. At first I was kind of angry(?) to see someone sharing these images but I suppose you were just giving him the same consideration as any other child. I lost a baby really, really early on in the pregnancy years ago. I remember showing my son images in a book of what the baby looked like each month and secretly wished I had gotten to hold him / her. My mother lost a baby boy when I was 10 / 12 years old. I always wondered if they had held him …

  1700. I am so sorry for your loss. You are a much stronger person then I am, I don’t know how you were able to handle that 😦 God bless you and your family. I know your son is with our Heavenly Father and you’ll get to hold him again in the next life

  1701. My prayers go out to you for your loss. May God bless all of you. I thought the pictures were beautifully done of you and your family saying your good byes…I send all of you hugs ❤

  1702. Grace and peace be with all of you. You have firmly verbally and visually put Gods definition of “life” in the world for all to see. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. God had/has a purpose for Walter and this is just the beginning. What a magnificent homecoming to imagine some day!
    I have had 3 preemies and there is no denying that these babies are tiny and frail, but alive with God’s glory and a walking testament to His mercy.
    Blessings to all of you, especially those precious girls.

  1703. Thank you so much for sharing. What a beautiful son you have. I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for the peace that passes all understanding to be yours now and always.

  1704. Your story touched me in a place deep in my heart. Back in January 1987, I was 24 weeks pregnant with my first son and he died. I also already had two daughters. They put me out to take him and when I woke up he was already gone. I never got to hold him or even see him. They told me it was best that way. I regret never getting to hold him. I went on to have a second son in 1988. Treasure the time you had with your son even though it was short. I love the photos you were able to get of him with the whole family. May God bless you and your family. I take comfort in knowing that God is caring for my little angels ( I lost another baby at 8 weeks in 1992) and yours and all the others that returned to heaven too soon.

  1705. Lexi, I am just hearing your story today and listened to the radio show you did and wanted to share back to you the connection I felt with you. Thank you for sharing your story. I so appreciate how you have been able to share with people that Walter was here and mattered, and is with Jesus now. In July of 2012 I was thrilled to find out my husband and I were expecting our first child. We blissfully told everyone our news and I began planning for our baby’s arrival in March. On August 15, I had some mild brown spotting and tried not to worry as I knew that was not uncommon in pregnancy. The following day, the brown turned red and I had some mild cramps. My husband drove a semi at the time and was out of town, so I drove myself to the ER to get checked. Thinking I was just easing my fears and things were fine. In the ER, the ultrasound tech was scanning my belly and not saying a word. I knew she couldn’t but hoped she would point out the heartbeat for me to ease my fears. She did not. I am a nurse. I knew her silence was not a good sign. Alone at the ER, I knew my baby was not alive. A friend met me there, my husband had called her and asked her to be with me, since he was states away. The doctor let me know my baby had not survived and they couldn’t tell me why, but that these things happen. I was crushed. Nobody in my family had ever miscarried before and I had no warning that anything was wrong. I couldn’t understand why God would give a gift to take it away. Alone at home, I went through waves of contractions and my precious baby was taken from my body. At ten weeks, there was no little body I could see, and I was told not to try. I wanted to know if my child was a girl or boy, but it wasn’t possible. I had that “it’s a girl” gut feeling though, so I named my child Rachel Lynn. I needed her to be humanized. Too many people seemed to have the attitude that since I was only 10 weeks and first trimester, that this was common and didn’t really count as a baby or loosing a child, it was loosing a pregnancy, and to just try again in a few months. People tried to say things to help, but as you know, nothing people say can really make you feel better. I was surprised though how many other people had been through the same thing. I shut God out. I knew He was in control, which I think made me more angry. But He found me. At a tattoo shop. I called Rachel “Bug” while pregnant with her, so I was having a bug added to my cross and grapevine tattoo to memorialize her. When I was leaving, a woman with a baby came into the shop. She asked what I had gotten done so I explained and showed her, and she said she was sorry for my loss and I left. Then she followed me out and said she had to pray with me. So with her child in between us, she wrapped her arms around me and prayed for God’s healing and the blessing that we would have soon. Touched and grateful I drove home and thanked God for sending me the message that He was still there and loved me and loved Rachel too. We did want to try again. I decided that the healthiest timing would be to wait until I started cycling again so I knew my body would be ready again. I waited for a period. And waited, and waited. I decided to take a pregnancy test, not expecting to be pregnant, but to rule that out as to why I wasn’t getting my period back. But on October 4, 2012, we found out we were expecting again. I was four weeks along. We had five weeks in between pregnancies. I was thrilled and terrified. I told my doctor immediately and we did blood work. My progesterone levels were too low. I cried, thinking this meant I would lose this baby too. I took progesterone pills for three months. We made it to second trimester. My doctor did multiple ultrasounds to reassure me that my baby was okay. At 17 weeks I started cramping. I went to the doctor to get checked out. They feared I had an incompetent cervix. They did an ultrasound to check, and my cervix looked great. I got find out early that we were having a little girl. I also found out I had an anterior placenta, so it would be hard to feel her move. I was over the moon excited to be having a little girl. Things went well and I got to feel her move at 23 weeks. She wiggled some most days and I loved it. We picked out the name Brooke Ann for our daughter. Several times in the third trimester I was back at ER, because I didn’t feel her move at all for a day. Every time I feared she was gone, and every time she was there, heart beating away and usually got really wiggly once we were on the monitor. I stared getting NSTs twice a week to check on her since she had so little movement. At 39 weeks, she failed an NST, so they did an ultrasound to check on her. She was moving and fine. Later that day, the doctor called me. She said she could see that Brooke’s kidneys looked enlarged, and she wanted to induce me that weekend to make sure she was okay. On June 14, 2013 I checked in and was given cytotec to soften my cervix. I began contracting hard, but only the lower half of my uterus, and it didn’t stop. One lasted over 20 minutes. The nurses dumped two full IVs into me. Brooke’s heart rate dropped several times. I was on my hands and knees with oxygen three times. After the third heart rate drop to the 50s, my doctor came in and said it was time to do a C-section, that that baby wasn’t going to tolerate labor. Brooke was born by emergency C-section at 1:42 am on June 15. she was wrapped three times in her cord, around her neck and belly. Her lifeline was being pinched off every contraction. If I had had contractions on my own at home, it likely could have killed her before I ever got to the hospital. Once she was out, she was perfect and beautiful. Her kidneys were fine, just some mild reflux we are watching now that will self resolve by the time she is in preschool. I think back now to how all of the events came together to get her here safely. My doctor watched me so closely because of our recent loss. This led to the NSTs, which showed a kidney issue, putting me in the hospital for an induction, so Brooke was on the monitors from the first contraction, letting us know that there was a problem and she needed help to come out safely. I thank God now for all of these circumstances to have been lined up for us to have our daughter. When reading your story, I was amazed at the timing that you were having Walter while I was having Brooke. (I think they were born about 4 hours apart?) God has worked in both of our lives through our losses. Thank you for sharing your story and amazing photos. I pray that you will continue to see how Walter has blessed so many people. Walter and Rachel mattered. They get to grow up in Heaven and we will meet them again some day. Give your girls hugs and I will hug Brooke too! Much Love, Ashley.

    1. I wanted to add something. I also love that you say you are the mother of three, two here with you and one in heaven. I feel that way too. I have two children, one in heaven and one here. Brooke was NEVER a “replacement:” for Rachel. I have two kids, both loved amazingly much! I even have trouble when people ask me “How many kids do you have?” or “Is Brooke your only child?” I still don’t know how to answer that. How do you respond to that question?

  1706. I read your story so sorry for your loss..God has a perfect plan for your family! ! God doesn’t make mistakes he knows all about this situation! ! Keep strong in the lord and just know he is God… Inspiration

  1707. Reading your story breaks my heart all over again. Your story could be mine. I went into labor at 20 weeks, no explanation as to why. I lost my first little girl, Stephanie. I got to hold her and I had pictures done as well. This was 20 yrs ago, this coming June. The pics were polariods. We had an autopsy and she was perfectly healthy . It was the most devastating thing that ever happened to me, and even though it has been almost 20 yrs, I still cry when that day comes along. I did have a child afterwards, and was under the care of excellent doctors that helped me get to 35 weeks. I don’t carry to term. She is almost 17 now and my biggest blessing in life. God bless you and know you are not alone.

  1708. I just read your story today and my heart aches for you.I know you will be so thankful to have photos to look at in the future. Isn’t it awesome to feel so much love? Your baby boy will be there to see you when the time comes. Just hold him in your heart. Your girls are beautiful and will remember their brother forever. Much love to you all.

  1709. Thank you for showing us his photos. I, too, lost my baby at 19 weeks and 5 days. I had my daughter in Europe, and they took her out of the room immediately. I thought they went to clean her up and show her to me. No. They sent her to pathology and then threw her in medical waste. See, under 20 is “not a human being”, just not a person. So I never saw my daughter, never held her, never had anything. I knew she had died going into that labor with her as there was no heart beat, but I wanted to hold her just once.

    It helped to see your son’s photos and get an idea of what my daughter would have looked like…


    One day, heaven. One day…

  1710. I believe God does not send bad or sad situations into our lives, however I believe he puts people in our lives to help us get through our pain. By you sharing the pictures of your precious little angel you have touched the hearts of many .I believe you have stopped many abortions and given life and joy to many who thought having a child was not in their plan of life .perhaps they have kept their child or given their sweet baby to a family who has been longing for a family . PLEASE know your sweet angel has a purpose and is doing a beautiful job of touching many hearts .God is with you I will pray for you and your family. I hope my note brings you some peace and comfort in knowing sharing your story has saved many babies and comforted many families heavy hearts . God bless you and yours.

  1711. There are no other words that haven’t already been said that will diminish your pain. I am so very sorry! Walter was perfect and just as lucky to have you as his parents as you were to have him, even for a little while! God bless you all!

  1712. Thanks for your beautiful witness. May The Father continue to soak you and your family in His grace, comfort and perfect Love as you remember your precious little one. xxx
    May the angels lead Walter into Paradise;
    may the martyrs come to welcome him
    and take him to the Holy City,
    the New and Eternal Jerusalem.

  1713. I am so truly sorry for your loss…. It is so hard to understand why this had to happen.
    I have had two miscarriages, both at 8 weeks, too early for there to have been a baby. Part of me wishes I would have been able to see my babies too, the other part is relieved I wasn`t that far yet. We do not know why I miscarry… I am so scared to try again, but so want my baby.
    I do know that our angels are playing together in heaven and we will see them again, one day.
    The photo`s of your Walter are beautiful, I am happy for you that you have these and that your girls had the chance to meet their brother.
    Thank you for sharing with us all.

  1714. I lost my son jaylynn we went in for our 20 week appointment found out he was past and then went home and deliver him and home and had a funeral for him. it broke our heart but in the end it brought me and my husband closer and now after 2 years of losing jaylynn we are expecting and I get scared when I go to my appointment is this the time their going to tell me this one is gone too. I am 12 weeks and the next two appointment are going to drive my insane I feel I worry is the heart going to be beating or when I go in to find out what my baby is is it going to be alive. my baby jaylynn looked just like your baby and it just bought it back to life the day I had him at home and held him sorry

  1715. Coming in here after reading your story on an Australian news website. So very sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing your story and pictures.

    My nephew was stillborn 2 days before he was due to be born by c-section. There is no pain like that of the loss of a child, even more so a baby.

    It makes me angry that the ER nurses didn’t treat you and your baby with respect or really believe you. I sometimes liken ER nurses to prison wardens, some are very hard and completely lacking in empathy.

  1716. Bless you, and your beautiful family, and your sweet little man.
    It’s not how long we love someone, but how much we love them that matters.

  1717. Thank you so much for sharing your story and posting your photo. My gorgeous baby girl Holly was born in similar circumstances at 19 weeks. It is heartening to know that others have felt the same…giving birth in the maternity ward to a tiny perfectly formed little human being, those toes and fingers and nails so smooth and perfect and ever so tiny, leaving the hospital with no baby, returning home to a small city with no baby and no baby belly, the curious looks, the silence, the questions I could barely manage to answer….the milk that flowed every time I heard a baby cry……she was my first baby….but when pregnant with my second, people, shop keepers, strangers would ask if it was my first, how did I answer, if I said “no” then the follow up questions just got complicated and difficult….but goodness if i said “yes” then I was denying Holly her existence….so life travels on and the weight of the pain and grief becomes less heavy…forever in my heart. Thank you so much for making people know that at 19 weeks these babies are just that, babies, and ever so beauitful.

  1718. Thank you for sharing your son with us. I have read your post with interest given I have lost 2 babies (17 and 23 weeks).
    I would highly recommend you see an incompetent cervix specialist in your area if possible, just to get some tests done. Check out Abbyloopers for information on a permanent stitch. Too many doctors take the wait and see approach, especially after 1 ‘unknown’ loss and this is why I lost a second child.
    Much love to you.

    1. Agreed. Best advice we ever got after we lost a baby at 20 weeks thanks to kind people on Abbyloopers, Trans-Abdominal Cerclage ( TAC ).

  1719. Very sorry that you lost your baby. But at least you have 2 healthy children. That is a blessing, too. Ursula

  1720. Amazing family! We have photos like this of our son, Riley, at 22 weeks, it is so comforting to see that we are not the only ones. Thank you for sharing, so beautiful.

  1721. I’m very touched by what I have just written here and feel so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how cruel the world has become to make people call a baby a fetus. God bless you and your family! And right, God certainly has greater plans for you, me and anyone that believes and trusts Him!

  1722. the most beautiful, sad and wonderful internet story ever. xoxo i think the gift of your beautiful bub is you sharing the story and bringing understanding to so many of us who have never understood from the outside your experience of loss. your bubby and you have left footprints on my heart that i will cherish forever :O)

  1723. I just wanted to say how touched I am reading your story. I am so sorry to hear that you and your family had to experience such a terrible loss but I am amazed at your sheer strength and positivity. Thank you for being an inspiration. Much love to all of you. ❤

  1724. 😥
    Sikke en forfærdelig historie og det væreste Marit man nogle sinde kan opleve eller komme til at opleve,..
    For har præcis prøvet det sammen som du har jeg var bare 24+5 henne
    Og det sidste hjerte slag på sygehuset
    😥 😥

  1725. he was beautiful and a miracle! I’m sorry for your loss but it’s also great under this circumstances that you could take your time and say goodbye to him, which is unfotunatelly not possible everywhere. everything good to you all!

  1726. Those are the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen. Thank-you for sharing something so intimate and personal. I believe there will be people who will make better choices after viewing these precious photos. They are simply awe inspiring.

  1727. I’m sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story and pictures, your dear Walter is very cute. God bless him, and your family. Greetings from north Finland!

  1728. Regarding the picture with just mom’s hands where it shows the arm band-On Beautiful baby’s forehead the light is shining and it looks like lines of a fingerprint. It reminds me of the song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says you are covered with the fingerprints of God, and that is exactly the case of this little boy!

  1729. I’m so sorry for your loss. Grateful you have the Lord to give you the strength and peace to get through this. He’s so perfect, and so tiny! I lost my grandson who was full term when my daughter got placental abruptia, we understand how hard this is, and we will continue to pray for you all. Thank you for sharing this with us, may God continue to use this tragedy for his will and purpose. I don’t know how anyone could terminate a pregnancy after seeing your precious Walter. Peace and love to you.

  1730. I’ve been a paramedic since 1985..I’ve delivered a lot of babies in that time. Most were healthy and full term. However there have been a few that were “too early” to survive. A few of the mothers were just a few no true baby to be seen…as was the case for me personally (I’ve lost 6 babies due to miscarriages) However.. there is a couple that were around the gestational age of your little guy…perfectly formed, struggling to live…and I struggled right along with them..and cried when I couldn’t save them.. There was one, though, that I will never forget… We got the call about 7 or 8 at night for a pregnant lady bleeding.. arrived on scene to find her lying on the sofa with a towel between her legs..and she was crying… After quickly looking, it was apparent that she had already lost her baby. It was just a matter of cutting the cord and then placing her and the baby in the ambulance and taking them to the hospital. I carefully wrapped him in a towel and placed in the ambulance. Then we took the Mom to the ambulance. We about a 45 minute trip the hospital. About 10 minutes in the transport, I asked her if she wanted to see her son..she said no. I said okay, and told her if she changed her mind to let me know. She then asked if he was messed up.. When I told her no, that he was perfect, she asked to see him. Initially she wouldn’t touch him, but as soon as she saw him..she took him and kissed him, and then held him and talked to him the rest of the trip. After getting to the hospital, she gently covered him and held him while we took her to the L&D floor. As I was getting ready to leave her, she took my hand and thanked me for letting her have that time with him. Sadly, she was a single mother..and had no one there for her. I’ve thought of her often over the years. That little boy would have been about 20 now. I know that we don’t always understand why something happens, but God has a reason. I don’t know why I lost 6 babies, but I do know that the one I did have and raised is my miracle. He is now 32, and has 3 babies of his own.

    God Bless you and your family. Some day you WILL be with your baby again!!

  1731. Your beautiful, perfect son Walter may not have been here on earth for very long but you and him have touched the hearts of many forever. Thank you xxx

  1732. You are a dear and brave woman. The look on your face in one of the pictures broke my heart almost as much as the pictures of your boy. Sending love to all of you.

  1733. Thank you for sharing the birth of Walter Joshua! I marveled at his perfect form! O how beautifully peaceful. How precious to be able to hold him….to see his tiny heart beat…and for him to be held by his loving family. What a gift from God. I am so pleased that you know where he is and that you will see him God’s perfect timing. What an instrument you are for His Glory! Thank you for your humble testimony. Blessings to you are your family. Praise be to God…maker of Heaven and Earth.

    Patrina ><
    ps …your Walter is in Heaven with my 8 week old baby Patrina 🙂

    1. look at this innocent baby people are legally killing through abortion. it was not abortion in this situation but the pictures shows it a real life soul that people are killing and justifying it with excuses that are not g-dly. g-d used your son and you to open the eyes of many and to prevent countless abortions that other woman would have had. thank g-d you did share your pictures and i could understand trhat it was done so you didnt have to repeat youself to every in your town. g-d has used your son and you should feel honored what a privillage to be used by g-d im sorry for your loss but the gain for the world to see what they are killing. may g-d bring you peace and thanks for sharing everything happens for a reason……. romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Ecclesiastes 7:8-14 Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Be not hasty in thy spirit to. Ecclesiastes 3
      King James Version (KJV)
      3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

      2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

      3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

      4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

      5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

      6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

      7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

      8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

      9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?

      10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.

      11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end… ecc 7:14 When times are good, be happy;
      but when times are bad, consider this:
      God has made the one
      as well as the other.Ecclesiastes 7
      New International Version (NIV)

      7 A good name is better than fine perfume,
      and the day of death better than the day of birth.
      2 It is better to go to a house of mourning
      than to go to a house of feasting,
      for death is the destiny of everyone;
      the living should take this to heart.
      3 Frustration is better than laughter,
      because a sad face is good for the heart.
      4 The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning,
      but the heart of fools is in the house of pleasure.
      5 It is better to heed the rebuke of a wise person
      than to listen to the song of fools. the
      6 Like the crackling of thorns under the pot,
      so is the laughter of fools.
      This too is meaningless…. i am not a christian i am a jew but we have same creator i pray g-d brings you all peace thanks for sharing

      1. This has NOTHING to do with abortion and you are cruel to even bring it up in a post to a grieving mother.

  1734. Your post was one of the most heart – melting posts I have ever read.
    I think it must have been hard to write about your loss and I really appreciate, you did it.

  1735. Lexi, Josh, and your girls, I saw a share on fb then went to story in the ‘paper’ then came to your site. I am sorry for the loss of your precious ‘baby’ Walter. He is beautiful. I am sorry for the treatment your received at the ER buy so happy about your treatment with humane, loving people in the OB (and ultrasound tech). I am so glad you did get to and chose to be with your son and allow his sibs to spend time with him as well. That was so important. I have not stopped crying over the treatment, both bad and good, that you received and for the lose of your perfect child, Walter.
    I know it couldn’t have been easy for you, but to take the pictures, which were so beautiful, loving, and moving, and then to share with the world, had to have been a plan of the Father. I am sure you and Walter have stopped many from terminating a beautiful soul for whatever the reason. So thank you for sharing your story; your pain and sorrow, and the pictures of your beautiful children.
    I know the loss of losing many including while being pregnant, about 33 years ago, Because it was early in the pregnancies, the ‘miscarriages’ were never acknowledged and was told to ‘get over it’. The third pregnancy I had a healthy beautiful girl. The a couple years later, while pregnant with my son, (which as soon as I got pregnant. I KNEW) and told my husband (a jerk) who said I was crazy) I started going into labor. I was about 3 1/2- 4 months along, I kept working on some rug hooking I was doing for him, I just kept crying and praying. Then went to bed many, many hours later. I went to the doctor later in the day, and they said I had lost the baby. I knew he was still there. Thank God I didn’t let them do any procedures. About a month later went to doctor and they said ‘congrats your pregnant’ figured I would be due around Sept. I told them they were wrong, it was the same baby and he would come in May. They said I was wrong. (he kept trying to leave many times during the pregnancy, but was gracious.) Well, long story short, mothers day 1984 i was in labor and delivered a beautiful baby boy, full term. The doctors were befuzzled, cause they were wrong. I was blessed.
    It wasn’t until early 2000’s that I finally was able to grieve for my children who went on before me. I know one was a girl, and I believe the second was a boy. I even named them and apologized for not being able to grieve or acknowledge their existence before. I hope they will forgive me and so look forward to seeing them when I go home someday. I do not know why they had to leave. I will know the answer someday.
    I write this, with the hope that others that might have went through something like this, will listen to their heart and to hell with others. I do not like the word ‘fetus’ they are babies. The wonder and amazement of God to see how they become living beings so fast with beating heart, brains, and fully formed just so tiny, just fills me up with the awe and power of God. To know that they get ‘disposed of’ in the form and matter that the butchers do it, repulses me. It kills me to know how many beautiful lives are lost everyday in all countries, are lost in this world, that could have changed the world. It is so very sad and I am sorry for the pain that they went through.
    May God continue to heal you Lexi and your family and as you stated, you will be with Walter again. God bless you all.
    Cindy ❤
    p.s. Medical personnel need to start listening to their patients. We know what is going on and they sure don't know everything. And to the ones who lost their humanity and caring about their fellow human beings or which they are charged to take care of, get out of the health care business. You do not belong there. I know you can burnt out, so choose another path.

  1736. I just want to say that your story has impacted me. I had an abortion for medical reasons a long time ago. I was 16 weeks. I never got to know what my child was, never say him/her…. I feel a sense of closer after reading your story and seeing the photos opf Walter… I know I chose a option that I regret with all of my heart.

  1737. Just saw your story and found your blog can’t begin to imagine what you’ve been through, after having two healthy babies myself, I was in tears reading your experience…your baby boy was so beautiful, thanks for sharing your story I’m sure it will help many others who have been through such sadness, you are an inspiration sending your family love and light from England xxxx

  1738. We lost our son Shane to miscarriage 23 years ago. We have 4 healthy children, two born since we lost Shane. Not a day has gone by when I do not think of him and what he would have been. I grieve with you but know that I will meet Shane some day just as you will meet your son Walter.

  1739. Sometimes there are no words to express how we feel. My heart weeps for your loss but smiles for your courage. x

  1740. hi your story is so touching i also have 2 little girls and i went through the same as yourself on the 21 november 2013 to my son james daniel clark i found out he had passed away when i was 28 weeks pregnant.
    ive just gave him a lovely send of (funeral)on the 9th january.
    ive never been through so much heartache in my life. we had wanted a son for so long and being told after my first daughter now 8 that i couldnt have anymore kids i became pregnant 7 years later with my other daughter now 1 she was also a triplet and lost 2 at the early stages of the pregnancy and they wasnt sure that she was going to make it so shes are mirrical baby as we had waited so long.
    only 3 months after having her i fell pregnant again with james (rip).
    the day i found out his little heart had stopped beating i was only going for blood tests.
    i know its so hard to go through what u,myself and other people have been through and i would hate to have to go through that again.
    we buried james on the same day that my little sister was buried in 2008 she was only 3 days old xx.
    words cant describe how you feel as everyone feels different and i feel i cant cry around anyone and if i do i feel even worse cause they dont understand what its like unless they have been through it them selfs so in the back of my mind im always thinking that they are getting annoyed with me for getting upset so i tend to cry on my own around noone at all.
    i know it will get better in time and my heart goes out to you and your family.
    he will never be forgotten if you keep him in your heart,memories and everyday things as i do with james.
    im so sorry for your lose
    rip little man you have a little friend called james up their with you take care of each other


  1741. I am so sorry for your loss! I know that you have heard that so many times and that it isn’t going to fix anything, but, I an truly sorry. My husband and I had a miscarriage before our son (now 1) was born. It’s hard, but, know that God had him and I know my little one is there and I can’t wait to meet them!

    God Bless you and your family!!

  1742. My wife and I also had same experience 6 days ago. We lost a daughter when she was just 19+5 week. Although we are still sad now, we are eager to have this baby again. My dear angel, if you heard your daddy’s calling. Please come back to us again!! Jim Tung from Taiwan

  1743. Thank you for sharing your story and photos. I am happy you and your family really took the time to hold your baby and take photos. How precious. We lost our baby girl at 36 weeks gestation. We also took photos which I share with friends and relatives. So happy I have done that. Much love to you and your family. K

  1744. Auhhh, how could you resist not wanting to hold that precious fragile little baby. Too sweet. I want to say I’m sorry for your lost. I was very impressed with the other siblings comforting him. The love for there baby brother an so young to understand an see with there eyes that there little brother is human an a baby. Thank you for sharing!

  1745. Thank you for sharing Walter with us. Such a beautiful, precious boy. My heart goes out to your family, and I’m in awe of your faith and strength.

  1746. I am so touched and heartbroken to read your story…..thank you for sharing something so private. I had tears running down my cheeks as I saw Walter’s pictures….he was perfect! I have strong faith; but I must admit that when I read stories like yours it does shake my faith in God and makes me question my belief. Then I remind myself that God works in mysterious ways……Walter is playing safely in God’s home along with other angels. He has etched a place in my heart forever……

  1747. What a beautiful baby boy! How perfect he is! Thank you so much for sharing this hard breaking yet awe inspiring moment with us. I wept and was filled with love and tenderness for you and your family. What a precious gift! When I miscarried between my first and second daughter, I left the hospital feeling so empty.. so distraught… wanting to know whether it was a boy or a girl… wanting to hold my baby.. to say goodbye… The attending OB was very gentle and understanding with me but there was no baby to hold… I was only 12 weeks along so my baby was much smaller. Your post has brought further healing and led to a beautiful conversation with my 16 year old. God is infinitely good! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  1748. For over 35 years I have held the pain of loss inside me. When I saw the photos of your beautiful child I cried for the first time. Thank you for sharing your story & helping me release the pain I have felt all these years

  1749. Your baby and mine are no doubt having a blast in Heaven, he/she was delivered at 22 1/2 weeks, I was never told the sex of the baby or anything about what happened, only that “it wasn’t a joyous birth expereince” so they would not allow my husband to be present, even though he is a physician. It’s a hard thing to get over. At least you have pictures and closure. Blessings.

  1750. Thank you for sharing ur story.I am so sorry for your loss and actually feel ur pain my heart weeps for ur loss.May God keep you and ur family strong ur pictures tell a thousand stories on its own.Your baby is in heaven . God Bless u

  1751. My condolences. This is soooo heartbreaking. It’s not fun losing a baby at all. I lost my first one at about 12 weeks. The doctors said they couldn’t do anything. I just had to go home and let it pass as a normal mestrual. I was sooo sad. My second miscarriage happened just around 5 weeks.. It was definitely a part of my life. Although I never got to meet them, they were still my babies. :,( May your beautiful baby Walter Rest In Peace. ❤

  1752. I am so sorry for your loss. Your baby in now in heaven with my 4 children. I understand your loss. I live in Michigan and at our church we have bought a grave stone and placed in the grave yard next to the church. It has a seat across from it. .It in the fornm of a tear drop. Each year those whom have children in heaven gather together and we have a a service.. Many times when babies go to Jesus before they are born the mothers … and dads do not have a place to morn their loss. Now they do. Feel free to join us for our next service. The children;s names are spoken and kept in a book. This has helped many people. Do not think you should not morn. I will pray for you as go through your grieving process. God bless.

    1. What a wonderful thing your church is doing, helping families to remember, grieve, and heal. I, too, have four children in heaven, but because none of them lived on earth, and I have two healthy children, people act like I should have nothing to mourn.

  1753. Thank you for sharing your very special pictures. Your sweet little boy is absolutely GORGEOUS, and perfect in every way. We lost our first-born baby when she was just four months old. The Heartache is excruciating, and so over-whelming. I pray for you and your family during this hard time. May your sweet boy soar high and bounce on the clouds. God bless.

  1754. I am so sorry for your loss of your child. It was heart wrenching to read your story but I am thank ful that you have shared it and you are a brave lady for doing so.
    Perfect Walter Joshua, too beautiful for Earth xx

  1755. In 1974 I had a 19-week-old pregnancy resulting in placenta abruptio. The baby girl was born too early. I did not get to see that baby. Thank you for this website. As I looked at your son, I looked at my daughter. I’m so sorry for your loss.

  1756. Thank you … for sharing your story …
    praise be … to be the mum of a perfect child of God, permitted to come to earth for a short moment – then go back to live again with our God in heaven …
    Praise be to God our Father … who gave His only Beloved Son … for our sake …
    that we too may return to live in His presence … in His perfect timing.

  1757. There are no words to describe the pain of losing a child. I too lost a baby early on. I wanted to share with you a website,, who can will restore 2 photos of your angel, for free. I did this with my son Alex, who was born at 17 weeks. Although he was beautiful to me, some did not feel the same way. This site created a beautiful pic of my baby that I felt comfortable showing others.

  1758. I read your story and have seen your photos. It is a sad story and I feel very much for you. You son was so perfect looking at the pictures. So beautiful. It is a miracle to have such perfect little baby, and it’s a heart break to loose. I have been so touched.
    I am also a believer in the Lord and will pray for you. You are such a strong and brave person. The things you had to go through even made you stronger I believe.
    It’s a great sadness that you little son didn’t live, but at lest you had those few precious minutes with him and held him and can remember him.
    I’m sure God has purpose for everything even if we don’t understand it.
    May God bless you and strengthen you and your family even more.

  1759. When I saw the picture for your story, all I could think was “hopefully she had a better outcome than we did” and sadly our ending was the same. August 10th, 2011 I was 19 weeks and 6 days along. The next day I was going to have my sonogram to find out what I was having. I hadn’t felt well most of the day and thought I was overdoing it by working and walking so much. This was my first pregnancy. Around midnight that night something told me that I had to go to the hospital. I couldn’t get comfortable and my back hurt. I went to the ER and they immediately sent me up to the OB floor. When I got there I was scolded for not calling first because they weren’t ready for me. I explained that I didn’t know I had to, I thought that you could go to the ER. They hooked me up to a fetal heart monitor and told me not to move for 20 minutes. They were very annoyed and said that I was moving and they couldn’t get a good reading but I had sharp pains in my back. I never saw a Dr. They instead told me to go home and take Tylenol and go to my Dr.’s appointment in the morning. They had me sign a paper saying that if I had bleeding or other problems to come back. When I got up from the bed there was blood spots on the bed pad. I showed the nurse who then smelled it and said it was normal vaginal secretions and that I had to avoid “putting anything in me” for a while and not have such rough sex. I was so stunned at her response I didn’t know what to do. I thought, it is only a few more hours until I can see my doctor I can make it. I got home, changed my clothing and tried to get comfortable. I had to go to the bathroom or so I thought and when I got to the bathroom and began to sit down I delivered my baby. I had no idea I had been in labor, I was so scared. I started screaming and ran to my phone and called 911. I had only left the hospital 45 minutes prior. I followed the 911 operators instructions and when the ambulance arrived they looked as scared as I was. They cut the umbilical cord on my living room floor and told me to get some pants on. They took my baby downstairs (I lived on the 3rd floor of a building). They told me I was fine to walk down to the ambulance. When I got to the street they didn’t know whether the baby should be in the back or the front and said we couldn’t ride together. An EMT held onto my baby and put me in the back. I was crying and screaming because I couldn’t understand how this could happen. I showed the EMT the paper saying I JUST left there and they said I was fine. I get back to the hospital and the same rude nurses looked at me and said “these things happen, think about something else”. They didn’t tell me anything that was going on. I was never offered pain medicine and had to deliver the placenta immediately. I told them that I was in pain and they said “it will be over soon just do it”. My boyfriend and my mother arrived and they were both told “i’m sorry she’ lost your son”. We didn’t even know what we were having. I didn’t even know what we had. I didn’t get to see the baby until they arrived and they brought him in telling us not to get excited that he’s breathing or his heart is beating because its just a reflex, he had passed. We cried for hours. They took him from us and we cried for more. A nurse came back around 6 saying that our son died peacefully in her arms. I Screamed! if he had been alive why did you take him? Why did you tell us he had passed?! If you were just going to hold him till he died, why couldn’t we have?! I was so angry. They immediately came in with all the forms, the paperwork, saying I needed to have it done right away. They had numerous funeral homes already calling my cell phone and it had only been minutes since we found out. It wasn’t for another hour or so when one caring nurse made us feel better. She put trinkets together, took the pictures and the foot and hand prints. She offered her own time to talk with us if we ever needed it. I wish we had taken pictures like you did because the ones we have do him no justice. We had an investigation done at the hospital and those two nurses were fired for the way they acted. We had a funeral for our son, Damien. The funeral directors were so caring and kind to us. We now have a family plot right next to him. We haven’t tried to have another child. All I ever wanted was to be a mother and I’ll never understand why God took our son before I could get the chance. All I know is having and losing Damien has made me a stronger woman than I ever thought possible. I pray for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your story because sometimes people who have lost a child don’t have people they can relate to in their support circle and just reading your story can make them not feel so alone.

  1760. I have just seen your story and photos through facebook, a friend had posted it. I am so glad you were able to spend some time with Walter and I’m especially glad you allowed your daughters to spend time with their brother. I know in my heart this is helping them deal with the loss. Your story touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. But when I saw the photos of the girls holding their brother I totally lost it and really started bawling. God has his reasons for wanting his Angel Walter home with Him. Maybe His reasons are because He wanted you to do exactly what your doing–sharing with the world so that maybe you will open peoples eyes and be able to save a few babies, a few of God’s Angels. God graced you with two beautiful daughters and a very handsome son. And I know in my heart that He will take care of all of them and of you and your husband. And when He feels the time is right He will grace you with another child, maybe even another brother for the girls. I pray all of you keep your faith that God knows best and will take care of things His way and in His own time. Bless you for sharing Walter and his story with the world. I will be praying for your family, that God heals your broken hearts soon and will continue to look after you and take care of you and continues to bless your family.

  1761. Thank you so much for sharing your precious photos. Words cannot express how much seeing them mean to me. One of my biggest regrets in life is not seeing/holding/photographing the 2nd twin lost in a pregnancy where twins had not been detected prior to losing the 1st one at 12 weeks. The 2nd one was lost approx. 4.5 weeks later, at approx. 17 weeks gestation. Before I had enough time to process what had happened, my baby had been removed, prior to me ever seeing it. In 1984 things were very different than they are today, but one thing is the same – the grieving process for us moms losing our babies is a difficult and potentially long one. My God comfort you now and forever, as you move forward filling the pages of the book that is your life. In mine..the loss of our twins after the live births of their 4 older brothers and sisters ushered in many more years of miscarriages, and then…the completion of my family via becoming foster parents, and then adoptive parents of two of the three foster babies placed with us. May God RICHLY bless you and your beautiful family.

  1762. I was browsing another site and saw a photo of your sweet son’s tiny hand and I literally could not stop staring, as tears welled up in my eyes. I lost a little boy, Carter Daniel, at 20 weeks in May of 2012. We decided to have the D&E done, and some sweet souled person at the hospital took casts of his tiny hands and feet. That’s all I have of him, and I never got to see him. Staring at Walter’s tiny hand was like looking at my sweet Carter’s hand. It was painful and yet so beautiful to see your photos, and imagine what my son looked like. But in the midst of our indescribable pain and grieving, God’s peace that passes all understanding was there, comforting us, holding us together when we otherwise felt like we were going to fall apart. His grace and mercy are so great and so wonderful, and it’s so encouraging to hear other’s stories of how God has shown up and is still glorified in the middle of our hurt. He truly cares for us, and knows the pain we go through, and He so sweetly cares for us during those times, if we’ll only cling to Him. God bless you, and thank you for sharing your story.

  1763. Thank you for sharing your story and your photos. I am so very sorry for your loss.

    I lost my daughter, Aubrey, at 21 weeks. I had gone in for my 20 week ultrasound and was informed that my daughter had severe birth defects and could not survive outside the womb. (I later discovered through testing that I am a carrier of a fatal chromosome disorder).

    Because I had almost died during pregnancy with my first daughter, carrying any baby to term was very risky for me. Since this baby could not survive, my Dr recommended that we induce labor. I had many questions, the first of which was, “how much will she feel?” I was assured that, because of her age and birth defects (lack of a brain, among other things), she would not feel any pain. The stress of contractions would be too much for her heart and it would just stop, and she would be stillborn. Had there been any chance of her survival, I would have carried her to term regardless of the risks to my own health. But the Dr was amazed that she had survived to 21 weeks and said she would likely die on her own long before term, and then delivery would be even more risky.

    Before they induced my labor, I had to sign a form authorizing an abortion. My doctor knelt on the floor in front of me, her hands on my knees and tears in her eyes. She said, “this is a medical term that we have to use, but you and I both know that’s NOT what THIS is.”

    After Aubrey was born, I got to hold her. She looked beautiful and perfect to me. She looked like my Dad (they both had cleft lips). I didn’t bring my camera to the hospital because I thought others (particularly my husband) would think that I was being morbid. Thirteen years later I still ache that I do not have a photograph of my precious daughter. (By the way, after losing another baby at 13 weeks, and having two early miscarriages, I finally did have a second surviving child, a son. These two children, now 16 and 6, are my miracles!)

    Thank you so much for having the courage to share your lovely, touching photos of your son. I’m sending prayers for peace to you and your family.

  1764. Hello Lexi,
    I just found your story today, and I can honestly say I haven’t read a story more close to my heart in a while. I am so incredibly sorry for the loss of your son, but I’m sure you are just a grateful to have met him! I went into labor at 16 weeks and because of my young age and and lack of support from the doctors I was dealing with, nothing was done to stop the labor. I spent 22 hours in hard labor, and finally delivered a perfect baby boy. I wish I had taken pictures. I wish my mind wasn’t so full of confusion and hatred for the doctors that failed to help me. But, I got to hold my son. I inspected every inch of him. Admiring his perfection at only 16 weeks old. His father and I cried over him. And we knew this child was meant for Heaven. God knows what He’s doing. Then, now and forever. God Bless you and you family. 🙂

  1765. Truly an amazing, beautiful baby & story. My friend shared your story on facebook and it caught my eye…at first I thought oh its just some little story like so many that are posted…I was wrong, it has touched me. I have read & looked at your pictures for over an hour now. I have had goosebumps. I have cried. These pictures are some on the most amazing photos I have ever seen. I lost a baby nephew back in April, he was not quite this early born & had other problems but I was very attached to him & know your pain. Bless you & your family. Your angel will always be with you. -Maddy

  1766. Beautiful, sweet baby boy. You are so brave and beautiful and strong and I admire you for these pictures and sharing your sweet son’s life. It is a life. Know that right now God is glorified in this post, and I am praising Him right now for you. I went in at 19 weeks and thought I was going to have to deliver her at that point, we were fortunate and were able to get a cerclage in and I carried her until 37 weeks…I only say that because I want you to know, that for you and every Mama out there who delivered early, I know that I could have, and I will cherish my little miracle and thank God for her and not take her for granted. I thank God for your little boy. Blessings to you.

  1767. may God bless you and your family, i hope that He will hold your pain and carry you and your family safe through this hard time. Believe and receive. You are a strong woman, and you are surrounded by so much love from the ones close to you, use it and remember that we (strangers) are praying for you and for Walter. some times God has to take away some one so special from us to know that we can become stronger, to know that our faith will stay strong and to know that He can mend the broken pieces. you are a strong woman, and i look up to you for being so brave. i too have lost a son, he was born on the right time but his heart was damaged, he went for a shunt operation and did not make it through the second one. God has given me a beautiful daughter now, she is 2 and a half and i thank the Lord for saving my life by giving me my precious daughter. stay strong and ALWAYS believe that our Dearest Lord is holding those we love and lost close beside Him.

    Faith in GOD
    kind regards
    Jacqueline de Beer ❤

  1768. So sorry for your loss, but I think you handled it very well, taking the time to hold your son, letting the rest of the family hold him. A similar thing happened with my grand son, he was less than 20 weeks, labor came on suddenly. I didn’t know until then that a baby is so well formed at that stage of it’s life. Everyone should know this! I think more respect for life would come from this knowledge. I pray you will be blessed with as many children as you want, all healthy!

  1769. My daughter lost twin Boys in August at approximately the same age. We have beautiful pictures of them as well. God Bless you for having the courage to post the pictures of your beautiful son!

  1770. I am so sorry for your loss, I can say I know how you feel I lost my son Christian when I was almost 8mths pregnant it was the hardest thing I have ever went through I also have pictures of and with my precious angel so many ppl have said how can you have pictures and look at them all the time. those pictures and the few things I got from the hospital are all I have of my baby boy, and I will cherish them forever. again I am so sorry for your loss I can truly say I know how you feel, your son is so precious and im sure him and my son Christian have made wonderful friends and are running through the streets of gold having a heavenly time, and looking down on us!

  1771. I am so sorry for your loss. Your son is so perfect. I think your pictures are beautiful and so touching. Thank you for sharing his precious life with us. I pray the Lord wraps his Loving arms around you and your family through this time of heartache.

  1772. Alexis, I live in Queensland Australia. Your story/blog was posted online at on the 17th of December. I was sitting on my front porch, checking my phone and your story was the main topic. I just about dropped the phone. Handed it to my husband and said ‘please read this’. You see we lost our twin boys on the 5th of December 2013. Seeing your photos… so looks like our boys. We managed to get some photos and I would love to share them with the world but am unable to take it to that point. But I want to say ‘thankyou!’ for sharing. So many women and men do not know what a beautiful process they themselves went through to be formed into the people they are today. I didn’t really fully comprehend it until I saw my boys and held them (Jason was alive when born. Christopher was not). My midwives were wonderful. I was able to do a story in the local paper thanking them for their love, support and wisdom. It was also to encourage them and to encourage mothers who have lost to talk about the love for their children no longer here. I left the midwives a card and flowers at the hospital letting them know that it was wonderful to meet a group of people who have a heart in the right place to do a great job well. I am so so sorry for your loss. I want to say that I understand and it does change the way you view life. So many women have had losses. And so many women have to try and work their way through the comments etc that are reactive and sometimes in poor taste. But you loved Walter and will continue to do so for the rest of your life. A song that I came across when I was holding my boys for the last time was one that I will post the link of below. The man who wrote the story is singing in the video. He and his wife have a wonderfully sad story with a strong message. I hope that you and others are able to see the loving tenderness of this song. My love to you, your husband, your children and extended family who all have lost when they heard of Walter’s going. Hugs.

  1773. You see we lost our twin boys on the 5th of December 2013. Seeing your photos… so looks like our boys. We managed to get some photos and I would love

  1774. I write this message with tear stained cheeks to thank you for sharing your beautiful son and his story with the world. At four months pregnant I had my first miscarriage, this was also my first pregnancy, (I lost another baby a few months later at 6 weeks). With my first pregnancy the doctors & nurses were not as sensitive and caring as you were blessed to have. As I lay pleading with them to at least try to help me and my baby in any way possible the said to me, “We don’t consider ‘it’ a baby untill after 29 weeks” and “it’s not a baby it’s a fetus”. As i am still in the coping stages, your story has touched me in a way I will never truly be able to express with words. From the bottom of my heart thank you for sharing & may God continue to bless you and your family.

  1775. Frets family, I am truly and deeply sorry for your loss. I thank you for sharing it. I saw your pictures on fb and listened to you share your story on a radio show. Walter is beautiful and so precious. I am so so so glad that I seen him and got to read his story. I cried a lot but they were tears of joy and sadness. Joy that you got to meet him and joy that he has made a difference in this world, sadness that you lost him.
    I cannot help but think though, when you said that the nurse gave you three glasses of water and almost immediately afterwards you went into labour and no one had compassion for you. Do you think their was something in that water (that the nurse may have put) that caused you to go into labour? I know that this is wrong to think, and it is a touchy subject, but I couldn’t help thinking it.
    Again, I am so sorry for your loss, and thank you for sharing Walter with the world.

  1776. Dear Family, I just read your story, saw the photos and got charmed by Walter! He is so so perfect and lovely! I have two baby girls, I work as childminder and carer/babysitter for 15 years now, mainly with 0-5 years olds and I can never ever have enough of them! I will use your story to open the eyes and encourage parents, that having children is the most wonderful thing in the world! Look at the little guy! The face of Walter is so calm and smart, looks like he knew what’s going on and against all pain he enjoyed his short but full of love little life. God Bless you! The photos are marvelous, teaching, touching and beautiful. Thank you for sharing, even thaught it might be hard to take them. Wish I could give you a big-big hug – Susanna from Hungary, EU

      1. My English couldn’t be as god, but the language of love, to say my sorrow, but my joice as well of his short life here, and eternal life in the community of God! Sorrowness and hapiness walking hand in hand, Althoug I easily could thought that to show your son have morbidity, but this therm has no edge, I am sure it was difficulte to take these pictures. The most important is your hearts and that love, what made these pictures!

  1777. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us. I experienced 2 miscarriages between the birth of my two children and it is devastating. The courage and love you have shown is to be commended. Miscarriage is a subject so many do not talk about but is a reality of grief that is often suffered silently.
    I also want to thank you for sharing the good and bad of your hospital experience, As a student nurse, your story will always help me to remember that not matter how busy it gets, compassion needs to always be practiced.
    Blessings to you and your family.

  1778. Amazing….absolutely amazing. God bless you for sharing Walter’s little life with all of us. God always has a plan and I believe His plan for Walter and you was to show these pictures so maybe it would change girls who are thinking of aborting their babies, thinking they are nothing but “tissue”, and maybe changing our horrible laws about abortion. My heart goes out to you and your family. I can only imagine what you must have been going through holding your baby son for the first and last time, but I know he felt his mommy’s love for him….I know he did. God Bless you…

  1779. Hello,
    Your story is wonderful and very touching and sad.
    Your son was a beautiful …
    I have to admit that I envy you. Unfortunately, my fate will not let him no own child and therefore you have my admiration. You have a beautiful daughter and you had the honor to have a wonderful son.
    I wish you more peace of mind and good luck in life.
    Jitka N.

  1780. Your baby boy was so beautiful and perfect. I am so so sorry for your loss and pray that God fills you and your family with peace. Thank you for sharing the pictures of beautiful little Walter, his short life will most certainly touch many people. God Bless

  1781. Is an overwelming history, but in such a tragedy, God was always there. Now you and your family have a little Angel with the Almighty. The miracle of life is one of the best presents that God give us as a mothers, and you have carry your child with love and he leave the world with the love of everyone. Thanks for share. God Bless you!. Greeting from Colombia 🙂

  1782. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss of your beautiful little boy. I can’t imagine what you all must be going through. Thank you for sharing your special photos of your gorgeous son. He is truly perfect and it is amazing to see how quickly a baby grows within us. To me, as soon as you discover you are pregnant and as soon as you see that little heart beating on the screen it is a baby, a true blessing. Love to you all xxx

  1783. I must confess that I was shocked about the fact that there really was a tiny human on these photos and not just “some cells”. In Germany you are allowed to have an abortion until week 12. After that it is just allowed when there is a risk for the mother or the unborn child. But when I see your photos I don’t know if it is right to do this although I never was against abortion. I am not religious so there never was a doubt from this side. Your story made me think about my attitude. I wish you and your family all the best for the future. Thank you for sharing your experience. Lots of Love from Germany.

  1784. I am 19 years old and when I read this, I could not stop the tears from cascading down my cheeks.

    He was such a beautiful baby boy and I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Life is a miracle, not a given right, and it is something that should be cherished. Although he cannot be here with us, know that he is in a much better place void of the pain and suffering in this world. He will never want for anything, he will know of the love you and your husband had for him, and he will always rest in the loving arms of Our Heavenly Father. You will see him again one day and be able to hold him once more.

    His story has touched so many lives around the world. I even saw some comments from Poland! You are an amazing family with a life-changing story. God is using and will continue to use you as a vessel for spreading His never-failing, never-ending, unconditional love across the globe. You have saved children, you have brought people to Christ with your story, and I assure you that that will not go unrewarded. For our treasures are stored up in Heaven, not on this earth.

    I have had friends who have contemplated abortions and it is because of stories like yours that they now have beautiful, newborn sons and daughters. You are an inspiration to us all and I hope that I can be even half of the woman you are.

    Thank you for sharing your story,
    Katelin H.

  1785. I am so thankful you shared these pictures. I have suffered this same tragic ending to my baby’s life twice. My little girl, Elisabeth, was delivered at 19 weeks and my tiny son, River, was delivered four years later at 19 weeks as well. We had the opportunity to hold and bond with our babies, but both times we didn’t obtain photos of them or even think to take any. Seeing Walter is like seeing Elisabeth and River again and brings their memories back for a brief small moment. It reminds me that their short lives DID matter and makes me thankful to remember that families can be together forever. There is purpose to all the pain we experience and I know we will see our little ones again. I look forward to that day. Life truly begins at conception and eternally links us together from that moment on. ❤ ❤ Thanks again!

  1786. Such a sad story yet the impact may be so great. If Walter’s tiny, short life can save the lives of many other children, God has used it for a good purpose. I pray you and your family are doing well. Thank you so much for sharing Walter with us all. I will never see you this side of eternity but we don’t know what eternity will hold. One day, I might get to meet you and Walter. I’ve shared your story and I hope it will continue to save many more lives in the future. May God richly bless you and your family and hold you close under the shelter of his loving arms so that you will have His peace, comfort and joy. God bless you all.

  1787. I will pray for Joshua Walter and for all of you. You are an example of love for life and for the family.

  1788. Sitting here and crying…I miss my baby. Angela didn’t live at all, I didn’t see her as she was born in a macerated state. She was born at 37 weeks and weighed 11.5lbs. I knew something was wrong when there was no heartbeat or movement. How I would love to have seen her and held her as you did. She was born in 1971 and I still miss her so much and still cry a lot and relive the birth. Your little Walter is so sweet. Our beautiful babies will never be forgotten.

  1789. Thank you so much for your beautiful story and pictures. Four years ago I unexpectedly went into labor at 17 1/2 weeks. She died minutes before she was born. We took photos and had family come to see her. Part of the hospital staff was kind-others cold. Some even treated us like freaks when we insisted on having a funeral home get her, but we refused to let her be thrown away.
    I learned a lot of people mean well, but say unhelpful things, or say nothing & behave awkwardly. It prolonged my grief to be treated like the elephant in the room. I found great comfort with those who had walked in our shoes. Eventually God helped me find healing, but she has forever changed the lives of our family.
    The best thing said to me was, “I have no idea what that feels like, but I am so sorry.” I won’t pretend to know just what you feel, but I can relate. Because Emily touched my live, even briefly, I feel a little closer to heaven. I hope Walter has done the same for you. God bless you and your family.

  1790. I am so sorry for your loss. My wife and I recently had a stillbirth at 37 weeks and although the pain is awful, God has been our rock. Draw close to Him. Thank you for sharing your story. I’m praying for you and your family.

  1791. I lost my baby 5 years ago at 16 weeks. We named him Samson. He looked just like your baby, perfect, fully formed little person who deserved love and respect. I loved him so much I’d have done anything to prevent him passing. You are really brave for sharing this, I’m glad you did. Many people think that I was too early on to have lost a proper baby. One person even said “It was just a blood clot” It wasn’t real labour, I can guarantee my contractions where just as painful!
    I’m sorry you suffered this horrible loss also, peace and love with you and your family always xxxxxx

  1792. Hi. I’ve never lost a child or baby and I can’t even imagine how hard and painful it was for you. May I say to you though that this is so heart warming, just touched my heart and truly is beautiful. Your baby is so precious, cute and tiny. I’m at a loss for words. All I can say is wow! This is just so beautiful, your are a beautiful strong woman with a beautiful heart and your daughters are beautiful, your whole family is just gorgeous. This is was one of the most sweetest stories I have ever heard in my entire life. I don’t see how or why anyone would be upset with these amazing, beautiful pictures of your precious son. He is adorable and perfect just like you say.

  1793. Thank you for sharing pictures of your son. My son was born at 21 or 22 weeks and he only lived an hour. It was a very long time ago and I never got to see him.


  1795. Thank you for sharing your story and private moments to us all. A loss of a child is such a terrible pain for those that have experience this to have to go through. Just holding him is the greatest gift many of us wish we could have been able to do before saying good bye. I had an undeveloped child and loss him/ her at 12 weeks in 2008 and still have a hard time talking about it through the tears. Praise God our loved ones will see us again someday and his/ her mom,dad, brothers and sister can finally meet.

  1796. I’m so sorry for your loss.such a beautiful baby beautiful blessing.heaven gained an angel.god bless you all.

  1797. I’m a mother of two girls and a three month old boy. My heart goes to you and your family especially to baby Walter. I’m crying still and heartbroken because I fall in-love with your baby Walter by just seeing his pictures. I am sorry for your loss. You are a very strong woman and a mother for your daughters. If it happens to me, I don’t know what will happen to me. I’d probably die of heart-ache.

  1798. Bless you for sharing with others during this time in your life. May this also grant you some peace with what occurred. In a world filled with so many who can not believe in or have faith in the unseen you may be the ” vision” of an angel to many frightened mothers. Congratulations on your new baby as well.

  1799. Hello my name is tina Henson I’m 22 weeks pregnant its my first kid . I post about abortion I told I didn’t like it because its wrong because the babies can feel it when you abort them and they took it the wrong . I just was only saying my opinion they didn’t like what I said to them . And I just want tell you I’m sorry about your lost. Made god bless your family’s and friends I will keep you guys in my prayers

  1800. Your story is really making an impact in our world. I’m sorry for your loss. May GOD’s love and comfort surround you and your family always.

  1801. You are so brave…I had a daughter born at 23 weeks who lived only a few days. We got to hold her for the first time as she was dying…We then had a son born at 20 weeks…I was so upset, I could barely look at him…we never held him, never took pictures with him…we had a closed casket. I regret all of that. You have beautiful pictures of your beautiful baby boy. I wish I had been stronger…

  1802. God bless and keep you in His care. This story touched my heart and I am praying now for you and your family. While I have not lost a child, I understand the pain and anxiety you must feel. Your baby was a person, a child of yours, beautiful little boy. May God encircle you and your family with a special love as you cope with the loss.

  1803. Out are so brave and beautiful to share this journey with us. Your son is beautiful and I’m so sorry for your loss but I know God is moving through this experience and we are thinking of you all. God bless!

  1804. My heart and prayers go out to You and your Husband at your time of sorrow, may God Bless you both and always be with you.

  1805. Hi,
    First off, im so sorry for your loss. Sorry if this seems like a late response, but I just seen and read your sons story tonight. I decided to comment no later than a few minutes after reading. I dont suppose I have anything spectacularly reflective to say, but I wanted to say something. My heart swells for you and your family. We have two children of our own, a son (2yrs), and a daughter (4mo), and I cant even fathom and ounce of the pain.

    I realize you’ve probably heard all you could hear in regards to your son. But I guess I just wanted to let you know he’s….you all, are still touching hearts! I cannot relate but by god do I feel the impact of his beautiful life. His life was so much more amazing than many who’ve lived to be 90. Again, sorry if I’ve opened an old wound, not my intention at all. Normally I dont usually even respond to articles, but I had to tell you that your beautiful son touched my heart!! Sending many blessings your way.

  1806. Thank you for sharing the life of your son. For parents that have experienced the same I salute you for having the strength to share what I could not at the time.

  1807. Your pain is shared by many silent mothers that did not have the courage or support to photographically document their expereince as you did with your precious time with your son. I applaud you for your strength and will to share your story. I lost my only daughter at 27 weeks gestation and was so afraid to look at her. With loving support from my sister, I held Natalie and took imprints of her tiny feet and hands before wrapping her up and allowing her brothers to hold her. We took many pictures of the day we shared in a farewell to a precious angel. Eighteen years later, I realize the pain isn’t gone but much more manageable as I share with others what may assist them in the healing process. I pray for those who have cried and those who will cry as they process through their tragedy. May all our children meet in heaven as little angels.

    Christie Lopshire, MFCC

  1808. I just came across this. Tears fled my eyes. This is sad that you guys endured this but I know you probably are helping thousands of woman make the right decision. Your baby is precious. God bless your family

  1809. I just read your story and looked at all your photos. Thank you for sharing. It brought me to tears. Tears of sadness, but also tears from memories. I have had 10 miscarriages and 2 live children. 9 of my miscarriages were at 5-6 weeks. One was at 12 weeks. I’d already had a couple ultrasounds, heard the heartbeat, etc. I’d already picked out a boy and girl name. Was also showing and had just started wearing maternity clothes. Went to Germany to attend my sister’s wedding. A couple days after the wedding I started cramping and spotting. The spotting got heavier. I knew something was wrong. We went to a women’s hospital in the town we were in. They did both a vaginal and regular ultrasound trying to find a heartbeat. No heartbeat could be found. They explained to me that with how far along I was they were going to have to induce labor then put me under general anethesia for the delivery and d and c. I was so heartbroken. On the other hand, I was treated with such care and compassion, it made the pain bearable. My cervix was softened, I was put on pitocin. And I went into labor. Once I was having frequent contractions, I was brought to the operating room. There they put me under and took my sweet baby out of me. When I awoke, they asked me if I wanted to see the fetus. I did. The baby was in a specimen cup. But that was okay. Cuz I got to see him or her. I will forever be grateful for being able to see my baby and say goodbye. I do not know whether the baby was a boy or a girl. But that’s okay. Someday I’ll meet them in heaven. I now have 2 children. Ages 2 and 10. Both were rough pregnancies. I consider both to be miracle children. I am so thankful to have them. I am also thankful for your story. I’m sorry for what you and your family went through. God be with you and your family. And I know one day you will meet your Sweet Walter in heaven and will get to spend eternity together.

  1810. Your son Walter, was absolutely beautiful and perfect. I’m so sorry for your loss. I applaud you for sharing his beauty with the world. What an impact his precious life has had. He had a story to tell, and you, mommy and daddy helped him tell it. You are wonderfully courageous and incredible parents. Your children are so lucky to have you.

  1811. Thank you for sharing the blessing of Walters life with us. He truly was a perfect baby! May God continue to give you wisdom and strength. Blessings to you and your precious family!!

  1812. Lexi,
    I just wanted to say that the way I see this emotional posting is this…. God knew your heart, knew your response, and knew the lives this post would touch, as well as the lives that perhaps due to this post may change their mind on abortion! How many lives could be saved because of one little life. Bless you and your family! Inviting your older children to experience this as a family was beautiful, helps their unanswered questions just a little. This certainly blessed me! Thank you!

  1813. Thank You for sharing your story. I’m deeply truly sorry for your precious loss. It had really touch me and as a mother of 4 myself, I couldn’t imagine what you were going through. May God still be with you all until you meet precious Joshua again.
    When I first read your story, the first second paragraph had already told me what happend. I don’t know if you know but having a pedicure and medicure while pregnant is a big NO NO. I don’t know if you had told the salon you were pregnant or not but pedicure triggers labors at any time during the pregnancy and I am 100%positive sure who ever that was giving you a pedicure trigger it. If only she knew you were pregnant, it is against the law to give pregnant women pedicure. I’m Sorry for telling you this but maybe you were still finding some closure and asking God why and how could it happen but that was my first guess. If you want, do some research about it and maybe spread it along to friends and family who is expecting. Again I’m sorry for telling you this and my deepest sympathy and condolences to you and your family. Blessings to you all. God is good and believe he has plans for every reasons.

    1. Thank you for sharing with me! We actually discovered that I had an incompetent cervix due to tearing from my second daughter’s delivery. I had been spotting for a few days so the whole time I had been dilating and didn’t know it. We were able to address the problem and delivered a full term, healthy baby girl in September of 2014!

  1814. Share this story everywhere. Allow your pain and grief and all the pain and grief of the many others who know what your family has endured, save lives of little people just like Walter. The notion that it is, “a blob of cells, can’t feel anything and isn’t really a baby”, are firmly denounced as lies with your story and photographs. We need to convince, confront and educate people with the truth about abortion that proponents have kept secret. It must be kept secret, otherwise abortions would be few and rare. Planned Parenthood’s doors would be closed and many more children would bless families who were not able to see that this child of God was meant to be loved not murdered. God Bless you and your family. You are Saints for Life.

  1815. Thank you for sharing your story. I know this all too well. I lost my son at 19.6 weeks. Hardest day of my life…

  1816. A parent should never have to survive their child ~ it’s one of the hardest things one has to endure. Thank you for sharing your story and pictures of Walter, he is so beautiful!!! Your story truly is a testament to LIFE and a blessing to all of us who have lost a baby and grieve for you and every baby gone too soon. I just lost my son Henry. He was born at 23 weeks and fought hard for 12 days in the NICU before he went to Heaven. May you and your family find strength knowing that Walter is in the arms of Jesus and that you’ll see him again in glorious eternity.

  1817. I knew already that a baby is a baby from the very beginning, But it is wonderful to contemplate these photoes. God bless you all who make them go around the world. They are a blessing of the Lord to all the the preagnant women in suffering waiting for their babies.
    Aires, Portugal

  1818. Merci pour ce témoignage d’Amour, si douloureux et d’une grande pudeur. Il est si petit, si fragile, mais tellement reconnaissable. Ce petit d’homme a un visage d’ange et il est en Paix, cela transparait sur les photos. Que votre famille soit comblée d’Amour.

    Thank you for this testimony of Love , so painful and great modesty. It is so small , so fragile , but so recognizable. This little man has an angel face and is in peace , it shows through in the pictures. Let your family be filled with love.

  1819. My wife gave birth to a little Leonie, our third girl, on 25th march. 2 days ago.
    I’m working on my PC. Suddenly i bump into your Blog. I’m reading it, i’m contemplating the pictures and then tears begin to come in my eyes.
    Thank you VERY much for a so magnificent testimony.
    Thank you for so much courage !
    I pray God, God of life, for you and your children, and I thank Him for your strength in your simplicity.
    Sébastien, France, Paris.

  1820. Thank you for posting your story and telling it to so many. What a tremendous blessing! Really touched my heart. Unfortunately I chose to terminate a pregnancy long ago in my youth and did not acknowledge the human life until much later when I was pregnant again and saw my baby on ultrasound. That was a beautiful pregnancy and baby was perfect. Subsequently I had two premies. One (born at 28 weeks) died after a few days in NICU. Three years later I had another premie (born at 29 weeks) and he lived. The months before, during and after his birth were full of miracles. I qas so overwhelmed I wrote it all down and shared with many. Too long to retell here. I appreciate so much seeing a true baby at 19 weeks in his full beautiful human form. It makes such a difference to see this, and you and your family holding him. So beautiful. God bless you.

  1821. God bless you and your beloved family..Sem dúvida , os desígnios de Deus são imperscrutáveis , mas esta belíssima história de Amor e de dedicação servirá para salvar muitos nascituros.Deus os abençoe e thank you
    very much !

  1822. I am so sorry for the loss of beautiful Walter. I had two miscarriages one at 10 weeks and one at 12 weeks. Never had the chance to see or hold my babies. I am so glad you were able to hold him and got lots of pictures of perfect little Walter! He is in Heaven with my two babies. God bless your family!!

  1823. Our daughter was born premature on April 24, 2013, at 22 weeks. Equally beautiful! Thank you for sharing your story for so many others to realize the beauty, and blessing, each life is! Prayers that your heart is comforted by His love, and your precious son is forever remembered!

  1824. Wow!!! Thank you is not enough to say for sharing your story. If I could see you I would hug you oh so tight. God bless you and your family!! I too experienced the same loss of my son at 19 weeks & 5 days. It happened all so suddenly. We went from 30 hours of everything is fine, strong heartbeat, to the loss of our son. No answers as to what or why. The only thing that keeps me sane is knowing that God has my in his arms!!!

    Thank you again!!
    Khaderricks mommy

  1825. Im deeply sorry for your loss. Im here at work and was browsing through the internet and somehow it led me to your blog. As i keep reading, im holding back the tears. i don’t understand and i couldn’t be the one to say i do. I’ve lost my mother at 15 and till now i’m still coping with the pain and the moments i miss her. my family and i will keep you and your family in our prayers. Thank you for the strength you show everyone and myself. I’m a new mother. I just want to thank you for the courage you show by telling us your beautiful story. He’s beautiful. from california, chelsey, joey and babyjoey

  1826. Very sad, I’m crying. My youngest was born premature at 32 weeks. I’m so sorry for your loss.

    São Paulo, Brazil

  1827. I am very sorry to read this. This happened to us on October 22, 2014 when we were 19 1/2 weeks as well. We also took pictures, named her, had a funeral/service, and now a curio cabinet with her box, ashes, pictures, as well as a new memorial tree in our front yard. They were living people and should be remembered as such.

  1828. hi im so sorry what a beautiful liitle boy i to have lost a baby girl and i still cry emma would have been 22 years old i know she is in a better place from all the hurt and pain that is suffered here he is a truely remarkable little boy and thankyou for sharing your story about Walter god bless him and i hope you can someday come to terms with your sad loss not a day goes by when i dont think of my daughter if there is a heaven i hope Emma will look after your son god bless you may he rest in piece ❤

  1829. We lost our baby boy 3 weeks ago at 16 weeks. We also had photos taken and chose to share them for similar reasons. Its comforting to know not only that we aren’t the only people going through this, but that we aren’t the only ones who feel compelled to share pictures. When we made the decision to share I was really concerned people would say the pictures were disturbing or inappropriate. And I’m sure we will get some of that. But those negative comments are always so incredibly overshadowed by the positive ones. ❤

  1830. I have just come across your family’s story. I am so sorry you and your girls had to experience this. I was one of those women who weren’t allowed to see their child. She was born at 22 weeks. That was 25 years ago and I still think of her often. I now have 6 children aged 26 — 11. I am so lucky to have them all. But I still do think of that day 25 years ago and my dear Emily Rose. Thank you for being brave and sensitive enough to share your story.

  1831. Wow, what incredible pictures. You sharing these is such an eye opener. I came across a story about Walters pictures used in a video & had to see what it was about. So powerful. I have four children of my own and life is so very, very precious. I am left utterly speechless by your spirit. You & your husband holding Walter and including his older siblings? The way they held their baby brother & looked at him- these photos are simply amazing. Death is always such a big scary thing to be avoided, but in these pictures you have brought peace and love into a time of such overwhelming grief. I know you will never get over the loss of your sweet baby boy, he’s not even mine & I cried looking at every feature of his tiny body. The love he must have felt, in the short time he was with you… many people live a lifetime & never have that. What a beautiful family. I am eager to go read about the chapters you have written since these days…
    Take care & be strong. I’m sure you’ll get some negative pushback, block it out & hold your head high. Amazing woman, Amazing family!

  1832. As a disciple of Jesus Christ and devout sister I praise the Lord for His work in you and your family especially with all the media etc.
    His ways are not ours.. and the example of your faith sheds forth His light.
    Being a mom of 2 I can not imagine going through this… but as you already know you all were not alone. The pictures of your little boy are just precious!
    The exciting thing.. is you will get to see him again soon! 🙂
    With love in Christ!
    1 Corinthians 15:57-58(KJV) 57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
    58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

  1833. Thank you for sharing ‘Walter’ with us.. He is beautiful.. Take Care and May God always Bless You and Yours. For reasons we do not know God choose to have Walter return to him. I am so glad you had the tiny spec of time you did have with him. Also I am glad for you and yours that you took the pictures of your precious son, may his sisters always remember holding him and having their chance to say goodbye to their beautiful little brother.

  1834. What a beautiful baby boy. Thank you for sharing your story. You have so much strength and courage. God bless your little angel and you and your family.

  1835. God bless you and your family. Thank you for sharing these special moments with your baby boy. Eternal Life with Jesus, you are so loved Baby Walter.

  1836. you were really strong. And you are! God bless your family and protected always. Thanks for sharing his perfection is amazing! He was a perfect baby human being and could feel all your love.

  1837. Your baby was so perfect and the pictures are beautiful, every life is so precious and I’m so so sorry for your loss xxoo your girls are gorgeous too ❤️

  1838. I lost my son, Jackson, at 22 weeks. I had a placental abruption most likely caused by an insufficient cervix. I had a cerclage with my 2nd pregnancy and still ended up giving birth at 26 weeks and am still in the nicu with my second son. I hope dr’s figured out what happened! Your story is so much similar to my mine. I had a bulging bag too and had been in labor for two days. I called dr and they dismissed me so I never went in until I was bleeding. It doesn’t matter what stage of pregnancy your at, they are always beautiful. He is precious and I’m so glad you got to spend time with him!

  1839. I have 2 babies waiting for me in heaven that I lost at 11 and 12 weeks. I am so sorry for your loss and am glad you have your faith and family to give u ou hope and comfort. I picture both of my babies and the 2 my sister lost there with our parents, holding them in their arms, my grandparents taking turns as well. I am sure that Walter is in the arms of someone you lI’ve and all of you will be together in glory. God bless you, your husband, girls and family.

  1840. I just came across your story and photos, my prayers to you, your family and your son. Life is so precious, you were graced with his presence if only for a few minutes ……………

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